H t i Oi C, THE i '! ROYAL 'c: ENGINEERS M; JOURNAL Vol. LXXII JUNE 1958 No. 2 CONTENTS The Royal Engineers and British Columbia . Major D. Veitch 106 Future Trends for Field Engineers . Lieut.-Colonel D. J. Willison 118 The Non-Destructive Military Application of Nuclear Energy ni P. F. AylwiFoster Captain P. F. Aylwin-Foster 125 Sputniks, Moon Rockets and Martians . Major J. Ewart 153 Sappers in the Infantry Role . Major D. L. G. Begbie 166 Desantniki . Perevodchik 170 Thirty Days . Major J. D. Townsend-Rose 176 Major-General Charles George Gordon, .B . 186 Soldiers' Schools . Colonel J. M. Lambert 190 Two Hundred Years of Banking for the Armed Forces . 196 Memoirs, Book Reviews, Technical Notes . 199 PUBLI5 'RS INSTITUTION OF RE OFFICE COPY All corn DO NOT REMOVE AGE *@.@ 4 0 Specialised Postal Coaching for the Army PROMOTION AND STAFF COLLEGE ENTRANCE EXAMINATIONS Adequate Examination Practice-Complete Model Answers to all Tests-Expert Guidance by experienced Army Tutors-Authoritative Study Notes-All Tuition conducted through the medium of the Post-Air Mail to Officers Overseas-- Guarantee of Coaching until Successful-Moderate fees payable by instalments * * * INTENSIVE COMMERCIAL TRAINING IFOR EMPLOYMENT ON RETIREMENT Vrite today for particulars andlor advice, stating xamination or civilian career in which interested, to Cihe Secretary, (M12), Metropolitan College, St. Albans ~BF'~DF~c3 313 V.;.G * E E \ ORS , ^Gats nd ESS \S ADVERTISEMENTS i TROLLOPE & COLI.S (ESTABLISHED 1778) Contractors for the Construction of Route 11 and Underground Car Park for the Corporation of London -- ,,A ^ .. * Designed by City Engineer, MR. F. J. FORTY, O.B.E., B.Sc., M.I.C.E. TROCOLL HOUSE, 1 NOBLE ST., GRESHAM ST., E.C.2 Tel. Number MONarch 3000 ii ADVERTISEMENTS VIKING JOHNSON FLEXIBLE COUPLINGS for plain ended pipes, 6° of flexi- bility on sizes up to 24 in. dia- meter. Fitted by unskilled labour. When laid, competitive in price with lead and yarn joints. VICTAU LIC FLEXIBLE JOINTS for Service pipelines are ideal for emergency purposes. The stan- dard bolted joint can be fitted by unskilled labour in under two minutes per joint. THE VICTAULIC TOGGLE JOINT 1 without nuts and bolts, is easily fastened mechanically, in a few seconds. The War Office, India Stores Department and High Commissioner for Pakistan have standardized Victaulic Joints for mobiliza- tion work. Copy of our Victaulic Catalogue will be sent on request. THE VICTAULIC COMPANY LIMITED Manufacturers of Victaulic Joints and Viking Johnson Couplings Registered Trade Marks 'VICTAULIC' and ' VKING '. Brook House, Park Lane, W.I ADVERTISEMENTS iii111 Part of the steel framed structure supplied to British Nylon Spinners (Australia)Pty. Ltd.for their new factory at Melbourne. BRAITHWAITE & CO. ENGINEERS LIMITED BRIDGE AND CONSTRUCTIONAL ENGINEERS LONDON OFFICE: DORLAND HOUSE REGENT ST LONDON SWI · TEL: WIIITEHIALL 3993 iv ADVERTISEMENTS occasion -faultless hats made to suit you personally, with the same distinctive ~4 correctness that is observed i, the making ofall regitnental headgear. Also available are impeccable C . accessories includitng regimental and club ties. 38 New Bond St., London W.i. '4~ Mayfair 0784 i - Weekdays 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. i, (Thursdays 6.30 p.m.) Saturdays 9 a.m.- I p.m. 40a London Rd., Camberley (Wednesday afternoons only) ' 1 y ? < t4? 14 ;14 Widely Known THROUGHOUT THE SERVICES Hawkes have supplied Service uniform and equipment for nearly two hundred years. But they are equally well known as civilian tailors, modern in their methods, while traditional in their spirit. Hawkes' Department for Immediate Wear is the natural resort of men who wish to maintain the Savile Row standard without undue strain on their pocket. * LOUNGE SUITS FROM £22 * OVERCOATS FROM £21 * SPORTS JACKETS FROM £12/12/- ALL UNIFORMS AND SERVICE EQUIPMENT SUPPLIED For Bespoke Tailoring, patterns and prices will be gladly supplied on request HAWKES of SAVILE ROW 1 SAVILE ROW, W.1 Telephone: REGent 0186 OPEN SATURDAYS 9 to I and at 12a LONDON RD., CAMBERLEY, SURREY ADVERTISEMENTS v PILE Preferred by con- structional engin- eers for their unchanging sup- remacy, Stent Pre- cast Concrete Piles have proved their PRESTRESSED PILES (illustrated above) qualities wherever offer advantages of smaller scantlings, greater lengths and easier handling. Stent Prestressed used. To the ever- Piles have already attained a high standard of popular Stent efficiency. Standard Rein- STANDARD REINFORCED PILES (illus. trated below) Stent H I Piles maintain their forced Piles and long proven popularity, they are reliable, Prestressed Piles economic and readily available. Stock sizes 12 x 12 in. in lengths 15-40 ft. 14 x 14in. in lengths 15-55 ft. All Piles are available for Immediate Delivery FULLERDETAILS ON REQUEST STENT-SYKES PRESTRESSED HOLLOW PI LES Easier to handle and cheaper to transportl These new type piles ^ are longer than solid piles at the same weight, permitting a considerable increase in working load. Prestressed and sectional and incorporating four basic units, this important introduction