@ GOVERNMENT OF ASSAM OFFICE OF THE DTRECTOR OF HIGHER EDUCAflON, ASSAM, KAHILIPARA. GUWAHATI. 19 "_."+ on recommendation of the Screening committee's meeting held on 12-05-2017, the undersigned pleased is to attow 44 nos. of Assistant professor(s)/ Librarian(s) of provincialised Colleges of Assam for stage promotion from Stage-l to Stage-2 in the revised UGC scale of pay of Rs.l5,60o -39,loo + AGp 7000 p.m. with effect from the date(s) as mentioned against their names. Y h\' Director, h Kahilipara, 19. Memo No. DH E/CElMisc/61 /2011 / e / Dated: Kahilipara, the lL/O6/2OtZ Copy for favour of information and necessary action to: The Principal l) Secretary to the Govt. of Assam, Higher Education Department, Dispur, Guwahati-6 The 2) Accountant General (A&E) Assam, Maidamgaon, Bettota, Guwahati-29. 3) All members of the meeting of Screening Committee held on 12-05-2017 for information. 4) The Principal, Coltege/Mahavidyataya, P.O.-......... ......District- ..... He is directed to submit proposal for fixation of pay in respect of the concerned employee(s) of your college. 6) Person concerned.. ....;......... 7) Guard file. Directol Higher Education, Assam pr Kahilipara, Guwahati- 19. Statement showing the name of the incumbents placed in the Senior Scale of pry as per O.M. No AI{8.162120121W46, dated l3-11-2013 and Minutes of the mceting hcld on 12-05-2017 62- sl. Name of College Namc ofTeacher Recomm€,nded date Period No i of Senior Scsle I LO.K.D. College Smti Sumi Bora, English 0l-08-20t4 6 years 2 TenSakhat College Dr. Pranjal Bhuyan, Hlstory t3-ot-2016 4 Years 3 L.O.K.D. ColleSe Dr. Tulan Muchahary, Bodo t4-o&20t6 4 years 4 Dibru College Mr. Pranab Paul, Botany ol{r-2015 6 years 5 Tlnrukla College Blplab BEnllq Chemlstry 2547-2014 6 yeaB 6 Goalpara College Mr. DhEnanioy Medhl, Geography ll-Ol-2016 6 yrs 7 Tezpur College Mr. Debailt Dutta, Economlc5, 22-qb20t5 5 year I ,\.D.P. C.ollege Dr. Bhaskar J. Salkla, Physig 03{8.2015 4 years 9 A.D.P. College Dr, Mllan Neo& Asramese 26{,t-2015 4 yeaB t0 A"D.P. College Mrs. Malavlka Baru8h, Sanrklt 27-11-2015 6 years lt A.D.P. C.ollege Dr. Abdul Mannan. Hlndl 1542-2015 4 year 12 lumding College Dr. SuJata 5m, Geology 254+2014 6 year l3 Dr, B.KB. College Srl Ghanashyam Tald, Educatlon 2241-2016 5 years 14 A.D.P. College Dlganta lC. Boroo^ra, Hlstory 1842-2015 4 years l5 Tezpur College Dr. Prakash Jyotl Salkla, Geography l3-lr-2014 4 years 16 Women's College, Tinsukia Surabl Dutta. Economlcr t5-o5-2014 6 years 17 Women's College Tlnsukla Mrs. Suman Sahu, Pol. Sdence ot47-201? 5 year l8 D.KD. College Ms. Tridhara Bordolol. Englkh o7a7-2014 6 years l9 SibJagar Commerce Mr5. Juntl Patar. futsmese 124+2014 6 years College 20 Slbsagar College Dr, Slkhor Doley, EnSllsh o8{&20r5 5 year 2l Mankachar €ollege Flrdusa Begum, Englbh 0l{8-2014 6 yean 22 B.H. College, Howly Dr. Rrbln Jyotl Khat8nlar, EconomlcJ 2A-O&2014 4 years 23 Bajali College Mr. Deepak Baruah, Gcogrphy 02.08-2015 5 yean 24 Janata ColleSe Dr. Plnald Das, Bengall q)-or20t4 5 years 25 R.S. Girk' College Dr. Nllan an DeV, Hl5tory 23'o1-2014 5 Years 