PM, SUNDAY, MAY .21, 1944 THE NAT ION Mexican-Style Fascism Spreads in U. S. A. With the Support of Some Americans . 5. Smarquum Is Nationalistic These Are the Principles Sinarquismi "I submit that. Sinarquism is the a g selected by Providence to bring about Mexico's fulfilment of her appr to destby, America and the world." Preseneis littering del Sinorquinno, leaflet published by the Los Angeles or Sinarquism, a mass movement of 900,00 Sioarontst Regional Committee. mem rs is -we aces counterpart of the Neu Party in Germany, 6. Sinarquism Is Anti•Dernocratic e Fascist Party in IItaly and the Falange in Spain. "It [democracy has corrupted our concept of liberty, tutting.maa lais The movement, when judged by its official propaganda for foreign con- El Stnarquista, Nov. 27. 194L sumption, or by Its so-milled official 'Sixteen Principles," appears to be an relations with morality, justice and law." booffensive and high-minded attempt at social reform—just as many of the National Socialist Party's original 25 points sound progressive and decent even 7. Sinorquisth Is Anti.Parliamentary today. "Sinarquism Is not an electoral party, not a sectarian movement. It hos not But the following quotations, taken from official Sinarquist publications come to prolong the 'sordid bitter contest between 'conservatives' and 'liberals. not generally distributed in the U. S, A., tell the real stray of Sinarquism and between 'reactionaries' and 'revolutionists,' for it has realized with clear vision what it stands for. that from these horrible conflicts derive all the nation's nu.s• forhtnes." Prsoencis lit:laded del Sinorquiiisto. 1. Sinarquism Is Fascist 8.- Sintirquismis Anti-Arnerecan ' "We want the radical transformation of this liberal, capitalist and revo- [The U. S.] 'is our common enemy who proposed to break up all the lutionary regime of injustice [the present Mexican Government ],aandnd wo prodlaim Strength upon which our grandeur was founded, and to disarm Mexico: In that this regime must be destroyed forever, even if we are ea d fascists." 1847 she boldly invaded our land and took possession of it." _El Sinarquista official Mexico en 1960, ---'11easspalwati.-spaper, Nov. 12, 1041. official propaganda pamphlet 21 Sinarquism Is Totalitarian - 9. Sinarquism Is Anti‘Soviet "We demand the true union of the Mexican family and the subordination -"Russia is the organized political center which, above governments and • of individual and class interests to the supreme interest: that of the Fatherland." nations, plots the world revolution of the proletarian pretension of dominating Point 8 orSixteen Basic all the countries dl the earth." El Sinorquista, Tune 4, 1942. Points of Sinarquism,'.official . Steen-Nisi platform. 10. Sin-orgasm Is Anti-Semitic "The points [in the Atlantic Charter] which refer to the economic reor- • 3. Sinarquism. Is Authoritarian ganization of the world 'are a bloody joke at the expense. of Europeans in over- -We $Marouists noderstand_the role . of authority... - . We • know it to be Irgpulatod arras, whde,the lords of London and the Jews of New York exercise derived...froirt‹..WnIt*TagliAisbr May .Cori&lie upbblaing • the opposite ngorcins'vigilance over SO- per cent'of the raw• materials' inieded- for Tatman view." El Sinarquisia, June 4, 1942. existence," Ed Sinarouiseo, disgust 01, 194L 11. Sinarquism Is Pro.Franco 4. Sinargnism Is Dictatorial . -We know little of Spain.... We;glean these conclusion's: Con; Franco is `NO matter of businesa will be discussed at meetings. The thief musb•give giving the world an example of guiding Spain's international policy in a masterly All the answers; he may ask , The general and absolute rule is that no way... El Sinarquisto, Nov. 26, 1942. matter must he subject to voting by the meeting. The Sinarquist movement is hierarchitally orguniv,d and the chiefs dictate all the orders and solve all Now read in the columns below the story of Americans who problems... The soldiers obey. Booklet for Chiefs 1941,_ are supporting this Sinarquist movement. official Siampaist hanernook_ - — - - • - Coughlin, `Tablet' Have Kind Words for Sinarquistas By fisizz H. P. Et.T/A17 Palluelear) EGM•405, Self. i , Faekt ties of the SinarqUists or to coun- headed by ,Salazar, De Valera, Can. V organ of the Archdiocese Sinarquism, Mexico's hand-raising, flag-waving fascist teract the vicious anti-democratic, Franco and Mussolini, will want to o Antonio, was sponsored by movement, whose disciplined and militarized terror pro-fascist propaganda of their hear further from Merico's Sicar- the Inter-American Catholic Inshi. squads constitute the greatest threat to that country's admirers. quists with their '16 principles' of tos tae headed by Bishop Edwin V. legitimate government, has crossed the border into the The movement here is hot new. social justice.' (See photostat on O'Hara a Kansas Cagy . As early as Sept. 20;1941; Charles tits rage.) o