MS-763: Rabbi Herbert A. Friedman Collection, 1930-2004. Series H: United Jewish Appeal, 1945-1995. Subseries 3: Conferences and Committees, 1947-1978. Box Folder 32 9 National Conference of the United Jewish Appeal [New York, N.Y.]. 1954. For more information on this collection, please see the finding aid on the American Jewish Archives website. 3101 Clifton Ave, Cincinnati, Ohio 45220 513.487.3000 AmericanJewishArchives.org PRO(~RAM ANNUAL NATIONAL CONFERENCE of the UNITED !EIFISH ApPEAL DECEHBER 10- 12,1954 WALDORF.ASTORIA HOTEL NEW YORK C IT Y Dietary fall'.r obsen'ed' at all COIl/ere/Ice mel/is PrO(lram -' ANNUAL NATIONAL CONFERENCE of j!he UNITED JEWISH ApPEAL on beli.J[ of United Inael Appeal. Join'! Di~tribution Committee New York A •• ociatioll for New Americana FRIDAY, DECENBER 10 SATURDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 11 SUNDAY. DECEiMBER 12, 1954 WALDORF.ASTORJA HOTEL NEW YORK CITY FRIDAY, DECEMBER 10 Opening Plenary Session 12:30 P.M. LUNCHEON SERT ROOM RUDOLF G. SONNEBORN National Chainnall, United Jewish Appeal PRESIDING • The Needs in 1955 PRESENTED BY DR. JOSEPH I. SCHWARTZ Executive Vice-CbainllELll, United Jewish Appeal • General Discussion The following panel willi be present to elaborate and supplement the presentation of the needs and budgets of the VIA constituent agencies: Page 4 PANEL MOSES A. UAVITT E~eculive Vice-Chairman, Joint Distribution Committee ELLIS RADINSKY E~eclltive Director, United Israel Appeal PHILIP S'OSKIS Exc<:utive Director, New York A:>soc iation for New Americans GOTTLIEB HAMMER Executive Director, Jewish Agency WILLIAM AVRUNIN Assistant Execul ive Director, Jewish Welfare Federation, Detroit. Michigan HENRY C. BERNSTEIN Executive Vicl:-President, United Jewish Appeal of Greater New York JACOB L. KRAVITZ Executive Director, Jewish Welrllre Pederation, OaHu, Texas SANFORD M. :rREGUBOFF Executive Secretary, 1ewish Welfs,re Fund, San Francisco, Calif. HENRY L. ZUCKER Executive Director, Jewish Community Federation of Cleveland, Ohio PageS FRIDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 10 There is no general session scheduled for Friday evening. The following synagogues in the general vicinity of the Wa ldorf-Astoria invite the delegates to attend services. Reform CENTRAL SYNAGOGUE Lcllington Avenue find 55th Street Rabbi Jonah. B. Wise TEMPLE EMANU-EL Fiflh Avenue and 65th Street Rabbi Julills Mark Conservative PARK AVENUE SYNAGOGUE 87th Street, near Park Avenue Rabbi Simolll Noveck Orthodox EAST 51" STREET SYNAGOGUE 221 East SIsI Street Rabbi David Kahane CONGREGATION KEHILATH JESHURUN 125 East 8.Rh Street Rabbi Joseph H. Lookstein The Jewish Museum at Fifth Avenue and 92nd Street, is featuring II public exhi bit entitled "Under Freedom" illustrating 300 years of Jewish history in AmeriCIi and the contributions of Jews to American life. Part of the exhibIT' is devoted to the atory of American Jewish philanthropy, including the United Jewish Ap­ peal and irs constit uent agencies. The display is open from 1:00 to 5;00 P.M., Mondays through Thursdays and from 11 :00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M., Sund ays. Delegates in New York lit these times are cordiall y invited to visit the Museum. PtJge6 SATURDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 11 The Conference will not resume formally until 6:30 P.M. ioformal meetings will be held as follows: Breakfast 8 .. 