Begin, Sadat to begin formal talks CAMP DAVID, Md. (AP/UPI) -- Agreeing scheduled to meet together this about its importance but at odds afternoon. about its goal, Israeli Prime Minis- As Begin and Sadat arrived for the ter Menachem Begin and Egyptian summit, each each had their own President Anwar Sadat joined Presi- views and feelings over what would dent Jimmy Carter yesterday for the and could be accomplished. start of the Mideast summit. Sadat expressed impatience, say- Arriving at the presidential re- ing, "This is no time for maneuvers treat about two hours apart, both and worn-out ideas." leaders were greated separately by Begin, however, indicated patience Carter. is necessary and that he sees the summit as an opportunity to lay White House News Secretary Jody groundwork for future lower-level Powell said Carter invited each of talks. U. S. NAVAL BASE his guests to his lodge, again sep- Meanwhile, the Egyptian state- arately, for about 15 minutes to ex- owned press is expressing the belief GUANTANAMO BAY, CUBA plain the layout of the camp. that Carter's efforts will be aimed Powell said the Carter-Begin ses- at changing Israel's resistance to sion was scheduled for last night. compromise. At press time, there was no word In today's edition, the authorita- of what came about. tive Cairo paper Al Abram says: "Any Carter was scheduled to hold a fair analyst cannot but accept that I similar session with Sadat this the compromise solutions Carter has Vol. 33 No. 166 Wednesday, Sept. 6, 1978 morning. called for are directed toward Is- N All three of the leaders are rael." Alabama,N.Dakota hold state primaries BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (AP) -- Millionaire law from seeking a fourth term, sat Elvin McCary, who took 29 percent. industrialist and former Auburn on the sidelines for the first time For the seat being vacated by Football fans, your time football star Bob James has taken in 16 years. Sparkman, in the Democratic contest, has come to show everyone back the lead in the Democratic Pri- Wallace had served an unprecedent- former Alabama Chief Justice Howell just how well you know the mary race for governor of Alabama. ed three terms plus part of a fourth Heflin has 47 percent to 31 percent game. In the see-saw battle with state term as a stand-in for his first for Representative Walter Flowers. Put your scouting abilities Attorney General Bill Baxley, James wife, the late Governor Lurleen Wal- There were five other candidates. to the test by taking part in had at press time 28 precent of the lace. The winner will go against former the Pick the Pros contest vote to Baxley's 25 precent. At Two new U.S. Senators will be Representative James Martin of Gads- featured on page 4. that time, 62 percent of the vote elected in Alabama in the same year den in the Nov. 7 general election. had been counted. for the first time. Martin won the Republican nomina- The Marine Corps Band is It appears all but inevitable that One will serve the unexpired term tion without opposition. celebrating its 180th birth- James and Baxley will fight it out of the late Senator James Allen. In North Dakota, veteran U.S. Rep- day as "the President's Own." in a run-off primary Sept. 26 since The other will succeed retiring resentative Mark Andrews, a Republi- Read about the oldest mil- neither was close to a majority. Senator John Sparkman. can, and his Democratic challenger itary symphonic band making The Democratic nomination was con- Senator Maryon Allen, running for in the November general election, the rounds today on page 3. sidered tantamount to election. No the Democratic nomination for her Public Service Commissioner Bruce a state late husband's seat, has 44 percent. Hagen, ran unopposed for the state's For those of you who have candidate has won * orRepublican national office in Alabama in the State Senator Donald Stewart has single U.S. House seat. members in your family who past 100 years. 34 percent. In what amounted to a straw vote, attend Protestant Sunday Former Probate Judge Guy Hunt of George Nichols won the Republican Andrews, who is seeking an eighth School, a list of what rooms Cullman won the Republican guberna- nomination with 71 percent of the term, built a comfortable lead over the classes will be held in torial nomination. return. Hagen in the primary, racking up is on page 3. Governor George Wallace, barred by He defeated former State Senator 21,500 votes to Hagen's 11,250. VAdm Kinnear visits Guantanamo Bay Leader of World of Churches dies GENEVA, Switzerland (AP) -- The Nikodim's efforts in bringing the Vice Admiral George E.R. Kinnear World Council of Churches yesterday Moscow patriarch into the World II, commander of the Naval