SCHEDULED COMMITTEE MEETINGS to be held in the Multi-Purpose Room #236, second floor of the City Administration Building, 201 Spring Street: • Monday, January 16, 2017, 5:30 p.m. is the next Committee meetings. Committee agendas will be available on Friday, January 13, 2017. SPRINGDALE CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, JANUARY 10TH, 2017 5:55 p.m. Pre Meeting Activities Pledge of Allegiance Invocation – MAYOR SPROUSE 6:00 p.m. OFFICIAL AGENDA 1. Large Print agendas are available. 2. Call to Order – Mayor Doug Sprouse 3. Roll Call – Denise Pearce, City Clerk Recognition of a Quorum. 4. Comments from Citizens The Council will hear brief comments from citizens during this period on issues not on the agenda. No action will be taken tonight. All comments will be taken under advisement. 5. Approval of Minutes a) December 13, 2016 (3-18) b) December 21, 2016 (19-20) 6. Procedural Motions A. Entertain Motion to read all Ordinances and Resolutions by title only. B. Entertain Motion to dispense with the rule requiring that ordinances be fully and distinctly read on three (3) different days for ordinances listed on this agenda as item numbers….12; 14a; 15; 18 (Motion must be approved by two-thirds (2/3) of the council members). 7. A Resolution re-appointing Mike McFarland to the Northwest Arkansas Airport Authority. Item to be presented by: Mayor Doug Sprouse. (21-23) 8. A Resolution making a re-appointment to the Public Facilities Board of the City of Springdale. Item to be presented by: Mayor Doug Sprouse. (24-25) 9. A Resolution making an appointment to the Springdale Library Board. Item to be presented by: Mayor Doug Sprouse. (26-28) 10. A Resolution approving an appointment to the Springdale Planning Commission. Item to be presented by: Mayor Doug Sprouse. (29-33) 11. A Resolution appointing Directors for Energy Improvement District No. 1. Item to be presented by: Mayor Doug Sprouse. (34) 12. An Ordinance annexing certain property into the City of Springdale, Washington County, Arkansas. (35-37) 13. Finance Committee Report and Recommendations: A Resolution authorizing the execution of a lease agreement for a copier for the Springdale Public Works Department Traffic Signalization Division. Committee recommended approval. (38- 41) 14. Street & CIP Committee Report and Recommendations by Chairman Rick Evans: A. An Ordinance to waive competitive bidding for the roof repair of the Public Works Complex. (42-45) B. A Resolution authorizing execution of an Engineering Design Contract for Don Tyson Parkway Extension from 56th Street to Arkansas Highway 112. Committee recommended approval. (46) 15. Planning Commission Report and Recommendations by Patsy Christie, Director of Planning: An Ordinance accepting the re-plat of lots Nine (9) and Eleven D (11D), Robinson's First Elmdale Subdivision, Springdale, Arkansas, and declaring an emergency. (47) 16. Public Vehicle Commission Report and Recommendations by Chairperson Kathy Jaycox: A. A Resolution certifying the need for additional taxicab services in the City of Springdale, Arkansas, pursuant to Chapter 122 of the Code of Ordinances for the City of Springdale, Arkansas. (48) B. A Public Hearing on a taxicab operator permit application filed by Thimotee Liboudo (49-50) C. A Public Hearing on a taxicab operator permit application filed by Billy Deatherage. (51-56) 17. A Resolution authorizing the continuance of the Emma Avenue Street Project. Item to be presented by: Ernest Cate, City Attorney (57-60) 18. An Ordinance authorizing the City Clerk to file a Clean-Up Lien for the removal of overgrown brush and debris on property located within the City of Springdale, Washington County, Arkansas. Item presented by: Ernest Cate, City Attorney. (61-121) 19. A Resolution making appointment and re-appointments to the Advertising and Promotions Commission. (Documents to be handed out at the meeting). 20. Comments from Department Heads. 21. Comments from Council Members. 22. Comments from City Attorney. 23. Comments from Mayor 24. Adjournment. SPRINGDALE CITY COUNCIL DECEMBER 13,2016 The City Council of the City of Springdale met in regular session on December 13, 2016, in the City Council Chambers, City Administration Building. Mayor Doug Sprouse called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Roll call was answered by: Doug Sprouse Mayor Rick Culver Ward3 Jeff Watson Ward3 Mike Overton Ward2 Eric Ford Ward1 Mike Lawson Ward4 Rick Evans Ward2 Jim Reed Ward 1 Kathy Jaycox Ward4 Ernest Cate City Attorney Denise Pearce City Clerk!freasurer Department heads present: Wyman Morgan Director of Financial Services Sam Goade Public Works Director Lester Coger Police Captain Mike Irwin Fire Chief Chad Wolf Parks and Recreation Gina Lewis Human Resources Director Mike Chamlee Buildings Director Melissa Reeves Public Relations Director Brad Baldwin Engineering Director Marcia Ransom Library Director AWARD AND PROCLAMATION PRESENTED TO THE CALVERT FAMILY Mayor Sprouse presented an award and proclamation to the Calvert Family honoring Rhonda Calvert for her hard work and community contributions and the difference she and her