26 Sibragar Girls' College Sd Abhliit Barpurarl. ubrarlan t5-12-2014 6 yean 27 B.N. College Dr. Nlqrananda Barmrn, StatlJtict t4-09-2014 4 yeart 2A 5.5, College Dr. Golap Ch. Nandl, Economlcs 05-lt-20t4 5 yean 29 lGrimganj College Dr. Abhlrlt ChakraboIty, Benglll ol-ll-20r5 4 y€art 30 Karimganj College Dr. Trldlp Dutta Choudhury, Chernlitry 04ot-2016 4 yerR 3l lorimganj College Dr. Blsurarlt Deb. Chemhry ot-o3-20t6 4 yeaB 32 Karimganj College Smtl Apama Ghosh. Pol.Sclence t5-12-2015 6 years 33 Pub kamrup College Dr. Kalpana Mlsra, Mathematlc 2aav20t4 4 yeaB ?4 B.Borooah College Dr, Hemen €h. Mazumdar, Botany lGo620l4 4 yeaB 35 B.Borooah College Dr. Diganta Kr. Sarma. Physlcs 30{6.2014 4 yesn 36 M.N.C. Balika Dr. Hlramanl Taluldrr. Assamete o2a7-2014 4 years Mahavldyalaya 37 B.P. Chaliha ColleSe Dr, Jabebaro Namo Dai. Botsny l5-08-2015 6 years 38 Gauhati Commerce Dr. Kmrtta Gaggar (Krveet! Mahe$^rarl) 09.0.2-2016 4 yeaB College Accountancy 39 Handique Girls' College Mr. Bapan Saha, Chemlstry 07.ol.20t5 6 years Q Pub Kamrup College Dr, Naysnmonl Barulh. AtjameJe 1ffi6.2015 6 year 41 Pragiyotish College Ms. Chandana Sarma. Hlndl 29-12-2015 6 l€aff 42 Pragiyotirh College Dr. Mrld$hmlt8 Darl. Educatlon o3Q9-2015 4 ye6r 43 Pragiyotkh College Gaurl Hazarlka. Education l8-0&2014 6 yeaB 44 Arya Vidyapeah College Dr. Suenta Kr. Borthakur, Cheminry 3l-12-2ol3n 4 feots b DI{E! q @ GOVERNMENT OF A55AM OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR OF,HIGHER EDUCATION, AsSAM, On recommendation of the Screening Committee's meeting held on ll-O!DOl7, the undersigned is pleased to allow 12 nos. of Assistant pnofesor(s)/ Librarlan(s) (selection Gnde scale) of Provinciafised colleges of Assam las er the lirt aoxnded at Annanute.cJl for rtage promotion from Stage-3 to stage4 in the revired UGC scale of pay of Rs.3z,,loo - 67,000 + AGP 9000/- p.m. with effect from the dateG) aj mentioned against their names. Director. Drahillpara, Guwahati- 19 Memo No. DHVCE/M1s461 /2OtZ / 3 2 Dated: Kahilipara , the UO6l2Otz Copy for favour of information and necersary action to: l) The Principal Secretary to the Govt. of A5ram. Higher Educatlon Department, Dispur, Gu,wahati-6. 2) The Accountant General (A&E) Assam, Maidamgaon. Beltola, Guwahati-29. 3) All memben of the meeting of Screening Committee held on 12-O5-2017 for information, 4) The Principal College/Mahavtdyalaya, Po.-...............................District- He ir dir€cted to submit proporal for fixation of pay ln rerpect of the concemed employee(s) of your college. 5) The Treasury Officer,................ 6) Person concerned,...,.... 7) Guard file. \r Director, Higher Education, Assam O Kahilipara, Guwahati- Io rd Statement showing the name of incumbents ptaced in the Associate Scale of Pay as per O.M. -- No. AHE.L62/2OL2|PI|46, dated 13-11-2013 and Minutes of the meeting held on L2-O5-2OL7 sl. Name of College Name of Teacher Date of last Recommended date of No. promotion Associate Scale of pay I lumding College Dr. Sanfay lbntl Das. Conrmere 2+(D-20t3 2+O9-2016 2 Tinsukla College Mr. Surya Chutla, Eonomlcs 