lJ~t Jlnbtrgrabuan nkly of tflt nturr.&Ug at lltlumtttt NEWARK, Dfl.AWAR£, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25, 1936 PRlCE TEN OM'S Referendum To Be Held On Question 1Three Groups In Sigma Tau Phi Leads Fratemitie Of Non-Fraternity Council Members IFraternity Drama In Scholastic Honor Roll Standiril V•t• Planned For Days Of Nomi- Contest Tomorrow hbridge Phi Kappa Tau Aad Theta Chi 1ation• of Class Officers; St•· Th rm ! Follow; Seaior Class Has Hi1h· dent Council Acta To Get Pab- Rober Lippincott broke his Half Of Frateraitiea Decliae To eat AYerage; Frateraity Stu- ie Opinion Oa Matter Loat arm ' h n he land d on it Eater Compttitiea; Sipaa Nu, deata Lead Noa-Frat Mea l while practicing for the pole- Under Dispute vault v nt. Sigma Taa Phi Aad Sigiaa R ynold Knotts' arm was Phi Epailoa Participate AVERAGES 1.15 dislocated while wrestling in ELECTIONS AFTER VA CATION a gym cla s. In falling he land d on hi s arm instead of ONLY ONE ORIGINAL PLAY landing on his body and roll­ On Monday night the tudent ing over. Council d rid d to conduct a refer­ Only three of th ix fraternitie endum of student opinion on the ~-============:::1.1 1 nr producing comp titiv plays qlte tion or incr asing. the number for the conte t to be h ld tomor­ of Non-Fraternity representatives Hartmau Announces Dates row night in Mitch 11 Hall, at .30. to the ouncil from three to four Admission i twenty-five c nts. memb rs. The vote will be taken during dass m etings the first Of Student Council Election They are the igma Phi Epsilon, igma and igmn Tau Phi week following vaca ion. Nu, groups. The Phi Kappa Tau, At he sam m eting the oun­ New Reprtseatati'fea Will Be Theta hi, and Kappa Alpha de­ cil will conduct nominations for Cbostn On Stcoad Wedneaday clin d to nter the competition. cia s officel's for the coming col­ leg year. On Monday h pres nt After Vacatioa f the . three play to be given Junior clas will n minate it can­ omorr ow, only one i original. BI didate , n will th pr nt opho­ Written by arl iberg and more group. Nomination for offi­ President Jack Hartmann of the Harry tutman "The Single cers for the pre nt r hman tudent ouncil has announced Ver e' bring a ca t of thr e char­ cla!s will b held Tuesday. On that electi ns for n~ udent act r s on the stag . The co-authors and G orge piller are the actor . Thur day the Juniors and opho­ ouncil m mbers will be held on Chief of P r onnel Departm nt more will lect their officers for Wednesday of the secon we k af­ The igma Nu frat rnity are which ha within a few months next year from the list of nominees ter Spring Recess. pre enting "The Wily One," by r ach d high efficiency. I ed th preceeding Monday, The newly cho en representa­ Allan Monkhouse, the cast con­ nile Fr hman el tions will be tives will take their eats on isting of T. Willey Keithley, Walt held on Friday. Thur day, the following day, and McKendrick, Roy Donoho, and Franci Dineen. Th deci ion to put th~ Non­ will at th t time elect tudent Benson Elected To Head Fra ernity repre ntation que tion Council officers for their adminis­ A play by the eel brated George fore th stud nt b dy is the re­ tration. The new Council member ulman forms th vehicl for he Society Of Engineers ult of long agitation. It has for and the officer they select will igma Phi Ep ilon talent. The " v 1·nl year been argued that the take offic immediately upon elec-­ role in it will b taken by Joseph J. G. Cauoa Cbosta For Vice­ on-Fraterni y group, which is at tion and function until a new ad­ avill , Eug ne D 11 Donn , and the pr en rept'e ented by only mini tration is elected next pring. H rb rt Warburton, of whom War­ Prtsideacy; Lt.-Celoael Ath· thr~ men, d rve mor ad quat The retiring offi er of the Stu­ burton is the ol experienced bridlt Ma•e M.. t.er r pr ntation, sin th Non-Fra­ dent oun il are P esident Hart­ m mber. ternity lement alon i larger mann, Vi -Presid nt Ralph Wd­ than the Fraternity group com­ on R ording cretary Hugh bin d. E ch ft'a ernity now ha tewart, orr ponding ecretary Civil Engineers To Elect thr rept'l' · •ntntiv on the Coun­ Alvin Handloff, and Trea urer J o- cil, which mak , a total of eigh - ph nn 11. All except cannell Officers Friday for Society een Fraternity l'epr ntatives a are Senior and ineligible there­ for for reel tion. contra. ted to only hr m mbers ci y of ( ontinued on Pare 6) Davidson New President Of Athenaean Society Vaadercrift, V.