2*5 SUES BUS COMPANY FOM $$0,000 IN BRUTAL ATTACK IF IT'S -NEWS- I irs m ,«**" THE ARGUS VOL. 1 — NO. 42 EVANSVILLE, INDIANA, SATURDAY, APRIL 9, 1939 PRICE FIVE CENTS Ministers To Observe First Year General! Mayoralty Voting Starts Today Of Service At Mt. Zion Church Celebration to be Held April Local Branch Joins Fight To GIRL'S WEEK TO BE Four Candidates Entered In Big 10 to 16 LIBERTY SUPT. OBSERVED BY A.G.W. The Mt. Zion Baptist Church WINS CONTEST News jg Contest For Bronze Mayor congregation, choir and friends The Sunday School Superin­ Provide Jobs For Workers State Organizer Welcomes Evans­ will observe the week of April tendent's popularity contest ville Clubs to State Associa­ FOUR CANDD3ATES ENTERED 10th to 16th as Pastor's First An­ closed last Monday night with a Flashes By -a majority vote, the local turn the community and consum­ tion; Girl's Week to Be Ob­ IN CONTEST WHICH CLOSES niversary Week. This week will program at the McFarland Bap­ branch of the National Association er a share of the sales returns served by Association -^T-T* MAY 5; BALLOTS APPEAR climax twelve continuous weeks tist Church. The program con­ for the Advancement of Colored by employing colored clerks. It IN THIS ISSUE People, under the very capable of religious and civic service to sisted of two numbers from OHIO MINISTER CALLED is a known fact that the Evansville Association of Col­ presidency of Rev. M. R. Dixon, the members of Mt. Zion Bap­ each Sunday School represented TO EVANSVDLLE number of our youths whhohave ored Women has connected with Starting with today's Issue, Jr., voted to join in the Argus tist Church and the city of Evans­ in the contest. Miss Roberta The Rev. M. S. McCauley Sr., attended school can serve in the the Indiana Association of Col­ April 8, ballots for voting in Job Seeking Crusade, a move­ ville as a whole, by Rev. John­ Martin, Chicago, 111., a singer of of Cleveland, Ohio, and one of capacity of clerks and butchers ored Women which automatically the general election for the May­ 1 ment on foot to raise the indus­ or of Derbyville contest will ap­ son. Rev. Johnson's program is great note, also rendered some the leading members of the pre­ as efficiently as any members of makes them members of the Na­ J r trial standard of the colored pear in issues of the paper up one of interest to all members numbers. i "* late of that Ohio city has been the other group. tional Association of Colored youth. This vote as cast at the to and including April 29. The of his chosen, it is a program of Miss Alberta McFarland, rep­ called to the pastorate of Har­ Method Of Approach Women. Mrs. Bessie King, secre­ regular monthly meeting held at ballot carries the names of four a practical nature—one de- resenting Liberty Baptist Church rison's Chappett Cumberland There will be a utilization of tary of the Evansville Associa­ the Community Center, Sunday candidates: James Denwiddie, esigned to aid the public in a Sunday School, won the contest. Presbyterian Church. He will every possible means of negotiat­ tion, recently received a letter April 1, at which time a great Robert Anglin, Dr. E. M. Baylor spiritual, financial and physical Wiss McFarland reported $30.00. deliver his first sermon Sunday ing for employment of colored from Mrs. Ruth Browder, state number of citizens were in at­ and Clarence Goto. These four way. Since coming to Mount Zion Missi Priestly, representing Mc- April 9th, at 11 a. m. The EV­ clerks. A practical intelligent ap­ organizer of Indianapolis, wel­ tendance at the meeting. persons received the highest he has aided the church from F.artand, $25.00, an# Mr. G. W. ANSVILLE PUBLIC IS INVIT­ proach towards the employment coming the many clubs of the Purpose of Crusade number-«f votes in the primary all of the above named stand­ Temple, reported $15.C0. All con­ ED TO ATTEND THIS SER­ of well trained clerks will be city to the state association. The points and under his very cap­ This job seeking crusade start­ mapped out and placed in the present clubs now members of contest which closed last week. testants wish to thank their co­ VICE. The, Rev. McCauley is The person receiving the highest able leadership the church bids ed several weeks ago for the next issue of the paper. A real­ the Evansville Association are the workers and friends fpr their known as a pulpit orator. number of votes by April 30th, fair to establish itself as one of purpose of raising the industrial istic -appeal to the business man Evansville Association of