All the News of All the Pointes * * * Every Thursday rosse ews Morning Complete News Coverage of All the Pointes Home (if th~ News VOLUME 23-NO. 41 Entered as Second Clalls Matter 'lc Per COpy at the Post OWce at Detroit, Mich, ,GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, OCT. II, 1962 $4.00 Per Year 20 PAGES-TWO SECTIONS-SECTION I HEADLINES Barnes School Mapped in Miniature Park to Seek To Occup'y New $48,400 As Compiled by the Federal Funds Addition Grosse Pointe News Unitarian Church Will Build Thursday. October 4 For Three Projects on O~d Site of Municipal AMERICA'S NEWEST space Offices hero, Astronaut William M. Schirra, Jr., relaxed today after City Ma.nag.er Appointed C~ordinator; .Will File Friday is moving day at .completing a perfect 6-orbit Applications as Soon as PossIble According to Grosse Pointe City. The flight which moved the United , Government Law 'new municipal administra- States man-on-the-moon pro- . I tive 0 f f ice s, begun last gram forward a giant step. The Park wIll seek a share of the $90,000,000 allo- spring are ready for oc- Schirra's journey was twice as long as previous U. S. orbital cated to Michigan communities by the Federal Govern- cupan~y and City o1ficials flights and assured that the ment to combat unemployment through the creation of will "~akf., their move" next attempt would be the long. urgently needed public works. tomorrow afternoon. awaited 24~hour manned flight. On Mon~ay, October 8, t~e~ They don't have far to go. U. S. space officials jubilantly CIty. councll set t~e, wheel In H ll' Located directly across fro In exclaimed that Schirra's flight m~tIon by app~ovmg the ap- a oween the present municipal offices, was by far the best U. S. space POlntment of CIty M ~ nag e r _ at the back of the City Police-. performance to date. He whirl- Robert Slone as coordmator of PartIe's Set Fire Department building, the e'd around the earth for 9 the Park program. 1/ new O'ffices are as convenient hours and 13 minutes yesterday " The city manager told the as the old - and a great deal and traveled 165,000 miles. 4 S h 1 " * • • co~nc~l that the necess~ry ap- at C 00 S better looldng. ' ,Pf:1CatI?nlf~di'mhsreqluestdmgbthe A O'ne-story addition, archi- Friday, October 5 manCla ai as a rea y een tecturall in ke . g w'th th THE MaS'!' SWEEPING r~ceived and t~ese v:ill be For 23rd Year Commu- I existing Yedificee~ be:n con~ United States shipping control fIlled out and f1l~d wIth the nity Leaders and Students Itions in the old Police - Fire in modern peacetime history Government as qUIckly as pos- PlOt b 31 F t..ty structure the 28H, b 64 f t sible an coer es IVI ,n y 00 was being set in motio:} today , addition will proyide Grosse as PrE'side'nt Kennedy prepared On September 14, President Grosse Poi n t e's Hal- Pointe with excellent facilities a crackdown on Cuban trade , Kennedy signed into law a bill for conducting municipal busi- which was designed to cut down ............. designed to combat unemploy- loween parties, 23 years old, ness. the Soviet bloc trade with Cuba. :,',:: ment through the creation of will again be held Wednes. The main entrance fron'ts O'n ",. , :.: : ; :.. The President's plan would badly needed federal, state and day, October 31, in four the parking lot at the rear O'f close all United States ports to As a project for the social studies unit fourth grad- chimney which smokes, blinking lights and pipe local public works. The bill Pointe public sohools. the Police-Fire Department. A all ships of any country if any ers at Barnes School modeled a replica of their school clearner passengers apoard a merry-go-round. All the authorizes the appropriation of Meetfng in the Neighborhood smaH vestibule opens into a vessel of that country carries $900 million, of which one-third Club, the organizational com- centrat h a II, on the left of military equipment to Cuba. and playground and then threw a party for their par- fourth graders had a hand in the project and their ents to come and look. The budding young architects parents hailed their 'success at this junior do-it-your- would be reserved for small mittee approved scheduling of which is a general office room The United States also appealed towns and rura.l areas. ' I parties for all junior and senior and quarters for the comptrol- from left to right are JEFF POTTER and KARL self effort. I to its allies and to all non com- Federal