UNITED NATIONS WAR CRIMES COMMISSION (Research Office) 16th December, 1946. I N D E X t 0 WAR CRIMES NEWS DIGEST Nos. I to X. (+) (+) It is hoped to issue Indices, in succession, for every ten nl.11N)6rs of the Ne'ils Digest.- R. O. • INDEX ID WAR CRIMES NEWS DIGESTS Nos. I to X. N O T E: The Ranan figures refer to the serial number of the News Digest; the rabic figures to the num~er or the page. The sign/. refers to the heading of a section.- R.O. ABETZ, Otto, handed over to the French III, 2. ALLIED CONTROL COUNCIL: laws No. 8 and No. 9 IV, 4,. Law Noo 10 published ( Orimes agaiM t huneni ty) v, 2. Law No. 10 in concise form. VI' 4,. Law No. 11. VIII, 2. - AlldEI.O: trial in preparation II, 6. trial and sentences III, 7. AMBERGER, Karl, tried at Wuppertal x, 9 • . ANTONEOOU, Marshal, preparations for trial VIII, 5. ARREST, ot War Criminals: JteVised resolutions concerning/.; submitted to United Nations VII, 17. AUSmALIAN Trials: first trial at Moro -tai III,10 f'urther trials IV, 9 V, 11 VI, 14- VIII, 7 • . AUSmIA.a first List of major war criminals (for trial) IV, 2. list of Nazis awaiting trial v, 2. prosecution of Na zis before the People's Court VI, 2. second List of major war criminals VII, 2. People I s Co uts set up in Linz, Graz and Innsbruck · ·· VIII, 2 Inter-Allied Court to meet in Graz re trial of .30 murderers VIII, 2. trials before People's Courts;_ arrests IX, 2. arrests in U.S. zone. x, 4- BAKY, trial v, 5. sentence VI, 8. execution, X, 12. BANFFY, lbron: sentence and execution VIII, 2. BtJmAGA. Foli.x, Dr. trial a nd sentenoo in absentia . VIII, 5° -2- BARDOSSY, II, trial 3. appeal against sentence IV, 4. VI, 8. execution BASCH, Ferenc trial and sentence X, 12. BASSEWITZ-BEHR, Heming v. , General: II,1 arrest o. BEISEN CAMP: tria l ·I, 5. findings and sentences II, 4, II, 14 canmants 4 .. 6, III, 3 - 7. execution of ZODDEL (sentenced in the "first" trial) IV, 5. oonfirm9.tion of sentences; executions IV, 5. further comments IV, 6. BERNHUBER, Maximilian, Dr. handed over to Itazy for trial VII, 5. ~T, Werner, appea rs before Danish court VI, 3. concerned in murder of prominent n.ines VII, ,3. to o.ppear as w1 tness o t Nuremberg x, 5. BLASKOWITZA (Gesinpo Prague), trial I, 5° BlA)KZIJL, MaX (Dut.ch "J-Iaw-Haw"), trio.l and execution x, 13 . BIBLIOGRAPHY, Legal Li t er n ture II ,16 IV, 15-18. V, 17 VI, 18 x, 21. BORKE~, war crimes trials at v, 4. BORKUM ISLAND trial for "daa th-nnrch" VIII, 3. tria l continued IX, 5. sentences X, 6. BRALW3C.HITSCH, v., Fieldmarshal under a rrest o.t Dachau x, a. 13REENDONCK C:unp Schmidt (ooll'ID'.lndllnt) handed over to Belgian a uthorities f or tri 1) IV, 2. BRUNNER II tria l x, 2. BRYANSK trial V, 7. • - 3 - BUCHENWALD Camp trial in preparation II, 8. BUEHLER to be extradited to Poland x, 13 CANADIAN TRIAIB of NEITZ X, 9 JUNG , and SCHUMACHER x, 9 