Plant and Animal physiology By Rémi RAKOTONDRADONA African Virtual university Université Virtuelle Africaine Universidade Virtual Africana African Virtual University 1 NOTICE This document is published under the conditions of the Creative Commons http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Creative_Commons Attribution http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.5/ License (abbreviated “cc-by”), Version 2.5. African Virtual University 2 ;()3,6-*65;,5;: I. Plant and Animal Physiology __________________________________ 4 II. Prerequisite Course or Knowledge _____________________________ 4 III. Time ____________________________________________________ 4 IV. Materials _________________________________________________ 4 V. Importance of Module _______________________________________ 4 VI. Content __________________________________________________ 5 6.1 Outline _____________________________________________ 5 6.2 Graphic Organizer _____________________________________ 5 VII. General Objective(s) ________________________________________ 6 VIII. Learning activities specific objectives ___________________________ 6 IX. Teaching and Learning Activities _______________________________ 9 X. Learning Activities _________________________________________ 13 XI. Key Concepts (Glossary) ____________________________________ 65 XII. Compulsory Readings ______________________________________ 67 XIII. Multimedia Resources _____________________________________ 71 XIV. Useful Links _____________________________________________ 74 XV. Module Summary _________________________________________ 81 XVI. Final Evaluation ___________________________________________ 82 XVII. References ______________________________________________ 89 XVIII. Principal author of the module ______________________________ 91 African Virtual University 3 Introduction This is a third year university level course for distance learning. It is mainly intended for high school and college teachers who desire to not only improve their knowledge of the subject but also to use ICT technology in their teaching. We strongly recommend this course to students who wish to pursue a teaching career. The incooperation of ICT in preparation of this module allows for its worldwide utilisation. The module will be updated on a regular basis by its author as approved by AVU administration African Virtual University 4 07SHU[HUK(UPTHS7O`ZPVSVN` By Rémi Rakotondradona 007YLYLX\PZP[LZ9L\PYLK2UV^SLKNL The students must have passed courses in plant and animal biology. Background knowledge of plant and animal cell organization and function is mandatory. Basic knowledge of hormones is also required. 000;PTL 120 hours divided between theory, tutorials and evaluation. 20 hours for homework 20 hours for tutorials 20 hours for links and reference consultation 20 hours for projects KRXUVIRUIRUPDWLYHDQG¿QDOHYDOXDWLRQ 0=4H[LYPHSZYLZZV\YJLZ http://www.fotosearch.fr/PHC006/73013870/ CD Rom The computer and add-ons Simulation software =0TWVY[HUJLVM[OL4VK\SL This unit is part of a university biology course for 3rd-year students. It is meant to facilitate understanding of physical and biochemical processes that occur in living organisms right from cell level to whole plant and animal body. For convenience, the unit is subdivided into sections. Some subjects therefore overlap since many organisms functions involve the coordination of several organs and tissues. The knowledge acquired from this course is applicable in YDULXRV¿HOGVRIVFLHQFHLQFOXGLQJDJULFXOWXUHDQGPHGLFLQH African Virtual University 5 =0*VU[LU[ 6. 1 Abstract The unit studies the structure of plant and animal cells in relation to their func- tions. It is important to know the the ultrastructure and the chemical properties of the cell to be able to understand this relationship. 7KH¿UVWSDUWRIWKLVPRGXOHFRYHUVFDUERQDQGPLQHUDOQXWULWLRQ 8QLW DQG the growth and development of plants (Unit 2), while the second part addresses http://www .fotosearch.fr/DG V639/1357 005/ the physiology of the principal animal systems or apparatus (Unit 3) and a com- parative study between plant and animal and physiology (Unit 4). Readings are suggested in each unit though the students are encouraged to do further reading. At the end of each unit, the student will attempt a formative evaluation, which will test the acquired skills. This unit is divided iton 4 sub-units. Unit 1 : Carbon and Mineral nutrition Unit 2 : Plant growth and development Unit 3 : Physiological functions of animals Unit 4 : Comparison between plant and animal physiology 6.2 Graphic organizer Planta nd animal physiology Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unité 4 Carbon and Minera l Plant growt h and development Physio logical functions of Comparison betwee n plant and nutri tion animals animal phys iology African Virtual University 6 =00.LULYHS6IQLJ[P]LZ 1. General learnig objectives (knowledge). - Learn the basic principals of plant and animal physiology. - Understand the differences between plant and animal physiological func- tions. 