Published by IPCA Instituto Politécnico do Cávado e do Ave Vila Frescaínha S. Martinho 4750-810 Barcelos Portugal June 2016 This book is in copyright. Subject to sattutory exception and to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements, no reproduction of any part may take place without the written permission of IPCA. Printed in Portugal, Barcelos ISBN: 978-989-99465-6-9 Editorial Design · Cláudio Ferreira Pagination · Manuel Albino ORGANIZING COMMITTEE General chair Paula Tavares - IPCA Organization chair Manuela Cunha - IPCA Pedro Mota Teixeira - IPCA Program chair Alan Male - Univ. College Falmouth Organization Paula Tavares, Pedro Mota Teixeira, Marta Madureira, Jorge T. Marques, Manuel Albino Scientific Committee Alan Male - Univ. College Falmouth (UK) Alan Young - Auckland University of Technology (NZ) Ana Madeira Rodrigues - Univ. Lisboa (PT) Ana Margarida Ramos - Univ. Aveiro (PT) António Costa Valente - Univ. Aveiro (PT) António Quadros Ferreira - Univ. Porto (PT) Birgitta Hosea - Royal College of Arts (UK) Carlos Hollanda - IED Rio de Janeiro (BR) Carlos Nogueira - Univ. Nova Lisbon (PT) Chelo Matesanz - Univ. Vigo (ES) Debora Harty - Loughborough Univ. (UK) Eduardo Corte Real - IADE Lisbon (PT) Edwin Carels - Univ. College of Ghent (BE) Fernando Galrito - Inst. Polit. Leiria (PT) Francisco Laranjo - Univ. Porto (PT) Helena Barbosa - Univ. Aveiro (PT) Joana Quental - Univ. Aveiro (PT) Jorge Campos - Inst. Politécnico Porto (PT) Jorge T. Marques - IPCA (PT) José Andrés Iglesias - Univ. Vigo (ES) José Chavete Rodriguez - Univ. Vigo (ES) José Antonio Castro - Univ. Vigo (ES) José Santiago Iglesias - Univ. Vigo (ES) Juan Carlos Róman - Univ. Vigo (ES) Júlio Dolbeth - Univ. Porto (PT) Luís Lima - IPCA (PT) Luís Mendonça - Univ. Porto (PT) Magnus Moar - Middlesex University (UK) Marcos Rizolli - Univ. Presbit. Mckenzie (BR) Maria Lorenzo Hernández - Polytechnic University of Valencia (ES) Marta Madureira - IPCA (PT) Martin Sallisbury - Anglia Ruskin Univ. (UK) Maureen Furniss - Univ. California (US) Nelson Zagalo - University of Minho (PT) Nicoló Ceccarelli - Universitá S. di Sassari (IT) Nilton Gamba Júnior - PUC Rio de Janeiro (BR) Paula Tavares - IPCA (PT) Pedro Bessa - Univ. Aveiro (PT) Pedro Mota Teixeira - IPCA (PT) Pedro Moura (PT) Roderick Mills - Univ. of Brighton (UK) Rui Vitorino Santos - Univ. of Porto (PT) Sara Pereira - Univ. Minho (PT) Sara Reis da Silva - Univ. Minho (PT) Susan Hagan - Carnegie Mellon Qatar (QA) Susana Jorge - IPCA (PT) Suzanne Buchan - Middlesex University (UK) PREFACE The Gil Vicente Theatre in the heart of Barcelos was founded in 1902, and this year—114 years later—it will host CONFIA. It is a matter of great pride for the Conference to be associated with this emblematic cultural icon of the city, and even at the tender age of four, we hope to achieve the same longevity. We are very grateful to the Barcelos City Hall for sharing with us a building that represents the local culture so well, in a city well known for its rooster, which has also become, inarguably, a symbol of Portugal as a whole. If we dared touch such an icon, we would add an illustration of wide open wings so the rooster—merrily, or even animatedly, you might say—could ¨y farther, increasing international recognition for both CON- FIA and Portuguese culture. Thank you to IPCA’s School of Design, the main driving force behind this international event, and to everyone who contributed to its organization and made it a reality, such as members of the organizing committee, sponsors, members of the scientiªc committee and, in particular, all the participants and researchers. This year’s edition does indeed take us farther, with more than 80 articles on illustration and animation submitted by authors from around the world: Portugal, England, Turkey, Brazil, Spain, France, Australia, New Zealand, the United Arab Emirates, the United States, Italy and Poland, to name just a few of the countries. Of those, 58 articles were selected which we are sure will encourage fruitful discussion and the sharing of knowledge in the ªelds of illustration and animation. These articles ªll the following pages and will certainly be of great interest for all researchers in the area. We truly appreciate the researchers for contributing to a corpus of high quality, strict standards and great depth. CONFIA continues in this edition—and will continue in future—to focus on research in an attempt to alter perceptions and combat stereotypes with the goal of increasing knowledge in an area as broad, creative and complex as illustration and animation. These ªelds have been dramatically changed as a result of contact with new technologies, new audiovisual trends and new models and types of expression, not to mention the introduction of new dynamic