sensors Article Article TrainTrain Hunting Hunting Related Related FastFast DegradationDegradation ofof a Railway Crossing—Condition Monitoring and Crossing—Condition Monitoring and Numerical Numerical Verification Verification Xiangming Liu * and Valéri L. Markine * Xiangming Liu * and Valéri L. Markine * Department of Engineering Structures, Delft University of Technology, 2628 CN Delft, The Netherlands * DepartmentCorrespondence: of Engineering [email protected] Structures, Delft Univer (X.L.);sity [email protected] of Technology, Delft 2628 (V.L.M.) CN, The Netherlands * Correspondence: [email protected] (X.L.); [email protected] (V.L.M) Received: 4 March 2020; Accepted: 15 April 2020; Published: 17 April 2020 Received: 4 March 2020; Accepted: 15 April 2020; Published: date Abstract: This paper presents the investigation of the root causes of the fast degradation of a railway Abstract: This paper presents the investigation of the root causes of the fast degradation of a railway crossing. The dynamic performance of the crossing was assessed using the sensor-based crossing crossing. The dynamic performance of the crossing was assessed using the sensor-based crossing instrumentation, and the measurement results were verified using the multi-body system (MBS) instrumentation, and the measurement results were verified using the multi-body system (MBS) vehicle-crossing model. Together with the field inspections, the measurement and simulation results vehicle-crossing model. Together with the field inspections, the measurement and simulation indicate that the fast crossing degradation was caused by the high wheel-rail impact forces related results indicate that the fast crossing degradation was caused by the high wheel-rail impact forces to the hunting motion of the passing trains. Additionally, it was shown that the train hunting was related to the hunting motion of the passing trains. Additionally, it was shown that the train hunting activated by the track geometry misalignment in front of the crossing. The obtained results have was activated by the track geometry misalignment in front of the crossing. The obtained results have notnot only only explained explained thethe extremeextreme valuesvalues inin thethe measuredmeasured responses, but but also also shown shown that that crossing crossing degradationdegradation is is notnot alwaysalways caused by by the the problems problems in in the the crossing crossing itself, itself, but but can canalso also be caused be caused by byproblems problems in inthe the adjacent adjacent track track structures. structures. The Thefindings findings of this of thisstudy study were were implemented implemented in the in thecondition condition monitoring monitoring system system for for railway railway crossi crossings,ngs, using using which which timely timely and and correctly correctly aimed aimed maintenancemaintenance actions actions can can be be performed. performed. Keywords:Keywords: railwayrailway crossing; crossing; wheel-rail wheel-rail impact; impact; train train hunting; hunting; numerical numerical verification; verification; railway railway track trackmaintenance maintenance 1.1. Introduction Introduction InIn the the railway railway track track system, system, turnouts turnouts (switches (switches and and crossings) crossings) are essentialare essential components components that allowthat trainsallow to trains pass to from pass one from track one to track another. to another. A standard A standard railway railway turnout turnout is composed is composed of three of three main main parts: switchparts: panel, switch closure panel, panel,closure and panel, crossing and crossing panel, as panel, shown as inshown Figure in1 .Figure In a railway 1. In a railway turnout, turnout, the crossing the panelcrossing is featured panel is to featured provide to the provide flexibility the flexib for trainsility for to passtrains in to di passfferent in different routes. routes. FigureFigure 1. 1.Standard Standard left-handleft-hand railwayrailway turnout and the definition definition of of the the passing passing routes. routes. ForFor rigid rigid crossings crossings that that are are commonlycommonly usedused inin conventionalconventional railway railway lines, lines, the the gap gap between between the the wingwing rail rail and and the the nose nose rail rail usually usually results results in in high high wheel-rail wheel-rail impacts impacts in in the the transition transition region region where where the wheelthe wheel load transitsload transits from thefrom wing the rail wing to therail noseto th raile nose (vice rail versa, (vice Figure versa,2 ),Figure which 2), makes which the makes crossing the a vulnerablecrossing a spot vulnerable in the railway spot in track.the railway In the track. case