7 DOCONUT Bilsong. ' ED 185 612 ; CS 502 875. AUTHOR 4 Jain, Wemi C.; Ed. TITLE In'tenatiOnal 'and Intercultural Commuriicition °An.nual, Volume V, December,1979, . INSTITUTION Speech Communicition Association, Falls 5)hurch, f Va. .PUB DATE yec /9 NOTE :14Bp. AVAII,ABLE FROM SPeech Communication Association,51.05 East Backlick' 2 Rd., Annandale, VA 22003, (.$7. 50, 101- discount. for SCA members) EDRS PRICtE MF01/PC06' Plus postage. DESCRtPTO'R S *Commu,nication (Thought transfer) ; Communication Prbblems; CrOss Cultural Studies;Cultural Differences; *Cultural Influences;*Cu,ltural .InterrelationshIps; Foreign. Countries.; Inservice 14 Teacher Education:t,Intemction; *Internaeional: Studies; Mass Media; CrianizatianalCommunication: Racial Relations:* 'Research; *re/toileri, Attitudes 7 IDENTItIERS Commt)nication Research; *Intercultural CommunicItion ABSTRACT Designed as a forum for the exchangeof ideas concerning intOrnational and intercultoral colsmunication, this-annual volliine covers a ,ra.riety of topics. Its eightarticles discus's taxonomies for planning 4.ntercultutal communicationfa Systematic: framework for bsnalyzing intercultural communication,cultureand communicatton in the modern JaRanese corporate* organiaation,the .Effects of inservice training on teachers,* at:.itudes toWard cultural diversity, gaze beilav.ior in internacial and intraracial interactions, an analysis of the Puerto Rican political clImpaign of' 1`9140, the pffects of 'cultural factors on mass communication .systems, and,career preparatiori in interc,ultural cssimunitation.The volume also contains A state-of-the-art study +of inercultural communication, reviews of recent lit tature, and a cuMulative irLto articles and'reviews Publishedle the first five vdlumes ofhe "Annual.m (F14 4 lee - i *********4************************ * 1! Repfoductions supplied by !DR! are the best thatcan be lade . * . r * * . f'iom the origina3. dolcument.. e II U S DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. EDUCATION li WELFARE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION 00( 0MI NIHA',al I NRI PRO- (nu I(II KAI II r AS 41 1i Iv( 0 f ROM I 01 Pf 11,04 OR 011GAN14AV ION ORIGIN. INTERNATIbNAL A I IN0 II POIN I `k01vii- W OH OPINIONS %IIi 0 00 NOT TO it SSAIN1 Y Rt 01- ,[ It I 01 IIIAl NAT IIINAI INS I 111111 01 I 0111 A I ION POSI I ION 04. P0111.1' AND INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION ANNUAL ( ' qta A Volume V 'December 1979 Is "PERMISSION TO REPRODUCg.THIS MATERIAL PAS BKN GRANTED BY _ Speech Ommunication Association , Nemi C. Jain, editor TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES Arliona State University INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC)" (-- 'Speech ,Communication Association 5205 Leesthurg Pike 'Falls Church, Virginia 22041 6 g INTERNATIONAL AND INTERMLTURALCOMMUNICATION ANNUAL .4 Publication of the Speech Communwation Association's CoMmission 4in Internattomil and Intercultural Communwation Volurni V 1979 Editor . Nem! C Jam Anima Slat& linivet sitx Associate. Editor Book Review Editor William G,vDavey \ Willard A. Underwoo0, Arvomi State 111101er-say Arirona State University Editorial Assistants' Su/anne I.ynn Drake, Robin Salem, andLara I ' Arirona State University (*onsulting Editors William 4. Arnold, Arizonq State ( 'niversir.v (kr rge D. Lowe, Humboldt State (IniversifY Noble/a C. Asuncion-l.ande,''mversity of Kama, I.o 'tut A. Malandco, Arizona State University I aRay Barna, Portland State JIlmverthy I.. John Martin, University of Maryland ElDcan Bennett, Arizona Stu e Universal. Robert C. Morris, Michigan State University Robert I). Brooks, Unmet-Yu v of South Horida Keith Nielsen, California Polytechnic State Fred I. Casmir, Pepperdine Dui.ersity University . Robert F. Davis, Arizona State University Wayne JI. Oxford, University of Hawaii Carley II. Dodd, Western lientiwky University Rictord F. Porter, California State University Lewis Donohew. University of lienttwkv Long lkach StCwart Ferguson, University of Windsor Everett M. Rogers. Stanford University Kcn Iladwiger, Likstern Universin. Beulah F. Rohrlieh. Syracuse Untversift Sheldo10 liii rsel.!,i,s',sft y of Washington Larry A. Samovartiari Diego State University Richard .1. Jensen, University of New Mexico Robert Shuter, Marquette University Kurt F. Kent, University of Horn/a William J. Starosta, Howard University Graham IIKerr, State University of New York Willard A. Underwood, Arizona State 'University Amherst Kristin B. Valentine, Arizona State University Young Vim Kim, Governors State University Rylf F. Wigargl, Arizona State University L. Robert Kohls, U. S. International Joanne S. YarnauchiAmerican (iniversity Communu anon .1gencv I Volume V of the Annual. originally scheduled for publicationin 1978, was delayed due to financial difficulties. Publication of this volume was made possible in part with thesupportof the 1)cpart ment of Communication, Ari/ona