A New Species of Lobelia (Campanulaceae) from Brazil Author(S): Ana Odete Santos Vieira and G

A New Species of Lobelia (Campanulaceae) from Brazil Author(S): Ana Odete Santos Vieira and G

A New Species of Lobelia (Campanulaceae) from Brazil Author(s): Ana Odete Santos Vieira and G. J. Shepherd Source: Novon, Vol. 8, No. 4 (Winter, 1998), pp. 457-460 Published by: Missouri Botanical Garden Press Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/3391874 . Accessed: 02/09/2014 11:04 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at . http://www.jstor.org/page/info/about/policies/terms.jsp . JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact [email protected]. Missouri Botanical Garden Press is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Novon. http://www.jstor.org This content downloaded from on Tue, 2 Sep 2014 11:04:47 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions A New Species of Lobelia (Campanulaceae) fromBrazil Ana Odete Santos Vieira* and G. J. Shepherd Departamentode Botanica,Universidade Estadual de Campinas,CxP 6109, 13083-970, Campinas,Sio Paulo, Brazil. *Permanentaddress: Departamentode BiologiaAnimal e Vegetal, UniversidadeEstadual de Londrina,CxP 6001, 86051-990, Londrina,Parani, Brazil; E-mail: [email protected] ABSTRACT.Lobelia brasiliensis,a new species of RESULTS AND DISCUSSION subsectionHaynaldianae F. E. Wimmer(of Lobelia L. sect. Rhynchopetalum),is described from Brazil. Lobelia brasiliensis A. O. S. Vieira& G. J. Shep- It is distinguishedfrom related Brazilian species by herd,sp. nov.TYPE: Brazil.Distrito Federal: its yellowishpuberulous abaxial leaf surfaceand the smallerdimensions of its floralstructures. This Brasiliaa Taguatinga,12 Sep. 1964, Prance& Silva 59034 (holotype,UB; isotypes,M, NY, species also has a differentflowering period and is RB, S, US). Figure 1. isolatedgeographically. Interspecies brasilienses subsection Haynaldianae F. subtus 14-29 The genus Lobelia was established by Linnae- E. Wimmer,foliis supra glabris, puberulis, cmlongis, 2.5-6 cmlatis; pedicello sigmoideo, puberulo, us (1753) in Species Plantarum. Lobelia is in- 12-35 mm;corolla extus puberula et intuspuberula vel cluded in the family Campanulaceae Jussieu tantumadest in parteinferiore, ca. 2-4 cmlonga; hypan- (Cronquist, 1981), subfamilyLobelioideae Bur- thiopuberulo; seminibus late alatis differt. nett(Burnett, 1835; Wimmer,1943), considered Plant 1.5-4 m tall,with white latex. Stem terete, by some authorsto be the separate familyLob- fistulose,glabrous. Leaves narrowlyoblong or nar- eliaceae R. Brown (Dahlgren, 1980; Heywood, rowlyelliptic-lanceolate, 14-29 cm long,2.5-6 cm 1993; Hutchinson,1973). This genus is distin- wide; apex acuminate,base narrowlycuneate and guished by a dorsal slit that reaches the corolla decurrent,margin minutelyserrate or dentate, base and by the fruit,which is a capsule that chartaceous,adaxially glabrous, abaxially puberu- dehisces by twovalves. This genus is widespread lous withyellowish indument; secondary veins 14- in the tropics,with centers of diversity in tropical an of with the mid- Africa and Mexico. Lobelia L. is estimated to 26 pairs forming angle 450-60O rib. Inflorescencea terminalraceme, up to 1.5 m, containabout 450 species (Wimmer,1953, 1968) withsmaller secondary basal racemes,all puberu- and is representedin Brazil by two subgenera: lous on the rachis. Bractsdeflexed, lanceolate, 17 subg. Lobelia (6 species), delicate prostrateor mmlong, 3 mmwide, acute, margin entire and cil- erect herbs up to 1 m; and subg. Tupa (G. Don) iate, decurrent,and connateto pedicels, puberu- F. E. Wimmer(10 species), erect herbswith hol- lous. Pedicel terete,sigmoidal ascending, 12-35 low stems up to 4 m tall at flowering(Braga, mmlong, puberulous. Calyx with triangular sepals, 1956; Kanitz, 1878). 