Marines Reservists meet active duty challenge Page A-2 march in Merrie Gulf heroes add twist to fun fair Monarch Page A-6 Parade Page 8-1 Comings, goings in life of military child Page A-7 Vol. 20, No. 16 Published at MCAS Kaneohe Bay. Also serving 1st MEB, Camp H.M. Smith and Marine Barracks, Hawaii. April 25,1 New CMC LtGen. Mundy nominated fly Cpl. Jason Erickson mr.11 Mena Ste WON, The next Commandant of the Marine Corps has been nomi nated, approved by President leorge Bush,and is now up for confirmation by the Senate. If given senatorial approval, I Allen. Carl E. Mundy Jr. will take the helm of the Corps from present Commandant Gen. A.M. Ilray. At time of press, a date for Ionise of command had not yet been announced. LtGen. Mundy is currently the LtGen. Carl E. Mundy, Jr. 'ommanding General of the Fleet general in April 1986; and to lieu- Marine Force, Atlantic; the II tenant general in March 1988. Marine Expeditionary Force,and the Allied Command Atlantic LtGen. Mundy is a native of Marine Striking Force. Atlanta, Ga. He is a graduate of the Marine Corps Command and He was commissioned in second Staff College, and the Naval War lieutenant in 1957, following College. graduation from Auburn Univer- sity, in Auburn, Ala. He served in His decoratione include the Vietnam between 1966 and '67 Legion of Merit, the Bronze Star, first as operations officer and Purple Heart, two Navy Com- executive officer for the 3,1 Battal- mendation Medals, and the Viet- ion, 26th Marines, 3r1 Marine nam Cross of Gallantry. intelli- Division, and later as an He is married to the former gence officer in the Ill Marine Linda Sloan of Waynesville, N.C. Amphibious Force headquarters. They have three children: Eliza- beth, Timothy. Artnt ;Marine/Navy Eiaair ',Mitt through downtown Hitt) 28th Annual NterittraPittidi Para e Apr He was promoted to bhp/Mier Caul Ill and Both airing the rer-- general in April 1982; to major sons are Marine officers. Sc cut. Reginald M. cote sailors home to Kaneohe Bay associated with that flag of buildups of various classes of done more or performed better Nowa kladne Me Writer March 26, said although the wood and cloth," he added. supply positions. that anyone else, he's sure unit didn't remain together, his Reinhart stressed that the From the moment Marine they've done just as well. Brigade Service Support troops preformed superbly Group-1 re-dedicated its unit's accumulated weight of achieve- forces moved north to meet "Our colors which are flying colors during a morning Colors during Operations Desert Shield menta and honors can eventu- Saddam Hossein's forces, to the again after seven and a half and Storm. The unit was ally give a flag the power to end of the ground war, 13SSG-1 months have a richer and formation at Dewey Square attached to Ist Force Service April 17. This eventful cere- inspire and strengthen. Marines and sailors provided deeper meaning now because of Support Group of Camp Pendle- "We are here today to cele- combat service support. the Marines' and sailors' mony marked the first uncasing ton, Calif. Marines from BSSG- of BSSG-1's colors since a brate the re-constitution of During support of front-line sacrifices, dedications and 1 were distributed throughout and to re-dedicate our achievements." BSSG-1 seven and-a-half month deploy- the theater in support of the BSSG-1 troops, dental corpsmen took on ment to Saudi Arabia. colors, our flag which marks the roles of medical technicians. "It's with a great deal of First Marine Expeditionary a said In September 1990, at the port Force. our existence as unit," Medical officers and personnel pride to have the opportunity to of Jubail, Saudi Arabia, BSSG-1 Reinhart. "The Marines and of BSSG-1 were instrumental in see the heart put back into a reluctantly cased their colors at "No flag has any power to sailors of TISSG-1 contributed establishing a medical hospital command," said BGen. James is back the headquarters of another give meaning, value or purpose tremendous diversity of func- and ultimately treated more E. Livingston, commanding omit and ceased to exist as a to the lives of men and women tional expertise." casualties from the ground war general, 1st Marine Expedition- cohesive organization. A final when it's first created." said BSSG-1 Marines devoted than any other U.S. facilities, ary Brigade. "You as a unit group formation was held and Beinhart. " Men and women countless hours off- loading according to Beinhart. have written your chapter in in full the unit colors were stored must first confer on a flag its equipment from Maritime Pre- "Many of you of BSSG-1 rose the great history of the United away. meaning and its honor. They position Ships, repaired and to new levels of leadership in States Marine Corps. We LtCol. Ernest Beinhart, do this through sacrifice, maintained stock gear, estab- your adopted