of In crossings the case thatof crossings are mainly that used are formainly the throughused for routethe trathroughffic (e.g., route crossings traffic in (e.g., the crossover),crossings in there the crossove is no specificr), there speed is no limit specific [1] and speed trains limit can [1] pass and through trains Sensors 2020, 20, x; doi: FOR PEER REVIEW www.mdpi.com/journal/sensors Sensors 2020, 20, 2278; doi:10.3390/s20082278 www.mdpi.com/journal/sensors Sensors 2020, 20, 2278 2 of 19 Sensors 2020, 20, x FOR PEER REVIEW 2 of 18 thecan crossings pass through with the a high crossings velocity with of a up high to velocity 140 km/ ofh. up The to high140 km/h. train The velocity high makestrain velocity the wheel-rail makes impactthe wheel-rail more serious. impact In more the Dutchserious. railway In the system,Dutch railway around system, 100 crossings around are100 urgently crossings replaced are urgently every yearreplaced [2] due every to unexpected year [2] due fatal to defects, unexpected which notfatal only defects, result which in substantial not only maintenance result in substantial efforts, but alsomaintenance lead to tra efforts,ffic disruption but also and lead can to traffic even adisruptionffect traffic and safety. can even affect traffic safety. FigureFigure 2. 2.Wheel-rail Wheel-rail interactioninteraction in the railway crossing crossing for for through through route route traffic. traffic. InIn contrast contrast to to a a switch switch panel, panel, whereinwherein sensorssensors are instrumented for for condition condition monitoring monitoring [3,4] [3,4 ] andand remaining remaining useful useful life life prediction prediction [[5],5], monitoringmonitoring in a crossing panel panel is is usually usually absent. absent. As As a aresult, result, thethe real-time real-time information information on on the the conditioncondition ofof railwayrailway crossingscrossings is limited. The The present present maintenance maintenance activitiesactivities are are mainly mainly reactive reactive and and based based on theon the experience experience of the of contractors.the contractors. In this In case,this case, the root thecauses root ofcauses the crossing of the degradationcrossing degradation are not alwaysare not resolved always resolved by the maintenance by the maintenance actions, andactions, the crossingsand the arecrossings likely to are be likely operated to be in operated a degraded in condition.a degraded To condition. improve To this improve situation, this necessary situation, guidance necessary for maintenanceguidance for actions maintenance is highly actions required. is highly required. ProperProper crossing crossing maintenance maintenance usuallyusually reliesrelies on condition assessment assessment and and degradation degradation detection, detection, whichwhich can can be be realized realized through through field fiel monitoring.d monitoring. In recentIn recent years, years, condition condition monitoring monitoring techniques techniques have beenhave frequently been frequently applied inapplied the railway in the industry. railway Aside industry. from theAside above-mentioned from the above-mentioned instrumentation oninstrumentation the turnout switches, on the turnout vehicle-based switches, monitoring vehicle-based systems monitoring have beensystems applied have inbeen track applied stiffness in measurementtrack stiffness [ 6measurement] and estimation [6] and [7], estimation track alignment [7], track estimation alignment [8 ],estimati hangingon sleepers[8], hanging detection sleepers [9 ], anddetection track fault [9], and detection track fault [10], detection etc. Compared [10], etc. with Compared the normal with track,the normal the current track, the studies current on studies railway crossingson railway are crossings mainly based are mainly on numerical based on simulation. numerical Typical simulation. contributions Typical contributions include wheel-rail include interaction wheel- analysisrail interaction [11–21], damageanalysis analysis[11–21], damage [16,17,22 analysis,23], and [16,17,22,23], prediction [18 and,24 ,prediction25] as well [18,24,25] as crossing as geometry well as andcrossing track stigeometryffness optimization and track stiffness for better optimizati dynamicon for performance better dynamic [16,26 performance]. Field measurements [16,26]. Field are mainlymeasurements used for theare validationmainly used of numericalfor the validation models. of The numerical monitoring models. of railway The monitoring crossings for of conditionrailway assessmentcrossings for and condition degraded assessment component and detection degraded is component still limited. detection is still limited. In the previous study, key indicators
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