3-4 mm wide at the base and 15-17 mm long, During a study of Brazilian lobelias, a new acute, marginentire, puberulous. Dorsal corolla species was recognized in subgenus Tupa. This lobes 21-39 mmlong and 0.5-1.5 mmwide, ven- new taxon belongs to section Rhynchopetalum tral lobes 10 mmlong and 1.5-2.5 mmwide; pu- (Fresenius) Bentham,subsection Haynaldianae berulouson bothfaces or onlyon the lowerthird F. E. Wimmer The new (Mabberley,1974). spe- Stamens cies is described and illustratedhere. of the internalface, indumentyellowish. withfilaments 25 mmlong, puberulous; anthers 6- 8 mm cam- MATERIAL AND METHODS long, glabrous,grayish. Hypanthium panulate,3-5 mm long and 5-9 mmwide, puber- This studywas based on herbariummaterial bor- ulous, indumentyellowish. Capsule ovoid, 1/3-2/3 rowedfrom the herbariacited in the materialex- freefrom the hypanthium,10-12 mmlong, 20-25 aminedand on observationsof plantsin theirnat- mm wide; sepals 3-4 mm wide and 20-35 mm ural habitats. long; bract25 mm long,pedicel 20-25 mm long. NovoN 8: 457-460. 1998. This content downloaded from on Tue, 2 Sep 2014 11:04:47 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 458 Novon 'I '' '4 4,' 4eI F '4. ??? / s4'' 'I? AT:/ IB III; Figure1. Lobelia brasiliensisA. O. S. Vieira& G. J. Shepherd.-A. Shootwith leaves. -B. Leaf withnervation. - C. Detail of marginof leaf. -D. Indumenton abaxial surface.-E. Inflorescence.-F. Flowerand bract.-G. Corolla open, internalface. -H. Fruit.(A-H Silva s.n., RB 162862.) -I. Seed (Heringeret al. 254). This content downloaded from on Tue, 2 Sep 2014 11:04:47 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions Volume8, Number4 Vieira& Shepherd 459 1998 Lobeliabrasiliensis from Brazil 450 o .z.s:~::::::~::?i~:I~Z~::::::.:. ::~~.:,, 2:::::i::::::~?::::::: .,... ?7i~':2'?:Oi.s?. .?:?:?5:?:?:?:S?:?:eO.;T?'.?Y ~~~~~? ??~s~:~~?~i~ x!~8~~~,~~~2~ .:~:~:~.:I:;r:::~::~::,~,~~ .?,.?.::~~ ~'~i~~: .crl.b: ?::W ".""."". tl ?i~~2~22:?.?~':~:~~~~:::' ~~::~~~ Az. z S~S:X 5:~:?i:::~:::~.~z.ssss.~:.~:?:?~?~?:o:?:?:?:?:?:(;:?:?:?:? ~:: :~~;:~?. iiii~ii:.~..~ i~S~ ~si~:"". t, :: :~::::::::::~::::~:~:?':'?:::::~:~:?:::::s::~::..-~.r?.?t.?.~~:~;'"~;i~~;S~:::~:::...~I~~P~:s:s~ .,~~~~t~~~ ::':~:: U~:~? :::::' rzx:s?2~~~~ ~i~iiiiiiiii' :~~s?::::::si~: :~: ':~:~::~:~:~::~:~:~:p?:~.~s::::::?ss?5 ~~i~~~~ :::~:~:~:~~:3::::R:::~.~:::'?~:jliiiIi~~i~i~riSi~l~: :b~~:~~~..~2.?.ss ~:~~~. ~::~~~t:::~~Y~~ ~~~:ss~ ,:::~:~:::~:'~:~:Y:::'?:~.~:::::~::~::::::::~:~:~:~:5~.:.:.3.::''::::: :22.~55:?zz.?.;rst.?;tt.vzt.f~:;~5 C:~~~:.~5.:~:~:~:~:~::3 2:ro~iii:f~s:S~:~:8Si.~SZ.~:;:~:5~:~~':,~:~~~ ~~~::?.?..'~~i r.s..5~;n'z..-tr:~::::1::50:?:::::::wui;l~~:o:s?~?~sss:tss~:::ss5~~s:~s?,,.?1,3? :ss~i~:s: :i? .~::::::~:~::'?:'?~:s:;~:,:,,: ?.?x:::::~:::::.:Z.?.~..~,?.?.?.:.??5~:~:?r~:~:~:::~:~S2S~:, ~~?f~f:~~; :22i~. ??????~~~:ss~?~. r?::::~:~.::::~:~::~:~:?5?:::.~?~?~s~:~~~:::~::~:~:~:~::::~::::~:::::::::;:?1 i~lg~s~:~~ ~s~:~s~S~~~E: 8~i~:::~?2?~?:8~:~:~83.~:~~~y~~~~~:3 .a::::::::~:~:~:,,,..?r,:~:~:n~:~:~:~:~~s?~~s.;~:~ .;j:Y::::::::sW;::~.~::::::::::~:~::::: ;.ssrzzzz.-.?::S~:':?f~~6:::::ss::,::~:~:~$:~:?:s?.t~s?:~s? 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