Unicode Charts for STIX Two Math Version 2.0.1 David M. Jones (on behalf of STIPub) April 15, 2019 These charts compare the STIX 2.0.1 against Unicode 12.0.0. Note The STIX Two Math font includes duplicates of all characters supported in STIX Two Text Regular, but in some cases with different forms suited to use in math typesetting. This character coverage ensures thatany character from this common subset that occurs within a math equation will be correctly displayed, even if it is not a math symbol with a generally recognised meaning. However, use of the STIX Two Math font to typeset non-mathematical text is discouraged, and the Text font family should be used for this purpose. Legend • Characters shown in black (e.g., U+0021) are supported directly by the font. • Characters shown in red (e.g., U+01CE) are not directly supported but can be synthesized by a Unicode- aware shaping engine. (These charts were generated with X TE EX 0.99996.) Note: Many of the characters in this category are poorly rendered because of deficiencies in the font’s gpos table. Plans are being made to address these problems. • Grey squares (e.g., U+0380) indicate code points that are not assigned a meaning in Unicode 12.0. • Otherwise blank squares that contain a code point (e.g., U+0020) indicate characters with no visible rep- resentation. These may or may not be zero-width characters; see the Unicode Standard for details. • Completely blank squares (e.g., U+0181) indicate code points correspondinng to characters that STIX 2.0.1 does not support. • Black squares (e.g., U+FFFE) indicate noncharacter code points. Notes • Not every composite character supported by the STIX fonts is included in these charts; only characters that are assigned a code point by Unicode 12.0 are shown. For example, you will not find “x̣” in these charts since Unicode does not assign a code point to that character. It can, however, be composed from the sequence U+0078 LATIN SMALL LETTER X followed by U+0323 COMBINING DOT BELOW. • Similarly, not every variant glyph of every character is displayed. See the STIX 2.0.1 release notes and accompanying documentation for more information on the OpenType font features and stylistic sets sup- ported by STIX Two. • Glyphs are shown at size 20 pt unless otherwise indicated. 