Grants high students in the Pointe ler plus storage space. munist countries to crack down SCOTT, admiring their ha.'1diwork which includes a on Cuban trade. The funds will provide fed-I area. To the right are three of- * * • eral construction or matching \ Grol$se Pointe High School: fices, earpe~ in a vivid blue- grants to local governments in 7:30 p.m. to 12 p.m. for senior green. The Clty Manager and Saturday. October 6 Club B~gins State Supreme Court 23 GPHS areas, eligible for assistance high students. his secretary m~~e their head- BRITAIN'S categorical re. under the Area Redevelopment Parcells Pierce and Brownell quarters here. fusal to support President Ken- - Seniors Win Act. Junior High Sch~ols: 7:30 P.m. A stairs directly faeing the nedy's plans for an internation~ New Gy,n Denies Bufalino Case Slone told the council that to 11 p,m. for junior high stu- entr~ce leads to a modern al shipping boycott against 'ther..e are three'public projects dents. " ;-,' '. Council-Court Room" once a CUba' may precipitate the most - -t L Class Series Against Pointe Brol{ers Mer't 'etters in the Park, for which applica- Officers of the Halloween part of the firemen s dorml- serious breach in British-Ameri. __ '_ tion will be r.1ade to obtain Committee were elected as fo!- tory. In, order t~ :omplete th.e can relations since 1956's Suez Decision Upholds 1961 Circ,uit Court Action Which N ISh I h Federal funds, lows: Forrest Geary, chairman; ~ew offl~es at nummum cost, It crisis. The British government Neighborhood Club' Ex- ationa c 0 ars ip Cor- These, he said, are sewer im- Arthur E. Louwers vice-chair- was decl~ed to usurp part of is fu'm1y opposed to any Cuban pands S~ope with Physical Tossed Out Libel and Slander Accusati'~ns poration Commends provements in Pemberton road, man; Mrs. Albert Law, secretary t?e dO~01! and re-lo~te th.e boycott, on the grounds that it Fitness Program Against'Defendants More Pupils and in the Trombley-Harcourt~ pro~tem; Arthur C. Dannecker, frremen s kitchen, mOVIng It would be, at best, only partly --- ------- ~ Windmill Pointe area, repair of treasurer. from the ground floor to the effective, and that it is an un- The case of William E. Bufalino vs. Gra"c;sePointe second justifiable action in peacetime, The Neighborhood Club An 'additional t wen t y _ city streets, and the repair and A student committee meeting . of Grosse Pointe, oldest real estate interests was laid to rest, for the tir:le being three Grosse Pointe High replacing of curbing through- was held on Friday, september All.of the rooms are spaCIOUS Kennedy is reportedly ready to at least, with a decision b'y the Michigan State Supreme out the city. 28th and unanimously voted to and llght, a far cry from, the order all American ports closed community service organi- Court on Odober 1which denied basis for action against School seniors have been A survey of the sewers in the ti th b' t F t cramped, rather gloomy quar- to ships of any nation supplying zati~n in the area, is about announced as eI' cribl f .' con nue e 19eve~. our een ters across the street, Cuba with arms. the defendants. <f,....----~------- 10~ e, or deSIgnated areas are presently students each speaking for ap- C t Ab b d b Sa! to begin an ambitious pro- 0"'", also an offI'cer of Maxon Letters of Com.mendatio.n underway Slone said and a re . t 1 400 t d t d' os sor eye • f . 1 Upholding a 1961 C ire u it", ,' f' th . ' f h - prOXlmae y s u en .s, IS- The addition and renovations • • gram 0 gymnastIc c asses. Court decision, the Supreme Brotherr. Bernard Whitley and I from the Na.tIonal .MerIt port, IS or commg rom t e cussed food and entertamment t th 't $48400 t Sunday October 7 U d th g' f d' , S h 1 h C .. ' cos e Cly - a cos n er e ae IS 0 new. h1- Court said that Bufalino was not Alex Holt, salesmen for the . c Th0 a r SIp orpora- CIty engmeers. "" for the parties. wh'lCh will be ab'sorbed by sale PRESIDENT Kennedy raced rec tor Edgar Krat 11, t e the victim of libel or slander firm; Maxon Brothers, Inc., the tlOn. ese join the twenty. Set for 1964-65, Present at. this meeting wer:e: of the Unitarian Church prop. through Michigan yesterday, club is determined to ex- when he was screened as a pros- Grosse Pointe Property Owners four announced last week The Pembert;0n ~ewer Im- Da.veSchervlSh and Pam Aleslk, erty on Jefferson.
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