A WATCHUNG COMMUNICATIONS, INC. PUBLICATION The Westfield Leader and THE TIMES of Scotch Plains – Fanwood Thursday, February 24, 2000 Page 21 Arts & Entertainment Cultural Arts Center Continued From Pg. 22 On The Beat U2s Rattle and Hum Remaster Offers Poignant and Powerful Moments By ANDY GOLDENBERG is a re-make of the 1968 thriller. Specially Written for The Westfield Leader and The Times MGM also just released the 1970 Let’s talk DVD’s. From The Crite- World War II escape drama, The rion Collection comes the hilari- Mckenzie Break, starring Brian ous Monty Python’s Life of Brian Keith, which may be my favorite complete with some tasty extras to of the bunch. further wet the DVD lover’s appe- If that is not enough to wet your tite. whistle, be sure to check out Included in this gorgeous MGM’s DVD versions of Annie widescreen digital transfer are the Hall, by Woody Allen and perhaps original theatrical trailer, two ex- his best film, Martin Scorcese’s clusive audio commentaries by Raging Bull and the charming Tea Python members Terry Gilliam, with Mussolini, starring the ubiq- Eric Idle, Director Terry Jones, John uitous Cher, Judi Dench and Lily Cleese and Michael Palin. British YOU’RE LOOKIN’ SWELL DOLLY!…Hello Dolly! is the next Tomlin. production on tap at Oak Knoll School of the Holy Child in radio ads and a documentary film, Lastly, Palm Pictures has re- Another portion of the auditorium space at the Administration Building Summit. The production will be presented on Thursday, Fri- The Pythons, shot on location dur- leased the sometimes controver- day, and Saturday, March 2, 3, and 4, at 7:30 p.m. in the Mother funding from the state, county are running out of space for our ing the making of the film are also sial yet always amusing Sandra Mary Campion Center for the Performing Arts, 44 Blackburn and federal governments have cultural arts and community or- included. Bernhard in her one woman Road, Summit. Tickets are $8 and are available by calling (908) been discussed for the space. ganizations. The Municipal Build- This kind of quality as well as show, I’m Still Here…Damn It! 522-8146. Seating is limited. Pictured, left to right, are: front “We’ve stepped beyond feasi- ing space is overbooked,” Mayor these extra features should be the Witness Ms. Bernhard’s witty row, Elena Goetz, Alicia Mazzucca and Laura Mazzucca of bility. Now, we have to ask our- Jardim stated, pointing to the benchmark to which all DVD takes on Paula Jones, Courtney Scotch Plains; back row, Stephanie DeVos of Mountainside, Amanda Kokie, John Carrell and Ryan Carrell. selves, ‘does it make sense?’” said need for such a facility. movie companies should strive. Love and Fleetwood Mac among Ms. Walsh. Although the project has been From Sony Music Entertainment others. All in all a terrific set of “It is a central location with our placed on the back burner, Ms. come two very opposite yet thrill- DVD’s. POPCORN central business district and we Walsh concluded, “Out of sight does ing DVD’s. James Taylor Live At not mean that it is out of mind.” Some blasts from the past The Beacon Theatre captures the graced my CD player this past The Beach sensitive singer-songwriter in a week, courtesy of Columbia live setting in New York and is Legacy Records. From their rich Paradise Lost...Again Function Ten State beautifully shot. The color, cam- Jazz archives come re-mastered era angles and sound quality are By Michael S. Goldberger Continued From Pg. 22 versions of pianist Keith Jarrett’s spectacular and Taylor is in fine 1972 classic, Expectations as well One Popcorn, Poor • Two Popcorns, Fair • Three Popcorns, Good • Four Popcorns, Excellent of the Art voice. as one of the greatest Jazz Fusion 1 & 1/2 popcorns Nonetheless, Richard, traveling to endure a ballad-heavy revue on Moving from the concert stage albums ever recorded, Return To It is an adolescent fantasy gone with recent French acquaintances a legitimate stage that clearly be- Literature to the studio for Pearl Jam’s Single Forever’s 1976 release, Roman- awry. Not good, but not quite as bad Francoise (Virginie Ledoyen) and longs in a casual atmosphere. What The Town Book Store in Video Theory, we find the boys tic Warrior. as you’d expect. Leonardo DiCaprio, Etienne (Guillaume Canet), the I saw seemed more like several Westfield will host a book from Seattle recording their intro- While Expectations has more of primarily in swimsuit, woos and is other two sides of a love triangle people gathering to try out their signing with “Boardwalkers” spective Yield album as well as an avante-garde Jazz, introspec- wooed by the fairer sex whilst search- just waiting to happen, does find