The Week’s Events: he Church of St. Peter is a Roman Catholic faith T community who, in the spirit of Jesus Christ, Sun (12/04/16): Second Sunday of Advent—9:00 & 11:00 am welcomes all people, cherishes the Eucharist, fos- No Liturgy of the Word with Children ters faith formation for all ages, and serves our St. Nick’s Pancake Breakfast (9:00 am-12:30 pm) members and the broader community in justice and Angel Tree charity. VEAP Toy Drive and Million Dollar Challenge Winter Hat, Scarf, Mittens Collection (put in VEAP Box) St. Peter’s Sunday Mass: Noon-1:00 pm RCIA (Rm D) Saturday 4:30 pm Mon (12/05/16): Sunday 9:00 & 11:00 am 7:00 pm Community Builders Meeting (Rm B) St. Peter’s Daily Mass: Tues (12/06/16): Monday-Saturday 8:00 am 6:30 pm Seasonal & Contemporary Group Rehearsal (Church) (Rosary & Divine Mercy Chaplet at 7:30 am) 7:00 pm Catholic Spirituality Class (Rm D) Holy Days Announced in the Bulletin Sacrament of Reconciliation: Wed (12/07/16): Saturday 8:30 am and 3:30 pm 6:00-7:30 pm EDGE Middle School Program (Rm E, Youth Room) Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 7:30 am 6:30 pm Children’s Christmas Choir Rehearsal (Church) (or call 612-866-5089) 7:30 pm Blessed Trinity Athletic Association (Rm E) Blessed Trinity Catholic School: Thur (12/08/16): Feast of the Immaculate Conception Preschool - Grade 3 612-866-6906 (Holy Day of Obligation) Grade 4 - 8 612-869-5200 Eucharistic Adoration Eucharistic Adoration: 8:00 am Mass (Church) Thursdays 8:30am-8:30pm (Chapel) First Thursdays prayer/benediction at 6:00pm. 8:30am-8:30pm Eucharistic Adoration (Chapel) Newcomers are warmly welcomed: Call or stop by the 12:15 pm Mass (Church) parish office to request a census form, or visit 6:30 pm Mass (Church) www.stpetersrichfield.org to fill one out on-line. 7:30 pm Kingdom Builders (Rm C) Pastoral Visit: Call Sr. Rita or Fr. Jerry (612-866-5089) Fri (12/09/16): to request a pastoral visit, Holy Communion, Reconcilia- 8:30 am Blessed Trinity St. Nicholas Day Party at Penn Campus tion or Anointing of the Sick, at home or at the hospital, 8:30 am Help stuff the bulletins after 8:00 am Mass (Rm B) for you or for a loved one. Sat (12/10/16): Mass Time—4:30 pm RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults): Adults Gaudete Sunday—Bring baby Jesus from your Crèche wishing to become Catholic should call the parish office. for blessing at Mass. Confirmation/First Communion/First Reconciliation: Angel Tree Call the parish office at 612-866-5089 for information. VEAP Toy Drive and Million Dollar Challenge Marriages: Contact Fr. Jerry (612-866-5089) at least 6- Winter Hat, Scarf, Mittens Collection (put in VEAP Box) 12 months prior to the proposed wedding date. Baptisms: Pre-baptism classes are generally scheduled 10:30 am Parish Reconciliation (Church) from 7-9:00pm the second Tuesday of the month. Pre- Sun (12/11/16): Third Sunday of Advent—9:00 & 11:00 am registration is required (612-866-5089). Gaudete Sunday—Bring baby Jesus from your Crèche Parish Bulletin Deadline: Parish bulletin article re- for blessing at Masses. quests are due Friday at 12:00pm, a week before the No Liturgy of the Word with Children article is to be [email protected]. Angel Tree Calendar Insert: Report events by the Monday before End of VEAP Toy Drive/Winter Hat, Scarf, Mittens Collection the last full weekend of the month. Million Dollar Challenge continues through December Suggestion Box: Share your comments by using the Noon-1:00 pm RCIA (Rm D) suggestion box located in the narthex, or on-line. The Catholic Spirit: Call parish office for home delivery. What’s Coming Up: Crisis Pregnancy: Contact Abria (formerly LifeCare Dec. 14 Senior Club Mass, Luncheon & Entertainment (Church, S/H) Center) at 2200 University, St. Paul, 651-695-0111 or Dec. 18 Family Formation (10:00 am) Tapestry Pregnancy & Family Resource Center, 4105 Chicago Ave., Minneapolis, 612-823-0301. Church of Saint Peter Heart of the Ministry Being Involved at St. Peter’s Baby Jesus Blessing Advent Angel Tree Gaudete Sunday—December 10 & 11 Parishioners may bring Baby Jesus from their home nativity set St. Peter’s Angel Tree will be in the narthex throughout for a special blessing at all Masses next weekend. Advent. On it, each angel Sacrament of Reconciliation represents a needy child or Individual Reconciliation family from Cabrini Partnership, Ascen- Saturday, December 10th, 10:30am sion Place or Theresa Living Center. December 19, 20 & 21, 7:00-8:00pm Please take an angel off the tree and Tuesday, December 20th, 9:00am (with Blessed Trinity) Thursday, December 22nd, 10:00am bring what that angel