organizations," welcome you home, you have BSSG's executive officer, who dedication, and achievements lished and operated field am- said Reinhart, adding that performed outstanding for your force led hundreds of Marines and which over time becomes munition depots and organized while he can't claim they've Corps, country and families." Te404_ Elig K-Bay unit may Desert Storm Marines: Check must be postmarked no later than tomorrow For more information, call Sandra Clayton at 254-4719 or Doreen Vanlauren at 254-68197 deploy to Saudi Leave, Earning Statements Register vehicles The pay accounts of Marines returning from Operation Desert ipso Oepl 'yea to tioutnwest Asia. Storm my experience substantial turbulence and uncertainty. This Military personnel and dependents may register or re-register Specifically, the mission would will be caused by the large number of entitlements and payment their vehicles aboard the Air Station May 7. May 14 and May 21 As a contingency option, a entail providing security for the or stop when from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. at the Pass and D.D. building at the Main Gate. task-organized unit of approxi- personnel, equipment and sup- methods that will start they return from duty in a and combat zone. Pay specialists advise that these servicemen and Representatives from the Hawaii Department of Motor Vehicles mately 450 Marines is currently plies of the Marine forces in very attention to their Leave and Earning Licensing and the Mayor's Office of Information and Complaint will being trained from theist Marine Southwest Asia. women pay close State- Office ments, and contact the Disbursing Office through their chain of com- be on-hand. For more information, call the Legal Assistance Expeditionary Brigade for poten- If required, the unit 257-2160 2160 tial deployment to Saudi Arabia. is expected mand, if there are problems. at to deploy for four-six months The unit, a detachment from The training the unit is receiving Syracuse correspondence the 3d Marine Regiment, may includes instruction in rules of Hiring freeze continues deploy for the purpose of provid- engagement, defensive tactics, A hiring freeze for Department of Defense civilian positions will courses are in ing security for the ground com- security, weapons employment, continue through Sept. 30. This affects all positions financed Marines and sailors who have signed-up for a correspondence bat element of the Marine Air- customs and courtesies, and through DoD appropriated funds. However, reassignments, promo- course through Syracuse University ran now pick them up at the Ground Task Force currently health and desert survival. tions, reductions-in-grade, return of Federal Employee Compensa- Joint Education Center. tion Act claimants to DoD rolls and movement between competitive ad exempted service positions are permitted. Internal transfers are Labject to activity fiscal constraints. For more information, contact Parts of Kaneohe Bay Drive the Civilian Personnel Office' at 257-3556. unsafe for runners Post Office begins regular Due to construction, a portion of west-bound Kaneohe Bay Drive is dangerous for runners, according to the Joint Safety operations Center. The area across from Kailua Waste Water Treatment Plant is under construction, anf the north shoulder of the road `Admire-ation' The KMCAS Main Post Office will resume its regular hours is currently blocked by barricades and cones. Runners travelling 9 a.m.-4:30 p,m. Also, the post office in After his arrival home from the Monday: Monday-Friday, along the shoulder of the westbound lanes are eventually channeled the Air Station's Main Exchange complex will reopen Monday. war, 3d Regiment Commander by the barricades into vehicle traffic, with nowhere to escape. Col. John Admire was quickly engulfed by the media. Hawaii Staff NCO Wives Club Anderson Hall is back Marine Staff Writer Cpl. Jason opened. Erickson recently had the oppor- Scholarships The Anderson Hall Dining Facility has re- Meals tunity to interview Admire, and are served on will be presented by the Staff Noncommis- three-times a day Monday-Friday and twice weekends the resulting story is on Page College scholarships and holidays between and 5 p.m. Hours sioned Officers Wives Club to high school seniors and spouses who 8 and 11 a.m., and 3 A-8. are dependents of an enlisted active duty, retired or deceased during the week are as follows: member of the U.S. military whose present or final duty station is; Breakfast -- Early chow, 5-5:15 a.m., regular chow 5:30-7:30 was KMCAS. Applications are available through the Staff NCO a.m. and Enlisted Clubs, counselors at Kalaheo, Kailua and Castle High Lunch Early chow, 10:30 -10:45 a.m., regular chow 11 S.M.- Schools, the Joint Education Center, Armed Services YMCA, Family 1 p.m.
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