MS-763: Rabbi Herbert A. Friedman Collection, 1930-2004. Series H: United Jewish Appeal, 1945-1995. Subseries 4: Administrative Files, 1945-1994. Box Folder 41 2 Israel Education Fund. 1972. For more information on this collection, please see the finding aid on the American Jewish Archives website. 3101 Clifton Ave, Cincinnati, Ohio 45220 513.487.3000 AmericanJewishArchives.org The Israel Education Fund The Pre-Kindergarten Program of the Un ited Jewish Appeal ,I The Need The Israel Education Fund waseslabllshed In 196410 hel p provide despera tely needed comprehensive and vocational high schools lor the people of Israel. However, pioneering al/orts In pre­ kindergarten ed ucation In Israel have shown Ihallull ed ucal lonal lnleg ralion 01 a diverse population must slart before the primary level. It must beg in with pre-kinde rgarten schooling. Israeli ed ucators found that a child's ability to absorq quality ed ucation unm istakably starts al tha age of Ihree. It was further found thai a child of thai age who Is poorly stimulated with loys and games and Is not introduced to abstract concepts and Imagery In speech will be al a severe disadvantage. The " head-start" which pre-kindergarten training provides children Is crucial to thei r fu ture growth and Intellectual development. Starting children on the path to a meaningful education, as early as their first one or two years, is vital if they are to reach thei r potential and take advantage of fu tu re educational opportunities. Many children from areas In Asia and North Africa, requ ire a pre-kindergarten Introd uction to the world of learning If they are to keep up wi th the children from the educationally advan taged countries of the west. The Israet Educallon Fund Pre­ Kindergarten schools are designed to double as day care cenlers permlnlng mothers who must work the opporlunlty to become producllve citizens In a I dynamically growing country. Such ulllizalion of the pre-kindergarten schools has significant Impact on the living standards ot lam Illes using Israel Education Fund facilities. In effect, each school becomes a vital early life center for 70 boys and girls. Initially, the pre­ kindergarten program will only Involve three and lour yea r aids. But expansion to Include one and two year aids Is anticipated. It Is Ihe goal at the Israel Education Fund 10 provide al leasl one ctau room pre-kindergarten schoot In every development lawn and Imm igrant seclor. The Isra el Edu cation Fund seeks donors for 1,000 pre-kindergarten schools. All are needed within the next three yea rs. I 83 leel The minimum subscription is $100,000 for three schools. Classrooms are designed for maximum Total square leel: 2, 161 group and Individualized Instruction . Playground equI pment Is pl anned to encourage creative play . Each school Is equipped with a full working kitchen to provide one hot meal. Each school will have a protectrve sheller. The . EF WM .mblishld in 1964 10","1 I'" shOlU" 01 wfJIPfehln.lYl .... d VOQtlonJol IIlgh ilChOOlI In 1,,"1. Thl. i. whal rhe lund II .. lIOI;omplishld III 01 1971. Communlly CU II Utlr & .,. Youlh SPOilt Ki nd • •• 5<11001 L.IO ... , .. C."I... Fld"ll.. ,1111" r0111 Fec,1I1111 , , 65 COI'119II1«1 " " ". Feclllti•• undo, eonu",ellon 3 66 S,.,.lng wllhln 6 " " " mon,hl , 3 • " Sliti ing whhln , " on. v.... • " TOil' " " " 6 ". 