audition material. author Fred Schofield on Feb- waxing poetic about numerous tive vibe, Romantic Warrior bril- ing for the meaning of life. his supposed paradise off the coast Not to say that the ensemble was ruary 26 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. subjects including writing, play- liantly melds Jazz Fusion with not talented, but there was not a The post-Titanic Mr. DiCaprio is of Thailand. And while the whole From 2 to 4 p.m. on the same ing, recording and each other. progressive rock virtuosity. War- strong enough through-line to sus- as precious to Hollywood inter- set-up is actually a Yuppie varia- day, Dr. Bruce Schneider, au- This is a very interesting docu- rior features the legendary Chick tain the piece. ests as fire was to the cave man. tion on “Lord Of The Flies,” the thor of “Relax! You’re Already mentary as well as an educational Corea on keyboards as well as Al Singers came onstage in the dark- The magazines have elevated him island social structure and the in- Perfect” will be on hand. For one for aspiring musicians. The Dimeola on guitar, Lenny White ness and stood nervously waiting to glossy sainthood. ternational assortment of baccha- more information, please call film was shot in black and white, on drums and the incomparable for the lights to come up. At other The Beach is the kind of movie nals residing therein are not com- (908) 233-3535. which adds to the documentary Stanley Clarke on bass. The sound times, the lights did indeed come that gets made after the media pletely uninteresting. vibe. quality is sparkling on this re- up and no one was there. There Comedy drops its latest produit celebre in Tilda Swinton as Sal, the ac- I will be reviewing more Sony master and the playing is aston- was a lot of talking backstage that the grinder. One can only sit back knowledged leader of the beach The State Theatre in New Music Entertainment DVD’s in the ishing. the audience could hear, and at and wait for the parade to pass. community, gives the impression one point an actress came onstage Brunswick will welcome Bill future so keep watching this col- If I were going to pick one Jazz Until then, we have The Beach that since she couldn’t be a mon- with an angry look on her face and Cosby, comedian and actor- umn. album from the 70’s, this would be and its ilk to deal with. And oddly, arch back in Merry Olde England, scowled as she waited for the mu- extraordinaire, to its stage on Paramount Pictures brings us the one to hear first. when placed in such historical she has settled for being the queen sic to start. February 26. For more informa- the suspenseful thriller, The Also from Columbia Legacy perspective, the random banali- bee here. Ooh, but watch out. She In some songs, there were musi- tion, please call (732) 246-7469 General’s Daughter starring John comes four more sonically-en- ties of this curiosity piece seem has an eye for Richard. And her cal breaks that were filled in with or visit www.statetheatre.com. Travolta. Also from Paramount hanced gems from The Byrds, somehow easier to take. Certainly boyfriend, Bugs (Lars Arentz- dancing, and at other times, sing- Music comes the touching comedy The Farther Along, Byrdmaniax, Un- the pretentious babble about Hansen), sure has a rotten temper. ers were left alone onstage doing Wood with Taye Diggs and Rich- titled/Unissued and a new archival The Crossroads in mankind’s inability to reside in an Paradise consists of unlimited fields nothing, looking a bit lost as they ard T. Jones. This rites of passage release, Live At The Fillmore, Feb- Garwood will welcome Cup earthly Eden (don’t worry, Adam of marijuana, pristine lagoons for waited for the next verse to begin. film provides a keen insight into ruary 1969. Farther Along is a of Joe on February 24, Krizan and Eve’s names have been fishing and a commune-like sex ori- The bowing at the end of each the importance of friendship. greatly under-appreciated country Brothers on February 25, Funky changed to protect the originally entation that makes the 60s look like number was not necessary, as there Finally from Paramount comes rock gem. Byrdmaniax lacks the was a very nice company bow at Black Widows on February 26, guilty) once again proves that the Gilded Age. But the honeymoon the inspiring U2 film, Rattle & Hum. same cohesion and seems a bit the end of the performance. This is and Juggling Suns on March 1. rather poor films can still be is brief. Earlier in the odyssey, direc- Filmed mostly in black and white, rushed but is salvaged by some why I say a revue such as this For more information, please watchable.
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