WEDMEStiAY, JUM BtrlM S JbmrbrBtnr. gurofttgBetatt 'Daily CtreahtioR Ths WsRthsr ^ ■■ iS fM s g .U M I aC C. 0. WtotoH ilM namar naatliig o r tho AH BBambera oT the Maachootar far as Myrtls strsst sn tha amlh ' A ttCMIM WM' IM m I Zone Change Brittoli War Votaraas AiudUanr County Club are ramindoH o4 tbe I Firemen Pick jQ ins ^Marines and OmrUi strsst on ths ssst. iit T o w n yMtenlay a t th i l9#rtford Biuraku will bo bald at 7:S0 toalght la tbo oertoa of card parttoi^t^ bseh angsd. at vital Btattotlu. to Loula O. work rooiaa tX the Brlttoh Amor- ing arranged. On Friday n 3 A sk ed ^ a i n ■ T--*-g -- -------- -- loan clnb on Mopto atroot. o’clock, a party will be hmd. Play- Their Officers n it o n at *0 cwawold *tn*t thto era ara re«uaated to arrmige for .■oeM jr tk » H ob ot town, aad Mto« B. M - tablaa for that tbne and anyone fw illEwdhasfer ■ A CUy of ViUagB Charm T S iJ S r ^ B M t thla Iforton Poail, daughbor ot wlablng to have lunch oenred can t h s lu iin g . gor of Hartford. Mr. Mro. Stopboa Poarl, of Woman Wants Ito Bnild ; T:M o’elodi. arrange to have it served by call­ Nos. 1 and 3 o f )South A t ths assM tUns ths Commto- Woodland otroet, a otudoat at Naa- ing tbe club in advance. Apartment House on TOL.LXL. n o . t o . r s e s M ) MANCHESTER, CONN„ THURSDAY, JUNE 4,1942 (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE aoB (Mlogo, Spriagvalo, Halao, End 'S e l^ Leaders for alCB win hoar an appUeatton for a 209 hao boon oloctod troaaunr of bor changs la tha pcssint sons on tha Tba Ladtoa Htoekmary ooelaty The Conung Year. Linden Streiet. Mds sf Itarth Mala stnst FBH Pin e h n n t Genuine Sprinc I clme-; X ; _____ of w"«e»««ai Lutheran church will ths Budilsnd ssetton. TMs to aow Lout ShouMer meet tomorrow afternoon at 3:80. Arthur F. Luhlnake waa re­ Having bean twice rsfUaed a B — «* aad thsy ora srtrtng that U. S. Sailbra at Dutch Harbor ^ « f s I Tbo utUlUoo and oorvleoa o f tbo rrt.an final arrangementa will he permit to attar a ^buUdlag at It hs dmngsd to Sa A si y-i ClvlUaa dofoaM will bo Hager- elected captain o f Hose and Laid- JUMutk l a m b c h o p s made for the annual otmwberry dec Company No. 1 of the South Chestnut and Linden atreeta, a party owaad hy ths Stats on Bpitain’s Boitihers printed toalgtat at 7:S0, alao pn- featlval of the organiaathm. The Manchester Fire Department''at Bom tods of tM strsst Is ths _ V. * Dutch Harbor Quiet CM* two-family house, into,six or four i I'wip ip ijE ,. u^yipiiwiiiiip i y;'-'" i ' a mm - ' 44c lb. clnct, poat or aoctor wordena who bootOhaea will be Hra. Alfred Ct its annual meeting last -bight. psit that to tobs affseted. In ArpU i hava apt alnady bad llngerprinta Anderson. Hra. Htfdlng BoUn. Hra. George Hunt waa re-electSd Ueut- room aphriments, Mrs. Radiel O. an sffort waS mads to havs thto Wen Triuuned Cats of I raada. August Caoperaon and Hra. Au­ I enant and the others cfiBeers chos­ Sergerie, has applied to the Sontng mopsrty aensd as B so dafbnas Hit Bremen Hard; STEWING LAMB, Ib. 18e to 25c gust Oarison. en were: hoes forebian, Clarence Commtoaloa for a change In tba houses could bo sroctod. Ths Oom- A daughtor. Gail waa bom Smith; aaatotant, Frank Robinson; classification from an A to C sou Bitoolon rsfusod to msks tha CombinatkMi Lo o f o r Cheese ^ Ma^r 38 to Hr.r. ap(lapfM mra. ln Cart W. Hembers of the Hancheoter Fire rhtoh would permit the changes. disngo aad changad It from B After Japs’ l^lan^ ladder foreman, Stewart Cordner; Meat L o a t (coM «• ’ ‘P’ I HalleagrOa of Now Hydo^'J^k, Department are requested to meet assistant, Alfred Schiebel; hose Mik. Sergerie purchased the to;A la ths soetton aakod. Raal- Raid biepDe i N. T. Hr. Hanlopgioa f<^iborly Uv- this evening at headquarters at steward, Edward Wtootske; ladder roperty from the Center Congre­ dsnts of that part of tho town order for Friday deUvery on Fredi ed la HanchD e b to r. X ' Hala and Hillard atreats at 7-80. stewa:^ Nick Angelo; secretory, gational church and arranged to wasd tho {dan of orseting 1 Shad, Thuroday, Under the dlreotlon of Chlaf Roy Albert Robinson; treasurer, Herb­ havs the bultdlng converted Into a hioiiaoa thars o f thto typs and arc Hajor /m m ay and Captain Oriawold they wlU got to the fun­ ert Phelon; trustee, Clifford D. six apartment house. The occu­ BOW ssMng that sU ho aoBod as A. Ten Bond>en and Two eral home of Watklna Brothem on Xmeney; delsgate to state conven­ Relaad D. pants have moved out and It Is Attack Naval Bas ' «fc.