260 Much 1TlOf. II needed 110_,. We mull p<ovlCM: 35 High School• • 1.000 Pt.... Kindl'plln., 2 l ib<ane... 20 Comtnunily Cuhut.. and Youth Cenl"I. 20 S4:IorIi Fecililift., 10 Communily ColleQOl'IIWIS FOIIII ScIlOOl •. The Illrael Educa tion Fund Philip Zin man, President 51 West 51s t Street New York, N. Y. 10019 A program of lhe United Jewish Appeal Israel Education Fund 01 the United Jewish Appeal Visitors Directory Spring 1972 Acre (7) Mizrs (23) Alula (25) Naharia (4) Arad (69) Nazaret lIIit (17) Ashdod (64) Nechalim (48) Ashkelon (66) Ness Ziona (57) Bat Yam (51 ) Neti vo t (70) Bee r Yaacov (59) Nuerim (32) Beersheba (73) Olakim (72) Bet Shean (21 ) Or Aklva (26) Bet Shemesh (58) Or Yehuda (50) Caesaria (28) Pardess Han na (27) Carmiel (8) Ramie (52) Dimona (74) Ramot Hasharon (38) Even Ha'azer (56) Ri shon Le Zion (54) Eilat (78) Rosh Ha'ayin (39) Emek Hayarden (24) Sated (6) Em ek Hefer (31) Sde Boker (76) Gaders (62) Shatlr (65) Ganel Tikva (45) Shderoth (68) Givat Brenner (60) Shfayim (34) Glvat Olga (30) Shlomi (3) Gival Shmuel (40) Tel Aviv (41 ) Givatayim (43) Tel Aviv-South (42) Hade ra (29) Tel Hai (1 ) Haifa (12) Tiberias (16) Hatzor (9) Tirat Carmel (18) Havat Hashomer (15) West Galilee (10) Herzliya (36) Yahud (49) Jaff a (44) Yavne (61 ) Jerusalem (55) Yavniel (22) Klar Satya (33) Yerucham (75) KlarSaba (35) Yilat (20) Kiryat Ata (14) Klryat Bi alik (13) Kiryat Gal (67) Kiryat Malachi (63) Klryat Ono (46) Kiry at Shemona (2) Ki ryat Yam (11 ) Lad (47) Maale Habsor (71 ) Maslol (5) Magdlel (37) Migdal Ha'Emek (19) Mitzpe Ramon (77) Location Donor Type 0' Facility Donor's Home City Beerthlb. Rubin, Samuel Musical Academy/Cullural Cenler New YOlk City, N, Y. Blersheba Zarin, Jacob {Estate} Comprehensive HISh School Washington, Oistrict 01 Columbia Bee rlheba Zinman, Philip Pre-Kindergarten Sc hoo l Ca mden, New Jersey Beer Yaacov FUrst, Sol & Hilda (FOundation) You l h Aliya Vocational H, S, New York City, N. Y. Bet Shea n Grossman, Mrs. louis Pre-Kindergarten School New York City, N. Y. Bet Shean Jacobs, leslie l. Pre-Kindergarten ScOOoI Dallas, Tex.s Bet Shea n len, Mrs. eart Pre-Kindergarten School New York Ci ty, N. Y. Bet Shein Women's Division Religious Comprehensive, New York City, N. Y. Comprehensive High School BIt Shlan Women's Division Community Center New Yo rk Ci ty, N. Y. B8\ Shu n WOlllen 's Division Pre- Kindergarten SChOOl New York City. N. Y. Bet Shu n Wornen's Oivilion Pre-Kinde,sarten School New Yark C!ly, N, y, Bet Shem " h furst, Jose ph (Es tate) Religious COmprehensive H, S. Boslon, Massachusetts Bet Shemesh FriendS of Edward Ginsberg Pre·Kinderprten School Clevehllnd, Ohio Bet Shemesh K1 ingenst.;n. Mr, & Mrs. Paul Pre-Kindersarten School New York City, N. Y. Caenru GinsbllfS, Alan H. Nautical Center Lans[nll, MlchlSan Carmiel Horowitl: Foundation, Pre·Kindergarten School l ouis J, & Mary E. Harrison, New YOlk Carmia' t(aUman, Mr, & Mrs. Julius pre·t(indersarten School Omaha, Nebraska Dimona App1eman, Mr. & Mrs. Harry RelisiOtJs COmprehensiV'e H. S. (Founeation! New YOlk City, N. Y. Dimon. Danciller, Dan & Sad ie (Estate) Pre-Klndersarlen SChool Kanus City, Missouri Dimon. Janson, Mfi. Marion A. Pre-Kinderga rten