Spring 2017 l Volume 56 The RADCO CompaniesHigh Desert Report An economic overview of the High Desert region affiliated with The Bradco Companies, a commercial real estate group Having begun our First, I wish to welcome our current, nities that life has to offer. first edition of the future, and long-standing subscribers I would like to welcome and thank many Bradco High Desert and sponsors of the 56th Edition of The of our article suppliers who continuous- Report in May of Bradco High Desert Report, the first ly support our efforts to prompt the High 1993, how could we and only full economic overview of the Desert region. We are extremely excited ever have thought High Desert region, covering the North- to introduce Ontario International Air- that in 2017 we ern portion of San Bernardino County port Authority, an article by Mr. Daniel would be preparing and,most specifically, the Cities of Ad- Adamus, MPA and Chief Marketing Of- for the 56th Edition elanto, Barstow, Hesperia, Victorville, ficer of this truly exceptional economic of this publication? and the Town of Apple Valley. asset located in Ontario, California. Inside This Issue For those who continuously inquire into If you have never flown in or out of On- the medical condition of our original ed- tario, I strongly urge you to do so. Now “flyOntario” - Under Local Control and Look- itor, Dr. Alfred Gobar, he continues “to the airport is controlled by a local entity, ing to Grow .................................................2 beat cancer,” continues to work with his and I believe that reading this article Caltrans Continues Work in the doctors in maintaining his lifestyle in will be very exciting to everyone who High Desert ................................................5 retirement, and spending all day doing Looking Forward as We Set Priorities for The has any understanding of the long battle Future ..........................................................5 “stock trading.” We talk to Dr. Gobar it took to gain that control. Caltrans Achieves Major Milestones ...............5 frequently, and we strongly encourage Cadiz Water Project: Conservation and those who wish to reach out to him to Not only do we wish to welcome Ontar- Sustainable Management ..............................7 send an email at: [email protected] io as a continued contributing member Poiriez Carries on MDAQMD’s Business- of the nearly 140 article suppliers that Responsive Legacy .......................................8 While the economy continues to im- New San Bernardino County Transportation we can rely on to write articles, I wish to prove within the High Desert region, we welcome the Executive Staff, including Authority ......................................................9 are increasingly busy on the leasing and Inland Empire Small Business Development their CEO Mr. Kelly Fredericks. Con- Center ..............................................................10 selling side of commercial, industrial, gratulations to the Ontario City Council We Have a Real Opportunity to Move a Pro- office, and land within our region. I do and the San Bernardino County Board Growth Agenda ........................................11 apologize that we have gone nearly ten of Supervisors, and all of the Elected Focus Should Be on State’s Economy, Not (10) months since the last edition of our Taxes ..........................................................12 Officials and Private Sector Leaders Meeting the Demands of the 21st Century last publication. who pushed so hard for the control of Workforce for all Students ......................13 Family issues and a battle with prostate this new asset. High Desert Opportunity Announces 2017 Event Plans ...............................................15 cancer have taught me a greater appre- With a special note, First District Su- Update from Jay Obernolte’s First Term ......... 16 ciation for life, my family and friends, pervisor Robert A. Lovingood has now Energy Disclosure in California has a Bumpy and those who we interact with on a dai- Road ..........................................................17 become Chairman of the County of San ly basis. On a sad note, during the last Bernardino, the largest-sized county in Upper Narrows Emergency Pipeline .............19 ten (10) months, we have lost some ad- Victor Valley Transit Authority ..........................20 the lower forty-eight (48) states. It is not Easy to Lead, Hard to Govern .............................20 ditional great friends in the High Desert often that the First District has such a A Libertarian Approach to Reglatory Reform region that include the following: leadership role, and we congratulate Mr. in California .............................................22 Over-Regulation Slows Growth Mr. Ernest