'~'~naIi, ·20th 'January, 1972 (Pausa 30, 1893) II .OFFICIAL GOVERNMENT "OF GOA, D £teation, will under clause GOVERNMENT OF GOA, DAMAN said Act, be disregarxIed tion for such parts of AND DIU acqUired. 3. If the Government is Revenue Department needed for the aforesaid under Section 6 of the Government Gazette, in due eourse. ff Notification' abandoned wholly or !in part, he f3Jct will No. RlD/LIQN/260/71 4. The Government is pleased to clause (c) of Bection 3 of the said Act the WheI1eas lilt aippears .to the ,AppropI1iate Government (here­ Souith Sub-[)wision, Margao perform the u;after referred ,to cas -«the Government») that the rrand spe­ Collector under the said Act. respect of the cified in the 'Schedule hereto (hereinafter referred to as the 5. The Government. is also to authodse «said land», is likely to be n~eded for public purpose viz. -section l 2) of Section 4 of satd Act, the IVll'UV"Hl Bari F8Jt'oIipa-QuWtal-fCanag1l'intim road. cers to do the acts, specified: therein in respect of Therefore the Government 1s pleased to notify under sub­ land. -'secbilon(l) of Section 4 of the Larriu Acqwi:Sitdon Act, 1894 1. The Conector of Goa, anaji. (hereinaf.ter referred to as the «said AICl»), that the saio land is likely to be needed for the purpose specified above. ~. The .Deputy Oollector, South Sub-Dh/islon, 3. The Super1inteneJii,ng l1illg.ineer, Oircle II, 2. All persons linterested in the said land are hereby warned Panaj-i. not 'bo· obstruct, or interfere with, any surveyor or other per­ sons employed IUIpon thesaJid land for the purpose of the sa;id 4. The Executive Engjneel', V\!. Div., VI, Margao. acquisition. Any contracts for. the disposal of the said land by sale, 'lease, mortgage, assLgnment, 'ex:cliange or otherwise, 6. A rough plan of the ,said land is available for inspec· or any outlay commenced or improvements made thereon tion, in the off.ice of the Deputy Collector, South Sub·DivisiDll, without the sanction of the Collector, appointed :in para­ Margao, fior a period of 30 days from the date of publication graph 4 below, after the date of the publication of this Noti- of this Notifiication m the Government Gazette. SiCHEIDULE (IDescl'iptdon of the 'SllJid land) Taltika Village Plot No.! Name of the person believed to be ·interested Survey No. 1 2 3 4 Quepem Bali 1 Ctisna Folo Dessai and others of BaJ:i-Moth.. 7'91~65 (2 : -Heirs of Sonum Sinai Audi of Prunaji, Balsu Vithal Folo 967.7l5 DessaJi and Prabhakar Folo D~sai 6f Bati·Moth. 3 , Venktesh Sinai Audl of Bali-Moth. 47.50 4 Rama J'lva FoloDessaf of Ba~i. 1807.00 \) Rama Jiva Folo Dessai of Bali. 579.60 6 Ganesh Putu Folo Dessai of Bali. 204.75 7 Uttoma Ganba Folo Dessai of BaJ:i. 2U.50 8 Rama Jiva Folo Dassai of Bali. 272.50 9 Ganel!ili ·Putu Folo DessaJi of Bali. 261.35 10 He:irs of Jaiwant Timum Vornakar of Cuncolim. 1006.00 ];1 Rama Jiva Folo DeSSaJi of Bali. 100.00 • 12 Heirs of Jaiwant Timum Vornakar of CUincolirn. 