1 OpenType Language Systems and Features See the OpenType Specification for a description of the following features. Script Language ccmp dtls flac ssty math default ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Character Variants cv03 U+2205 ∅ → ∅ EMPTY SET Note: The default shape of the empty set symbol has not been changed to preserve backwards compatibility. Stylistic Sets The original STIX fonts contained a number of variant forms of math symbols. These are preserved in STIX Two but are now accessible via OpenType Layout stylistic set substitution features. There are a limited number of such features available, so while an effort has been made to group like substitutions together, there is inevitably a ‘grab-bag’ feature (ss20) containing miscellaneous variants. Stylistic sets 17–19 are reserved for future use. Sets 8 and 9 are included for compatibility with the XITS fonts. As will be obvious, most of these stylistic sets could be extended in natural ways. The current repertoire reflects the glyphs available in version 1 of the STIX fonts and may be extended in the future if there is sufficient interest. Stylistic Set 1 <ss01> Stylistic Set 2 <ss02> Stylistic Set 5 <ss05> Substitute roundhand for chancery Variants of selected math italic Shorter variants of selected arrows. Script Alphanumeric Symbols. lowercase letters. 2190 ← → ← 1D49C 풜 → 풜 1D454 푔 → 푔 2191 ↑ → ↑ 212C ℬ → ℬ 1D488 품 → 2192 → → → 1D49E 풞 → 풞 1D628 혨 → 2193 ↓ → ↓ 1D49F 풟 → 풟 1D65C 활 → 21D1 ⇑ → ⇑ 2130 ℰ → ℰ 1D462 푢 → 푢 21D3 ⇓ → ⇓ 2131 ℱ → ℱ 1D463 푣 → 푣 21E0 ⇠ → ⇠ 1D4A2 풢 → 풢 1D464 푤 → 푤 21E2 ⇢ → ⇢ 210B ℋ → ℋ 1D467 푧 → 푧 2110 ℐ → ℐ Stylistic Set 6 <ss06> Stylistic Set 3 <ss03> 1D4A5 풥 → 풥 Narrower or shorter variants of 1D4A6 풦 → 풦 Variants of characters with assorted symbols. 2112 ℒ → ℒ cross-bars. 2208 ∈ → ∈ 2133 ℳ → ℳ 019B ƛ → ƛ 220B ∋ → ∋ 1D4A9 풩 → 풩 210F ℏ → ℏ 2223 ∣ → ∣ 1D4AA 풪 → 풪 2224 ∤ → ∤ 1D4AB 풫 → 풫 Stylistic Set 4 <ss04> 2225 ∥ → ∥ 1D4AC 풬 → 풬 Larger, lower variants of prime, 2226 ∦ → ∦ 211B ℛ → ℛ minute, second, etc. 2AEE ⫮ → ⫮ 1D4AE 풮 → 풮 2032 ′ → ′ 1D4AF 풯 → 풯 2033 ″ → ″ 1D4B0 풰 → 풰 2034 ‴ → 1D4B1 풱 → 풱 2057 ⁗ → 1D4B2 풲 → 풲 2035 ‵ → ‵ 1D4B3 풳 → 풳 2036 ‶ → 1D4B4 풴 → 풴 2037 ‷ → 1D4B5 풵 → 풵 STIX Two Math v2.0.1 2 Stylistic Set 7 <ss07> Stylistic Set 9 <ss09> Stylistic Set 11 <ss11> Smaller versions of various (XITS compatibility) Vertical slash Variant negated sub/superset operators. variants of some negated symbols. relations. Note: In version 2.0.0, the 0338 ̸ → ⃒ 228A ⊊ → ⊊ transformation ∅ → ∅ was 2209 ∉ → ∉ 228B ⊋ → ⊋ erroneously included in this 220C ∌ → ∌ 2ACB ⫋ → ⫋ stylistic set. That transformation 2241 ≁ → ≁ has been moved to cv03. 