By Elder Gary E. Stevenson This caused me to reflect on expe- Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles riences I have had. The first prophet I remember is President David O. McKay. I was 14 years old when he passed away. I remember a sense of loss that accompanied his passing, The Heart of a Prophet the tears in my mother’s eyes, and the sorrow felt by our whole family. I We can rejoice that the Lord’s prophet is in place and that the Lord’s work remember how the words “Please bless is being done in the way that He has divinely prescribed. President David O. McKay” fell out of my lips so naturally in my prayers that if I wasn’t mindful, even follow- ing his passing, I would find myself using those same words. I wondered if have fervently prayed that the Holy words to this effect: “I deeply hope my heart and mind would transition to Ghost will be with each of us today that the membership of the Church the same feeling and conviction for the I on this heavenly occasion. What we can comprehend the magnitude of prophets succeeding him. But almost have collectively witnessed has been what has taken place with the call- like parents who love each of their most impressive as the 17th prophet of ing of our new prophet, President children, I found a love for, connec- this dispensation has been sustained in Russell M. Nelson, and the significance tion with, and testimony of President solemn assembly. and sacredness of the solemn assem- Joseph Fielding Smith, who followed As I sought guidance to know the bly that will take place at general President McKay, and for each prophet topic the Lord would have me address conference.” He further observed, “It thereafter: Harold B. Lee, Spencer W. today, my mind was directed to a has been 10 years, and many, espe- Kimball, Ezra Taft Benson, Howard W. recent conversation with the newly cially the youth of the Church, do not Hunter, Gordon B. Hinckley, Thomas S. called First Presidency. In this discus- remember or have not experienced Monson, and today President Russell M. sion, one of the counselors shared this before.” Nelson. I fully sustained each prophet with uplifted hand—and uplifted heart. As each of our beloved prophets has passed on, it is only natural to feel a sense of sorrow and loss. But our sadness is tempered by the joy and hope that come as we experi- ence one of the great blessings of the Restoration: the calling and sustaining of a living prophet on the earth. To that end, I will speak to this divine process as observed over the past 90 days. I will describe it in four segments: first, the passing of our prophet and the dissolution of the First Presidency; second, the period of time awaiting the reorganization of the new First Presidency; third, the calling of the new prophet; and fourth, the sustaining of the new prophet and First Presidency in solemn assembly. MAY 2018 17 The Passing of a Prophet Twelve, under the leadership of the gathering in a circle and placing hands On January 2, 2018, our dear quorum president, jointly holds the upon the head of President Nelson to prophet Thomas S. Monson passed keys to administer the leadership of ordain and set him apart, with the next to the other side of the veil. He will the Church. President Joseph F. Smith most-senior Apostle acting as voice. forever have a place in our hearts. taught, “There is always a head in President Nelson then named his President Henry B. Eyring offered senti- the Church, and if the Presidency of counselors, President Dallin Harris ments at President Monson’s passing the Church are removed by death or Oaks, President Henry Bennion Eyring, which succinctly describe our feel- other cause, then the next head of the with President Oaks as the President ings: “The hallmark of his life, like the Church is the Twelve Apostles, until a of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles Savior’s, will be his individual concern presidency is again organized.” 3 and President Melvin Russell Ballard as in reaching out to the poor, the sick— The most recent interregnum period the Acting President of the Quorum of even all individuals—worldwide.” 1 began when President Monson passed the Twelve Apostles. Following similar President Spencer W. Kimball away on January 2 and ended 12 days sustaining votes, each of these Brethren explained: later on Sunday, January 14. On that was set apart to his respective office “As one star sinks behind the hori- Sabbath morning, the Quorum of the by President Nelson. This was a deeply zon, another comes into the picture, Twelve met in the upper room of the sacred experience, with an outpouring and death spawns life. Salt Lake Temple in a spirit of fasting of the Spirit. I offer to you my absolute “The work of the Lord is endless. and prayer, under the presiding direc- witness that the will of the Lord, for Even when a powerful leader dies, tion of President Russell M. Nelson, which we fervently prayed, was pow- not for a single instant is the Church the senior Apostle and President of the erfully manifest in the activities and without leadership, thanks to the kind Quorum of the Twelve. events of that day. Providence who gave his kingdom con- With the ordination of President tinuity and perpetuity. As it already has Calling of a New Prophet Nelson and the reorganization of the happened . before in this dispensa- In this sacred and memorable First Presidency, the apostolic interreg- tion, a people reverently close a grave, meeting, following a well-established num ended, and the newly constituted dry their tears, and turn their faces to precedent in unity and unanimity, the First Presidency began to operate the future.” 2 Brethren were seated by seniority in a without, remarkably, even one second semicircle of 13 chairs and raised their of interruption in governing the Lord’s The Apostolic Interregnum hands first to sustain the organization kingdom on the earth. The period of time between the of a First Presidency and then to sus- death of a prophet and the reorganiza- tain President Russell Marion Nelson as Solemn Assembly tion of the First Presidency is referred President of The Church of Jesus Christ This morning, this divine process is to as an “apostolic interregnum.” of Latter-day Saints. This sustaining was culminated in accordance with scrip- During this period, the Quorum of the followed by the Quorum of the Twelve tural mandate outlined in the Doctrine 18 SATURDAY MORNING SESSION | MARCH 31, 2018 and Covenants: “For all things must President Nelson is truly a remark- his medical career, a pioneer developer be done in order, and by common able man. I had the privilege of serving of the heart-lung machine. He was on consent in the church, by the prayer in the Quorum of the Twelve with him the research team that supported the of faith,” 4 and “three Presiding High as my quorum president for just over first open-heart operation on a human Priests, . upheld by the confidence, two years. I have traveled with him and being, in 1951, using a heart-lung faith, and prayer of the church, form marvel at his energy, as one must move bypass. President Nelson performed a a quorum of the Presidency of the quickly to keep up with his pace! In heart operation on President Spencer W. Church.” 5 total he has visited 133 countries in his Kimball not long before President Elder David B. Haight described a lifetime. Kimball became the prophet. previous occurrence of what we partici- His outreach is to all, young and Interestingly, as President Nelson’s pated in today: old. He seems to know everyone and call to the Twelve 34 years ago ended a “We are witnesses to and partici- is particularly gifted at remembering professional medical career of strength- pants in a most sacred occasion—a names. All who know him feel that ening and repairing hearts, it began solemn assembly to act upon heavenly they are his favorite. And so it is with a ministry as an Apostle devoted to things. As in olden times, there has each of us—because of his genuine strengthening and repairing hearts of been much fasting and prayer offered love and concern for everyone. countless tens of thousands around by the Saints throughout the world that My primary association with the world, each having been lifted and they may receive an outpouring of the President Nelson has been in ecclesiasti- healed by his words and acts of wis- Spirit of the Lord, which is so much cal roles, yet I have also become familiar dom, service, and love. in evidence . on this occasion this with the professional life that President morning. Nelson led before he was called as A Christlike Heart “A solemn assembly, as the name a General Authority. As many of you When I envision a Christlike heart in implies, denotes a sacred, sober, and know, President Nelson was a world- daily practice, I see President Nelson. I reverent occasion when the Saints renowned heart surgeon and, early in have not met anyone who exemplifies assemble under the direction of the First Presidency.” 6 Brothers and sisters, we can rejoice—even shout, “Hosanna!”—that the Lord’s mouthpiece, a prophet of God, is in place and that the Lord is pleased that His work is being done in the way that He has divinely prescribed.
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