<a 1797 South Carolina's Oldest Newspaper 1961 rfoftm 'iwt OUT OF STATE $3.00 SUBSCRIPTIONS: IN STATE S2.50 Georgetown S. C, Thursday, Nov. 30, 1961 5c Per Copy Vol. No. 165 No. 37 About Special Runoff Set For Dec. 12 Town i A A CHAPTERS For Mayor, One Councilman OBSERVE NATX. WEES , The Georgetown Chapter ei Altolioli) s Anonymous will bt one et many s.ueh chapters in H-i United Slates to observe National Man Arrested AArs. Bruorton *4lcoholies Anonymous Wee- U»li © c O week. AI Still In W i y, gglAnd Ferdon _. ea _ as Kg SCOUT SUFFER 5; -r The Rev. Lucius B. DuBose ol - _i - ~i Win Primary Sam pi I Area w Multlns will speak Thursdaj 3 A roan was arrested Sunctu. In 5 5 L. L. Weed missed winning the night at tUe annual Bey Sco> he Santee Section i I Georgetown i < 1 eayer's race in Tuesday's eity .upper 11 tVie Black Rivet District. County while tending an Illegal Democratic primary by a margin The barbecue supper will be held liquor still, Sheriff'Garris Cribb FOR MAYOR nt _1 votes aim will face J. in the McDonald Elementary If. reported. J. M. ROS ,88 137 _ 131 124 174 948 School beginning at 7 p. l_. A! ROB in a runoff December 12. £:out-. parents and friends ol Freddie White, a Negro roan, R."L.~'WALKKI: 75""' ~ 66" _ 53 20 101 315 The topsy-turvy primary ended '.•outing are urged to attend. va.- caught by surprise as three L. L. WEED" 359" 260 " 315 '98 190 12.2 in success lor two candidates for deputies ol the local sheriff* of­ city council with two others plac­ fice scheduled a drop-in ai the BYNl'MPTO FOR COUNCIL ed in the December 12 runoff distillery. The raid occurred a- lor tin third seat. The Parents Teachers Organiza ., ^... .-.i.r eJiilJ 233 243 177 16 4 673 >OUl 3:30 p. m, when Chief Dep­ Mrs. Reba Y. Bruorton. seeking tlon of the Bynum Elementii'> vv. i). BOURNE 848 61 160 110 101 780 uty W. C. Carter and Di putit- re-election as the first woman to School wiil meet Tuesday. Decern Lloyd Bruorton and Cbalmeri MRS. 11. BRUORTON 465" 148 210 140 233 1196 ber r>, at 7:30 p. m. in the school, ervi 1 a city council, lead the Lawrjmore moved onto thescene. 1. P. DAY 137 123 154 1-14 199 727 A program on Civil Defense Is nini candidates to be renominated Shorifi Cribb said the deputies 1.. 421 1.4 220 169 256 1190 planned. FERDON on she first ballot. She polled 1,- destroyed (SOU gallons of ma-h S. n. HUDSON 2-J7' 295 187 21 8 778 106 ballots. md some six gallons of moon- J. ii. JOHNSCN, SR. 113* 53 86 4(i 208 568 R. J. Ferdon, seeking Ins first CUB SCOUTS ORGANIZE hir.e at the silo. They abn o.e- I 75 80 90 43 221 809 public office, also won on the « AU boy« rind parents who live strpyed the 100 gallon capacity 523 lr '. ballot with 1.190 votes. In th* Maryville area who are In rig. L. Dr." STAI Y;:Y 172 117 12(1 51 terested In Cub Scouts are asked VV D. Bourne and Samuel I.. According to the deputies mok Hudson will lie in the runoff for to meet Friday, December 1, al big the raid, the still was in oper­ the Maryville School. he third position on eity council. ation at the time it was found. W. D. Workman To Keynote loinim received 78n votes and The "run'' was just getting unrter- Hudson 771). USC YEARBOOK FINALIST way, they said. >Iiss Garnet Daggett *>f George­ Voting was heavy in the pri- "White didn't know anyone wa* Rally Here Friday Night town is one of five University of eai; with 2,48a persons going to anywher< around until 1 laid my South Carolina coeds having to Republicans in Gei fgetown Senate. the pol's out oi approximately hand on his shoulder," Deputy wail until spring for the an­ Countv hope 1o g '1 the party »' 11 The rally will be held at Win­ t.ooo registered voters in George­ BruortdH said. "He was caught nouncement of the winner of grounded in the lowcountry Fri­ yah Hiah School, beginning ai town. completely by surprise." •••"Miss Garnet and B:ack\ the day' night when they hold their U P. M." In tin mayor's race to name a Wbitt umt chti: rith operat­ Miieen of the USC yearbook. M-ss first rally here. The 17-year-old newsman i.- uccessoi tn retiring Sylvan L. ing an iHcval liquor iiill end Dojrgett was sponsored by Kanpa being urged to take an active role Ri*. 