and interactive devices that call for more careful observa- tion. After all, this collaborative, networked world is creating new preroga- tives and making possible countless ways to share, which deserve our close attention. If this construction of the static image and the animated image deserve such a close look, then the discussions and sharing of knowledge that this multidisciplinarity demands surely also deserve thoughtful ver- balization. This year we are therefore pleased to welcome our keynote speakers So- phie Van Der Linden, Esther Leslie and Nilton Gamba Júnior, who will sha- re with us their constructive, personal and alternative views of illustration and animation. These views result from, on the one hand, distinct acade- mic, scientiªc and cultural formative paths and, on the other, a culmina- tion of research experience built up over many years. All that remains now is to hope that these proceedings of the 4th edition re¨ect all of our audacity, originality and desire to continue to grow as pro- moters and driving forces for the highest quality research in the areas of illustration and animation. Welcome, and we hope that you have the best CONFIA yet. Paula Tavares General Chair Pedro Mota Teixeira Organization Chair Índice / Contents 13 «¬®¯° / «²³ / ´²«µ¶·¸°¹ : ³¶¹ ®²·º´¹ »¼ «²³¸ ¶»½ µ·¾³¯²¹®»»¿ ¶«¸ º¹À¹¬»µµ¹º ·Á ¾»ÁÁ¹¾³·»Á ½·³¶ «²³ «Áº ´²«µ¶·¾ º¹¸·´Á ¶·¸³»²Â. Sophie Van der Linden 15 «³»° ®»°®, ·¾¹ ¾²¹«°, º«³« ®»°®, ·-¸¾²¹¹Á Esther Leslie 17 º¹¸·´Á «Áº ¸³»²·¹¸ Nilton Gonçalves Gamba Junior 21 «¸ ¾«²³«¸ µ»²³¯´¯¹¸«¸: ²¹¬«ÃÄ» ¹Á³²¹ ³¹Å³» ¹ ·°«´¹° Marina Mota e Rui Vitorino Santos 35 ¶«Â«» °·Â«Æ«¿· Ç« À·«´¹° º¹ ¾¶·¶·²»È Maria Beatriz Vigário Alves de Castro e Sahra Kunz 46 « ²¹µ²¹¸¹Á³«ÃÄ» º« ¶·¸³É²·« Á«¸ «Á·°«Ãʹ¸ º¹ ¬»Á´«-°¹³²«´¹° º« º·¸Á¹Â Marcus Vinicius de Paula 55 ³·°¹ ¾»Á¸³²¯¾³·»Á ½·³¶·Á ¿»Ë· «°«°¯²«Ì¸ «Á·°«³·»Á, Tania de León Yong 66 ®«Á¶»¸ ¾»° ¶·¸³É²·«(¸): ¾»Á³²·®¯³»¸ µ«²« ¯°« ¾«²«¾³¹²·Æ«ÃÄ» º» ¬·À²» º¹ ®«Á¶» Diana Martins e Sara Reis da Silva 75 ¼«Á³«¸³·¾ °². ¼»Å: ¹¸³¯º» À·¸¯«¬ º¹ µ»Á³»¸- ¾¶«À¹ º« «º«µ³«ÃÄ» ¾·Á¹°«³»´²Î¼·¾« Gabriela Sá 85 « Ǿ«²Á¹È º» À·¸¯«¬: » ¶·®²·º·¸°» ¹ À·¸¯«¬·º«º¹ ¶Îµ³·¾«; ¹¸³¯º»¸ º¹ ¾«¸» Á« °«º¹·²« ¹ Á»¸ «Ã»²¹¸ Ana Nolasco e Jorge Bárrios 96 , : «²³-Æ·Á¹¸ ¼²»° ³¶¹ Æ·Á¹»µ»¬·¸ ¾»¬¬¹¾³·»Á Jackie Batey 108 ¸³²«Á´¹ ¬»»µ¸ ·Á ¼¬«³¬«Áº: ®Â ´¹»¼¼ °¾¼¹³²·º´¹ Paul Hardman 119 #¬·Á´»: » ¾·Á¹°« º¹ «Á·°«ÃÄ» ¾»°» ¾²Ñ³·¾« ¸»¾·«¬ Daniel Roque, Paula Tavares e Jorge T. Marques 129 º²«½·Á´ ¯µ»Á ³¶¹ ¯Á¾»Á¸¾·»¯¸: ³¹Å³ «Áº ·°«´¹ ·Á ³½» «Á·°«³¹º ¼·¬°¸ ®Â ²»®¹²³ ®²¹¹² «Áº ½·¬¬·«° ¿¹Á³²·º´¹ Miriam Harris 139 Ò·¸ ³¶¹ ¾¶·¬º²¹Á̸ ·¬¬¯¸³²«³¹º ®»»¿ ²¹«¬¬Â « º·¸¾»Á³·Á¯»¯¸ °¹º·¯°Ó ¶»½ ¾¶·¬º²¹Á̸ ®»»¿¸ µ²»º¯¾¹ ¸¹Ô¯¹Á³·«¬ °»°¹Á³¯°.