SPORTS SPORTS Winter Series Rodeo State Wrestling Tournament. Pages 11-14 results released. Page 7 Miles City Thursday, March 4, 2021 STARMiles City, Montana $1.00 Structure destroyed in fire By HANNA KAMBICH that was injured and treat- able at both the county and Star Staff Writer ed at Holy Rosary Health- the city fire halls. To care Emergency Room obtain one from the coun- A garbage barrel fire with minor injuries. ty, visit their fire hall in was reported yesterday at According to Peterson, the old warehouse north of 12:38 p.m. it took around three hours Pine Hills Correctional On the 5000 block of Val- to get the fire under con- Facility. They are avail- ley Drive East a fire in a trol. The 13 to 15 mph able 24 hours a day. garbage barrel got out of wind made it difficult. To obtain one from the control when the wind There were multiple city, stop by their fire hall picked up. It burned 34 calls made to dispatch at 2800 Main St. acres and initially threat- about the fires, which Burn permits contain ened six to 10 structures. made it seem like there the appropriate times and The structures did include was multiple fires when it objects burnable for both homes. was all one fire. This organizations. After The fire missed the included a grass fire at obtaining a burn permit, majority of the structures Valley Drive East, a grass call Dispatch at 406-232- only hitting a shed. The fire at Kircher Creek Road 3411 before you burn. fire also hit pastures, and a structure fire call Responding units includ- fences and grass. There came in later. ed Custer County Fire were no animals harmed in While burning garbage Department, Miles City the blaze. doesn’t require a burn per- Fire and Rescue and Custer County Fire mit those who want to burn Bureau of Land Manage- Chief Bud Peterson esti- ditches, grass piles, wood ment. STAR PHOTO/Hanna Kambich mated the cost of the dam- and paper products among (Contact Hanna Kambich A scorched pasture sits on display yesterday afternoon after a garbage barrel fire got out of con- age to be around $5,000. others need a permit. at mcreporter@midrivers. trol when the wind picked up. There was a firefighter Burn permits are avail- com or 406-234-0450.) Team Spirit House bill to affect dispatch By DERRICK CALHOUN Star Staff Writer Montana House Bill 50 will be taking money out of state 911 funds, includ- ing that of Southeastern Montana Dispatch. HB 50, part of a larger Montana State Library (MSL) bill, House Bill 633, would annually appropri- ate $450,000 of state 911 funds to the MSL to sup- port the creation and maintenance of GIS data to implement Next Gener- ation 911 (NG 911). According to usgs.gov, the website for the United GARNER States Geological Survey, a Geographic Information System (GIS), is a com- 0field Counties, will puter system that analyz- instead be taken and used STAR PHOTO/Sharon Moore es and displays geograph- to help other areas that Members of the Miles Community College Pioneers women’s basketball team celebrate a made three pointer on the bench ically referenced infor- need help becoming com- during the Pioneers routing of Williston State College last night at the MCC Centra. The Lady Pioneers moved to 16-0 on the mation, using data that is pliant. season with the lopsided win and 15-0 in MonDak Athletic Conference play. For a full game story see page 7 of today’s Miles attacked to a unique loca- “Why do I have to pay City Star. tion. to help someone else get The Montana State to the level that they Library (MSL) is in should have been prepar- charge of statewide GIS ing to get to for years,” data for Montana, helping she said. local governments create She also said that NG Fundraiser to be held for local man 911 isn’t something that is and maintain GIS data By DERRICK CALHOUN been since December, when and combining that data new, they have known it Star Staff Writer he was moved from St. Vin- into statewide data sets was coming for years, cent’s in Billings. for use in GIS systems. which is why they have A spaghetti dinner and Matt, 41, is married to According to Lynn been preparing for it. silent auction fundraiser are Tammy Goff Holmes Bickle, Anderson, Southeastern “It is taking money being held for Matt Bickle on and has three children, Montana Dispatch super- from the citizens here Saturday at the Veteran’s of Kadan, Rychele and Layne. visor, the local 911 board, when so many people Foreign Wars hall. He owns local construction with Custer County Com- have been working so The event runs from 5-10 company Bickle Construction. missioner Jason Strouf hard to try