-Preaidtat, Jami­ so S cretary-Treaaurtr; Club To Pre eat Fil• Tomorrow 2 UNIVERSITY OF DELAWARE REVIEW th Ul4 t tnirw L IM Th Offici I tud nt rnity •lem nt alon grea ly A Y S : total of ~111 Fra rnity m n S •oundcd 1882. l'ubH hed every W dn day during n th ~ C'ampus, yet •v n after the r f r n­ the colic~ ;year. Sub C1'1pt10n $2.00 per year, anywhere in the amount of r pre en ation allotted • ·ot(.' United S tea. Single copy, ten c nts. to on- raternity group will till be The American L gion Fh -Yeat· All business communications should be addressed to the Buain sa Manager, and all other correspond­ ridiculou!-!ly disproportional to th amount' of Plan i. holding . way at the Uni­ nco to tho ditor-in-Chic:f. r pr sen ati n a11o d th Frat rni Y \'Cr. ity o! Delaware. To date, four t of th<l m•xt year' fraternity pres­ Entered at the Newark_, Dclawar , Post Office aa idents arc five-year men! By Harry T. Stutmnn second class matter. an argument, but How Will You pend Your Review Telephones: Thorn~ mith Review Office-Newark 310. Vacation? Do you know Thorn • mith? No~ Pr ss of Kells, Inc.-Newnrk 92. In spite of all that you hnvc Well, he's ribald and intelligent Sigma Tau Phi~ouse-Nc~~2_3_. ___ t<'ntativcly planned-whether it be catching up on back studying or and "witty" (God help us) and 1935 at ·hing up on back social abliga­ he' dead. That last is what hurt. J:lss tions-envy IDu Ross who will b All in all he wrot six book. -;;ix honeymooning in Bermuda. good bo ks-and th n nt he age .Mid-T rms of • bout fol'ty-five, he died. There The p rioa of mid-t rm exami­ are fellows who p ncl all their nations really amounts to a week lives writing, and the~ haven't of final examinations. M·ost all of ven on good book to , how for it. th prof ssors give these half-way Turnabout is a ca. c in point. d ciders, and unfortunat ly for Imagine Tim and Sally Willows the tud nts, mo t of the profes- loving husband and wif , average EDITOR·IN-CHJe suburbanites, nlways arguing "You Jo, . 11. P rkins, Jr., '37 or like to wait until the la t of the week to give the te ts. In the have an easy time of it," and then TE l:DlTOR Sl'OR'fS EDITOR final exam period, you have t n one fine morning Tim wake up to David Sloan, '38 days of finals-with an occasional find that his mind is now in Sally s .1\SS'T SPORTS EDITOR vacant day; in the mid-terms, you lovely body, and vice ver a. Sally Randall at·p nter, '88 have classes all week with your mu t now take Tim'. body to the tests announced at the discretion office, of course, and Tim must of your professor. I think that bathe and dress Sally's receiving this is a serious evil which could callers in it. This 1 ads to many be remedied nicely by spreading complicated situations, most of the mid-terms over a two-week them hilarious in the xtr me ... period-or longer. up to the final momentou occa­ ion when Tim i in a fair way The Interfraternity Play of giving birth in court. The Only three fraternities will be Judge, on his part in ist with contesting or the Play Trophy Iwith some vigor that, "you cant do this year. igma Phi Ep ilon, ig- that. I mean you can't have a ma Tau Phi, and Sigma Nu will ~e.~y m my C?urt. I won't allow present a play in ·that order on It. From w~tch . you may gather Thursday night at Mitchell Hall. that Mr. mtth I a mad, merry Whether the other fratel'nities do fellow. not think the enterprise worth- Then there's The Bishop's Ja.c­ while, Ol' they are di interested, or U rs. (And if you don't know th y con id r that they have in- what J aegers are, look them up, sufficient talent, or what, I don't either in a dictionary or the know-but I think that the situa- clothes-line.
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