ROPEID (ANDREAS). --- Skav; ein studie i eldre tids ftr-problem. With English summary. Utgjeve av Norsk Folkemuseum. Oslo [1960 Scott. Stud. Lib. ROPER (ABEL) pseud. See SWIFT (JONATHAN). ROPER (ALAN). --- Arnold t s poetic landscapes. Baltimore [1969.] .82485 Rop. ROPER (ALLEN GEORGE). --- Ancient eugenics. The Arnold Prize Essay for 1913. Oxford, 1913. F* 13.36. ROPER (ARTHUR JOHN). --- Back Duty manual. 2nd ed. Lond., 1961. •336249(42 ) Rop. ROPER (CLYDE F.E.). --- Systematics and zoogeography of the worldwide bathpelagic squid Bathyteuthis, Cephalopoda: Oegopsida. [U.S. Nat.'Mus. Bull. 291.1 Washington, D.C., 1969. •59456 Rop. ROPER (HUGH REDWALD TREVOR-). See TREVOR-ROPER (HUGH REDWALD). ROPER (JOHN). --- See HARRISON (LLOYD) and R. (J.) ROPER (JOHN FRANCIS HODGES?). --- The teaching of economics at university level. See COUNCIL OF EUROPE. COUNCIL FOR CULTURAL CO-OPERATION. The teaching ... ADDITIONS ROPER (ALAN). ---- See PATRICK (JOHN MAX) and R. (A.). --- Dryden's poetic kingdoms. Lond., 1965. .82148 Rop. ROPER (DEREK). --- Reviewing before the Edinburgh, 1788-1802. Lond., 1978: .8205 F-G Rop. ROPER (JOSEPH IGAL). --- Labour problems in West Africa. [Penguin African Ser. W.A.8.1 Harmondsworth, 1958. .331(66) Rop. --- Another copy. C.A.S. ROPER (LANNING). --- Hardy herbaceous plants. Repr. [Penguin Hdbk. PH51.1 Harmondsworth, 1961. Architect. Lib. --- The Sunday Times gardening book. Repr. Lond., 1967. Architect. Lib. ROPER (LAURA WOOD). --- F.L.O.; a biography of Frederick Law Olmsted. Baltimore [1973.] .712(73) Olm. Rop. ROPER (M.). --- ed. Feet of fines for the county of York from 1300 to 1314. See YORKSHIRE. ROPER (MYRA). --- See FITZGERALD (CHARLES PATRICK) and R. (M.) ROPER (NANCY). --- ed. Churchill Livingstone nurses dictionary. 15th ed. See OAKES (LOIS). [Continued overleaf.] ROPER (NANCY) [continued]. --- Clinical experiences in nurse education; a survey of the available nursing experiences for general student nurses in a school of nursing in Scotland. [Edin. Univ. Nursing Stud. Mon. No. 5.1 Edin., 1976. .6107307 Rop. --- Man's anatomy, physiology and health. Edin., 1963. .611-3 Rop. --- Principles of nursing. Foreword by G. E. Watts. Edin., 1967. .61073 Rop. --- 2nd ed. [Livingstone Nursing Texts.] Edin., 1973. .61073 Rop. --- LOGAN (WINIFRED W.) and TIERNEY (ALISON J.). --- The elements of nursing. Foreword by ... Baroness ... McFarlene of Llandaff. Edin., 1980. .61073 Hop. ROPER (R.E.). --- See FENTON (R.), R. (R.E.) and WATT (G.R.) ROPER (ROBERT). --- Diss. ... inaug. de morbis quibus viri summo ingenio praaediti patent. Edin., 1832. Att.88.4.9/24- --- Another copy. Att.88.4.10/24- ADDITIONS 4 ROPER (NANCY). --- LOGAN (WINIFRED WPJ and TIMM (ALISON J00 --- The elements of nursing. Foreword by ... Baroness ... McFarlane of Llandaff. Edin., 1980. .61073 Rop. --- Learning to use the process of nursing. Edin., 1981. .61073 Rop. --- eds. Using a model for nursing. Edin., 1983. .61073 Rop. ROPER (ROPER SAMUEL, DONNISON). --- A treatise on the law of property arising from the relating between husband and wife. 2 vols. Lond., 1820. E.20.22-23. --- 2nd ed. With additions by E. Jacob. 2 vols. Lond., 1826. E*25.25-26. [Continued overleaf.] ^- ^ _ r ROPER (ROPER SAMUEL DONNISON) [continued]. --- A treatise upon the law of legacies. 