Statutory Document No. 383/10 ROAD RACES ACT 1982 ROAD RACES (TOURIST TROPHY MOTORCYCLE RACES) ORDER 2OIO INDEX 1, Title 2 Commencement J Interpretation 4 Authorisation of use of Course for practices 5 Authorisation of use of Course for races 6 Suspension of right of way etc. 7 Regulation of traffic on side roads I Exemptions from articles 6 andT 9 Temporary opening of Course to traffic 10 Footbridges T1 Restricted areas 1,2 Prohibited areas 13 Parking on ambulance access routes 1,4 Publicity for cancellation, postponements and suspensions. 15 Notification of end of closure 1.6 Erection of signage 17 Insurance L8 Restriction on road works SCHEDULEl-TheCourse SCHEDULE 2 - Road closures SCHEDULE 3 - Crossing places SCHEDULE 4- Prohibited areas and restricted areas SCHEDULE 5 - Ambulance access roads Statutory Document No. 383/10 ROAD RACES ACT 1982 ROAD RACES (TOURIST TROPHY MOTORCYCLE RACES) ORDER 2O1O Coming into Operation: L8 May 201-0 The Depaltment of Transport makes this Order under sections 1 and 2 of the Road Races Act 1982'. 7 Title This Order is the Road Races (Tourist Trophy Motorcycle Races) Order 201.0. 2 Commencement This Older comes into operation on 18 May 2010. 3 Interpretation In this Order- "Clerk of the Course" includes, in the absence of the Clerk of the Course, any Deputy Clerk of the Course appointed by the promoter; "closure period" means any period during which an authorisation under article 4 or 5 is in force in relation to the Course or any part of the Course; "Course" means the roads and property areas specified in schedule L; "pedestrian" includes wheelchair users and any persons using another mobility aid other than a bicycle or motor vehicle; "postpone", in relation to a race or practice, includes annulling (cleclaring ' 7982 c.74 Price: f,2.00 Price Code: B 2 void) a race or practice which has already begun; "prohibited area" means the areas listed in schedule 4 that are not restlicted areas; "promoter" means ACUE Limited; "restricted aÍea" means the areas listed in schedule 4 that are indicated as being restricted; "senior police officer" means a member of the Isle of Man Constabulary of the rank of sergeant or above who is authorised by the Chief Constable to act as senior police officer for the purposes of this Order; "side Íoad" means any part of a road that leads onto the Course; and "sigttage" includes any barriet, tape, sign, markings or structure which indicate lestricted access to the Course, a side road, a prohibited area or a restricted area. 4 Authorisation of use of Course for practices (1) The promoter is authorised to use the Course for. motorcycle practices on the days and times specified in table 1 of schedule 2. (2) The Clerk of the Course may for atry reason- (a) cancel such a practice, or any practice postponed under this paragraph; or (b) postpone such a practice from a day and time specified in table 1 to a day and time specified in table 2 or 3 of schedule 2. (3) Where the Clerk of the Course cancels or postpones a practice under paragraph (2) he or she will notify the senior police officer. 5 Authorisation of use of Course for races (1) The promoter is authorised to use the Course for motorcycle races on the days and times specified in table 3 of schedule 2. (2) The Clerk of the Course may for any reason- (a) cancel or annul such a race, or any race postponed under this paragraph; or 3 (b) postpone such a race from a day and time specified in table 3 of schedule 2 to a day and time specified in table 4 of that schedule. (3) Where the Clerk of the Course cancels, annuls or postpones a race under paragraph (2) he or she will notify the senior police officer. (4) An authorisation under paragraph (1) or (2) will not have effect during any period which falls within a day and time specified in table 3 of schedule 2 and during which the Course is being used for a practice postponed to that day and time under article 4(2Xb). 6 Suspension of right of way etc. Subject to articles 8 and 9, during any closure period in relation to any part of the Course, the right of way over it is suspended and accordingly, no traffic may enter or lemain on it. 7 Regulation of traffic on side roads Subject to articles 8 and 9, during the closure period, a person must not enter or remain, or cause or permit any vehicle or animal to enter or remain on a side load that is marked with signage without the permission of a constable or marshal. 