requests. All An- gel Tree gifts should be placed in a gift Regular Reconciliation Schedule bag with the angel from the tree se- Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, 7:30am curely attached and then brought to the Saturdays, 8:30am & 3:30pm parish office no later than Thursday, December 15th. Do not leave gift bags Adult Seasonal Christmas Choir under the Angel Tree. All teens and adults who love the music of this special season are invited to join our Seasonal Choir for the celebration of Advent and Christmas. We will have weekly re- VEAP’s Holiday Toy Drive hearsals on Tuesdays, December 6, 13 & 20 in combination with the Contemporary St. Peter’s is collecting items for the Choir in the Church at 6:30 pm. VEAP (Volunteers Enlisted to Assist People) Holiday Toy Drive. Bring toys, Children’s Christmas Choir books, games, winter wear items or gift Children in grades K through 8 are invited to join our Children’s Christmas Choir to cards beginning November 26th. Look sing at the 4:00 pm Christmas Eve Mass. Rehearsals will be held on Wednesdays, for the specially marked collection bins. December 7, 14 & 21 at 6:30 pm. Drive ends December 11th. Families in Immaculate Conception Masses need may call 952-888-9616 to register The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary will be celebrated on Thurs- for the Toy Program or Holiday Food day, December 8th, at 8:00 am, 12:15 & 6:30 pm. Eucharistic ministers, altar servers Program. and ushers are needed. Sign-up sheets are in the Sacristy. Million Dollar Goal Las Posadas for November & December Las Posadas commemorates Joseph and Mary’s journey to Bethlehem and their At VEAP, the mission goes beyond search for shelter prior to the birth of Jesus. Blessed Trinity will celebrate Las Posa- feeding the hungry—the focus is das on Friday, December 16th from 6:00-8:00 pm in the social hall. Enjoy food, raffles on improving the lives of people in and piñata. Traditional Mexican food will be served. There is no cost for this event, the community. This means not only although a free will offering will be accepted. feeding families but identifying the un- derlying needs to help lift people out of Christmas Flower Memorials hunger. Therefore, VEAP’s Holiday Christmas Flower Memorial Fund donations may be put in an envelope and placed in Million Dollar Challenge will run during the collection basket any time during Advent. Clearly print the memorial name or the months of November and Decem- names on the front, as well as the person making the contribution. Envelopes will be in ber. If you’d like to contribute to this the pews to use if you wish. goal, please put VEAP in the memo of your check and put it in the collection basket or mail to the parish office. St. Peter’s will send it on to VEAP in Retirement Fund for Religious Bloomington. Next Weekend Give to those who have given a lifetime. Senior Catholic sisters, brothers, and religious A Vocation View order priests worked for many years for little, if any, pay. Their sacrifices now leave their Isaiah says: “The earth shall be filled religious communities without adequate savings for retirement. with knowledge of the Lord.” Who taught you knowledge of the Lord and whom Your gift to Retirement Fund for Religious helps to provide prescription medications, are you teaching today? nursing care and more for thousands of elderly religious. Please be generous. Second Sunday of Advent Faith Formation Especially for St. Peter’s Parishioners... for Families, Youth, Children & Adults Blessed Trinity Catholic School News Upcoming Classes EDGE Middle School Program Wednesday, December 7, 6:00-7:30 pm, Rm E & Youth Rm Confirmation Class Wednesday, December 14, 6:30-8:00 pm, Rms. CD Family Formation Sunday, December 18, 10:00 am, Rms. CD First Communion Session St. Nick’s Party Saturday, January 7, 2017 9:30-11:00 am, Rms. B-D Friday, December 9th 8:30 - 10:00 am Blessed Trinity, Penn Campus Gym 7540 Penn Avenue, Richfield Father Jerry’s Crèches All preschool-age children are invited to join us for songs, Father Jerry’s Crèches will be on dis- games, prizes and refreshments at this year's St. Nick's Party. Children must be accompanied by an adult. The morning will play from December 11 through Janu- begin with a short program by Blessed Trinity preschool ary 15. If you came and saw it last and kindergarten students. St. Nick will stop by and fun games year, you’ll be happy to see additional Crèches. The Santon Village in Room with prizes will be played in the gym. Bring a friend! 105 has also been expanded.
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