INDEX aboriginal peoples, 236, 237, 238 Balazzo, Alex, 52 Adam, Guy-Louis, 203 Balazzo, Frank, 52 Agrigento Social Club, 27 Bandidos, 204–5, 206, 209, 210 Akwesasne Mohawk reserve, 237 Bank of Montreal, 68, 85 alcoholism, 14, 133, 169, 247 Bank of Nova Scotia, 71, 77–78, All American Bar, 47 79, 214 Allard, Robert, 58, 59 Barbosa, Inès Cecilia, 159–60, Allardyce, Jimmy, 165 162–63 Alliance armored-truck robbery, Baris, Harry, 38 116, 118 Battaglia, Frank, 52–53 Alliance, The, 206, 210, 242 Beauchamp, Pierre, 242 Allô Police, 45–46, 103 Beauregard, Normand, Alpha Investment Corporation, 30, 188, 196 38, 46 Bédard, Joseph, 68 Alter, Julius, 103–4, 112, 116, 117 Belhumeur, Martin, 220, 221 Amiot, Michel, 166 Belval, Jean, 110–11, 215 anti-smoking campaign, 236 Belzil, Yvon, 56 April, Paul, 60, 143, 144–45, 146, Bennett, Carol, 55, 56 147, 149 Bercovitch, Louis, 36–37, 48 Arcadi, Francesco, 228–29, Berniquez, Danièle, 171 231, 234 Besso, Joseph, 227 Archambault Penitentiary, 70, 124, Bienvenue, Gilles, 58 125, 132, 148, 206 Big House Crew, 212 Arena, Daniel,COPYRIGHTED 25 biker MATERIALgangs, xii, 25, 138, 142, 175, Arena, Salvatore, 69–70 195, 200, 206, 207, 237, 241, 242, Armeni, Giuseppe, 59 244, 245 (See also specific gangs; Arpin, Yves, 100 street gangs) Arthur, Paul Matthew, 189–90 biker wars, 27, 199–212 Atkinson, Harworth, 83 Bill 101 (official languages), 13 Au Petit Baril Cafe, 58 Bill C-61 (money, criminal activity), Auger, Michel, 207 177–78 BINDEX.indd 262 01/03/11 3:38 PM Index | 263 Bill C-95 (criminal organization), Bulger, James, 7 207 Bulger, Whitey, 161 Bisaillon, Jean-Alain, 110 Burke, Charles, 15–16 Blackledge, William, 165–66 Burke, Dan, 162 Blass, Michel, 58, 146, 147, 150–51 Burke, Hetty, 15–16, 47 Blass, Richard, 58–59, 62, 110, 147 Burns, John, 174–77 Bloods, 242, 243 Buteau, Yves, 201 Bo-Gars, 242, 244–45 Bonanno family, 21, 30, 32, 224 Cadieux, Joseph Bernard, 164 Bonanno, Joseph, 22 Café Roma, 55 Bonaventure Expressway, 12, 95 Calabrian/Sicilian mobs, 21–32, Bonfire Restaurant, 24, 30, 46 223 (See also Italian Mafia) Bonneville, Frank, 187 Cali drug cartel, 151, 157, 159–60, bootlegging, 6 162–63, 166 Bordeaux Prison, 31, 38, 48, 54, 70, Cameron, James Frederick, 214–15 74, 188, 195 Cammelleri, Giovanna, 31 Bouchard, André, 83–84, 111, 159, Canadian Imperial Bank of 200, 208–9, 211, 249 Commerce, 71, 102–3, 124, 169 Boucher, Francis, 209 Canadian Industries Limited Boucher, Maurice “Mom,” 27, 195, (CIL), 64 201–2, 205, 206, 207–9, 211 Canadian National Bank, 144 Bougie, Frederick, 196 Canadian Union of Public Bougie, Leo, 55–56 Employees (CUPE), 186 Boulanger, Sylvain, 210 Canci, Lucieno, 243 Bourré, Gilles, 113 Carignan, Roch, 89, 90–96, 116, 119 Bowman, William, 47 Caron Report, 43, 44 boxing, 158–59 Caron, François, 43 Brabant, Denis, 71 Cartierville Airport, 126 Brecher, Pincus, 35–36 Caruana-Cuntrera families, 21, 30 Breen, William, 134 Castaneda, Ashley, 173, 174, Brewer, Robert, 225 176, 178 Brink’s Canada Ltd., 87, 88 Cat’s Den Lounge, 101 Brink’s Incorporated, 87–88 Catania, Giuseppe, 25 Brinks robberies, 85–98, 100–6, Cavalier Motel, 101, 136, 138, 151, 170, 172, 249 141, 186 Brockville heist, 82–83 Cazzetta, Giovanni, 174, 