15 A.M. PERROQUET SUlTE Regional Of/ieers, United Jewish Appeal JOSEPH HOLTZMAN NatIonal Chairman (Of RtJions, United Jewish Appeal PRESI')ING National Campaign Cabinet 10.. 30 A.M. JANSEN SU1TE SAMUEL H. DAROFP Chairman, National Campaign Cabinet, United Jewish Appeal PR£S/l)ING National Women's Division ONEG SHABBAT 12.'15 P.M. PERROQUET SU1TE LUNCHEON MRS. HAL. HORNE Chairman, National Women's Dlivision, United Jewisb Appeal PRESIDING Pallt 7 THE STEERING COMMITTEE Members of the Steering Committee have been desig­ nated in advance by the communities. All members have received special cards, whichl they are asked to bring with them. The selection of members was based on this formula: Communities with Jewish! populations from 2,000 to 15 ,000 were asked to dcsign:lle one delegate; communities with Jewish populations between 15,000 and 40,000 were invited to name two delegates; communities with Jewish populations in excess of 40,000 were asked to designate three delegates; New York City has 15 delegatcs in view of its large Jcwis~ population. The eight regions of the Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds were asked to designate two delegates cach, Ilnd 25 individuals have been chosen from the country at large. In addition, the Commit~ tee includes seven national officers of the UJA. This is the principal comlmittee of the Conference, Its business is three-fold: to chart American Jewry's responsi~ bility in 1955; to map the aims and the objectives of the United Jewish Appeal, and to consider campaign problems in relation to the UlA in 1955. Attendance by members is vital to assure the broadest possible represclltatioll and ex~ pression of the views of Ame-rican Jewry, Arrangements have been made 10 accommodate a limited number of delegates not on the Steering Committee wbo may wish to attend. The resc,lutions that emerge from this committee will be presented (l::Ir discussion and action at the Plenary Session, Sunday moming, in the Sert Room. PaR' B SATURDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER J J Steering Committee 2:00 P.M. ASTOR GALLERY MILTON KAHN Member, Nalional Campaign Cabinet. United Jewish Appeal PRESJDING Report of United Jewish Appeal Study Mission MAX M. FISHER Member, ResolUlions Committee, Study Mi§sion PANEL, STUDY MISSION MEMJIERS: HERBERT R. ABELES MOSES A. LEAVllT Newark, N. J. f'icw York eu,)' ALBERT ABRAHAMSON JOSEPH M. MAZER " run.wick, Me. " ... York Cily WILLIAM AVRUNIN BARNEY MEDINTZ lJc1foh, M ich. ",Ian'., 01. MORRIS BATZER EDWARD MITCHELL AUanUe City, N. J. 1..0'1 AnSele!', c.nf. CHARLES J. BENSLEY 'rHEODORE RACOOS IN New York CllY Ne'" York City HENRY C. BERNSTEIN ELLIS RADINSKY New York Cit)' New York CUy MORRIS BRECHER BARNEY RAPAPORT New York CUy HITtford, Conn. ABNER BR EGMAN ROBERT W. SCH IFF New York City Col,unbus. Ohio MAX FINKELSTEIN CHARLES E. SCHWARTZ New York City Akron, Ohio Flum FORMAN JOSEPH J. SCHWARTZ Rochester. N. Y. New York City SA MUEL F. GINGOLD M ENDEL SILBERBERG New Ibven. Conn. Los Anael .... Calif. MONROE GOLDWATER SANFORD M. TREGUBOFF New York Clly San Francisco, C.lIf. WALTER D. HELLER EDWARD M. M, WARBURG San FrandlCO, C.llf. New York CII)' LABEL A. KATZ MAX J. ZIVlAN New Orleans, La. (klroit, Mkh. JACOB L, KRAVITZ HEN RY L. ZUCKER DaU ... TUN Cleveland. Ohio General Discussion PQg~ 9 SATURDAY EVENING, DECEMBER II Reception for Delegates 5 ..30 P.M. PALM ROOM Dinner Meeting 6 ..30 P.M. STARUGHT ROOF EDWARD M. M. WARBURG