MSU Clip Sheet A 1a111pUna of nccat ardda of intcrat to Morehead ltatc Univcnlty MEDIA RELATIONS • MOREHEAD STATE UNIVERSITY • UPO BOX 1100 • MOREHEAD, KY 40351 -1 689 • 606-783-2030 THE COURIER-JOURNAL, FRIDAY, MAY 1, 1992 staff will have to raise $315,000 in dent newspaper, the next few months. The football was unappeal­ I - ► program bad a budget of $920,949 ing, he said. The fo r the 1991 season. athletic direc­ The university's contribution rep­ tor's office was WKU regents give resents what it would have had to necessary to en­ pay for football next year anyway, sure that West­ even if the program was killed, be­ em's athletics football .program ' cause of various contractual obliga­ program met tions. certain stan­ The athletic department will try to dards for aca­ raise the rest by selling more season demics, lived a chance to live tickets and memberships to the Hill­ \ within its budget topper Athletic Foundation, game and complied By CYNTHIA CROSSLEY, Staff Writer guarantees, concessions and corpo­ with NCAA regu­ rate sponsorships. lations. It was BOWLING GREEN, Ky. - Western Kentucky University's If they can't do it, ''we'll cross too risky to as­ board of regents voted yesterday t~ let the school's footb_all that bridge when we come to it," sume that West­ program continue - if the athletic department can raise Meredith said yesterday after the ern could replen­ enough private money to keep it going. meeting. ish its reserve They also adopted a plan proposed on April 13 by a budget Surprisingly, lracane turned out fund with year­ committee to deal with a $6.l million shortfall. to be the swing vote on the IO-mem­ end surpluses But for a while, it didn't look as if anything would be re- ber board, even though two weeks over the next solved yesterday. earlier he had declared himself "a few years. And Regents Chairman Joe Iracane of Owensboro brought man long way from satisfied" with the Meredith said he llth-liour proposal for foot• proposed budget cuts, and even needed more ball, different from the pro- ■ Western football coach though he was pushing a last-min­ time to complete 1 posal he made Wednesday Jack Harbaugh was shaken ute proposal to up Westem's contri­ afternoon to eliminate West- ... but happy. Page D 1. bution to football by nearly $67,000, em's athletic director's office. using contingency fund money. And Regent Bob Chambless of Munfordville, who attempted Also, lracane was one of the last night to conduct his own personal review of so_me of the members who agreed to Chambless' school's financial records, asked for an 11-day meeting recess proposed meeting recess. The pro• so he could complete his review. posal failed because of a 5-5 dead­ In the end, however, the board voted 6-4 to adopt the plan lock. proposed by Western President Thomas Meredith and a com­ After the meeting, lracane said he mittee of 11 other administrators and professors. decided to vote in favor of the ad­ The only difference was the football program - the budget ministration's budget-cutting pro­ committee had recommended suspending it. The regents let it posal because he didn't want to continue, but given Meredith's stipulation of a S765,000 foot­ "sacrifice 80 percent (of the budget) ball season, and given that Western will contribute $450,000 for 20 percent" of it. Also, the re­ toward the program, athletic director Lou Marciani and his gents can further amend Westem's budget later, he said. "I'm not finished," lracane said. "I think there is ample time for us WKU'S BUDGET PROBLEMS to react" to any new financial infor­ THE PROBLEM mation that might arise - such as a pending report on a special finan­ ■ S!a.te funding cut . $4.4 miltton cial review of some university ■ R1s1~g c<;>sts ..._ .. _. $996,400 spending accounts. ■ Desired instructional improvements $501, ioo lracane also said he wasn't satis­ THE SOLUTIONS fied with the responses Meredith RAJSE TUITION AND FEES and the campus budget committee provided to a series of four alterna­ Per semester Old New tive proposals he made Wednesday. Tuition (In-state) $650 $670 Those proposals included making Tuition (Out-of-state) * 1,950 2,011 the College Heights Herald, the stu­ Fees (full-time students) 70 102 dent newspaper, pay its own way by Housing $495-51 O $555-680 adding subscription fees; adding • Tuition for some Indiana and Tennessee residents is in­ general athletics responsibilities to state tuition plus $200. Westem's coaches and eliminating OTHER PROVISIONS the athletic director's office; taking more money from Western's reserve ■ Football y.iill continue if enough private ..