I) -MMison College Library K: i fS • tbiirnsonburjj, VirfZinia AY 20' Teacher Day Students Page 2, Columns 3, 4 Personality 5ty* $rme Page 3, Columns 1, 2 Vol. XL Madison College, Harrisonburg, Virginia, Saturday, May 18, 1963 No. 6 Seniors To Graduate June 2 Lancaster To Speak Degrees Sought For Commencement By 240 Students Two-hundred and twenty-seven Dr. Dabney S. Lancaster, Chair- is the Executive Secretary of the seniors are candidates for a bache- man of the State Council of Higher Board of Annuities and Relief at lor degree, and thirteen are candi- Education, will be the speaker for the Presbyterian Church of ' the dates for a master's degree. If the the fifty-third commencement exer- United States in Atlanta, Georgia. candidates successfully fulfill the cise at Madison on June 2 at 2:15 At 12:30 p.m. the seniors will be requirements for the degrees, they p.m. served a dinner in the dining hall, will receive them at commence- Lancaster received his AB De- and at 2:15 p.m. the final exercise ment exercise on Sunday, June 2. gree from the University of Vir- will take place. The Invocation President G. Tyler Miller will con- ginia and his M.S. and honorary and Benediction,at the Commence- fer the degrees. LI. D. from Virginia Polytechnical ment exercise will be delivered by Candidates for a Master of Science in Institute. He served as the Dean the Reverend Joseph T. Sefcik of Education are Shirley Olivia Cahoon, Julia of Men at the University of Ala- the First Presbyterian Church of Nelle Grandle, Paul Stoltzfus Kurtz, and Blanche Schuler Souder. bama from 1929-37, Executive Sec- Harrisonburg. After Commence- Nine students are candidates for a Mas- retary of the Board of Overseers ment, a tea sponsored by the ter of Arts in Education. They axe at Sweet Briar College from 1941- Alumni Association will be given Waldo Bowers, John Alton Brown, Lois 46, and President of the Associa- in Alumnae Hall. Wandless Gaynor, Claudyne Rosen Palmer, Martha Elizabeth Shank, Warren Janice tion of Virginia Colleges from Souder, James Edward Taylor, Dennis 1938-39. Barclay Wingfield, and Sue Hamersley The topic of Dr. Lancaster's ad- Students Choose Yancey. dress has not yet been announced. June Hill, senior, addressed the student body and faculty on the topic June Catherine Hill and Marie Taylor Shearin are candidates for a Bachelor of Graduation weekend will be Dorm Presidents "A Bag of Tools" at the Honor's Day Program, May 15. Science With Distinction. Those who are opened with a garden party for the Dormitory presidents for the candidates for a Bachelor of Science are graduates on Friday, May 31 at 1963-64 session were elected at the Honor's Day Gertha Louise Addison, Brenda Ree Alex- 4:30 p.m. in Cleveland Dorm. On student government meeting on ander, Jaequelyn Allen, Janice Roach Allen, Judith | Carol Allen, Mary Adams that same day at 9 p.m. there will Monday, May 13. Anderson, Elizabeth Anne Andrews, be the seniority service on the Helen Fortune will 6erve as 22 Students Receive Awards Dolores Arlene Arbaugh, Betty Ann Ann- quad, and at ^0 p.m. a camp fire president of Cleveland dorm. Helen entrout, Mary Ellen Arnott, Gloria Dar- will be held back campus. is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. leene Ballentine, Judith Cleo Baroody, June For Academic, Creative Work Adeline Basile, Joyce Grove Beck, Cynthia A senior breakfast will be given W. K. Fortune of Timonium, Ann Benham, Garland Edward Bennett, on the morning of Saturday, June Maryland. She is in elementary Ellen Marie Bird, Miriam Pannell Black- Twenty-two students were recog- vision of J. Edgar Anderson, pro- 1 at 8:30 a.m. in Junior Dining education with a concentration in stock, David Robert Blevins, Loretta nized for scholastic and creative fessor of music. Hall. For dinner, the graduates history. Carole Boettcher, Jo Ann Bogan, Judith achievement at the annual Madison Louise Bowers, Evelyn Sue Bowman, will have a picnic at 1 p.m. A The president of Converse dorm Four students were honored for College "Honors Day" program • achievement in mathematics, chem- Peggy Jeanne Bowman, Elaine Virginia motion picture will be shown in will be Marlene Renalds. The Boyer, Zclda Hirsch Bragman, Emily Wednesday, May 15. istry, and physics. The honorees Wilson at 7 p.m, and at 9 p.m. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Carolyn Bristow, Carol Ellen Brockway, were: Lelia E. Donohue, freshman there will be a party for the gradu- Renalds of Timberville, Virginia, Two seniors, June C. Hill, the Dorothy Belle Brown, Phyllis Rose Bru- from Alexandria, honored for the baker, Margaret Watts Bryan, Dolores ates and their guests in Keezell she is in Home Economics Edu- daughter of Mrs. Willard H. Hill highest score on a competitive Mary Bufani, Mary Allen Buren, Patricia Gym. After the party, there will cation. of Harrisonburg, and Mrs. Marie Joyce Bybee, Rachel Elizabeth Cantrell, mathematics examination; and be coffee hours in the sorority Betty Reynolds will be the new T. Shearin, of Harrisonburg, were Carol Ann Carnes, Elizabeth Ann Carter, Pamela C. Fry, freshman from Linda Viola Carver, Catherine Isabelle houses and dormitories. president of Gifford dormitory. recognized as students to graduate with distinction June 2. To be Alexandria, honored as the highest Catterton, Rolfe Cleland Chandler, Eliza- Before commencement on Sun- Miss Reynolds, daughter of Mr. beth Frances Chappell, Nellie Frances eligible for this honor, a student ranking freshman student in alge- day, a Baccalaureate Service will and Mrs. C. E. Reynolds of Nor- Clark, Betty Reid Coghill, Angela Peck must have a cumulative average of bra and trigonometry. be held in Wilson at 11 a.m. The folk, is in elementary education Coon, Ralph Hisey Crabill, Elizabeth Anne at least 3.75. Cropper, Ann Patricia Crump. speaker will be the Reverend with a concentration in home ec- Franklin P. Strough, son of Mr. and Mrs. Franklin P. Strough of Dorothy Ann Davis, Mary Sue Davis, George H. Vick. Reverend Vick onomics. Recognition for honors work Virginia Carol Davis, Virginia Lee Davis, Leading Jackson dorm will be went to Betty Lou Edwards, Harrisonburg was honored as the Anne Marguerite deBary, Betty Gayle Lelia Donohue, daughter of Mr. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George highest ranking freshman student Dickerson, Ann Lee Dickson, Carolyn Ann Driver, Selina Linhos Dofflemyer, Martha Campus and Mrs. R. L. Donohue of Alex- W. Edwards of Richmond, and in chemistry. Sharon L. Bynaker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Allen Dunnington, Jennie Hines Farmer, andria. She is a mathematics ma- Daniel Gary Hooke, son of Mr. Mary Elizabeth Farris, Kathleen Louise Calendar jor. and Mrs. Ellwood Hooke, Penn Bynaker of Falls Church was hon- Ferguson, Alma Hammer Flick, Barbara Saturday, May 18—7:00 P.M. in Jo Fisher was elected president Laird, Virginia. Both students are ored as the highest ranking student Terry Franklin, Donna Ruth Fritz, Jane Carmack Gracey, Linda Lee Gannon, Wilson, Singspiration of Wayland dorm. Miss Fisher, seniors. Honors work at the col- in general physics. Miss Bynaker * is a junior. Linda Elaine Gonzalez, Audrey Ruth 7:30 P.M. "Honeymoon Ma- daughter of Mrs. James G. Fisher, lege is limited to candidates with Graeme, Mary Elizabeth Gush, Mary chine" (color) of Richmond, is majoring in Home at least a 3.25 cumulative average. Literary and journalism awards Margaret Hall, Phyllis Ann Hall, Joe Ann Wednesday, May 22—Noon As- Economics. Both students completed programs went to Barbara Slate, daughter of Hamlet, Beth Chancellor Hamtnersley, Dorothy Jean Haney, Martha Jean Hardin, sembly: Moving-Up Day Six of the seven sorority houses of independent reading and re- Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Slate of Sandra Hamrick Harlow, Shirley Jeanne Saturday, May 25—Singspira- on cantpus have also elected their search and wrote honors theses. Alexandria and to Betty Lou Ed- Harmon, Bette Lou Harris, Shirley Mae tion, The Top Hats, 7:00 presidents for the first eight-week Miss Edwards' work was done in wards, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hawks, Janet Sophia Heflin, Rebecca P.M. and 7:30 P.M. in Wil- period. They are, Clydette Griffith, English literature under the super- George W. Edwards of Richmond. Dianne Helbert, Ann Wenrich Helfrich, Judy Ann Hertzler, Linda Carol Hill, Kate son, Movie "Twinkle and Baker House; Jonne Heatwole, vision of Thomas W. Leigh, asso- Miss Slate received the Holt Rhine- Evangeline Hobson, Mary Jane Hubbard, Shine". Messick; Oma Gifford, Nicholas; ciate professor of English. Hooke's hart Award for a short story pub- Kathleen Hudson, Nancye Louise Jacobs, (Continued on Page 3) work was in Music under super- lished ir^ the Chrysalis, and Miss ^Dorothy Gillispie Johnson, Jane Ann John- Edwards received the Logan Award , ioa, Joyce Anne Johnson, Frances Wallace Johnston, Carolyn Hulcher Jordan, Mar- for journalistic writlhg. garet Carroll Jordan, Evelyn Louise Senior Art Students Display *Best' Work The Duke Memorial Scholarship Joyner, Nancy Dunlea Kane, Carolyn Lee Award, went to Emily C. Reid, Karper, Mary Ellen Kilay, Daisy Simmons daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin King, Katherine Livingston King, Barbara Anne Kinsey, Mary Jane Kollender, Mary In Alumnae Gallery Exhibition, May 15-23 E. Reid of Purcellville, Virginia. Claire LaCas, Nancy Jean Lane, Dorothy The award is made annually to the (Continued on Page 5) Senior art students are exhibit- member of the junior class who has ing works, which best represent the highest average for the first an accumulation of four year's five semesters of work at Madison. Assembly To Be work at Madison, in Alumnae Art Other awards for scholarship Gallery, May 15-23.
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