2. General method objective (know-how). - Master the steps of experimental investigation and problem solving 3. General attitude and values elucidation objectives (behaviour). - Make sure that respect for life is maintained =0003LHYUPUNHJ[P]P[PLZZWLJPÄJVIQLJ[P]LZ -VYTH[P]L6IQLJ[P]LZ Unit 1 : Carbon and Mineral Nutrition 6SHFL¿FOHUQLQJREMHFWLYHV Upon completion of the unit, the student will be able to : GH¿QHRVPRVLVRVPRWLFHTXLOLEULXPRVPRWLFSUHVVXUHJUDGLHQWFXOWXUH media, retention capacity, suction force… - recall principles of determining plant nutritional needs - describe method of establishing a nutritient solution 6SHFL¿FPHWKRGREMHFWLYHV Upon completion of the unit, the student will be able to : -formulate a research hypothesis on plant mineral nutrition -set up an experiment to determine plant mineral nutrition - interpret results obtained from such experiments -explain the functioning of a physiological system -solve problems -compare diverse nutritional media African Virtual University 7 6SHFL¿FDWWLWXGHREMHFWLYHVDQGYDOXHVFODUL¿FDWLRQ Upon completion of the unit, the student will be able to : - love plants - take care of plants Unit 2 : Plant growth and development 6SHFL¿FREMHFWLYHV 6SHFL¿FOHDUQLQJREMHFWLYHV NQRZOHGJH Upon completion of the second unit, the student must be able to : - list different methods of reproduction in plants - describe the different modesof sexual reproduction in plants - state the factors that affect plant growth GH¿QHLPSRUWDQWFRQFHSWVVXFKDVJHUPLQDWLRQPHULVWHPGRXEOHSROOLQDWLRQ vernalization, photoperiodism, phytochrome and phytohormone; 6SHFL¿FPHWKRGREMHFWLYHV NQRZKRZ Upon completion of the unit, the student will be able to : - describe modes of reproduction in plants - measure growth of vegetative and reproductive structures in plants - set up experiments on germination - use collaboration tools. 6SHFL¿FDWWLWXGHDQGYDOXHVHOXFLGDWLRQREMHFWLYHV EHKDYLRXU - conserve plant diversity - contribute to agriculture development. 8QLW3K\VLRORJLFDOIXQWLRQVRIDQLPDOV 6SHFL¿FREMHFWLYHV 6SHFL¿FOHDUQLQJREMHFWLYHV Upon completion of the unit, the student will be able to : GH¿QHWKHFRQFHSWVRIKRUPRQHUHJXODWLRQDQGPHWDEROLVP - recall hormonal control functioning mechanisms - recall the role of different organs African Virtual University 8 6SHFL¿FPHWKRGREMHFWLYHV Upon completion of the unit, the student will be able to : - compile information on fundamental concepts of the physiological function, such as hormonal regulation, cell metabolism; - work in collaboration with other students on a problem solving project; - write a report on what you learned - illustrate the feed-back steps 8QLW&RPSDULVLRQEHWZHHQSODQWDQGDQLPDOSK\VLRORJ\ 6SHFL¿FOHDQLQJREMHFWLYHV Upon completion of the unit, the student will be able to : - identify the distinctive nature of animal and plant physiology 6SHFL¿FPHWKRGREMHFWLYHV Upon completion of the unit, the student will be able to : - establish comparison criteria - draw up a comparison table 6SHFL¿FDWWLWXGHDQGYDOXHVHOXFLGDWLRQREMHFWLYHV Upon completion of the unit, the student will be able to : - raise awareness on the need to conserve plant and animal life - participate in conservation activities African Virtual University 9 0?;LHJOPUNHUK3LHYUPUN(J[P]P[PLZ 9.1 Initial evaluation This test will allow you to evaluate your knowledge regarding this course. Tech- nically, all of the elements contained in this test were seen in previous courses. 7UXHRUIDOVHTXHVWLRQV7LFNWKHFRUUHFWDQVZHU 1. The cellulose membrane of a plant cell is permeable to mineral elements U True UFalse 2. All plant cells contain plastids UTrue UFalse /LJKWFDQLQÀXHQFHSODQWJURZWK UTrue UFalse 3DLULQJTXHVWLRQV 4. Relate the hormone to the corresponding gland Hypophysis Oestrogen Adrenal medulla Follicle-stimulating hormone Pancreas Androgen Ovary Insulin Testicle Adrenalin :LWKWKHIROORZLQJH[SUHVVLRQVÀOOLQWKHER[HVRIWKHIROORZLQJYHUWHEUDWH QHUYRXVV\VWHPGLDJUDP3DUDV\PSDWKHWLFV\VWHP&HQWUDOQHUYRXVV\VWHP 6HQVRU\QHXURQ9HJHWDWLYHV\VWHP6SLQDOFRUG6\PSDWKHWLFV\VWHP %UDLQ3HULSKHUDOV\VWHP(IIHFWRUQHXURQ6RPDWLFV\VWHP Nervous system A B A1 A2 B1 B2 BC BD BC1 BC2 African Virtual University 10 0XOWLSOHFKRLFHTXHVWLRQV&KHFNWKHFRUUHFWDQVZHU 6. Fungi feeds U on mineral substances obtained from soil U on self-made organic substances U on organic substances obtained from soil U on mineral substances obtained from air 7. The necessary energy for an animal cell is produced from : U the nucleus U the ribosome U the mitochondrion U the centriole 8. The endocrine glands are : U storage tissues and hormone reservoirs; U tissues that use hormones
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