- fund to balance the cuts; and con­ money raised. ., solidating Westem's offices of ■ Faculty will ~etum to full-time teaching with alumni affairs, development and some exceptions for research. 1 university relations. ■ 16 non-academic spending areas will move The budget committee rejected towards self-sufficiency. lracane's proposals for various rea­ ■ 51 positions will be eliminated (26 are sons after reviewing them Wednes­ already vacant). day night, Mer- ■ Seven offices or services eliminated. edith told Ira- ■ Library will shift about $126,000 from cane yesterday. personnel to acquisitions. Charging stu· dents one more fee, for the stu• - A service of the Office of Media Relations- THE COURIER-JOURNAL, FRIDAY, MAY 1, 1992 :Wes.tern Kentucky football gets ·a reprieve, and a smaller budget )• ' I • • • •... .,, ByJIM~ lot - the board accepted a budget commit- NCAA Division l·M schools with six full­ at a 30-to-l player-to-coach ratio. We've got lege faces for '92-93. Meredith then came·.. ::,. ~~ Writer :. tee proposal including President Thomas C. time assistants and one I-A opponent with a lot of work to do to rearrange some of the up with the alternative plan. :,,,c, • 1' • '. Meredith's recommendation that football be nine.. · money. We want the players to have the Harbaugh and athletics director Lou Mar,.•s<'. ; J;IOWIJNG GREEN, Ky. - Jack ,Har­ continued for the 1992-93 school year. "fm reallY tom," Harbaugh said later. chance to be safe, healthy, well-coached ciani are due to start hunting solutions b8'i'. baugh was a shaken man. He was a con­ But it accepted the lesser of two propos- "I'm thrilled we're going to play. It's like and have a chance to compete." ginning Monday. The university will pro- cerned man. But the Western Kentucky als, meaning football will have to exist un- fourth-and-one on the one-yard-line . and And if you can't get the program properly vide $450,000 of the $765,000" already allo- Unlvetsity football coach also was a ·happy der a budget of $765,000 instead · of we've managed to sneak i11to the end zone, staffed? cated to scholarships and salaries.- man yesterday. : · $861,909. · . and now I'm looking around it see _if there "I would not put a team on the field," he Athletics must find the "rest by selling He will have a fourth WKU team to oper­ The larger amount would have left Har- are any flags on the field. said. · 5,000 season f!ckets, $60,000 in member~ afe after all. By the slimmest of- margins - baugh with five full-time and two part-time "But I'm very concerned. These kids must WKU's budget committee recommended ii. 6-4 vi>le of Ifie Board of Regents, with assistants. He now will have three full-time be protected from injury by being taught dropping football as one way to help solve cliairman Joe Iracane casting the swing bal· aides ari~ no part-timers, compelillg against proper techniques. Right no": we're looking the $6.I million shortfall in funds the col- I ' . .. Western football gets a reprieve hold will probably include nine dusk to get my pa~er so I don't h~>'e Continued from Page D I gam~s. four at home. It won't be ~­ a confrontation with the econo1D1ds guy on one side and the govemme* ships to the Hilltopper Athletic nalized until next week at the earli­ est. The Hilltoppers figure to visit guy on the other." ; . Foundation, game guarantees, con­ Has recruiting suffered? . : cessions revenue and corporate Southwestern Louisiana, a 1-A foe, for an $85,000 guarantee, and open "Devastating," Harbaugh sal~. sponsorships. ''You'd have to send recruiters to . Marcianl said 750 season tickets with Eastern Kentucky at home. "The faculty in general has been Australia to get far enough away worth $25,000 have been sold (1,477 that no one's heard about Western total were bought for 1991). Founda­ very positive but there's a small core of people that hates football," Kentucky. : tion director Gary West said he "We've been sitting here bleeding won't know how his group is doing Harbaugh said. "Now, with this budget cut; many more are just an­ to death like a wounded animal, for s.everal months, but that "the waiting to crawl off to an isolated phone has been ringing off the gry. Angry at everything, and I un­ derstand that. I live in a neighbor­ place to die, but now there's a crac)t hook." . in the door." : The schedule, which has been on hood of professors. I sneak out at LEXINGTON l:IEAALD-LEADER, LEXINGTON"KY .. FRIDAY, MAY.-t,·1992 - .. -- - ··--; . - - -- . - --.-- ---·' - i .',The:-_ foundation bas .-:pleoged $60,000' tg th.e fopt~l-p"rQgr;im.
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