Ococral Chairman, United Jewisb Appeal PRESIDING • INVOCATION • Hil Buellency LEVI ESHKOL Minister of Finance, the Slate of Israel MOSES W. BECKELMAN Direc;:tor..Qcncral t.or Overseas Operations Joint Distribution Committee Hil Excellency ABBA S. EBAN Ambassador of lsr;ilc l to tbe United Siaies BENEDICTION Page 10 SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 12 Breakfast 8,15 A.M. PERROQUET SUITE National Campaign Cabinet, Regional Officers Delegates to the Sturing Committee SOL LUCKMAN NAtional Campaign Chairman, United Jewish Appeal PR£S1L>ING Special Report AVRAHAM HARMAN Consu1-Gcneral, Consulate-General of Israel New York • General Business Session IO.{)O A. M. SERT ROOM MORRIS W. IIERINSTEIN National Campaign Chalrm:an. United Jewish Appeal PRESWING Report of Steering Committee A doption of Resolutions Election al Officers DR. NAHUMtGOLDMANN Chairman, Jewish }.geney, New York PaRt! 11 SUNDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 12 Closing Ple'nary Session Jl:30 P.M. LUNCHEON STAR.LlGHT ROOF lACK D. WEILER Nntional Campaign Chairman, United Jewish Appeul PRESIDING • Invocation • MRS. HAL HORNE Chairman, National Women's Division, United Jewish Appeal BRUCE McDANIEL Fonner Director, U. S. Foreign Operations Administration for Economi.: Aid to Israel • Presentation of Checks BENEDICTION Page 12 SERVICE GUIDE FOR DELEGATES For the convenience of delegates, representatives of various departments of the national office of the United Jewish Appeal are available for consultation regarding aspects of local or national campaign activity. REGENCY SUITE NATIONAL FIELD SERVICE M. William Weinberg, Director SPEAKEI!S DIVISION Arthur FisJ'Jl.Ohn, Director TRADE AND INDUSTRY DIVISION Harry D. Biele, Director NATIONAL WOMEN'S DIVISION Mrs. Marvin'Stang, Director ROOM 4 V TRANSPORTATION SERVICE FOR DELEGATES Maxwell Kern, MalUlger PUBLICITY DEPARTMENT Raphaell,evy, Director (Registration of Delegates will take place at the respective sessions.) Pagt JJ NATIONAL CAMPAIGN CABINET 1954 UNITED JEWISH APPEAL SAMUEL H. DAROFF Chuirman Trade und illdllstry Council Regional Division ROBERT W. SCHIFF JOSEPH HOLTZMAN Chainnan Chairman Speakers Division HERBERT A. FRIEDMAN Chnirrnan HERBERT R. ABELES JULIUS C. LIVINGSTON LOUIS BERRY PHIL W. LOWN /lYMAN BRAND HENRY MASLANSKY CHARLES BROWN JOSEPH M. MAZER EDDIE CANTOR BARNEY MEDINTZ JOSEPH CHERNER JOSEPH MEYERHOFF ELl A. COHEN IRVING MILLER LLOYD W. DINKELSPJEL EDWARD O. MITCHELL SIMON H. FABIAN IRVING S. NORRY HENRY FEFERMAN JAMES L. PERMUrr REUBEN L. FREEMAN BARNEY RAPAPORT KALMAN S. GOLDENBERG LeONARD RATNER HAROLD A . GOLDMAN CHARLES J. ROSENBLOOM I. E. GOLDSTEIN SAMUEL ROTHBERG ISIUEL GOLDSTEIN SOL SATINSKY E. N. GRUESKIN MORRIS SENDEROWITZ, JR. MARVIN H. fTTS JOSEPH SHULMAN MILTON KAHN DEWEY D. STONE ABE KASLE BENJAMIN H. SWIG ABE S. KAY HERMAN P. TAUBMAN ADOLPH KIESLER JACOB M. VIENER ROBERT J'. WISHNICK Pogt 14 OFFICERS OF THE 19 54 UNITED JEWISH APPEAL GClltml Clwimwll EDWARD M. M. WARBURG NatiOlw! Clll/i,II/CII Rf'prI!5t'II/ifi'K Agencies WALTER H. B/BRINGER, USNA RUDOLF G. SONNEBORN, UIA JONAH B. WJSE, JDC NruiOlral Choirme" 19.54 Campaign MORRIS W. BERINSTEIN JOSEPH 1I0LTZMAN SOL LUCKMAN WILLIAM ROSENWALD JA CK D. WEILER NlItionlll Ca-Trt!osllrer$ I. EDWIN GOLDWASSER JACOB SINCOFF EXrclitil'l' Vi ce-Chairmun JOSEPII 1. SCHWARTZ Assistwll Execlltilll! Vice-Chllirme/I LOUIS L.
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