3rd ed. ... by H.H. White. 2 vols. Lond., 1828. *E.25.43-44• --- See BRIGHT (J.E.). A treatise on the law of husband and wife ... founded upon R.'s treatise. ROPER (WILLIAM. --- The life of Sir Thomas More, by his son-in-law, W.R. ... To which is added an appendix of letters. A new ed. revised ... [by S.W. Singer, with the preface of J. Lewis . Chiswich, 1817. .9200204/4 --- The lyfe of Sir Thomas Moore, knighte, written by W. Roper ... whiche maried Margreat, daughter of the sayed Thomas Moore, and now edited from thirteen manuscripts, with collations ... by E.V. Hitchcock. [E.E.T.S.O.S. 197.1 Lond., 1935. RL. --- Repr. Lond., 1958. English Lib. --- See CAVENDISH (GEORGE). Two early Tudor lives. --- See MANNING (ANNE. The household of Sir Thomas More. With R.'s Life of More. ROPES (JAMES HARDY). --- The apostolic age in the light of modern criticism. Lond., 1906. New Coll. Lib. --- A critical and exegetical commentary on the Epistles of St. James. [Int. Crit. Comm.] Edin., 1916. C* 15/1.43. --- Repr. Edin., 1 954• New Coll. Lib. [Continued overleaf ADDITIONS ROPER (WILLIAM). -- The mirrour of vertue in wordly greatness or the life of Sir Thomas More, knight, by W.R. King's Class.]. Lond., 1903. .8232 Mor. Rop. ROPERO NUNEZ (MIGUEL). --- El lexico calo en el lenguaje del cante flamenco. [Univ. de Sevilla, Col. de Bolsillo, 67.1 [Seville, 1978.1 .467(468) Rop. 0 ROPES (JAMES HARDY) [continued]. --- ed. Die Spruche Jesu die in den kanonischen Evangelien nicht u`berliefert sind. See JESUS CHRIST. AGRAPHA AND LOGIA. --- ed. See FOAKES-JACKSON (FREDERICK JOHN) and LAKE (KIRSOPP) eds. The beginnings of Christianity. Pt. 1, Vol. 3. ROPES (JOHN CODMAN). The campaign of Waterloo; a military history. 4th ed. New York, 1910. Af.6.105. --- Atlas. New York, 1894• Vh.8. ROPES (MARIAN WILKINS). --- and BAUER (WALTER) M.D. --- Synovial fluid changes in joint disease. Cambridge, Mass., 1953. C.M.L. --- Another copy. C.M.L. ROPP (THEODORE. --- War in the modern world. Durham, N.C., 1959• —P'• '35, S' i4-o'z I -a S- ROPPEN (GEORG). --- Evolution and poetic belief; a study in some Victorian and modern writers. [Oslo Stud. in Eng. No. 5.1 G-H Oslo, 1956. .8209 Rop. --- and SOMMER (RICHARD. --- Strangers and pilgrims; an essay on the metaphor of journey. [Norwegian Stud. in Eng. No. 11.1 Oslo [1964.] .80993 Rop. ADDITIONS RODS (ALICIEN). --- See FONTAINAS (ANDRE' ). R. ROPSHIN, pseud. See SAVINKOFF (BORIS VIKTOROVICH). ROQUEFORT (MICHEL). --- and SOULA (CHRISTIAN). --- Citadelles du vertige. Toulouse, 1 967• •9(448) Roq. ROQUEFORT (JEAN BAPTISTE BONAVENTURE DE). --- De 1 1 etat de la poesie franvise dans les xii e et xiii e siecles. Paris, 1815. Cs. 10.20. --- Glossaire de la^langue romane, redige d'apres les manuscrits de la BibliothequeImperiale ... contenant l l etymologie et la signification des mots usites dans les xi, xii, xiii, xiv, xv, et xvi e siecles ... et precede d t un discours sur 1 1 origine ... de la langue franpise ... 