HOELZER, WEIG/LL and OOSENBACH x,10 MEYER: see under MEYER, Kurt. CANNIBALISM not a crime under English criminal code; death sentence on Japanese war criminal commuted VIII, 8. CHANNEL ISLANDS ATROOITIES case against perpetrators oanplete III, 8. QHINA, Trials arrest a nd :f orthooming trial of Takashi Sakai v, 10 &mand for axtradi tion o:f Jean Carcopino VI, 13 trial of Chen Kung-Po at Soochow; sentenoe X, 13 CONTI, Leonardo, Dr. arrest and suicide VIII, 5. .ORlMES AGAINST HUMANITY see: Allied Control Council (Law No. 10) sterilisation as a 1 VIII, z.. CRIMINAL ORGANISATIONS House of Conmons statement III, 8. CHRISTIANSEN, Friedrich, General to be tried by the Netherlands VI, 9 DACHAU Camp trial II, 8 III, 9 sentences IV, 8 second tria l of oomp officials in preparation VII, 4 three sentences c0Im1Uted (see IV, 8) IX, 4 DALUEGE, Kurt to be surrendered to Czechoslovakia VII, 3 :formally a rrested u t Czech Frontier. x, 5 appea rs a s witness in FWi.NK trial x, 5 DENMARK official observer to be sent to Nuremberg tria l IV, 3 • DOO'l'IER,b-Anton, General io.l I, 7 DRANCY Camp trial of BRUNNER II X, 2 DR,' uz, Richard trial IV, 8 ... 4- .. DUUG, Luft "heo. ted cells" trial in prepura tion II, 6, trial and sentences III, 8 murder of MF men divulged by defendants IV, 5 ENDRE, Laszlo awui ting trial II, 3 trial V, 5 sentence VI, 8 execution X,12 ENGERAU Camp arrest of leaders x, 2 :ESSEN trial in prepu.i;:a tio~'-· II, 6 trial und sentences V, 4 EUTH/INASIA killing of 800 children at Steinhof (Vienna) VI, 2 Berlin tria l of 2 women re killing of· asylum inmo. tea ( Germ:in court) x, 6 FEKEmHAOO-CZEYDNER arrest and surrender V, 5 FISCHER, Ludwig to be e:x:tradi ted to Poland X,13 • J FRANK, Karl Hermann depositions t3.ken by Dr. ECER IV, 3 official In die 'bnen t published IX, 2 trial x, 5 FlmNCH MIL.ITJ RY GOVERNMENT war crimes legislation VI, 7 GEIGER, Josef (SS leader, Frankfurt area) arrest x, 7 GENOCIDE article by Professor R. LEMKIN X,26 GERMAN COUR'.lS first trial under Law No. 10 IX, 11 Euthanasia oase tried in Berlin X, 6 first largo sonle trio.l (1938 pograns) x, 6 GL~KS, SS Gener· 1 _'6uicida reported IX,12 GOERING, Albert (brother of Herimnn COERiro-) arrest II, 2 GOERING, Heinr ch (nephew of Hermann GOERING) arrest VI, J GOERING Hermann Wilhelm :!nterview with; Pr ss cri ticisms V,13 GOODHART, L., Pro es CJ or, K.. C., sea un dor: INTERN TIO ~ L MILITARY TRIBUNAL, NUREl RG . • ... 5 - GRAZ, mass murder trial X, 4, GRAZIANI, Marshal handed over to Itazy for trial IX, 6 GREECE, first trial of A.Xis war oriminals VIII, 4- GREISER, Arthur to be handed over to Poland for trial X,13 GRUMPELT, Gerhardt trial VIII, 3 HA.DAMAR, trial I, 7 exeoutions · IX,11 HANGOBL, tria l I, 8 HAR'!MANN, Josef trial X,10 HAU3HOFER, Karl, Professor, suicide x, 8 HEISSMEYER, Professor. oearoh for (Neuan~ trial) x,11 HEUdSTEDT trial