338.00 \13 Tiviqona Vishnu Vaidya of Cuncollim. 162.00 14 -do- 58!H:lO Quepem Fatorpa 15 Devllippa Shabs. Naik Dessall of Fatorpa. 586.00 16 Heirs of Jaiwant ,Timum Vornakrur of CUllcolim. lJ89.oo 17 uttoma Shiuram Folo Dessai of Fator:pa. 266.50 • 18 Rajarama Ganashama Vornakar of Fato11pa. 577.25 19 Uttoma Shiurama Folo DelSSa:i of Fatorpa~ 134.75 20 Heirs of :Narsinva Pai Vaidya of CuncoHm~ 168.00 2LA Heirs of :Narsinva Pai Vaidya of Cuncolim~ 835.00 No 1 2 3 4 5 ----------------------------_.__ ._------_ .. _. Quepei:n Fatorpa 211 Devappa Shaba Naik Dessai of Fatorpa. B6.0D 22 Shankar Soiru Naik Dessai of BaH.. 13.CO 23 Shankar Soiru Naik Dessai of Bal'i. 7S.CO 24 Ganesh Audu Naik Dessai of Fatorpa. I5.en 25 -00- 59.GO 26 Devappa Shaba Naik Dessai of Fatorpa. 58.00 ,27 Devappa Shaba Naik Dessai of l?atorpa. 145.00 28 GaneSh Audu Naik Dessai of Fatorpa. 202.hO 129 -do- 30 Devappa Shaba Naik Dessai & Pondori Shaba Dessai. 220.5() 23.00 31 Devappa Shaba Naik Dessai & Pondori Shaba ik Dessai 176. of Fatorpa. 32 Devappa Shaba Naik Dessai of Fatorpa. 33 Devappa Shaba Naik Dessai & Pondori ShabaN'llk Dessai of Fatorpa. 34 Bernardo Martins of Velim-Baga. S5 -do- 168,00 36 Saud€! Coutinho of Cuncolim. 1,5750 37 -do- 8000 3s Bernardo Martins of Velim-Baga. 30000 89 Curch of Fatorpa. 96,00 -40. Bernardo Martins of Velim-Baga. 100,00 iil Henrique Fernandes of Fatorpa. .200.00 42 -do- 102.00 43 Heirs of Rama Pat Palondicar of Margao. 164.00 44 Rosario Fernandes of Fatorpa. <51.00 45 Heirs of Rama Pai Palondicar of Margao. l3u.00 46 Saude Coutinho of Cuncolim. 357.0(} 41- -00- 240.00 48 Bernardo Martins of Velim-Baga. 471.00 49 -do- 455.00 00 Heirs of Rama Pai Palondicar of Marga-a. 3'2:3.:215 51 Comunidade of Fatorpa. 56.14 ..85 I5i2 Shri God Bamcho Puresh of Fatorpa. 322.00 53 Raghoba Dessai of Cuncolim. 454.00 64 Pundol1J,t .Naik of Margao. 713.85 6:5 Queshova Rama Vonakar 0(, Horna, Fatorpa. 1393.25 56 -do- l07u.a5 57 Nanum V. Camotim Mamaim of Panaji. 48.00 58 Saude cCoutinho of Cuncolim. 1572.00 5'9 -do- 435.75 60 Siuram Dessai of Fatorpa. 471.75 61 Siurani. [)essaJi of Fatoiipa. 103.'50 62 Indiano Colaco. 409.75 63 -do- 462.75 64 ThdcramFatarpakar of Frutorpa. 75.25 65 He>Lrs' of·Nal'aiina IP8JLca iNailm Dessai of F'at'oYlpa. 946.50 66 -do- 59g.50 67 o 'ShasMk:aIllt Fator.pekar .. "df Fatorpa. 476.8'5 168 -do~ 552.00 69 Comu.nd3.de: o'fFatorpa.. 4~l'64.75 .7{) -do- (483.50 71 Heirs' ,of ~Nar8!inalPaJjocaNaiik [)eSlSali of Fatorpa. 1320.00 72 Comundade of FatoTlpa. 4296.10 73 -00- 1122.90 714 Co:munklade of QU'i'tol. 4'528.75 75 ·-do- 1607.50 $OTHJ.A~UARY, 1972 (PAUSA 30, 1893) 1 2 3 4 Quepem Fatorpa 76 iPaooal'li DessaJi, Esso Dess&i & Janum Descni of QUitol. 77 -do- 7,8 i[(anta iBicu Na:ik ness,a.i & Ananta B. Naik 79 -do- 80 l'efOI'tu PUitu N&ik IDessali 'Of Quito1. 