Air expressed its grief at the death of Council in 1961 and praised his loy- Force, Atlantic Fleet, arrived in Metropolitan Nikodim of Leningrad al support of the Council from then Gitmo yesterday for a two-day visit. and Novgorod, who was one of its six until his death. presidents. Potter said: "We thank God for the He toured the base and received Nikodin, a leading advocate of dedicated, untiring and courageous several command briefings on the Christian unity, died yesterday at ministry of our brother and for his Naval Station yesterday and was the age of 49 of a heart attack dur- total devotion to his church, its scheduled to participate in the ing an audience with Pope John Paul. life, witness and ecumenical commit- change of command ceremony for Fleet WCC General Secretary Dr. Philip ment." Composite Squadron Ten (VC-10) this Potter declared: "We pray that God Metropolitan Nikodim was elected a morning. will give him eternal rest in the president of the World Council at blessed communion of the saints." its fifth assembly in Nairobi in His tour yesterday included visits Dr. Potter sent a cable of condol- 1975. to the Desalinization Plant and to ences to his holiness Pimen, patri- The Council is the world body of the Northeast Gate to see the loca- arch of Moscow and all Russia. 288 Anglican, Protestant and Ortho- tion where water from Cuba was cut The cable recalled Metropolitan dox churches in 91 countries. by Rear Admiral John Bulkeley in 1964. Last night, a cocktail party was held in his honor at the COMO Club. WASHINGTON (AP) -- The House Assas- to visit the Israeli-occupied Sinai sinations Committee begins open Desert. VAdm. Kinnear is scheduled to hearings today on the 1963 murder of Sadat has asked the new pope to leave the Naval Air Station this President John Kennedy. pray on Mount Sinai, where the Bible afternoon and return to Norfolk. It appears the committee has al- says God gave Moses the Ten Command- ready reached the conclusion that ments. :he multi-million dollar re-investi- The Egyptian press says Sadat also gation has found no evidence of a invited the pope to visit Egypt. Somoza accuses Venezuela of evoking bloodbath conspiracy. Reports say John Paul welcomed the, MANAGUA, Nicaragua (AP) -- President Venezuela had called for an urgent One important focus of the testi- invitation. Anastasio Somoza of Nicaragua lashed meeting of the United Nations Secur- mony will revolve around the ques- out at Venezuela yesterday, blaming ity Council, saying the Somoza gov- tion that a second gunman may have NEW YORK (AP) -- Pan American Air- the country's president for envoking ernment was brutally repressing the fired at Kennedy at the same time ways Chairman William Seawell pre- what he called "a bloodbath" in Nic- government. as Lee Harvey Oswald. dicts Pan Am and National Airlines aragua. Somoza said that 50 percent of the A spokesman for the panel says: will reach a major agreement today. Somoza also said he is considering nation's businesses have closed be- "You may get new insights into old Directors of both firms met sep- severing relations with Venezuela, cause of the strike. problems. .you will not necessarily arately yesterday and planned to which has criticized Somoza for hu- When asked what action he planned, get new results." meet again today. man rights violations and given sup- he said he would wait and hope "they Seawell says final negotiations are port to Somoza's opposition. get tired and go broke." WASHINGTON (AP) -- Talks between in progress and that a final agree- three unions and the postal service ment will be submitted to the Pan Am are tentatively scheduled to resume board today. Possible documentation of thefts from GSA today. WASHINGTON (AP) -- A former govern- Eckero, the owner of a drug store A union source said yesterday af- NEWARK, N.J. (AP) -- The trial of ment consultant says he documented chain in the south was, in Barid on's ter a two-hour session, "The status two Russian nationals accused of es- over $1 million a year in thefts by words, "generally hostile" to th he quo remains." pionage has been postponed so it employees from warehouses of the report. The two sides are moving toward a won't coincide with Soviet Foreign General Services Administration. Eckero could not be reached fo r self-imposed Sept. 16 deadline. Minister Andrei Gromyko's visit. Phillip Baridon adds that the comment. That is when they either have to Gromyko is scheduled to arrive in GSA's top official at the time, Jack come up with a contract settlement the United States later this month. Eckero, ignored his report. Baridon's consulting firm made e the or let arbitrator James Healy do it U.S.
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