2ACC ⫌ → ⫌ 2244 ≄ → ≄ 2140 ⅀ → ⅀ 2246 ≆ → ≆ Stylistic Set 12 <ss12> 220F ∏ → ∏ 2247 ≇ → ≇ Low-modulation, ‘sans serif’-like 2210 ∐ → ∐ 2249 ≉ → ≉ variants. 2211 ∑ → ∑ 2260 ≠ → ≠ 221D ∝ → ∝ 221A √ → √ 2262 ≢ → ≢ 2322 ⌢ → ⌢ 221B ∛ → ∛ 2268 ≨ → ≨ 2323 ⌣ → ⌣ 221C ∜ → ∜ 2269 ≩ → ≩ Stylistic Set 13 <ss13> 226D ≭ → ≭ Horizontally-flipped sine-wave Stylistic Set 8 <ss08> 226E ≮ → ≮ symbol. (XITS compatibility) Upright forms 226F ≯ → ≯ of integrals, including size variants 2270 ≰ → ≰ 223F ∿ → ∿ (not shown). 2271 ≱ → ≱ Stylistic Set 14 <ss14> 222B ∫ → ∫ 2274 ≴ → ≴ Taller versions of three symbols. 222C ∬ → ∬ 2275 ≵ → ≵ 222D ∭ → ∭ 2278 ≸ → ≸ 2216 ∖ → ∖ 2A3C ⨼ → ⨼ 222E ∮ → ∮ 2279 ≹ → ≹ 2A3D ⨽ → ⨽ 222F ∯ → ∯ 2280 ⊀ → ⊀ 2230 ∰ → ∰ 2281 ⊁ → ⊁ Stylistic Set 15 <ss15> 2231 ∱ → ∱ 2284 ⊄ → ⊄ Slab-serif variants. 2232 ∲ → ∲ 2285 ⊅ → ⊅ 2229 ∩ → ∩ 2233 ∳ → ∳ 2288 ⊈ → ⊈ 222A ∪ → ∪ 2A0B ⨋ → ⨋ 2289 ⊉ → ⊉ 2293 ⊓ → ⊓ 2A0C ⨌ → ⨌ 22E0 ⋠ → ⋠ 2294 ⊔ → ⊔ 2A0D ⨍ → ⨍ 22E1 ⋡ → ⋡ 2A0E ⨎ → ⨎ 22EC ⋬ → ⋬ Stylistic Set 16 <ss16> 2A0F ⨏ → ⨏ 22ED ⋭ → ⋭ Variant circled operators (note 2A10 ⨐ → ⨐ inconsistent sets). Stylistic Set 10 <ss10> 2A11 ⨑ → ⨑ 2295 ⊕ → ⊕ 2A12 ⨒ → ⨒ Slanted variants of selected 2297 ⊗ → ⊗ 2A13 ⨓ → ⨓ greater/lesser relations. 229C ⊜ → ⊜ 2A14 ⨔ → ⨔ 2272 ≲ → ≲ Stylistic Set 20 <ss20> 2A15 ⨕ → ⨕ 2273 ≳ → ≳ 2A16 ⨖ → ⨖ 22DA ⋚ → ⋚ Miscellaneous variants. 2A17 ⨗ → ⨗ 22DB ⋛ → ⋛ 223E ∾ → ∾ 224C ≌ → ≌ 2A18 ⨘ → ⨘ 2A9D ⪝ → ⪝ 2423 ␣ → ␣ 2A19 ⨙ → ⨙ 2A9E ⪞ → ⪞ 25A9 ▩ → ▩ 2A1A ⨚ → ⨚ 2AAC ⪬ → ⪬ 2A1B ⨛ → ⨛ 2AAD ⪭ → ⪭ 2A1C ⨜ → ⨜ STIX Two Math v2.0.1 3 Mathematical Standardized Variants Standardized Variants are described in section 22.5 of the Unicode 12.0 Core Specification and in the Standard- izedVariants.txt file in the Unicode Character Database. As noted below, most of the Standardized Variants are also accessible via Character Variants or Stylistic Sets. U+0030 U+FE00 0 → 0 U+2205 U+FE00 ∅ → ∅ cv03 U+2229 U+FE00 ∩ → ∩ ss15 U+222A U+FE00 ∪ → ∪ ss15 U+2268 U+FE00 ≨ → ≨ ss09 U+2269 U+FE00 ≩ → ≩ ss09 U+2272 U+FE00 ≲ → ≲ ss10 U+2273 U+FE00 ≳ → ≳ ss10 U+228A U+FE00 ⊊ → ⊊ ss11 U+228B U+FE00 ⊋ → ⊋ ss11 U+2293 U+FE00 ⊓ → ⊓ ss15 U+2294 U+FE00 ⊔ → ⊔ ss15 U+2295 U+FE00 ⊕ → ⊕ ss16 U+2297 U+FE00 ⊗ → ⊗ ss16 U+229C U+FE00 ⊜ → ⊜ ss16 U+22DA U+FE00 ⋚ → ⋚ ss10 U+22DB U+FE00 ⋛ → ⋛ ss10 U+2A3C U+FE00 ⨼ → ⨼ ss14 U+2A3D U+FE00 ⨽ → ⨽ ss14 U+2A9D U+FE00 ⪝ → ⪝ ss10 U+2A9E U+FE00 ⪞ → ⪞ ss10 U+2AAC U+FE00 ⪬ → ⪬ ss10 U+2AAD U+FE00 ⪭ → ⪭ ss10 U+2ACB U+FE00 ⫋ → ⫋ ss11 U+2ACC U+FE00 ⫌ → ⫌ ss11 STIX Two Math v2.0.1 4 0000 C0 Controls and Basic Latin 007F 000 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 0 0 @ P ‘ p 0020 0030 0040 0050 0060 0070 1 ! 