8.1 Kushali H. iRauto Dessa!i of Qu-itol. 82 Esso Babu Naik Dessa;i of Quiito'l. 83 IDsso Babu Naik [)essaJi of Quittol. 84 Comufridade of QtI'itol. 85 ComuIl!idade 'Of QUi'toL 86 Ess'o Bahu Na1k DessaJi of Qutto.J. 87 ESS'O Babu N aik Dessa:i of Qu~to1. 88 Oomun1idade of Qu1itdl. 89 IOomufriJdade of QUito!. 00 Comunidade QIf Naquerim. By ,order and in the frame ()If !\:he Lt. lGovernOl'/Adwlinltsi.ra'bor oi Goa, 'Daman and Diu. P.B. Bhatnagar, Secretary ,(!Rievenue)~ lPan~ji, 17lth January, 1~7:2. ••• . Otfice of the Chief Electoral Officer Local Self Department ~iotIt; lhon Notification No. 1-106-70-LSG Read: Government Nottification No. 1-106-70-LSG dater! No; 4-4~71!Elec. 2e-9-11971. The following Notification No. 56-71-XXIV dated In supemession of the Government Notification quoted 31-12-1971 issued by the Election Commission of India, above ,and consequoot upon the transfer of ShriS. K. Berry, New Delhi, is hereby republished for general information. Ex-Captalin of Ports, Shri B. Mehrotra, Captain of Ports, Panaji is apPOinted with effect from the date he has taken B. M. MaSurkar, Ch:ief Electoral Ojficer. overcharge of the post of Captain of Ports, as Member-Se­ Panajli, 13th· January, ,19712 .. cretary of the Commirttee co.rustituted under Government iNo­ tif,ication No. 1":106-70-LSG dated 27-4-19'71 for the study of the problems cre3ited by the silting of mvers as a result of the exploration of ore in Goa and the means to solve them as well as to recommend suitable s1tes which could serve as Election Commission of India dumping grounds: of mining residUeS'. By ol'der and in the name of the Administrator of Goa, New Delhi, Daman and 'Diu. Dated the 31st December, 1971 F. A.Figueiredo, Under Secretary (Revenue). Panaji, 7th January, ,1972. Pausa 10, 1893 (Baka) Notification (56-71-XXIV) Food and Civil Supplies Depal'tment In pursuance of paragraph 17 of the Election Symbols (Reservation and Allotment) Order, 1968, the Election Com­ mi:ssion hereby makes the .Ifollowing amendment in its noti­ No. 13-i27-71-FCS (lI:D/N) fiCation No. 56/71-IT,dated the 25th January, 1971, published in an extraordinary issue of the' Gazel1te Of India, .Part IT Shri Jabbarkhan Jahagirdar, a candidate recommended section '31(1lli), dlalted !the 27th January, 1:97;1, namely:- by.the Un'i.on PubUe Service CornmilssiOTI lis her'eby tempo­ ranly aPPo'lillted to the pOSit of Assisltant L'e!chlrer lin Me,cha­ In Table i, under the columns 'National Parties' and niica! Engmeel'ling in the Government Polyt'echnic, Pal1laji with 'Reserved Symbols', for the exi:sting ~ntry 1, the following effect from 26-11-1971 in the scale of RS!. 3"/5-25-500-30-590- shall be substiltuted: - • -EB-3rO~650 plus the usual allowances a{\imissible from time to time. "I. Indian N8Jtional Congress Calf and Cow 2. His initi:al pay shall be flixed according to rules as per 2.
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