« — anld out on OM Farms S a m ;^ Meat I Noblo, ewoetad w ltb tba medical *Sni/f Kits* corpa^ tbo aaU-alrci;pn regiment Center street where they will tion in August, WlIUi^ Eagleson; now vacant. The Zoning Board of Missing Aft­ Win hare more of this freshly ground loea^'da thla area, were gueata their respects to the late Hrs. alternate, Hen^ Freiheit; drill Roland D. Pecor, 30, of Han' Appeals twice denied the appUoa- drew Clemaon. cheater. Conn., didn’t wait to be tlon for the rtianges. Her attorney, er N i^t Operationa; at Thursday at the same low price.. » . of tbO Hanebeator Exchange Club master, Frank RoMnsoB. TANKS NEED COAL Aid Telling Second Wave ^ ---------- AMalflMhlA lodA T. jMftk€ ^nLoner in tbo Hotel SbecldaB Joaeph Hoore, who has been “caUed” into aervlce, but enlisted George C. Leasmr, has now asked 4 9 th A n n u a l Less Speed Robert Dodge O’HalltW. form er |traaaurer of the oompany for tbe as' a volunteer in the United that all of the sectloa of linden Shipyards, D o e k a, Over Fails to __ it a lg b t C a p U la N oble baa o n ly A M S * reoeaUy been aent into tbla area. resident here, and apn o f H r. and I past 38 years would not accept re- States Marine Corps. street, from the south aide cf Oen- RaUwaya, S ti^ and Gas Types The attendance p rim , |1 la defenae Hra. Edward 0;MidIey, now of electlMi and Herbert Phelon waa Psoor, now undergoing recruit Do Yo u! Class Leaves Viewed Aid- Bombs and Prol Holyoke, Haaa.x7 «eterday receiv­ selected to take the poaltlan. training at the Leatherneck’s base Plaine 'Plants, Targets. atampa, waa won 1^ Harold Rlch- ed the degTM^ Doctor of Hedl- Engaged in Scot I mopd. Osmpany No. 6 Etoeto at Parris Island, B. C.,'to the son ALKIE OOFBAM . Coal wM hs Baaltoi by tisae clne at (Mumbia University In of Hr. and Hrii. Albert Pecor, 130 (Raown As Qoeoa ARoS) New Tork City. He attended High Headquarters Oompany No. 8 of London, June • .—(ff> — Latest DetAce Deveioped High School To Victory Navy Says; Total! Tba Dorcaa aoclety w ill meet the South Manchester Fire De­ West Center St, Manchester. SPIRITUAL MEDIUM as SU yonr 4 Bsdishes «,,^»...bdi« 5c scho<4^^re. and waa graduated Before enlisting In the Marine Ssvoath Dsaghtar sf a Ssvaath np It S M I .B ritish Ixmbers heavily blast­ To Aid in Tndning age Not Extf 1 tbto evening at eight o’clock at Trinity cfu'bUege, Hartford, in partment also elected offlcera for RoBudne Lettuce Bmaaiial Lutheran church. A the coming year at their meeting Corps, Pecor was employed by Born wnh a VaO. Useto Sam aoeSs year holpt ed Bremen, (brmony's sec­ j c e T T ^ v ........ \ Of Defenae Ciaeaeei Graduate 3 0 6 in Exer- Conaervation o f Tirea Fires Quickly Put dog roaat w ill foUow on tba lawn, last night Joaeph Barrett waa Colt’s Patent Fire Arms m a set' nStoga DaSy, taeladlsg Ban ond fissp o rt, and B ritis h Com- fa lc sb srg x SUMMER SQUASB up man. • A.M .toSP.M . Or By ApMlai- weather perm itting, otherwlae Private, 1st Class, John Baldy- I re-aiecM foreman and other of- SEAMAN COAL GO. mandofi fra itfu D y scouted the Approved hy Ahny, dses in State Theater And GaaoUne DomU. After Initial At JCE •#••••,• 2 pounds 23c fioera riected were: First Aaatotant Bat. la ths Ssrvlos at tho Pan- • . t the cburdL Red Croaa yam - ga, of Main atreet, and Private, pie for M Tsais. Chns. D. WhHchsr, Fwn. Bonlogne-Le Touquet area of JPspysw .. -eo. be available fo r members w ^ la t Class, Howard Wilson, of 111 Foreman, ’Thomas McKinney; sec­ Strange; secretary, Tude Vince; tMftontarSt. MWBI This Morning; Speaker ndnt Chord at Confer^ I to knit daring the oummer ond aastotant^ foreman. James delegate to stats firemen’s conven­ ISO Ohareh Stros Adolf H itie r's French coOstol Naw Tork, Jun* 4— (S) — Washioffton, June use your Ns. 5 Red-Rips Chsrries, lb. 85c Highland street, have been home moatba. from Camp Shelby, Mias., on a IS Finnagan; treasurer. Ward tion, James Schaub. defenses overnight, govern­ “BBlff-kit” to Um latost davie* Urges *Live Yonr Best* ence o f Teamatera, —^The Navy, deacribinf mpoBs tsmorrow.
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