2 tom. Paris, 1808. T* 22.16-17. --- ed. See MARIE, de France. Poesies. ROQUEFORT-FI,LdRICOURT (BONIFACE DE). See ROQUEFORT (J.B.B. DE). ROQUENDOLFE ( - ). --- Arrest definitif donne par un Suisse, contre J. Cameron ... condemnant sa doctrine ... pour erronnee & heretique ... Bordeaus, 1615. Dd.9.69/5- --- Bouquet des verites Catholiques, opposees aux effroyables mensonges, vomies par Cameron ... contre le liure de son bon amy le Suysse [Roquendolfe]. Bordeaux, 1615. Dd.9.69/10. --- Pillules spirituelles, pour la guerison de l t ame & du corps de J. Cameron ... afin de luy oster le desespoir & rage, qu t il a prinse contre le liure du Suisse [Roquendolfe] ... Bordeaux, 1615. Dd.9.69/7. ADDITIONS ROQUE (GEORGES). --- Ceci nest pas un Magritte; essai our Magritte et la publioite. Paris [1 983-1 .75(49301+) Mag• Roq. ROQUEBRUNE (ROBERT DE). -- Quartier Saint-Louis; recit. LColl. du Nenuphar, 30.1 Montreal [1966.] •84899(71) Roq- i ^ ^ ^ ' - ' ^ I ` _^ _ i ^ a ., _ r d i ^ t ^ - ^ ` C-[' ROQUES (JOSEPH). --- Histoire des champignons comestibles et veneneux ... 2me ed. ••• ^A i ► 33 Paris, 1841. X24614. 7 `1 4c' --- Atlas. Paris, 1841. --- Phytographie medicale, ornee de figures coloriees de grandeur naturelle, ou l'on expose 1 1 histoire des poisons tires du regne vegetal ... 2 tom. and atlas (in 2). Paris, 1821.3-^4• j"y 55^ — 55S --- Nouv. ed. ... refondue. 3 tom. Paris, 1835. O.S. .61593 Roq. Maclagan Collection. --- Atlas. Paris, 1835. O.S.F .61593 Roq. XXX Maclagan Collection. ROQUES (MARIO). --- joint-comp. Bibliographie des travaux de Gaston Paris ... See PARIS (GASTON). --- Bibliographie des travaux de Jules Gillieron. Publ. par M.R. [Soc. de Publ. Romanes et Fr. 1.] Paris, 1930. --- etudes de litterature franiaise. [Soc. de Publ. Romanes et Fr. 28.] Lille, 1 949• gBews. T• r4. o Lt go y --- ed. Le garcon et 1 1 aveugle. See GAR^ON (LE) ET L'AVEUGLE. --- Le Graal de Chretien et la demoiselle au Graal. [Soc. de Publ. Romanes et Fr. Vol. 50. 1 Geneve, 1955• cf it ! /[t. Ru? r [Continued overleaf.] r e ^ r Akt ROQUES (MARIO) [continued]. --- Index general des travaux de Jules Gillieron. [tole Prat. des Haut. stud. Sect. des Sci. Hist. et Philol.] Melun, 1945. Bu.82.'T• 941-^,4o-% G.Q. 41, --- ed. Recueil general des lexiques franpis du Moyen Age, XIIe-XVe siecle. Pt. 1 (in 2). [Bibl. de l f Acole des Haut. stud. Sci. Hist. et Philol. Fasc. 264 . 1 Paris. •447(01)03 Roq. 1. Lexiques alphabetiques. 2 tom. 1936-38. --- Le roman d'Arles. Extrait de 1'Histoire litteraire de la France, tom. 38, pte. 2. Paris, 1950. F .84119 Rom. Roq. --- ed. Le roman du comte d'Anjou. See MAILLART (JEHAN). --- etudes romanes dediees a Mario Roques par ses amis, colle^ues et eleves de France. [Soc. de Publ. Romanes et Fr. 25. 1 Paris, 1946. -Re•8s3^ 47gio4 Rod,, --- Another copy. French Lib. --- See GILLI^RON (JULES) and R. (M.) ROQUES (MAURICE). --- See JUNG (JEAN) and R. (M.) ROQUES (PIERRE). --- Le pasteur evangelique, ou, essais sur 1 1 excellence et la nature -" du St. Ministere ... Avec un discours preliminaire ... Basle, 1723. C.R.15.6.15. * Cameron Collection. --- continuator. See SAURIN (J.). Discours historiques. ADDITIONS ROQUES (MARIO). --- ed. Melanges de litterature frangaise du moyen age. See PARIS (GASTON). --- ed. Melanges linguistiques. See PARIS (GASTON). --- ed. See GRISELDA. L'estoire de Griseldis en rimes et par personnages, 1395. --- See MELANGES de linguistique et de litterature romanes offerts a M.R. ... ROQUES (RENA) . --- L t univers dionsien; structure hierarchique du monde selon le Pseudo-Denys.
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