Scott, Ms. JoAnn Kroencke, Lovingood and his staff for what they in High Desert ..........................................25 Ms. Jeannie A. Kramer, Ms. Evelyn B. do in making the High Desert region a It’s Time for Action on Failing Roadways .....26 Betterly, Mr. Kenneth Adams, Ms. Car- better place to live, work, and play. Launch of First Entrepreneurship Center .....27 ol Jean Randall, Mr. Eugene “Gene” W. Browning Automotive Group Announced Included with some of our exciting ar- State-of-the-Art Toyota Dealership ...........28 Gregory, Mr. Michael Matthew Sabicer, ticles is an update for the Cadiz Water Victor Valley College in its 56th Year ............29 Ms. Janice Lynn Olson, Mr. Malvin Project (in the Amboy, Bolo Station Inland Empire Film Services Launched ........30 Lee, Ms. Carol Colene and Mr. Richard (area) of San Bernardino County). We Demographic Clarity for Business .................32 Gene, just to name a few. High Desert Unemployment Rates ...............34 also wish to welcome Mr. Brad Poiriez, City Update I think we all agree we live in a very the newly appointed Executive Director Adelanto ...................................................35 fast-paced society anymore, and from of the Mojave Desert Air Quality Man- Town of Apple Valley ...............................36 time to time it is time to reflect on the agement District. Barstow .....................................................37 Hesperia ....................................................38 importance of our family, our friends, We have always been very appreciative Victorville .................................................39 our relationships, and the great opportu- continued on page 33 The Bradco High Desert Report 760.951.5111 • Fax: 760.951.5113 • www.TheBradcoCompanies.com • email: [email protected] 2 High Desert Report An economic overview “flyOntario” – Under Local Control and Looking to Grow By Daniel Adamus, MBA Chief Marketing Officer manner. To that end, the Ontario Inter- include two sitting Ontario City Council national Airport Authority was created Members (Alan Wapner and Jim Bow- on August 21, 2012, via a Joint Exercise man) and two commissioners selected of Powers Agreement between the City as members of the business community of Ontario and the County of San Ber- within the airport’s market service area nardino. Alan Wapner, President of the (Lucy Dunn and Ron Loveridge). The OIAA Board of Commissioners, was fifth commissioner is Curt Hagman, the actively involved in the effort to return sitting San Bernardino County Supervi- Ontario, CA – On November 1, 2016, the airport to local control and believed sor representing the District in which ownership of the Ontario International an independent Authority would offer the airport is located. the best possible operational structure. Airport (ONT) was transferred to the Wapner said the board of commission- Ontario International Airport Authority “We created the Ontario International ers is tasked with developing policy, (OIAA) from Los Angeles World Air- Airport Authority to be an autonomous and they hired Fredericks, a seasoned ports (LAWA, which is also the parent public entity, separate, apart and inde- and nationally acclaimed airport ex- company of LAX). When the transfer pendent from the City of Ontario and ecutive, to serve as the Authority’s first of airport was officially commemorated the County of San Bernardino. The CEO. “We as a board were very im- in a formal ceremony the following day, OIAA was designed to own and operate pressed with Kelly, his background and FAA Administrator (and Riverside, CA, all ONT assets when the airport was re- his achievements in the industry. We native) Michael Huerta challenged the turned to local control,” Wapner said. brought him in to lead the Authority in new owners to seize this unique oppor- March of last year, and he has already tunity. “In the development of its mission, the made great strides to build his senior OIAA was tasked to operate and grow “He compared us to the dog that actu- staff and to complete the airport transfer the Ontario International Airport as one process with LAWA,in compliance with ally caught the car,” said OIAA CEO of the most competitive, efficient, inno- Kelly Fredericks. “Lots of dogs chase all regulatory requirements and with the vative and customer-friendly passenger, approval of the FAA,” he said. cars, but I don’t think any actually catch cargo and business airports in the Unit- them. What Administrator Huerta was ed States,” Wapner said. “We believed “Some may say that was the easy part,” telling us was that the region wanted the this to be the case then, and I believe it Wapner added. “Now that we have the airport under local control and now you to be more
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