Mount St. Mary’s College & Seminary Spring 2003 OUNOUN MM magazineTT Thanks, Coach! We’ll never forget you. Page 18 real issues, real commitment, real men Page 26 editor’smessage magazine spring2003 ake sure you look over this issue just how passionate she was about Mount bas- Mount Magazine is published of Mount Magazine from cover to ketball. four times a year for alumni m and friends of Mount St. cover. Current and former players alike went out Mary’s College & Seminary by From profiles by Barb Ruppert of sociology of their way in describing her as a mother fig- the office of communications. professor Marty Malone and alumna Tricia ure, a confidant, or a trusted friend. It was The staff of Mount Magazine Thomas, C’93, to Matt Lane’s in-depth look Dottie who first suggested her husband wear reserves the right to reprint all at the Mount St. Mary’s Seminary, there is a bow tie to “work,” and who helped her hus- or portions of any comments we may receive unless you plenty to interest everyone. band back to health after undergoing prostate specifically request otherwise. Yet we saved the best for the cover story. cancer surgery during the 2000-01 season. Opinions expressed in this At a standing-room-only press conference Indeed, the Mount community is hard magazine are those of the held on the floor of Knott Arena in January, pressed to discuss Coach Phelan without authors and do not necessarily represent opinions of the the legendary Jim Phelan announced his using Dottie in the same breath. editors nor policies of Mount retirement at the end of the season — after 49 Rumor has it that it was Dottie Phelan who St. Mary’s College & Seminary. years at the helm of came to her hus- Comments may be sent via e-mail to: the Mount’s men’s band's defense a few [email protected] basketball program. years back, leaking Mount Magazine The outpouring information about a Mount St. Mary’s College & of affection greeting college plan to oust Seminary Emmitsburg, MD 21727 Coach Phelan him to the local following the media. And, quite staff announcement was nobly, she was, and Duffy Ross nothing short of con- continues to be, Director of Communications tagious. At home and Coach Phelan’s Joseph A. Cliber on the road, well strongest supporter Director of Publications wishers pressed to get in the bid to make Richard S. Vallaster Web Manager close to the win- the Basketball Hall ningest active coach of Fame. Phelan has Matthew G. Lane Assoc. Director of Marketing in collegiate basket- been nominated and Public Relations ball – showering him twice, but never Barbara L. Ruppert with well-deserved elected. Editorial Consultant accolades. Dottie has other Kelli D. Maze And faithfully by plans. Production Coordinator his side, as she was “He’ll be in Mark Vandergrift throughout his someday,” she said Sports Information Director career, was his wife, to me – eyes glisten- Andy Warner Dottie. ing and a look of Asst. Dir. of Sports Information Much has been quiet determination Katie Sherman, C’01 written about Coach on her face – before Asst. Dir. of Alumni Relations Phelan’s historic the January press interns coaching career. This conference. “Just Stacey Hughes, C’04 issue of Mount Magazine is no exception. you wait and see.” Kristen Keenan, C’04 Frank Fitzpatrick, a sportswriter for the Dottie Phelan was honored with 49 roses Lauren Maruskin, C’04 Philadelphia Inquirer, Coach Phelan’s long ago following the last home game this season, Dale Rader, C’05 Monica Serianni, C’03 hometown newspaper, wrote the wonderful March 1 vs. Central Connecticut State – sig- feature you will find beginning on page 18. nifying the number of years that she, too, has advisors But Dottie, we’ve reserved this column for been part of the fabric of the men’s basketball Frank DeLuca, C’68, S’73 you! program, and an ambassador for Mount St. Vice President of Institutional Advancement There is no question Dottie Phelan was her Mary’s College. husband’s, and the team’s, biggest fan through It is our pleasure to honor you here as well, Philip G. McGlade, C’70 Alumni Relations Director the years. One need only look at the location Dottie. ▲ Pamela M. Zusi of her seat – squarely behind the bench in Exec. Director of Development Knott Arena, and to watch her squirm and Duffy Ross fidget as the games proceeded – to understand Editor photographers Tom Lesser, Nicholas McIntosh printing Graphcom, Inc., Gettysburg, Pa. spring2003 magazine a publication of the office of communications 18 The Ties mountdepartments collegenews 2 that Bind President-Elect Powell, Education Award, MAT Program, Cultural Diversity, Criminal Justice alumniprofile 7 Tricia Love Thomas, C’84 featurestories seminarynews 9 Reaccredited, Fr. Bill Parent, Symposium, Summer Retreats 24 mountfaculty 12 Sociologist Marty Malone Beyond the facultynews 14 Human Tenure, Sabbaticals, Rehm Honored Genome Project mountsports 15 Fall