State University, and the Intercultural Network, Inc. ft Copyright 1979 by. the Speech Communication Associfition Punted ancl bound in-U.S.A. by Jackson Graphic Services, Inc,Phoenix, Arirona A INTERNAfTIONAL ANDINTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION ANNUAL Manuscript SubmissioAs:William B. Gudykunst, Eaitor of theAnnual for Volumes V11-1X, seeks manuscripts for VolumeVII on any tppic rtaining .tointernational, intercultural,or interradal communication. Especially C. encouraged are manuscripts, either empiricalor theoretical, with a broad range of appeal, including state-of-taart essays, book reviews, etc. ` All manuscripts submitted will be given carefulconsideration by the edi- torial board. Gudykunst has named YoungYun Kim (Governors State University) as the Associate Editor and Dennis Tafoya(University of North Carolina) as the Book Review Editor. Five copiesof the manuscript, using theMLA Style Sheet, Second Edition,-andan abstract of approximately 150 words should be sent to William B.Gudykunst, Department of Com- munication Arts, University of Hartford, West Hartford,CT 06117. Persons interested in reviewing books should correspond directlywith Dennis Tafoya, Department of Speech Communication, University of North.Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC 27514. Subscriptions: Internatiimal and Intercultural CommunicationAnnual is _available from Intercultural Network, Inc., 906 N. SpringAvenue, I..aGrange Mk,/ II. 60525, aCthe following rates:' Volume V. 1979 SCA Member: $7.00, Non-Member:$7.,50 Volume IV, 1977 SCA Member: $5.00, Non-Member: $5.50 Volume III, 1976 SCA Member: $3.00, Non-Member:$3.50 VolumeII, 1975 SCA Member: $3.00, Non-Member: $3.50 Volume I. 1974 SCA Member: $3.00, Non-Member: $3.50 Special Discount:All five issues, while they last, Member: $17A, Non- Member: $18.00. 1111 1 he . iqualis also available, at the 'above rates, from: Speech.Communi- cation Asitiation, 5205 Leesburg Pike, Falls Church, VA 22041. 46 TABLE OF CONTENTS EDITOR'S NOTE IV TAXONOMIES FOR PLANNING INTERCULTURAl. COMMUNICATION Alfred G. Smith A SYSTEMATIC FRAMEWORKFOR'ANALYZING INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION I. E. Sarbaugh I I CULTURE AND COMMUNICATION INTHE'MODERN JAPANESE CORPORATE ORGANIZATION Ke-Lu Chao and William I. Gorden 24 EFFECTS OF 1NSERVICE TRAININGON TEACHERS' ATTITUDES' "FOWARD CUIJUR AI. Y . Elirabeth Berry and Paul D. Krivonos 37 GAZE:BEHAVIOR ININTERRACIAL AND INTRARACIAL INTERACTIONS Robert. Shuter 48 . A SITUATIONAL APPROACH TOCRITICISM OF INTERCUITURA DISCOURSE: AN ANALYSIS OF THEPUERTO RICAN CAMPAIGN OF 1940 'William G. Davey,.. 56 , EFFECTS OF CUlTURALFACTORS ON MASS COMMUNICATION a SYSTEMS Stan)cy E. Smith 7.1 VAREER PREPARVION ININTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION Larry A. Samovar and Al R. Weitzel tit) INTERCULTURAL COMVUNICATION:STATE-OF-THE-ART STUDY Gcoige W,Renwick t, 92 REVIEW OF RECENT LITERATURE 101 Broadcasting in the Third World: Promise andPerformance by Elihu Kai and'Georgc Wcdell Ever41 M.,Rogcrs 101 (Communication Between Man It IThiphinby John C. I.illy Sharon Wagner Favorite .102 5. ii 11C,ANNUAL The.Cultural Dialogue: .4n Introduction to Intercultural Communication by Michael H. Prosser Fred L. Casmir 103 Thi, Cultural Enyironment of InternatOnal Business by Vern Terpstra Robin Salem 104 Intercultural and International Communication by Fred E.. Casmir (Ed.) William J. Starosta 105 Mass Media Policies.in Changing Cultures by George Gerl-mer (Ed.) Michael H. Prosser 107 Mass Mediated Culture by Michael R. Real Willard A. Underwood 108 Overview of Intercultural Education, Training and Research: Volume II: Theory by David S. Hoopes, Paul B: Pedersen and George W.. Renwick (Eds.) Larry A. Samovar 110 Overview of Intercultural Education, Training and Remarch: Volume II: Education and Training by David S. Hoopes,Paul B. Petersen and George W. Renwick (Eds.) - Robert C. Morris 112 Overview.of Intercultural Mucation. Trainingand Research: Volume Ill: Special Research Areas by David S. Hoopo, Paul B. Pedersen and George W. Renwick (Eds.) , Nemi C. Jain 114 Radio jOr Educatio and Develppment by Dean T. 'Jamison and Emile G. McAnany Felipe Korienny 116 Redding Between the tines: Language Indicators Project _by V. Lynn Tyler and James S. Taylor William G. Davey 118 Readings in Intercultural cwnmunication: Volume II: Thaching Intercultural Communication: Concept. and Courses by David S. Hoopes (Ed.) Richard E. Porter 120 Sex Differences in IJununr Communication by Barbara Westbrook Eakins and R. Gene Eakins Robby R. Patton 121 FABLE OF CONTE4TS Sittitegy of Pl7mned Change by GeraldZaltman and Robert Duncan Rolf T. Wigand 123,, Topics in Culture Learnim: Vo lugte 5 by Richard W.Br lin and Michael P. liamnett (Eds.) La Ray M. Barna 124 USIA Intercultural Communication Coupe: 1977Proceedings by Michael H. Prosser
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