the "students," Alfonso - As In Mexleo SinarruriSin's Tole in the U. S. -A. is to do fascist E. Cone61M. Wrote in his Social Student Tour a Juan Ignacio-Pedgim- dirty work. Sinarquist propaganda, cleverly concealed behind pious Justice, dater barred from the mails raractirttifteerredrotttrfter as seditious: In April, 1945, Four Mexican aWarquist National Committee Fn of Christian ethics and morality, M reality continues where "Advocates of Christian- social "students"— all men over 30 — Mexico City. Trueba, one of the agents and their native justice in America, Chri.itiart•Amer- mitred the U.S.A., lecturing on the Founders of Sinarquism, is its me*. American brethren left at peoliticallytrained and ideologically Jeans who once dreamed of a na.- merits of Sinarquism at a number net chief of propaganda and an The Sinarquist propaganda drive tional union to effect a 18-point re- of Catholic universities, colleges editor of El &marquis/a, the official g, fanatic fighters for fascism, wM- in the U. S. A., now in full swing, Ing aud ready to act at a moment's form, and who have .watched the and clubs in the Ea.st, Middle West Siaarquist newspaper. Juan Padilla; has two main /Seel; notice. About fifty official Sinarquist progress of the Christian States and South. The tour, according to also an editor of El Stnarquista, ss I To sow dissension among Mex- committees in the U.S.A. appear on chief of the Sinarquist colonization icans and Americans of Mexican registration statements Mod with In Lower California and descent, in minimize 'their contribu- tion to the war, and to organize the Dept. ofjustice under the-For- Advocates of Christian seeial justice in America, them inns closely-hit centers of Agents Registration Act. Bishop O'Hara may wefi have ITo spread Sinarquist propa- Christian Americans who once dreamed of a national union been duped by these Sinarquist - IN PM TODAY ganda aniong non-Mexican Amer- le effort a IC-point reform, and who have watched the mut.ganclhsts and thought them Pages tams, to ma,. fascism in its dis- legitimate students. Bra he must guised form of Sinarquism accept. progress 0 the Christian Stales headed by Salazar, De have been aware of their pro-Sin- National News - • - 3-7 able to the people of the U.S.A. A arquist propaganda tails. 8-12 Vetere. Gen. Franco and Mussolini, will want to hear Foreign News - concerted drive by non-Mexican A firm friend and apostle of Sin. New York News • • - 13 friends and spokesmen of Sinai, further hem Mexico's Sinsirehisis with their "Kw;netignsin arquiszu in the U. S. A. is Father Letters 14 quisin is underway to convince the Alcuta kleibel, teacher of history Shopping News, Food • 13 &ludo= people of the righteous- . of sock Llege, Oregon Only - Amusements 18-19 ness and political harmlessness of reeenthweleaesakkgsogwee;md the movement. Joe Cummiskey • , - 17 Thistlipping is from Father GoUghlin's seditious Social Justice stay in Mexico. ■ 17 Nest to nothing has been. done Elrga. Tom Itleany - • • ' in this country to curb the activf. of Sept 29, 1041. • On Sept. 3, 1942, PM, SUNDAY, MAY 21, 1944 4 <CONTINUED> Ickes Attacked U. S. Publicity on Movement he wrote in the Oregon Journal of Portland: dares that the movement is neil All friends of Mexico should THE MEXICAN SCENE "Fascist, political or religio study and watch Sinarquism. If the rr SYNARCHISM Editoriall, it adds: Sinarquists are what they claim to ie reseed emy In the or be, they deserve our support." that every Movement which to Father ficibeloon made up his A Complete Suzenemy opposition to Communism, la I 1943, mind. On Jan. 23, The Tab- err. yrRome P. HOLLAND, MA. chi." let, maintained by the Diocese of Of Its Program rma tom of 'nee TAOIST The weekly, pih'e Brooklyn, said: And Principles a eulogy of the'lrveinent r an A Father liethel who spent some 18, 1942. And on Aug. 14, time investigating and learning order dal o The Tobbt way move foribarid narra- tion witb regard to due native. rose and activities of re Signori. Sim. ore o Ads leen.olLeele following year, the same 138 about the [ffinarquist] movement, s eser, a nmierry of its pmgram w published iv Mexico Gey at Formes. tie se Americana haw been misled. wrote: said he Ls 'convinced that Sinar- [MC. by the Publishing besmear.. of the Netiasel Sinarquigt Uowq Personally I feel eertalndhat synambisse mil toad Sinarquists want Mexico tc Ttism is a social movement ofer- .el be publish.] in .crt issue of The Tat a. This 1.11 ke the the Mexican people sent to a Christian Democracy an honest-to-goodness demnee reel hope to the great Majority Sul compl.e Ind arelheritatin Sam.% ametreickt the Shmetneet. than they have ever been Like onrsalsos synaraists They themselves have an fee of the Mexitans so long alauslaebs tedirreon snow is the Arstiiiiss prm rove true freedom and are willing to =Per to regain chical organization, but it is a.
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