ensures quick assembly to any required length according to ground conditions. STENT PRECAST CONCRETE LIMITED Head Office & Works: Dagenham Dock, Essex. -Tel. Dominion 0971 (4 lines) Sales Office: I Victoria Street, London, S.W.I. - - Tel. Abbey 2573 HOPE'S WINDOWS ARE HOT-DIP GALVANIZED Send for List No. 294 entitled "The Dover HarbourExperiments" HENRY HOPE &SONS LTD Smethwick, Birmingham & 1 7 Berners St., London, F. I a ~'l wwv y'w W~Y ' ' V 'V'V'VY'' V m ,WW W v W v v v v v W v v W v v v v v v 'W 'q vi ADVERTISEMENTS G. PERCY TRENTHAM LIMITED BUILDING AND CIVIL ENGINEERING CONTRACTORS BIRMINGHAM IREADING LONDON GLOIJCESTER STOKE-ON-TRENT CARDIFF WOOD LANE BROMFORD BIRMINGHAM Erdlngton 2491 PANGBOURNE READING BERKS Pangbourne 411 NEW ROAD RAINHAM ESSEX Rainham 2902 UPTON LANE BARNWOOD GLOUCESTER Gloucester 66172 PARK HALL LONGTON STOKE-ON-TRENT Longton 39147 TRINITY HOUSE EAST CANAL WHARF, DOCKS, CARDIFF Cardiff 30256 ADVERTISEMENTS vii . ... .... .............. .............. .... ........... ............... 1........ ... ........... 1...... :; One hundred and fifty thousand tons of rock , /i -, and heavy clay-practically the combined . I- tonnages of the Queen Mary and Queen Elizabeth :z- liners-have been moved to clear the way for "" the Central Electricity Generating Board's massive Hinkley Point atomic power station. Front this 600,000 sq. j f. x It is on this 25-acre site that Caterpillar - Glasgow factory, due jfor "' earthmoving equipment has taken part in an completion this July, Cat,erpillar D8's with their depenafable earthmoving operation which took just engines will soon be rolli"ng three months to complete. Construction of this, off the line - available for the largest nuclear power station in the : sterling - to give new impetus to nany new world, is now under way at Hinkley Point where British projects. Available for up to two and a half thousand men will be sterling now are Lowboiiwl --- working on the project for the next five years. Scrapers manufacturer'dfor Cat track-type and rubber.-tyred The power station is being built by the tractors at Caterpillar's English Electric-Babcock and Wilcox-Taylor Newcastle plant, plis the complete bulltozer range.;See Z1 Woodrow atomic power group. Wherever '= yorJ Caterpillardealer "; man harnesses the science of today to the needs for full details. of tomorrow you will see the big yellow ..!i Cats in the forefront of every formidable task. :" ,iii~i?!:???:??::?::i?::-:i ""'"'" CATERPi LLAR* * Caterpilarand Cat are Registered Trade AMarksof Caterillar Tracor Co Two Caterpillar DW21 Tractors 0 co::t^l^ 1 "oEo0- "" with No. 470 Scrapers working on \ur the main seafront excavation at Hinkley Point, Somerset. r;i iL* ,j ; n |'r ' 1:; TRACTORS ' EARTHMOVING EQUIPMENT CATERPILLAR TRACTOR CO. LTD Registered User of Trade Afarks Caterpillar and Cat GLASGOW * LEICESTER * NEWCASTLE * LONDON viii ADVERTISEMENTS Financial Security (During and after an Officer's Regular Service in the Army) By COLONEL HAROLD B. FINCH (Retd.) The Problem The Afethod During one's career, it is usual The first thing to do is to decide how much you can reasonably to find that one's pay is barely afford per month and then consult an Insurance Broker telling sufficient to meet one's require- him your date of birth and what you can afford. For the small ments, and although pay is in- amount that you can put aside by "pulling in the belt" it is creased with promotion, ex- possible, if you seek expert advice from a well-known and penses usually grow more reliable Insurance Broker, to protect yourself by means of rapidly and exceed that increase Assurance and Insurance. as time goes on. Financial hard- Thus, if for instance you are so unfortunate as to lose all your ship (which is certain to happen kit while travelling abroad, or if through some misfortune you some time during thirty or thirty- become injured as a result of an accident and are consequently five years of service) without a invalided out of the service, or if you should be unfortunately private income is likely to put killed; it is possible to obtain Assurance or Insurance well one into such debt, that recovery within your means to protect yourself, so that at no one time is almost impossible, unless some can such a calamity put you or your family into serious debt special provision has previously and hardship. been made. COLONEL HAROLD B. FINCH (Retd.) (M.C., F.A.I B., A.M.I.Mech.E., F.R.H.S., F.Z.S.) (Fellow of the Association of Insurance Brokers) c/o Harold B. Finch & Company Limited, Revesby, Hutton Road, Ash Vale, nr. Aldershot, Honts. - - Telephone Ash Vale 2252 as soon as possible. LONDON TRANSPORT require CIVIL ENGINEERS for RAILWAY NEW WORKS In connection with Railway New Works and Modernization Schemes there are opportunities on London Transport in the Department of the Chief Civil Engineer for trained Civil Engineers with experience in design work in steel and reinforced concrete, in the preparation of contract documents and drawings, and who have practical experience in the execution of site works.
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