RAJNAGAR UG PROJECT VILLAGES BANGAWAN (M.P) OFFICE AND INFRASTRUCTURE IN RAJNAGAR TEHSIL KOTMA KOTMA DISTRICT ANUPPUR ANUPPUR STATE MADHYA PRADESH MADHYA PRADESH PARTICULARS EXISTING ADDITIONAL TOTAL PROJECT AREA 1559.31HA NIL 1559.31 HA PEAK PRODUCTION 0.85 MTY NIL 0.85 MTY CAPACITY PRODUCTION CAPACITY 0.85 MTPA SOUTH EASTERN COALFIETDS LIMITED (A MrNr RATNA COMPANY) BTLASPUR (CHHATTTSGARH) -7- APPENDIX-I FORM-I (i) BASTC TNFORMATTON s.N Item Details 1. Name of the Project/s RAJNAGAR UG Project 2. 51. No. in the schedule 1(A) 3 Proposed ca pacity/a rea/length/tonnage to Production 0.85 MTPA be handled/command are /lease Area- - 1559.31 Ha (total mining lease area as per area/number of wells to be drilled existing EC 1848.112 Ha. Bore holes - 159 numbers of boreholes alreadv drilled. + New/Expa nsion/M od ernization Extension of validity of EC 5 Existing capacity/Area etc Existing capacity- 0.85 Mry and Total mining lease area 1848.112 Ha as per existine EC 6 Category of project l.e. 'A' or 'B' 7. Does it attract the general condition? if Yes yes, please specify 8 Does it attract the soecific condition? lf No yes, please specify. 9 Locati o n Rajnagar R O Colliery is situated in Hasdeo Area in Anuppur Dist. Madhya Pradesh, Rajnagar block falls in Survey of India Topo sheet No. 64 ll4 and lies between latitudes 23o!\'oo"- 23013'30"N and 820 06'30" - 82008'30" E Longitude. lt consists of part Area of Bangawan, Dola, Pijhatola, Reunda , Padri tola & Dumar l<achhar, Tahsil- kotma, District- Anuppur, State- Madhva Pradesh . Pl ot/su rvey/Khasra no. Survey of India Topo Sheet No. 64-l/4 (RF 1:50000) Village Pejha tola, Reunda, Office and infrastructure Bangawan, Dumar in Bangawan Village. Kachhar, Padritola & Dola tenStl Kotma Kotma District Anu ppu r Anuopu r State Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh 10 Nearest Railway Station/airport along with Bijuri Railway Station 12 0 Km from the mine. distance in Kms. 11 Nearest Town, city, District Headquarter Nearest Town : Bijuri (12.01(m) alone with distance City/District H/Q :- Anuppur (65Km Madhya Pradesh) 1.2 Village, Pa n chayat, Zilla pa ris ha d, S.no. Details Tel./Mob. No. Municipal corporation, Local body L Tehsil-l(otma 01658-233274 (complete postal Address with telephone 9669 155076 number to be given) 2 Zilla Parisad- Anuppur 07659-222979 9154156040 3 Collectorate, Dist o/659-222400 Anu ppur 4 Gram Panchayat- Ba ngawa n 8358932711 Dumar l(achhar 9424702409 Pi praha 9584206732 2 Reu nda 9765077233 Dola 9691833599 13 Name of the applicant Ashok Kumar Udeniya 1i Registered address OFFICE OF THE AREA GENERAL MANAGER, SECL HASDEO AREA, P.O.: South Jhagrakhand Collierv Distt.; Korea (C.G.\- 497448 15 Address for correspondence Name Ashok Kumar Udeniya Designation (own er/Partn er/CEO ) AREA GENERAL MANAGER, SECL HASDEO AREA Address OFFICE OF THE AREA GENERAL MANAGER, SEC. HASDEO AREA, P.O.:South Jhagrakhand Colliery Distt.: Korea (C.G.) Pin code 497 448 E-mail [email protected] in, [email protected], [email protected] Telephone No. 07 7 7 1.243035 / +97-9 425533 50 1. Fax No. 07771-247359 15 Details of alternative sites examined if The mine is operational. Coal mining is a site specific any. Location of these site should be a cti v ity, shown on a topo Sheet 17 Interlink Projects Not Applicable 18 Whether separate application of Not Applicable interlinked project has been submitted? L9 lf Yes, date of Submission Not Applicable 20 lf no, reason Not Applicable 2L Whether proposal the involves approval / a) (i) fhe Stage l/ Principal approval of 502.00 Ha clearance yes, under if details of same (lncluding 723.560 Ha Surface right) of Forest Land in and their status to be given Madhya Pradesh has already been obtained vide letter a) Forest conservation Act 1980. no. F. No. 8-7545/2006-FC, Dtd. 10 01.2008 bv MoEF b) Wildlife protection AcIt9i2. New Delhi c) CRZ Notification 1991. b) Not applicable c) Not applicable 22 Whether there is any government No order/policy relevant/relating to site? 23 Forest land involved 502.00 Ha 24 Whether there is any litigation pending No against the project and or land in which the project is proposed to be set up? a) Name of the court b) Case No. c) Orders /direction of the court, if any and its relevance with the proposed p roj e ct. 25 Project Cost (in Lakh) Rs 900 lakh (ii) Activity: L, Construction, operation or decommissioning of the project involving actions, which will cause physical changes in the locality (topography, land use, changes in water bodies etc.) 3 i:,txdf]* '€cr.ilr dtAilnrrPy -'{:.416'.r** d. r:G{;l -^(-rfrr ,4t SN I nformation/Checklist Yes/ Details of thereof (with approximate confirmation No quantities/rates, wherever possible) With sources of information data. 77 Permanent or temporary change in land Yes Total land involved in the project (Mining area) use, land cover or topography including - 1559.31 Ha increase in intensity of land use (with Breal<-up as follows:- respect to local land use plan) l.Forest - 502.00 Ha 2. Tenancy/Agriculture Land - 557 269 Ha. 3. (Govt. Land) - 500.041 Ha Total = 1559.31 Ha As this is an Underground mine, only a very small portion of surface area of the land has been disturbed for its use in infrastructure ano town ship development. 