School los Anlleles, Calif. Dlmona Robinson, Donald M. Pre·Kindergarten School Pittsburgh, Penn. Dimon. Wishnlck, John Pre- Kindergarten School New York City, N, Y. Dimon. Wi shnick, Robert Pre-Klndorgarten School New York City, N. Y. Dimona f reeman, Betty (Wishnick) Pre-t(indergarten School New YOlk City, N. Y. Dimona Women's Division Community center New York City, N. Y. Dimon. Women's Division Comprehensive HISh School New YOlk City, N. Y. Dimon. Zinman, PhiUp Comprehensive High Schoo l Camden, New Jersey Eben Ha- El:er Furst, Joseph (Estate) Religious ComprehensiVe H, S. Boston, Massachusetts THE MAYOR OF JERUSAtEM MR. TEDDY KOLLEK CORDIALLY INVITES YOU TO nlE DEDICATION CEREMONY OF THE SECONDARY BOARDING SCHOOL FOR GIRLS MIDRASHIAT AMALIA ON SUNDAY MARCH FIfTH 1972. AT 3 P.M. IN THE PRESENCE OF REi"RESENTATIVES OF THE GOVERNMENT OF ISRAEL THE JEWISH AGEN CY THE ISRAel EDUCATION FUND CITY COUNCILLOR S AND THE DONORS Mr. and Mrs. LUDWIG JESSELSON THE CONSTRUC TI ON OF THE BOARDING SCHOOL WAS MADE POSSIBLE WITH THE HELP OF THE MATANAH FOUNDATION OF NEW YORK BY THE LATE SIGFR IED ULlMANN. LUDWIG JESSELSON AND LEO FORCHHEIMER A PROJECT OF THE ISRAEL EDUCATION FUND OF THE UNITED JEWISH APPEAL U.S.A. THE CEREMONY W ILL TAKE PLACE AT THE SCHOOL HAIM HELLER ST., GIVAT MORDECHAI, JERUSAlEM P7'lP "u .,}J '):J nK PlJTil? '):JnlJ mJ)? iT'lJ'J!li'n ,':JmiT .,!lOiT n') n::mn OPU7 ~ , ., !3 11 r" 1U ., ., !3 m!lnnlOiT) 7K.,IO' n7\V7:ll'J 'l'YJ n"'iT'iT nU:;'lOiT 7K.,IO" ,U't'liT np iT''''lliT nYYll'J ,.,)t'l e'1J."niT mn:J1J)1 ~ iTJnO '''P ~ n.,T,Y) '}JPliT iI'1J'J!lin "!lOil n') (i1J"iT:J.,'!l lK'7' nt'O' 1"'" . iT ~ Y 10"K ".,!ll'T ' ~ 11) 'K.,W" ,'JniT '''P '10 n'J:Jn n,mK7:liI n"'iT'iT n')l1JiI ,,'W .1l\lJK" el') e"pn' OpUiI ( 5 .3.72) .:J, -'wn ."K) U ~ ' iI"}JlI' n'Ill"')J) Y ~ ilnK 3 .00 iTl1\lJ) ~N'W' ~'") 2'1'''';'1'1'1 J'Iu~'on THE EXECUTIVE OF THE JEWISH AGENCY ISRAEL EDUCATION FUND ~N''O'~ l'lnil l'i' Tel Aviv, 17 Kaplan Street 17 l)gp 'n , · .3 ' 3 H-)n P.O.B. 7053 - Tel. 253104, 25&211 258211 ,253104 ,)U - 7053 :r .n Cables; JEVAGENCY, TEl·AVIV Ref. No. 7539/72 THE J E,iISH AGENCY FOR ISR..J51 January 12, 1971 SUMMARY STATUS OF I SRAEL EDUC TION FUND PROJECTS Community , Cultural , Pre- Status of &> Youth Sports kindcr- Construction Schools lLibraries Center s Facilities gartens TOTAL Complet ed 54 7 10 2 51 124 Under construction 23 2 11 - 24 60 I , Starting within 6 months 9 2 I 9 ~ - 13 33 Starting in 6 - 12 months 8 - 1 4 5 18 Total 94 11 31 6 93 235 a (, !I!'- This figure does not include Non- .tUllericlln Donor s (sea page 15) COtl~TaUCT ION COl'lPLETED Comprehens ive High School i n Acre Darsky " " " Arad Zi mt baum " " " 11 0" in Ashdod Rogoein " " " Beersheba Himmelfar b " " " Dimona IN'omen ' s Divi.Bion " " " EUat Goldwater Group " " " Haif a, iltage A (Stage B under construction) Leo Baeck Group " " " Kiryat ta Rogosi n " " " Kiryat Bialik Levinson " " " Kiryat Gat Rogosin " " " Kir yat l1alachi Loan " " " Kiryat Yam Rodman " " " rofaal e RabBor Woldenberg " " " Migdal Ha ' emek Rogosin " " " Natzrat IlUt Sharett Group " " " Or Yehuda Fer kauf " " " Ramla Racoosin- Rubin " " " ~derot Git"irth Estat e " " " Tirat Carmel Shiffman " " " JerusalHm ~enmark Group .
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