1 11, Weed received 1.222 votes, manufacturing moonshine whis­ Alpha. The queen will be picked Keyneting tlie rally, tn which and seek the Republican nomina­ to. 948 and R. L. (Bob) Walker key. He was arraigned before from the five finalists. the public is invited, will be W. tion for tbe Senate seel now held il.i. Magistrate W. E. Johnson in D. Workman, a South Carolina : i thi heudon co by Olin D. Johnston. Mr. VV.uk Unofficial tabulations showed ONE MAN DIED and Georgetown and was released un­ newsman anrl author, who is a getown died •'"' Fraix .skipp ren tin riou eosidi- man has said be was not eek'ne lhat 1,243 votes were needed in INFORMATION SOUGHT .md truck-. ; . G. Hierholzer o der $500 bond. Information on the names and <ion at the local hospital, M:-. Hierholzer was the drive) - I the pickup .ruck (bol om) and Mr. the nomination but would -vrv iie ma.vor race lo obtain a simple places known as Puncheon Cre k Skipper was driving the car (top) at the time pi the accident. if nominated. •lajorii and victory. Weed mis- 1 •and Hearse, Pen in Georgetown (Tinu I Fleming) It is expected that he will form ed the whining figure by a 21 •County and Blooming V.'S' in •illy. an ounce a a eta"lid:-:- viitn n.;i >in. tVeiftB' AVUUamsburg Counts' is beinj . _jf.Vly. A."V - i.: ." t "• «' r a/'jhe — <' ' >mneralle eXeCtiti''? **'rii)?h! bv tlie Department ot Eng­ c<:mnutis'e" has j^aJJtstL,. .a*---- eiiiii.-i ••.,'! 'neet. at 5 P. M : lish of the University ot South Georgetown Man Killed \cirU* ¥atrv• it\ t.exingt"'i tor De- fhnrsda.v to offii ialh declare re- Carolina. Thi.^ Information will einibci 0, His announcement Jflaj i.i'is of Tuesday's- primary. be published in the next edition be rnatie then or at the Gi orge In tin- race for city council. of "Name.-, in South Carolina." tow 11 rally Friday. "I'lidaie-s received the following As Police Chase Speeding Car The public, no matter whi vole-;: Ales Alford, 178; W. D Bourne, SKA FOOD BUFFET party affiliation, is invited to at tend this moot inn. HO: Mis. Reba Bruorton, 1.190; A sen food buffet will be serv- A coroner' jury Monday night menl reported. ft the !-. ;< |d went olin 1 J. P. Day. 727:- R. J. Ferdon. 1,. ed at. tin- Georgetown Country ruled that E, G, liierhoi/.er came S21. Coutu's sfau mi nl dh oti de tii ar the Tot interested parties recently heir 190; S. I). Hudson, 778; J. H Ciuij un Friday. December 8. be- to his death as result of a heac that he received Ihe mi n • on Pee, H trail • •' ' p, he said :i meeting in Georgetown in an •it'-ii tu organize an active Re- ><!>•• 1 Sr., 560; H. J. Reeves. tvveen 6:30 and 8 p. m. i on collision >! his truck and 1he car radio md a i neo c a i conti iu< d with th oublican party i" George! iv r 308, snd Clyde Stalvey. 523. car driven bj Francis Skipper an: checking all the drive-in pli itreh b • . • M the rod ligh County. This meeting ended wit! Tv n members of the NTegro CATHOLIC WOMEN recommended 1|l?l Skipper be m the i ttj for the vein. - - id illnkin i the callirg of the party's ln-st rally ace, Alford and Hudson. we?e The regular ronnth'v meet*—g held (or grand fury action. di i\r - In ' tit fore the .- reek. Sgt unning in Tuesday's primary. of the Catholic Women's Club Meanwhile, Francis Skipper u Tiie' policeman aid t! il • Coul i I ' lanced al hi; ; here Friday evening. v Hudson, win. received 105 moj ? will be held Monday. Decembi : in the Georgetown Counly Hos- ti p. ...>. he cross d S imph Bridg • • betweei A number ol local persons - votes than Alford. is the fir:t 4, at 8 p. m. at the Knights (-S pita! in scions condition suffer- toward Maryville th ch . a drive 10,i I 90 pel' hour. participate in the rally. Herb member of his race to place in a Columbus Hall. All members big from injuries he received h ijj on lhat sid- ol the iy< r. I on "He pi - t- go around i Bailey will serve as master of cer- are unoff election. A former college urcril to be present. • the highway accidi a'. ' emories and Ralph Ford will returning acitoi tht bi .•>••••: In Sgt Coutu said Instructor, be Is a businessman and I saw 1 A i: go ng l.o wrec -orvi as organist.
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