College support in this contest. Frank Wolf, clerk. will be crowned Mayor of Derby­ the leading churches in the city. standards of Colored Youth of whereby the ability and efficien­ Women, The Phyllis Wheatley $ # # Evansville by making it possible ville, and he will be given a Rev. Johnson is also president cy of the colored cleric will be Association, The Day Nursery trip to the Kentucky Derby in for our youth to work as clerks of the Baptist Ministerial Al­ CARD OF THANKS recognized regardless of race, will Association and the Mother's Louisville, Kentucky- Saturday DIXON'S MUSIC in the ipany stores of the Lincoln liance and is -moderator of the I wish to express my thanks be strictly adhered to. Council of the Bud Billikens. May 6 as guest of the Evansville Ohio District Convention of the STUDIO OPENS to the many friends who sup­ avenue area. A superficial study AH Clubs Invited To Join The Phyllis Wheatley Associa­ •j|^"3M3S^iBDIE' Argus. The Mayor will Be crown­ Mt. Olive State Baptist Associa­ ported me to the primary elec- has been made by the Argus and An appeal goes, out to the many tion made final and definite plans Above may be seen two poses ed at a Grand Vrofo"ry^affFriT tion, flis very talented wife is tion campaign. I am now so­ ft hks been- .feund fhat the*"G&l* dubs of the cfty^especialiy those for the celebration of Girl's Week day evening May IPi te a helpmate to him, being •aftrMrne. E. Lett Dixon in her liciting your support hi the Gen­ oreoi clientele of the many busi- that are constantly working to music studio recently opened at by the Evansville Association of a gospel singer, lecturer and; a eral Election which starts today nessTiouses in this area comprise improve our community and ad­ 507 E. Walnut street. This beau­ Colored Girls, at the regular meet­ INSTRUCTIONS FOR VOTING scholar. and ends May 5, 1939.' If elect­ the majority of the business- or vance racial standards. The Es-» tiful and well-equipped studio ing of the organization Mon. eve­ The following churches will ed to the post of Mayor of Der­ approximately 55 to 89 per cent, quire Club, under the leader­ ning at the clubhouse. The joy­ On the ballot, found on an­ stands as a huge tribute to the according to the neighborhood take part in the week's program: cultured side of the Evansville byville, I will do all in my pow­ ship of Robert Lambert, was the ous jamboree will be held on other page in this issue, appear Monday night, Rev. V. L. Mc­ er to serve the Evansville pub­ and type of business. It is only first club of the city to join in Wednesday evening May 17 at the names of the four men listed public. The studio maintains a fair that such business, should re­ Farland and choir; Tuesday staff of qualified instructors lic in the best possible way. this great movement. the Lincoln auditorium. At this above. These men are the can­ night, United Brotherhood; Wed­ headed by Mme. E. Lett Dixon. James L. Denwiddie. time the mothers and daughters didates and a small space appears beside their names on the ballot, nesday night, Rev. G. L. Cook­ The names of all students regis­ * * * will congregate and play games sey and choir; Thursday night, and enjoy luncheon. A prize will check your choice and place an tering on or before April 8, will PATD3NTS AT WALKER Rev. J. M. Caldwell and choir; be inscribed on a bronze slab as be given to the girl submitting (X) in the space beside his name ANNEX TELLS OF NEGRO aha deposit this ballot in the bal­ Friday night, Rev. W. M. Ed­ charter members. Read the Ar­ the best jingle about the Nation­ wards and? .choir; Sunday 10:45 gus for further details or call al Association of Colored Girls lot box at Baylor's, King's Bar­ Corena Cross—Providence, Ky. ber Shop or Robert's Furniture a.m., Rev. E. N. Ervan; Sunday, 2-9713. Gladys Bell—Wheatcroft, Ky. and another prize will be given. 3 p.m., Rev. J. W. Hoover1 and to the girl making the more im­ Co., or mail the ballot to the of­ Bertha Gibson—City. 'EINSTEIN'AND fices of the EVANSVILLE AR­ choir. Minister in charge of ser­ pressive display of talent on the Clara Leavell—City. Pfe GUS, 609 S. Elliott street vices, Rev. E. N. Ervan. Haitian Air Ace.. Oscar Vass—406 Sumner St. stage. The menu for the jam­ CollinsJ Brown—Earhngton, Ky. boree will be a simple one of Marries Texas Heiress John Mimms—High St., City. NEGRO'EDISON' potato salad, crackers, tea and CLARENCE GOIN Resume Classes At NEW YORK, (ANP) — New Marshall Evans—Sturgis, Ky.
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