22-n2012 22-11-2015 3 Mangaldol College Mrs. Rnpffil Baruah, Assamese rolo,20Il 3(Lll-20t4 4 Mangaldol College Dr.Saraju Prlya Devi, fusanrese to-to-20[ tGlG20l4 Cadrar College KaJen Barumatary, Cornrrre r2-tt-2013 t2-n-2016 5 Cadrar College Dr. Merina lslam, Phllosophy t6.t2-2013 l6t2-2016 6 7 Cadrar College Ch. Kamala Dad, Manlpuri fla9-2012 t7-ur-20t5 B D.C.B. Girls'College Dr. RanJan Bhattadtarya, Assamese lif,.T:PI.Ill 0l.08-2014 9 D.C.B. Girls'College Dr. lokesh Boro, Econonria 3GlG,20ll 3t-tG20I4 lo D.C.B. Girk' College Dipak Kr. Doley, Assamese o&r2-201t o&12-20t4 il D.C.B. Glrls'College Dr. Susmlta Prlyadarshanl. Economlcs 0r-o&20rt ot{,&.2014 t2 Dispur College Dr. Mamanl lGlita, Phllosophy 26{,2-2016 "L6-:-aor9 {a D.H.E., Assam D tU /--r GOVERNMENT OF ASSAM OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOROF HIGHER EDUCATION, ASsAM, KAHILIPARA. GUWAHATI. 19 ORDER On recommendation of the Screening Committee's meeting hetd on 12-O5-2O1Z and subject to submission of l.PR. (lmmovable Property Return), the undersigned is pleased to allow the following Assistant Professor of Dispur Cottege for ptacement in Senior Scate of pay in the revised UGc scale of pay of Rs.15,600 - 39,lOO + AGP 7000 p.m. with effect from the date as mentioned against the name. 51. No. Name of Assistant Dae of regular Placement in Remark Professor & Department appointment/joining Senior Scale of in sanctioned post pay I Dr. Mamani Kalita 0l-09-2001 Senior Scale to (Philosophy) Conditional be rectified to appointment 26-02-2008 (sLET, 25-11-2003) instead of Condition 01-o9-2007 withdrawn on 10- 02-2004 Director, Higher Education, Assam p fanitipara, Guwahati- 19. Memo No.DHE/CElMkc/61/2O11/ 4 3 Dated: Kahilipara, the fu/O6/2O11 Copy for favour of information and necessary action to: l) The Principal Secretary to the Govt. of Assam. Higher Education Department, Disput Guwahati-6. 2) The Accountant General (A&E) Assam, Maidamgaon, Beltola, Guwahati-29. 3) All members of the meeting of Screening Committee hetd on 12-O5-2Oll for information. 4) The Principal, ....'............ College/Mahavidyataya, PO.-......... ......District- ..... He is directed to submit proposal for fixation of pay in respect of the concerned employee(s) of your college along with l.PR. (tmmovable property Return). 5) The Treasury Offi 6) Person concerned., 7) Guard file. Director; Higher Education, Assam 2 Kahilieara, Guwahati- 19. GOVERNMENT OF ASSAM U- OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR OF HIGHER EDUCATION. ASSAM, KAHILIPARA. q,pwAHATt- I 9 O R,D E R On recommendation of the Screening Committee's meeting hetd on 12-O5-2Oll, the undersigned is pleased to allow following Assistant Professor (Senior Scale) of Dispur Coilege, placement in Selection Grade Scale of pay in the revised UGC scate of pay of Rs.l5,6OO - 39'100 + AGP SOOO p.m. with effect from the date as mentioned against the name. 51. No. Name of Assistant Senior Scale of Placement in Selection Remarks Professor & pay allowed Grade Scale Department 1 Dr.
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