8 Exemptions from articles 6 and,7 (1) Articles 6 and 7 do not apply to the following persons- (a) Clerk of the Course; (b) persons appointed by the promoter as officials for the purpose of the race in question and bearing an official badge, armlet or tabard issued by the Clerk of the Course' (c) persons approved by the Clerk of the Course; (d) constables, fire officers, medical persons, highway maintenance and recovery persons; (e) persons lawfully taking part in the race in question and any person authorised by the promoter to assist those persons; (Ð on Governor's Bridge and Glencrutchery Road in the period prior to or during the start of any race and until after the final competitor has left the start line or earlier if directed by 4 the Clerk of the Course- (Ð the Lieutenant Governor and members of his party; and (iÐ guests, sponsors and promotional persons invited by the promoter, and persons displaying promoter Passes. (S) media representatives and photographers approved by the promoter and bearing an official badge, armlet or tabard issued by the promoter or organiser and bearing an official badge. (2) Articles 6 and 7 do not apply to- (a) vehicles for the conveyance of persons mentioned in paragraphl(a); (b) vehicles approved by the Clerk of the Course for the conveyance of persons mentioned in paragraphs (1) (b), (c), (d) or (f) or any other person approved by the Clerk of the Course; and (c) motolcycles engaged in the race in question; (d) ambulances, medical vehicles, fire brigade vehicles, police vehicles or highway maintenance vehicles authorised by the Clerk of the Course to be used for emergency purposes and persons driving or being carried in those vehicles; (e) vehicles authorised by the Clerk of the Course to travel on the Course between specific locations before the start and after the completion of any race to carry out works or recover vehicles and persons driving or being carried in those vehicles. I Temporary opening of Course to traffic (1) This article has effect despite anything in articles 4 to 7 (2) If any plactice or race is temporarily postponed or suspended during a closure period, the senior police officer may, with the consent of the Clelk of the Course, authorise traffíc, in accordance with the directions of a constable, to cross or proceed along such part of the Course, and at such times, as that officer may specify. 5 (3) Nothing in palagraph (2) pelmits traffic to proceed in the reverse direction of the Course, except with the express authorisation of the Clerk of the Course. (4) In any intelval between a practice or race during a closure period, the senior police officer may, with the consent of the Clerk of the Course- (a) authorise pedestlians, in accordance with the directions of a constable, to cross or proceed along the Course at such places, and at such times, as that officer may specify; or (b) authorise vehicular tlaffic, in accoldance with the directions of a constable, to cross or ploceed along the Course at the places specified in schedule 3, at such times as that officer may specify. (5) No person must during a closure period, drive any vehicle or cause ol permit any vehicle to be driven, on any palt of the Course which is the subject of any authorisation under paraglaph (2) or (4), otherwise than pursuant to that authorisation and in accoldance with the directions of a constable. 10 Footbridges (1) Nothing in articles 4 to 7 prevents a pedestrian crossing the Course by means of a footbridge erected for the purpose, unless he or she is forbidden by a constable to do so. (2) No person shall during a closure period stop or loiter on any footbridge referred to in paragraph (1). tt Restricted areas (1) No person or vehicle shall, during a closure period, enter or remain on a restlicted area other than race officials, marshals, police officers in the course of their duty or other persons or vehicles approved by the Clerk of the Course. (2) The extent of the restricted area will be clearly mar.ked and indicated by signs bearing the words "Restricted Area". 12 Prohibited areas (1) No person or vehicle shall, during a closure period, enter or remain on a prohibitecl area, except to go to the aid of a person or to 6 plevent further danger or risk to the competitors or any other Person. (2) The extent of the prohibited area will be clearly marked and indicated by signs bearing the words "Prohibited Area". t3 Parking on ambulance access routes A person must not cause or permit a vehicle to wait within 100 metres, or less as indicated by road sign, of any road closed barrier, in accordance with article 16, on a road specified in schedu-le 5- (a) during a closure period; and (b) on the side of the road as indicated by road sign, without the permission of a constable.
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