1 A Q a q 0021 0031 0041 0051 0061 0071 2 ” 2 B R b r 0022 0032 0042 0052 0062 0072 3 # 3 C S c s 0023 0033 0043 0053 0063 0073 4 $ 4 D T d t 0024 0034 0044 0054 0064 0074 5 % 5 E U e u 0025 0035 0045 0055 0065 0075 6 & 6 F V f v 0026 0036 0046 0056 0066 0076 7 ’ 7 G W g w 0027 0037 0047 0057 0067 0077 8 ( 8 H X h x 0028 0038 0048 0058 0068 0078 9 ) 9 I Y i y 0029 0039 0049 0059 0069 0079 A * : J Z j z 002A 003A 004A 005A 006A 007A B + ; K [ k { 002B 003B 004B 005B 006B 007B C , < L \ l | 002C 003C 004C 005C 006C 007C D - = M ] m } 002D 003D 004D 005D 006D 007D E . > N ^ n ~ 002E 003E 004E 005E 006E 007E F / ? O _ o 002F 003F 004F 005F 006F STIX Two Math v2.0.1 5 0080 C1 Controls and Latin-1 Supplement 00FF 008 009 00A 00B 00C 00D 00E 00F 0 ° À Ð à ð 00A0 00B0 00C0 00D0 00E0 00F0 1 ¡ ± Á Ñ á ñ 00A1 00B1 00C1 00D1 00E1 00F1 2 ¢ ² Â Ò â ò 00A2 00B2 00C2 00D2 00E2 00F2 3 £ ³ Ã Ó ã ó 00A3 00B3 00C3 00D3 00E3 00F3 4 ¤ ´ Ä Ô ä ô 00A4 00B4 00C4 00D4 00E4 00F4 5 ¥ µ Å Õ å õ 00A5 00B5 00C5 00D5 00E5 00F5 6 ¦ ¶ Æ Ö æ ö 00A6 00B6 00C6 00D6 00E6 00F6 7 § · Ç × ç ÷ 00A7 00B7 00C7 00D7 00E7 00F7 8 ¨ ¸ È Ø è ø 00A8 00B8 00C8 00D8 00E8 00F8 9 © ¹ É Ù é ù 00A9 00B9 00C9 00D9 00E9 00F9 A ª º Ê Ú ê ú 00AA 00BA 00CA 00DA 00EA 00FA B « » Ë Û ë û 00AB 00BB 00CB 00DB 00EB 00FB C ¬ ¼ Ì Ü ì ü 00AC 00BC 00CC 00DC 00EC 00FC D ½ Í Ý í ý 00AD 00BD 00CD 00DD 00ED 00FD E ® ¾ Î Þ î þ 00AE 00BE 00CE 00DE 00EE 00FE F ¯ ¿ Ï ß ï ÿ 00AF 00BF 00CF 00DF 00EF 00FF STIX Two Math v2.0.1 6 0100 Latin Extended-A 017F 010 011 012 013 014 015 016 017 0 Ā Đ Ġ İ ŀ Ő Š Ű 0100 0110 0120 0130 0140 0150 0160 0170 1 ā đ ġ ı Ł ő š ű 0101 0111 0121 0131 0141 0151 0161 0171 2 Ă Ē Ģ IJ ł Œ Ţ Ų 0102 0112 0122 0132 0142 0152 0162 0172 3 ă ē ģ ij Ń œ ţ ų 0103 0113 0123 0133 0143 0153 0163 0173 4 Ą Ĕ Ĥ Ĵ ń Ŕ Ť Ŵ 0104 0114 0124 0134 0144 0154 0164 0174 5 ą ĕ ĥ ĵ Ņ ŕ ť ŵ 0105 0115 0125 0135 0145 0155 0165 0175 6 Ć Ė Ħ Ķ ņ Ŗ Ŧ Ŷ 0106 0116 0126 0136 0146 0156 0166 0176 7 ć ė ħ ķ Ň ŗ ŧ ŷ 0107 0117 0127 0137 0147 0157 0167 0177 8 Ĉ Ę Ĩ ĸ ň Ř Ũ Ÿ 0108 0118 0128 0138 0148 0158 0168
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