and make sure p.m. and costs $8 for adults Dee also added that he taking point, made sure this, in regards to dis- and $5 for children seven- broke his arm and left leg, that the mapping that patch, works well for the years-old and under. needing a titanium rod in his they use in Custer County, citizens,” Anderson said. The fundraiser is to sup- leg. Miles City and Garfield “We have put money into port Matt and his family, Robbie Shores, a local con- County are set. this, we have gotten helping augment lost income tractor, with some help has “We put a lot of time, grants. It’s been a three since his injury as well as to done a wonderful job helping money and people into or four year process mak- help the family purchase a retrofit his home for when he this,” Anderson said. ing this happen. Now we handicap-accessible van for returns, Dee said. She men- Anderson added that have to pay for everyone Bickle. tioned that amongst other she thought they were else too, when they could He was in a car accident things he put in a handicap about 93% compliant with have been doing the same on Oct. 7, between Forsyth accessible ramp. NG 911 at this point, but things we have been SUBMITTED PHOTO and Rosebud, rolling his car doing.” “So far we have had an A spaghetti dinner and silent auction fundraiser will be held other counties aren’t and suffering a traumatic The bill is sponsored by excellent response selling Saturday to raise money to help Matt Bickle’s family pay medi- nearly as close to being brain injury. According to his Frank Garner (R-HD7) tickets,” Dee said. “The com- cal bills. compliant. mother Dee Bickle, he was munity has been wonderful as With this new bill, from Kalispell. unconscious for two months well, a lot of people have donation jars for Matt and the fundraiser. according to Anderson, (Contact Derrick Cal- and has been receiving excel- donated items for auctions.” his family. She also said that (Contact Derrick Calhoun about $7,000 of her funds, houn at mcsportsreporter@ lent rehab at Holy Rosary Dee added that 16 busi- they don’t have a specific at mcsportsreporter@gmail. funds meant to help gmail.com or at 406-234- Healthcare, where he has nesses in town have put up target amount in mind for com or at 406-234-0450.) Custer County and Gar- 0450.) Visit our Website at www.milescitystar.com 2 – Thursday, March 4, 2021 LOCAL / MONTANA Miles City Star Today is second annual ‘Slam the Scam’ Day Calendar By STAR STAFF Social Security/OIG work- to comply with their our effort this year to alert group to maximize resources demands. In recent twists, Americans to hang up on sus- The Social Security and ensure a cohesive thieves even use real Social picious calls, and talk to their THURSDAY meal out). Administration (SSA) and the response. Security and OIG official’s family and friends about nShare the Love Used nCommunity COVID-19 Office of the Inspector Gen- “I am deeply troubled that names and send pictures of phone scams.” Bookstore, 2-6 p.m., Unit- testing for direct contacts eral (OIG) have once again crooks are deceiving Ameri- fabricated government ID Among today’s events is: ed Christian Church, 1006 and symptomatic individu- joined forces to raise public cans and using fear tactics to badges. — 5 p.m.: Facebook Live S. Strevell Ave. 406-531- als, 11 a.m.-1 p.m., by Agri- awareness about Social Secu- trick people into providing Social Security will never with the SSA Office of the 3317. Sports Complex across rity imposter scams during personal information or tell you that your Social Inspector General and the Divi- n2021 Montana High from Spotted Eagle Recre- the second annual ‘Slam the money,” said Social Security Security number is suspend- sion of Consumer & Business School Association Class ation Area with entrance Scam’ Day today. Social Commissioner Andrew Saul. ed, contact you to demand an Education at the Federal Trade A State Wrestling Tourna- off Pacific Avenue. Security scams — in which “I urge everyone to remain immediate payment, threat- Commission. ment, 5:30 p.m. coaches’ nMiles City Public Li- fraudsters mislead victims vigilant, hang up on these en you with arrest, ask for Social Security employees do meeting via Zoom, 6:30 brary’s Preschool Story- into making cash or gift card fraudsters, and go to oig.ssa. your credit or debit card occasionally contact the public p.m. officials’ meeting via time, 11:15 a.m., Miles City payments to fix purported gov to report any attempted numbers over the phone, ask by telephone for business pur- Zoom.
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