187, 205 Bronfman, Sam, 6 Cazzetta, Salvatore, 173–74, 175, Brown, Steve, 191, 193 178, 205–6, 238 Brunette, Ronald, 88, 89–96, CBC, 19, 162 115, 119 CECO (Commission d’Enquête Bulchalter, Louis, 35 sur le Crime Organisé), 23, 28, Bulger Task Force, 8 81, 135, 187–88 BINDEX.indd 263 01/03/11 3:38 PM 264 | Index Chambers, Joseph, 47 Cotroni, Frank, Sr., 22, 24–26, 27, Charbonneau, Jean, 58, 80–81 118–19, 120 Cotroni, Nick, Jr., 23–24 Charbonneau, Réal, 148–49 Cotroni, Nick, Sr., 21–22 Charles, Louis, 147 Cotroni, Paolo, 27 Charron, Alain, 80 Cotroni, Pep, 21, 22, 24, 30, 46, 83 Charron, Serge, 80, 196 Cotroni, Vic, 21, 22–23, 28 Chartrand, Daniel, 177 Country Palace, 101 Chase, Charles, 47 Court of Quebec, 230 Chez Giustini, 101 Crack Down Posse (CDP), 242 Chez Parée, 24–25, 37, 40 “Crime of the Century” (1976), Chionsis, Dionysos, 25 89–98, 100–6 Christopoulos, Peter, 243–44 criminal organization legislation. cigarette smuggling, 235–39 See Bill C-95 City & District Savings Bank, Cuntrera, Agostino, 29 (See also 80–81 Caruana-Cuntrera families) Civic Action League, 44, 49 Clark, Susan, 57, 58, 61, 62 Daignault, René, 113–14 Cleroux, Henri, 69, 70 Dale, Christopher, 164 coffin ships, 2 Dalpe, Sheila, 105, 106 Cohen, Laine, 166 Daoust, Huguette, 79 Colangelo, Bernie, 118 Daoust, Shawn, 219–20 Collins, James, 55–56 Dark Circle, 206 Collizza, Guiseppe, 58 Davis, Harry, 30, 33–37, 38, 39, 40, Colombian drug cartels, 151, 46, 48 159–64, 189 Davis, Leo, 69–70 Comeau, Gaetan, 199 De Fleurimont Social Club, 48 Commercial Union Assurance De Vito, Giuseppe, 230 Company, 97 DEA (Drug Enforcement Commisson d’Enquête sur le Crime Administration), 8, 23, 150, 156, Organisé. See CECO 166, 174, 175, 176, 177, 180–81, Connearney, John, 129 182, 183 Connolly, John, 7, 8, 161 Deare, Lionel, 16, 47 Coopers and Checkers (union), Décarie, Robert, 121 189, 191 Deegan, Brendan, 17–20 Corbeil, Jean, 153 Deegan, Frank, 17–18, 19 Corbeil-Laramée, Micheline, 193 Del Balso, Francesco, 228, 230 Corriveau, Robert, 207 Del Peschio, Frederico, 231 Cosenza Social Club, 226 Delisle, Michel, 67, 68 Costello, Frank, 48 Demaine, Matthew, 227 Cotroni family, 21–27, 31, 37, 46, Demers, Marcel, 27 58, 137, 156, 159, 223, 224 Desfossés, Raymond, 151–53, 220 Cotroni, Frank, Jr., 25, 26–27 Desmond, George, 47 BINDEX.indd 264 01/03/11 3:38 PM Index | 265 Désormiers, Michel, 81 Fanelli, Michael, 243 Désormiers, Paul, Sr., 81 Fasulo, Sam, 231 Désormiers, Paul, Jr., 81 Faucher, Frederic, 27 Désormiers, Pierre, 81 Faustini, Frank, 226 Desrochers, Daniel, 199, 200, 207 FBI, 8, 22, 23, 24, 79, 89, 150, 156, Detner, Louis, 38, 40 161, 166 Di Francesco, “Boxer,” 56 Feigenbaum, Charles, 34–35, 36 Di Marco, Giuseppe, 58 Feigenbaum, Jackie, 35 Di Maria, Sebastiano, 176–77, 178 Feldman, Adele, 39, 40 Di Maulo, Jimmy, 59 Feldman, Harry, 38–41, 68 Di Maulo, Joseph, 24 Feldman, Irwin, 39, 41 Di Maulo, Vincenzo, 59 Ferland, Gabby, 53 Di Paolo, Michael, 24 Fernandez, Nelson, 173, 174, Di Salvo, Francesco, 234 175, 178 Dibben, Michael, 176, 177, 178 Festa, Corrado, 85 Dickey, Ed, 174, 175 Fetchock, Gale, 62 DiMora, Giovanni, 29 fever sheds, 3, 4 Dorval International Airport, 12, Fidanoglou, Michael, 158 51, 60, 81, 93, 175 