12 Clearance of existing land, vegetatlon and No Not Applicable bu ildines? l-5 Creation of new land uses? No Not Applicable l-4 Pre-construction investigation e.g. bore No Not Applicable houses, soil testing? 15 Construction Work? No Existing Infrastructure- 4 nos. inclines & 1 nos. air shaft, CHP, Workshop, Cap lamp room, Manager Office, Canteen, Sub-Station & fencing, Unit Store building, LMV Room, Fan House, Approach Roads, MfK & Pit office, CDS building, Project office, SAM office, Weigh Bridge, Explosive Magazine, Mine Water treatment plant, Railway siding and Town ship. Balance work as per PR- Nil 16 Demolition Work No Not Applicable t1 Temporary sites used for construction No Not Applicable works or cut and fill or excavation. 18 Above ground buildings, structures or No Existing Infrastructure: CHP, Cap lamp room, earthworks including linear structures, cut Manager Office, Canteen, Sub-Station & and fill or excavations. fencing, Unit Store building, LMV Room, Fan House, Approach Roads, MTK & Pit office, CDS building, Project office, SAM office, Weigh Bridge, Explosive Magazine, Mine Water treatment plant, Railway siding and Town ship. 1q Under works including mining or No Existing Infrastructure- 4 nos. inclines & 1 nos. tu nneling? air shaft. Minins is beins done Bv U/G method. 1.10 Reclamation Works? No Not Appl cable 1..1.1 Dredging? No Not Appl cable r.72 Offshore structures? No Not Appl cable 1.15 Production and manufacturing processes? Yes Production is being done by Bord & Pillar method of underground coal mining as per DGMS euidelines. L.L4 Facilities for storage of goods or Yes On site storage available within existing mine materials? i nfrastru ctu re 4 dtl4rJ€' tlrarJr #rr JAA ldfrr-..r : '". i 4r. f,A.f#r & .6D ,:E! dq. At I t\ Facilities for treatment or disposal of solid Yes (i) No Solid waste is generated in UG mine. waste or liquid effluents? (ii) Silt generated during the mining activities get settled in various UG sumps before pumping out of the mine water to surface. The settled mine water is then pumped out from these sumps to the surface reservoirs/ponds. A part of settled water is used for industriar purposes including dust suppression. Remaining part of settled mine water is further treated at filter plant. Treated water is used for domestic purposes. Thus complete utilization of mined out water. J..IO Facilities for long term housing of Yes The residential facilities are available in the operational workers? existing colony of Rajnagar UG project. The colony is well equipped with water supply system and having colonv road network. LO New road, rail or sea traffic during No Not Applicable, Existing Mine construction or operation? 1.18 New road, rail, air waterborne or other No Not Applicable, Existing Mine transport infrastructure including new or altered routes and stations, ports, airports etc. 119 Closure or diversion of existing trans- port No Not Applicable routes or infrastructure leading to changes in traffic movements. r.20 New or diverted transmission lines or l\',lO Not Applicable. pipelines ? 1.2L lmpoundment, damming, culverting, No Not Applicable. realignment or other changes to the hydrology of watercourses or aquifers? 1.22 Stream crossings? No Not Applicable Abstraction or transfers of water form No There is no abstraction or transfers of water 1,.23 ground or surface waters? form ground or surface waters sources however mined out water is first collected in large capacity underground sumps where coal particles and silt get settled down. Then water is discharged into group of surface settling tanks. After passing through settling tanr, settled water is being utilized to meet the mine industrial water use (i.e. for dust suppression, workshop & green belt development). Balance quantity is further treated through pressure filters and treated water is distributed to SECL colonies and nearby area for domestic & other usages. Thus complete utilization of mined our water is ensured. r24 Changes in water bodies or the land No Not Applicable surface affecting drainage or run -off? 5 ^n \\^ -/r\ -r-l\6 { '4qt}# Frt*t.rr (rii,.hrt fideLlral --. :/.fiL,S-**# F -st) . c.r4l-.. 4c 7.25 Transport of personnel or materials for Yes Coal is being transported from construction, underground operation or face to Surface Bunker through Series of Belt decomm issioning? conveyor after that the coal is being dispatched by rail mode through belt conveyor.
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