Ì Sarah McConnell 151 µ¹²¸¹µ»¬·¸ (ÕÖÖ×) – « ¸·°®»¬»´·« Á» ¼·¬°¹ ¹ Á« ®«Áº« º¹¸¹Á¶«º« Mara Ungureanu e Sahra Kunz 159 » º¹¸¹Á¶» Ô¯¹ µ²»À·º¹Á¾·« ¯° ¾»Á³¹Å³» Sara Alves e Graça Magalhães 169 ²¹À·¸·³·Á´ ³«¾³·¬·³Â: º¹À¹¬»µ·Á´ « ¾»ÁÁ¹¾³·»Á ½·³¶ «Á «¯º·¹Á¾¹ Stefan KK Messam 181 º·´·³«¬ «²¾¶·À·Á´ ·¸¸¯¹¸ ¼»² ³¶¹ ´²«µ¶·¾ «²³¸ ¼·¹¬º Alan Young 192 ³¶¹ «²³ »¼ ¾«²³»»Á: ³²«Á¸¼»²°«³·»Á ·Á ¾¶«²«¾³¹² º¹¸·´Á Ilkay Altunoz 203 ³¶¹ ²»¬¹ »¼ Á«²²«³·À¹ ·Á Á»Á¼·¾³·»Á µ·¾³¯²¹®»»¿¸; « º·«´²«°°«³·¾ «Á«¬Â¸·¸ ³» º¹¼·Á¹ ³¶¹ ¾²¹«³·À¹ Á»Á¼·¾³·»Á µ·¾³¯²¹®»»¿. Vassiliki Tzomaka 214 «Á·°«ÃÄ»: ¯°« ¬·Á´¯«´¹° ¾»° À»¾«ÃÄ» ·Á¾¬¯¸·À« Cláudia Bolshaw, Gamba Junior, Marcus Vinicius de Paula 222 º¹¸¬»¾«Ãʹ¸ Á« µ«·¸«´¹°. ²¹¾¯²¸»¸ º¹ ³²«Á¸¼·´¯²«ÃÄ» Á« µ«·¸«´¹° °»º¹²Á« Paulo Freire de Almeida 231 ¹¸¾²¹À¹², ·¬¯¸³²«² ¹ ¹º·³«² µ«²« » ¯Á·À¹²¸» ·Á¼«Á³»Ë¯À¹Á·¬: »¸ º¹¸«¼·»¸ º« «¯³»¹º·ÃÄ» Idalina Dias, Pedro Amado e João Torrão 246 » ¶»Ë¹ José Saraiva 255 ¬·®¹²º«º¹ ¾»Áº·¾·»Á«¬: « µ¹²¼»²°«Á¾¹ º» ¬¹·³»² ¹° , º¹ ¾¶²·¸ ½«²¹ Carolina Martins 264 ³¶¹ Ô¯¹¹Á »¼ ¸µ«º¹¸ µ²»Ë¹¾³: ·¬¬¯¸³²«³·»Á Ù ·Á³¹²«¾³·À¹ ¸³»²Â³¹¬¬·Á´ Joel Lardner & Paul Roberts 274 ³¶¹ ¾²¹«³·»Á »¼ «Á·°«³¹º «Áº ¼·¬°¹º ·°«´¹¸ Eliane Gordeeff 287 ¬·³¹²«³¯²¹, «²³·¸³¸Ì ®»»¿¸ Ù «¯³¶»²¸¶·µ ·Á ³¶¹ ¹º¯¾«³·»Á »¼ «Á ·¬¬¯¸³²«³·»Á ¸³¯º¹Á³ Ros Simms 295 °»®·¬¹ «²¾¶·³¹¾³¯²¹¸, « ¸¶·¼³·Á´ ¸µ«¾¹ »¼ µ¹²¾¹µ³·»Á: ¼²»° ¾«²³»»Á ³» Úº Concha García González 301 ³¶¹ ¾»°®·Á«³·»Á »¼ Á¹¹º¸ «Áº ²¹¸»¯²¾¹¸: µ²»¾¹¸¸ °»º¹¬ »¼ ³²«Á¸¬«³·»Á ¼²»° Õº ·°«´¹ ³» Ûº °»³·»Á Jinsook Kim 310 » ¬·À²» º¹ «³·À·º«º¹¸ µ«²« «º¯¬³»¸. «²³¹¼«³»- ¹Á¯Á¾·«º» ¹ ´¹Á¹«¬»´·« º¹ ¯¸» ¹ ¸¹Á³·º» Pedro F. Sarmento , Nilton G. Gamba Junior e Ana L. Guadalupe Menicone 320 «Á·°«³·»Á ½·³¶·Á «²³ ¶·¸³»²Â: ³¶¹ ¾«¸¹ ¸³¯ºÂ »¼ : «Áº «°«º¹» º¹ ¸»¯Æ«-¾«²º»¸» Marta Soares 331 ³¹°µ»²·Æ«ÃÄ»: Á«²²«³·À« ¹° «Á·°«ÃÄ» David Mussel e Nilton G. Gamba Junior 340 ´¶»¸³¸ »¼ ¾¶«²¾»«¬: ³¸¯Ë·´¸ «Áº ¿¹«Á¹´¸ ¾¶«²«¾³¹² «Á·°«³·»Á Manuela Elizabeth Rodríguez González 350 º¹¬·®¹²«³¹¬Â ´¹³³·Á´ ·³ ½²»Á´: «¾¾¹¬¹²«³·Á´ ³»½«²º¸ ¼·Áº·Á´ « ¸³Â¬¹ ¼»² ¾¶«²«¾³¹² º¹¸·´Á ³¶²»¯´¶ ³¶¹ µ¸Â¾¶»¬»´Â »¼ ¸¹¹·Á´ Stuart Medley 367 º¹¸·´Á º¹ ®»Á¹¾»¸: ¾»Á¸³²¯ÃÄ»
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