family made in the City of Springdale. FIREFIGHTER AND POLICEMENT OF THE YEAR AWARDS PRESENTED BY VFW David Vining, Springdale VFW Post #1952, recognized Casey Burns as Police Officer of the year and Joshua King as Firefighter of the year. COMMUNITY GARDEN UPDATE Mike Fohner with Youth Strategies gave a community garden update. Their focus is to feed as many families as they can in the community. HELEN TYSON MIDDLE SCHOOL EAST PRESENTATION Brittany Berry of Helen Tyson Middle School EAST Program introduced Will Favorite, one of the students in the EAST Program, who developed and presented a digital map showing historical sites along the Razorback Greenway Trail. CITIZEN COMMENTS Thimotee Iiboudo, 533 Caboose Lane, spoke to City Council about wanting to start a taxi service. f'f) ~ SPRINGDALE CITY COUNCIL DECEMBER 13,2016 He was told discussion regarding his request would be on the December 19th committee meeting agenda. LIEN ON PROPERTY-4006 CROXDALE STREET Catherine Dunlap, owner ofproperty located at 4006 Croxdale Street, was present at City Council requesting the lien placed on her prop~ be removed. She had requested that 00 the hearing on her lien be moved from November 22 to December 13th. Ms. Dunlap explained her situation with the lien. After discussion, Alderman Reed made the motion to remove the lien placed on Ms. Dunlap's property at 4006 Croxdale Street. Alderman Culver made the second. The vote: Yes: Reed, Culver No: Evans, Jaycox, Watson, Overton, Ford, Lawson Motion failed. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Alderman Reed moved the minutes of the November 22, 2016 City Council meeting be approved as presented. Alderman Jaycox made the second. There was a voice vote of all ayes and no nays. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS READ BY TITLE ONLY Alderman Evans made the motion to read all Ordinances and Resolutions by title only and to dispense with the rule requiring that ordinances be fully and distinctly read on three (3) different days for all items listed on this agenda. Alderman Jaycox made the second. The vote: Yes: Reed, Jaycox, Culver, Watson, Overton, Ford, Lawson, Evans No: None AN APPEAL OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION'S DECISION TO DENY REZONING PROPERTY WCATED AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SUNSET AND PLEASANT STREET OWNED BY CRUZ ORTIZ City Attorney Ernest Cate said he received notification that Mr. Ortiz was withdrawing his appeal so the Planning Commission's decision will stand. PUBLIC HEARING- ORDINANCE NO. 5118- RELEASING. VACATING AND ABANDONING A PORTION OF A UTILITY EASEMENT LOCATED ON LOT 38 OF SILENT KNOLL SUBDIVISION, TO THE CITY OF SPRINGDALE. ARKANSAS A Public Hearing was held on an Ordinance releasing, vacating and abandoning a portion of a utility easement located on Lot 38 of Silent Knoll Subdivision, to the City of Springdale, Arkansas. Joi R. Ball, Trustee of the Ball Trust, is the petitioner. No comments were made at the hearing. ~ ~ SPRINGDALE CITY COUNCIL DECEMBER 13,2016 After reading the title of the Ordinance, Alderman Reed moved the Ordinance "Do Pass". Alderman Evans made the second. The vote: Yes: Jaycox, Culver, Watson, Overton, Ford, Lawson, Evans, Reed No: None Alderman Reed moved the Emergency Clause be adopted. Alderman Evans made the second. The vote: Yes: Culver, Watson, Overton, Ford, Lawson, Evans, Reed, Jaycox No: None The Ordinance was numbered 5118. RESOLUTION NO.lll-16 - APPROVING THE CITY OF SPRINGDALE. ARKANSAS BUDGET FOR THE YEAR 2017 Mayor Sprouse presented a Resolution approving the City of Springdale, Arkansas, Budget for the Year 2017. Alderman Reed made the motion to amend the budget and approve a one percent raise for all city employees. Alderman Lawson made the second. Wyman Morgan feels like the revenue projections have been stretched pretty tightly this year. He would hesitate to add an additional one percent this year. It is estimated this increase would increase the budget over $500,000. The vote: Yes: Reed No: Watson, Overton, Ford, Lawson, Evans, Jaycox, Culver Alderman Reed made the motion to adopt the Resolution as presented. Alderman Jaycox made the second. The vote: Yes: Ford, Lawson, Evans, Reed, Jaycox, Culver, Watson No: Overton The Resolution was numbered 111-16. ORDINANCE NO. 5119- SETTING THE SALARIES OF THE ELECTED OFFICIALS AND PLANNING COMMISSION MEMBERS OF SPRINGDALE, ARKANSAS AND REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 4984 Wyman Morgan presented an Ordinance setting the salaries of the elected officials and Planning Commission members of Springdale, Arkansas and repealing Ordinance No. 4984. In ~ SPRINGDALE CITY COUNCIL DECEMBER 13,2016 After reading the title of the Ordinance, Alderman Evans moved the Ordinance "Do Pass". Alderman Reed made the second. The vote: Yes: Ford, Lawson, Evans, Reed, Jaycox, Culver, Watson No: Overton Alderman Evans moved the Emergency Clause be adopted. Alderman Jaycox made the second. The vote: Yes: Lawson, Evans, Reed, Jaycox, Culver, Watson, Ford No: Overton The Ordinance was numbered 5119.
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