Recap/Spring Preview, Brown Named Men’s Basketball Coach advancementnews 30 Lilly Endowment Grant, McKenna Lecture Series, Leave a Legacy classnotes 32 Alumni News firstperson 40 26 Meeting Mikey Real Men collegenews Introducing: President-Elect Thomas H. Powell homas H. Powell was credited with completing a Vanderbilt University in 1981. appointed the 24th pres- major campus renovation pro- Powell’s selection caps a six- t ident of Mount St. gram, revitalizing the college’s month national search in which Mary’s College and Seminary Foundation, developing its first many outstanding candidates at the December meeting of annual fund program, increas- emerged. In all, the 16-mem- the board of trustees. ing the college’s endowment, ber presidential search com- Powell, currently the presi- and initiating a program titled mittee – composed of a cross- dent of Glenville State College “A Renaissance of Shared section of the Mount commu- in Glenville, West Virginia, Values” to focus attention on nity – including trustees, facul- succeeds the retiring George R. the key values of academic ty, administrators, staff, stu- Houston, Jr., effective July 1, integrity. dents and alumni – reviewed 41 2003. Prior to Glenville State candidates. “I am both pleased and hon- College, Powell was a professor Thomas G. O’Hara, a 1964 ored to be given this opportu- of education and dean at graduate of Mount St. Mary’s ground and talent at the helm,” nity,” said Powell. “The Mount Winthrop University in Rock and chairman of the search O’Hara said. “With his under- is about many things, but Hill, South Carolina (1994- committee, said Powell is the standing and respect for a liber- chiefly it is about people – 99); and a professor of special right choice to lead the college al arts education and his deep about talented students, staff education and dean at and seminary – especially as Catholic faith, Dr. Powell is well and faculty. It was meeting the Montana State University the Mount prepares to cele- positioned to advance the mis- people of Mount St. Mary’s (1990-94). brate its 200th anniversary in sion of Mount St. Mary’s as we and experiencing this commu- He earned bachelor’s and 2008. prepare for our third century.” nity that convinced me this is master’s degrees in special edu- “As we move forward in Powell and his wife, where I should be.” cation from Montana State meeting the challenges and Irene, have three children: Powell, 49, came to University, in 1976 and 1979, opportunities facing us, we are Nicholas, Thomas Henry and Glenville State College (enroll- respectively, and completed an indeed fortunate to have some- Cathleen. ▲ ment of 2,500) in 1999. He is Ed.D. in special education from one with Dr. Powell’s back- dr Criminal Justice Program Debuts at the Mount ount St. Mary’s professionals in related fields, Frederick community colleges. teaching the accelerated cours- m College is offering who have associate’s degrees, Classes are held one night a es. Timothy Wolfe, associate a new accelerated Bachelor of but would like to complete week and most courses are five professor of sociology at Arts degree completion pro- their bachelor’s degree,” said weeks in length, rather than in Mount St. Mary’s and an gram in criminal justice for Linda Martinak, Ph.D., dean the traditional 15-week college expert on juvenile delinquency, working adults. of continuing studies at the format. The Mount already is teaching the first course, The curriculum, designed Mount. “Because of their work offers an accelerated B.S. in “Crime and Justice in for professionals who want to commitments, they are unable business program, which has America.” advance in or switch to careers to go to school full time. This proven successful in the central For further information in the criminal justice field, is program gives them the oppor- Maryland area and was named about the accelerated criminal being offered at two Mount St. tunity to continue their educa- a “Distinguished Program justice degree program, contact Mary’s adult learning centers in tion in a high quality program Award” recipient in 2001 by the Division of Continuing Frederick and Westminster, during evening sessions.” the Maryland Association for Studies in Frederick toll free Md. The Mount bachelor’s Higher Education. at 1-877-982-2329, or visit “There are many people degree program will be held in In addition to full-time the college’s website at working in the criminal justice conjunction with similar two- Mount faculty members, a www.msmary.edu/adult. ▲ field, such as state, county and year criminal justice degree number of seasoned criminal By Dale Rader, C’05 city police officers as well as programs at Carroll and justice practitioners will be 2 Mount Magazine collegenews collegenews New Graduate Programs Offered he Mount is now offer- Education; MAT with Initial education.
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