Vol. 112 Takoma Park, Washington, D. C., U. S. A., March 21, 1935 No. 12 **.• • • •••• g •••• •°.• g •:• gM• g .••• •• •:* + •:* •:. + •••••••••••••........••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••,••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.......•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • 4 "His Name Shall Be Called • Wonderful" • • Isaiah 9:6 [While in Europe I took the following from our German paper, of Ham- 4 burg, thinking of the REVIEW first page. It is good to see how all Scripture I flashes these lights upon our Saviour, showing "the character He bears, and all I the forms of love He wears."—W. A. S.] Wonderful Saviour.—"He is able also to save . to the uttermost." Heb. 7:25. 4 Wonderful Love.—"Who loved me, and gave Himself for me." Gal. 2:20. Wonderful Grace.—"By grace are ye saved." Eph. 2:8. 4 Wonderful Forgiveness.—"Him hath God exalted . to give . forgive- ness of sins." Acts 5:31. Wonderful Power.—"The power of an endless life." Heb. 7:16. ••• Wonderful Salvation.—"In whom we have redemption through His blood." 4 Eph. 1:7. Wonderful Peace.—"The Lord of peace Himself give you peace always." •••• 2 Thess. 3:16. I Wonderful Light.—"I am the light of the world." John 8:12. Wonderful Shepherd.—"I am the Good Shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep." John 10:11. Wonderful King.—"He is Lord of lords, and King of kings." Rev. 17:14. And His name is Wonderful, the mighty God, the everlasting Prince of Peace; I 0 wondrous, saving Love, that brings my sinful heart release. —Herold der Wahrheit. • • • • • :• I 111. 111•••••••••••••.• Cleanliness of Person and Premises BY THE EDITOR THROUGHOUT the Bible the under- no less of His people now, than He did pores, or little mouths, through which the lying principles of cleanliness of per- of ancient Israel. A neglect of cleanli- body breathes, become clogged and filled ness will induce disease. Sickness and with waste matter. The skin needs to be a son and premises are emphasized in premature death do not come without carefully and thoroughly cleansed, that the instruction God gave to Israel of cause. Stubborn fevers and violent dis- the pores may do their work in freeing the old. There are found many faithful eases have prevailed in neighborhoods body from impurities; therefore feeble admonitions regarding the preserva- and towns that had formerly been con- persons who are diseased surely need the tion of health. Undoubtedly some of sidered healthy, and some persons have advantages and blessings of bathing as died, while others have been left with often as twice a week, and frequently our modern laws of sanitation and broken constitutions, to be crippled with even more than this is positively, neces- quarantine hark back to the health disease for life. In many instances their sary. regulations which were enjoined upon own yards contained the agent of destruc- "Whether a person is sick or well, res- Israel of old. One who had become tion, which sent forth deadly poison into piration is more free and easy if bathing the atmosphere, to be inhaled by the fam- unclean from various reasons was re- is practiced. By it, the muscles become ily and the neighborhood."—"Counsels on more flexible, the mind and body are alike quired to wash his clothes. Contam- Health," p. 63. invigorated, the intellect is made brighter, ination from other sources required Scrupulous Sanitation and every faculty becomes livelier. The that one should isolate himself from bath is a soother of the nerves. It pro- "A great amount of suffering might be motes general perspiration, quickens the the camp for the day, remaining un- saved if all would labor to prevent dis- clean until evening. And in the case circulation, overcomes obstructions in the ease, by strictly obeying the laws of system, and acts beneficially on the kid- of some of the more serious diseases, health. Strict habits of cleanliness should neys and urinary organs. Bathing helps the cleansing process required the be observed. Many, while well, will not the bowels, stomach, and liver, giving en- take the trouble to keep in a healthy con- ergy and new life to each. It also pro- burning of clothing, and even of the dition. They neglect personal cleanliness, home in which the afflicted one lived. motes digestion, and instead of the sys- and are not careful to keep their clothing tem being weakened, it is strengthened. (Read Leviticus 13 :39-59.) pure. Impurities are constantly and im- During Israel's wilderness wander- perceptibly passing from the body, "Instead of increasing the liability to cold, a bath, properly taken, fortifies ing the strictest regard was paid to through the pores, and if the surface of the skin is not kept in a healthy condi- against cold, because the circulation is cleanliness: No refuse was allowed tion, the system is burdened with impure improved, and the uterine organs, which to remain in the encampment. The matter. are more or less congested, are relieved; reason for this was: "The Lord thy "If the clothing worn is not often for the blood is brought to the surface, washed and frequently aired, it becomes and a more easy and regular flow of the God walketh in the midst of thy blood through all the blood vessels is camp, to deliver thee, and to give up filthy with impurities which are thrown off from the body by sensible and insen- obtained."