pending IV, 4- HIROHITO not likezy to be tried · II,10 Japanese Comnunists · demand trial ' VIII, 7 may be called a s witness IX, 9 HOESS, Rudolf (Ausohwi tz oomnandan t) a rrest IX,12 oonfossion x,11 HOFbllANN, Albert arrest II, 7 HOFB!ANN, p a u1 (Ma idanek exeou ti oner) trial and execution v, 6 HOMMA., J.bsaharu, Genera l trio.l (Ba bl.:l n dea th-m1roh) V,11 sentence a nd appeal to L!upreme Court, Wa shington; appeal reject.ad VII, 9 execution X,17 HOR'.llIY, Admira l relea se a nd re-arrest VI ,11 - 6 - IMREDI , Bela II, 3 trial IX, 6 exeoution llfTERNATIONAL MILITARY TRIBUNAL, NUREMBERG: I, 2 Judges, leading Counsel a nd aooused II, 11 preparations for trial Ill, 11 opening of trial; indic-bnent and plea s IV, 10 reading of Count ll nnd comments reading of 0ount I and witnesses s\lilllloned v,12 by defence VI,15 opening of Count III VII, 11 French oase for prosecution VII, 12 Professor GOCDH.\.RT' s comm<mts VIII, 9 present.a tion of Soviet ouse prosecution's oase against criminal organi- IX,10 sations; requests to summon witnesses IX, 10 opening of defence IX,10 publicity measures defendants? s ·;;a tements: GOERING, HESS, X,18 RIBBENTROP, KEI'!EL, KALTENBRUNNER, ROOmBERG x,22 Professor GOODHART' s paper on Legali cy- of ~al mTERNATIONAL MILITARY TRIBUNAL, TOKYO VI,14 esblblishrnent ordered by Genero.l MaoArthur . VII, 8 composition of tribWlnl; counsel for defence VII,14 excerpts from Charter nomination of Lord Pa triok and Sir Wm. Webb VIII, 7 additional. list of cri.minals submitted by x,16 Chinese Judge INDUSTRI"LISTS II, 9 "Big Six" arras'.; III, 8 arrest of 76 industrial leo. ders likelihood of trial before International Court IV, 3 IV, 7 further arrests v·, 4 WELKER ax-rested VI, 7 .. arrest of oil ~gn.-ites of Nuremberg trial VII, 4 trial of /. after terminati"on IX, 6 arrest of 33 bankers . (JOECKL) ·JAIDKEL (Terezin conuro.ndant) VII, 3 extradited to Czechs x, 5 appears as witness in FRANK trial JAPAN, Trials 10 first to be hv}d in Japan proper · v, VI, 13 tria l of TSUCHIYA .JAP-1-\NESE Wc. r Cri.minllls dr nl MaoArthnr II, 15 arrests orde~ed by Ge . r,,·. , 10 IV, 9 new arras ts ord.ered VI, 13 arrest of 7 generals IX, 9 another 37 (U'rests ordered JAROSS v, 5 tria l VI, 8 sentenoe JAVA, VII, 9 evidence on o troci ti.es collected • - 7 - KAWHEV ,An ton 12 trial (see also Greek trials) x., KEMENY, Gabor IX, 6 trial and sentence 12 exeoution x, KIEV Trial 11 prepara tions VI, findings a nd sentenoes VII, 6 KL\GENFURT, trial and sentences x, 4- KONOYE, Prince arrest ordered; suicide IV, 9 KtnU>1\NIK,IQlrul ( Canm:1ndant, Auschwitz) trial a nd sen tenoe vrn. 15 IX, 6 IENINGRAD 8 trial v, VI, 9 LINDEKANN, SS. General trial a nd sentence VI, 9 LIST, Field-liliarshal surrender asked for by Greece II, 2 L6HR, v., General arrest x, 12 LOLLING, Dr.
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