Fisher, Kenny, 163–64, 248–49 Dow, Gary, 141 Fitzpatrick, William, 37, 48–49, 78 Down Beat Café, 47 Flemmi, Stephen, 7 Drapeau, Jean, 44, 49, 50 FLQ. See Front de libération du Driver, Donald, 191, 193, 196 Québec Drug Enforcement Administration. Fontaine, Paul, 207, 208 See DEA Forgues, Roger, 152 drug trade, 21, 22, 24, 25, 28, 30, 35, Fournel, Jean-Paul, 71 48, 159–64, 235 Frank, Tony, 69 Dubé, Marc, 199 Frankel, Joe, 38, 139–40 Dubiel, Micheline Rachel, 126–28 Fraser, Danny, 196 Dubois gang, 23, 107, 111, 116, 156 French language legislation. Dubois, Adrien, 56 See Bill 101 Duff, Laurent, 113 French, Michael, 141 Duff, Réjean, 112–13, 115, 117, 118 Friedman, Pierre, 191, 192–93, 194 Dufresne, Fernand, 43 Front de libération du Québec Dunn, Thomas, 165 (FLQ), 70 Dutil, Jean, 23 Fryer, James Alexander, 59, 61 East End Gang, 91, 95, 112, 115, Gabriel, Kyle, 245 120, 156 Gagné, Stéphane, 207, 208 El Morocco, 47 Gagnon, Sylvie, 144 Ellis Island (NY), 1–2 Galante, Carmine, 22 Evil Ones, 206 Gallant, Gerald, 27 BINDEX.indd 265 01/03/11 3:38 PM 266 | Index Galliano, Paul, 117 Hansen, Bobby, 20 Gallinger, Charles, 60, 61 Harlem Paradise (club), 56 Gambino, Frank, 69 Harris, Earl, 227 Gangs de 67, 243 Hawaiian Lounge, 40 Ganuza, Diego José, 160 helicopter heist, 126–29 Garcia, Jairo, 159 Hells Angels, 27, 31, 58, 64, 98, 121, Gas House Gang, 5–6 137, 138, 139, 146, 147, 148, 152, Gaston, Jean, 244 157, 160, 166, 174, 178, 181, 189, Gelenais, Guy, 85 191, 193, 195, 195, 197, 199–212, Geoffrion, Jean-Guy, 203 218, 224, 245 Giaccone, Philip, 224 Heritage Home Foundation, 213 Gilbert, Jean-Pierre, 104, 107, Heroux, Roch, 109–10 108, 109 Hilton brothers, 158, 159, 226 Gilbert, Pierre, 100 HMCS Fredericton, 216–18, Gill, Paul, 116, 117, 118, 120 219, 222 Giordano, Lorenzo, 228, 229–30 Hodges, William, 191, 194 Glouberman, Sholom, 140 Homolka, Karla, 160 Golden, John, 221 Horvath, Joe, 81–82 Goodman, Johnny, 52 Houde, Camillien, 49 Goose Village (Montreal), 2, 8–9, Hudson Dusters, 5–6 11, 12, 17 Gophers, 5–6 Imperial Tobacco Ltd., 236–37 Gordon, Bertram, 165 Indelicato, Alphonse, 224 Goulet, Robert, 191, 192, 194 informants, 114 Grado, Francesco, 58 Interpol, 26, 225 Gravely, Eddie, 100, 109, 179 Irish Commemorative Stone, 3–4 Great Potato Famine, 1 Irish immigration, 1–4 Greco, Louie, 16, 24, 30–31, 46, 48, Irish Lancer, The (club), 101 51, 55 Irish Republican Army (IRA), 7, Grégoire, Jean-Denis, 152 138 Greig, Catherine Elizabeth, 8 Irving, Heather, 108 Grenier, Claude, 116–17 Italian Mafia, 5, 7, 21, 23, 111, 137, Griffin, Ann, 227 138, 142, 152, 156, 158, 207, 215, Griffin, John, 226–27 223–34, 235, 241, 243, 244, 245 Griffin, Michael, 227 Italiano, Felix, 191, 194 Griffin, Richard, 225–26, 229, 230 Jaworski, Douglas, 160 Griffintown (Montreal), 4, 8–9, 11, Jean, Gilles, 70 12–16 Jewish mafia, 33–44, 46, 215 Griffintown Block Boys Club, 15 Johnson family, 19, 99 Griffith, Fred, 188 Johnston, Mickey, 248 Groom, George, 59, 61, 141 Joliette Women’s Institution, 160 BINDEX.indd 266 01/03/11 3:38 PM Index | 267 Jones, Ronald, 47 Leclerc, Daniel, 238 Joseph, Ducharme, 243–44 Leclerc, Michel, 181 LeCorre, Audette, 125 Kadafi,
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