—"Testimonies," Vol. III, pp. thine enemies before thee ; therefore sible perspiration. And if the garments 70, 71. shall thy camp be holy." Deut. 23: worn are not frequently cleansed from An Outward Sign of Purity Within 14. Before the Lord descended upon these impurities, the pores of the skin a "Believers should be taught that even Mt. Sinai and spake with His own absorb again the waste matter thrown off. The impurities of the body, if not though they may be poor, they need not voice His law of ten commandments, allowed to escape, are taken back into the be uncleanly or untidy in their persons or the hosts of Israel were required to blood, and forced upon the internal in their homes. Help must be given in wash their clothes and cleanse the organs. this line to those who seem to have no "Nature, to relieve herself of poison- sense of the meaning and importance of camp from all impurity. Ex. 19:10. cleanliness. They are to be taught that This principle of cleanliness is em- ous impurities, makes an effort to free the system. This effort produces fevers,, and those who are to represent the high and phasized in the New Testament Scrip- what is termed disease. But even then, holy God must keep their souls pure and tures. The believers are exhorted by if those who are afflicted would assist na- clean, and that this purity must extend the apostle: "Dearly beloved, let us ture in her efforts, by the use of pure, to their dress, and to everything in the home, so that the ministering angels will cleanse ourselves from all filthiness soft water, much suffering would be pre- vented. But many, instead of doing this, have evidence that the truth has wrought of the flesh and spirit, perfecting and seeking to remove the poisonous a change in the life, purifying the soul holiness in the fear of God." 2 Cur. matter from the system, take a more and refining the tastes. Those who, after 7:1. deadly poison into the system, to remove receiving the truth, make no change in a The old proverb that cleanliness is a poison already there. word or deportment, in dress or sur- roundings, are living to themselves, not next to godliness has in it much of "If every family realized the beneficial results of thorough cleanliness, they to Christ. They have riot been created truth. It is remarkable to see the would make special efforts to remove anew in Christ Jesus, unto purification manner in which the gospel brings to every impurity from their persons, and and holiness. the believer reformation in the phys- from their houses, and would extend their "Some are very untidy in person. ical habits, as well as a change of efforts to their premises. Many suffer They. need to be guided by the Holy decayed vegetable matter to remain about Spirit to prepare for a pure and holy heart. This is true because as soon their premises. They are not awake to heaven. God declared that when the as one recognizes that his body is the the influence of these things. There is children of Israel came to the mount, to temple of the Holy Spirit, he will constantly arising from these decaying hear the proclamation of the law, they endeavor to make his body a fit dwell- substances an effluvium that is poisoning were to come with clean bodies and clean ing place for the new life which has the air. By inhaling the impure air, the clothes. Today His people are to honor blood is poisoned, the lungs become af- Him by habits of scrupulous neatness and taken possession of his entire being: fected, and the whole system is diseased. purity. He will pray, as did the apostle, that Disease of almost every description will "Christians will be judged by the fruit his "whole spirit and soul and body" be caused by inhaling the atmosphere they bear. The true child of God will be may be sanctified wholly and "pre- affected by these decaying substances."— neat and clean. While we are to guard Id., pp. 61, 62. served blameless unto the coming of against needless adornment and display, we are in no case to be careless and indif- our Lord Jesus Christ." Frequent Bathing ferent in regard to outward appearance.
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