Appealfor Brothel Permit A o th!y p b cat on produced by Caul! e d Counc,t for the residents of th•$ 111\1111\U\ Wedn••;:i.' !~~;;~:~ 6, 1985 Upheld 6025~5_7_________________ _ Council's Decision Over-ruled by Board An application for a permit to operate a brothel in South Caulfield, previously refused by Council, was recently upheld by the Planning Appeals Board. The owner of the brothel applied for a permit to operate her premises on December 20, 1984 following the State Government legislation introducing the need for Brothels to have Town Planning Permits. The Council requested policy, "Guidelines on cated that they did not additional information be Brothels", which is bas- object to the proposed supplied by the applicant ed on "Guidelines on the use. including a police check Location of Brothels" The frontage of the to determine whether she prepared by the Ministry brothel does not carry had ever been convicted for Plan n i n g an d any advertisements and on a drug-related or Environment in 1984. is not identified as such. serious indictable The Council stated Tbe rear o fthe prenuses· • offence. defending its decision t~ will provi~e access for The Council received refuse the application, the ~uperv1sor a!1d the 151 objections to the pro- that the brothel did not prosututes working at posal and decided to adhere to the guidelines the brothel, not to refuse the application on of this policy. There are customers. planning grounds. It residential properties The Board in its writ­ determined that the pro- immediately behind the ten deter mi nation posed use was not site separated only by a consider~ that the s':ale appropriate for the land three metre wide right- of operation and location having regard to its prox- of-way and there are resi- comp!~ su!ficiently _with imity to residential uses dential occupancies the gwdelines published and its effect on the above shops in the near- by the Ministry for Plan- amenity of the locality. by commercial area. ning ~nd Environment. The objectors to the It was further stated ~t d1re_cted that t~e per- perm it cited many . mlt be 1Ssued sub1ect to th st help them celebrate Victoria's 150th birthday. Dress­ reasonsfornotapproving at re aurants, milk set conditions: the ed in pen·od costume, including braces and pan­ the permit, some of bars an~ take-awaf _fo~d building should comply taloons, the children were emeriained by Kooka the which were claimed by shops m ~he v1omty with the plans sub- Oh boy! ... Fish! the Applicant to be based operate dun ng the pro- . d h . B urra who was there to remind them of next year's on moral rather than posed hours of operation, mme ; access to t e site When children from St. Anthony's Primary School Caulfield Festival, and sing a few songs with them. lanning g'rou nds. the _site is diagonally op- by customers be only P in Glenhumly visited Heathlands, one of Caulfield Once the formalities were over, it didn't take long h Gl h I through the doorway in Council's hostels for the aged, they soon discovered for the children co discover the fish pond in the cour­ The grounds of appeal pos1te . ~ e . en unt Y Glenhuntly Road and the there was a fish pond in the garden. tyard and they were soon out there observing the an­ by the applicant stated Rehab1htat1on Centre rear of the premises be The children were visiting the hostel residents to tics of its occupants. that because the premises and 20 metres from a fenced and a gate are within a commercial tram stop used by school secured. zone it would not cause children. No more than three any greater nuisance in Counsel for the Appel- prostitutes will be per­ A More Convenient Way to Pay Rates planning terms, than a !ant stated that the mitted on the premises at . Y shop or office. The use of premises had been in any one time and they All Banks Will Accept Caul file ld R ate P ayments Th1S ear a brothel, she said, is a operation prior to the must be supervised; no • th • ·ct t· necessity to many peo- current legislation advertising is to be For some people it is quite a chore to come to the C ity Offices to pay 10 e m~m, l?rovi es or 1 w ·th thi · ·th · th t 100 fi th p e. 1 out s service w1 out previous corn- displayed on the land thei. r . rates. It m, ay be. that transport is a problem or that a trip such as same econn levenuls ofa servi_ocer buet Oth e r peopl e couI d be PJ a m• t and t h at sh e ha d without consent of the this Just doesn t fit mto a busy schedule. allows for greater em- placed in danger of sex- not been convicted of any Council and the permit Council has tried to tional Australia Bank ratepayers prefer to use phasis on urban design ual assault. offences. required renewal in three overcome some of these will not charge a transfer the normal channels the and programs for the Council Six proprietors and years' time. This exten- problems by arranging fee, others may. Details cashier is still able to young people of the City. Guidelines owners of premises in the sion would not be refus- for rate payments to be on the deposit slip receive rate payments. One of the abnormal vicinity of Glenhuntly ed unless good cause made at any bank should be completed and The first rate instal- items of expenditure for The Council has a Road she stated, indi- were established. whether or not an ac- the bank will stamp and ment will not be received 1985/86 relates to the count is held there. return the notice as a at the banks after payout figure for the The rate notice, which receipt. December 31, 1985 and lease of the 'Big Bins'. It Remember INTERIOR PL-ANTSCAPING SPECIALISTS incorporates a bank Payments through the full payments should be was unreasonable to ex­ COMMERCIAL INTERIOR PLANT DISPLAYS deposit slip, can be taken mail should still be sent deposited by April I O, pect the garbage charge Australia Day to any bank. The Na- to the City offices but if 1986. to absorb the entire costs MAINTENANCE AND Breakfast REPLACEMENT New Rate Base and it has therefore in- SERVICE The Council, this year, creased only minimally Friday, January 24 has tried to address the from $64 to $72 per an­ Bookings and enquiries inequities that existed in num. This represents an Norma Polglase the rating system and to increase of 12. 5% and 524 3224 bridge the gap between the rest of the costs will the rates paid by units be absorbed by the Finance and Planning No ifs or buts - we make all and flats and those paid overall Council budget. FREE MAKING by other residential pro- The budget documents Department of the City curtains free of charge. OBLIGATION-FREE QUOTES penies. To do this it has are available for public Offices. (Telephone Buy your changed from 50/50 Net viewing from the 524 3333). FREE INSTALLATION TRACTORS TO PRIVATE curtains and tracks from us Annual Value and Site ----------------- - TRY AND GOVERNMENT and we will install Value to l00% N.A.V. N ti• ti• tin• DEPARTMENTS free of charge. Whilst the average rate ego a ODS COD UC increase is only 8.8% the The Caulfield Council recognises the need to new rate base will cause g · p . overall charges, for in­ provide a cost-efficient garbage collection service =--~-~ - •q- - . ' and is constantly seeking ways to improve -=- . - -. dividual properties, to ·§- -~. SWAGS vary throughout the Ci­ collection methods. The current move is towards PADDED PELMETS ty. There is an increase greater productivity involving additional mech­ AUSTRIAN & ROMAN BLINDS in rate revenue of 9.5%. anical help. This will help reduce the labour force ' FESTOON CURTAINS The budget for needed and has generated concern amongst the VERTICAL BLINDS & CARPETS 1984/85 was particularly garbage collectors. BEDSPREADS tight and the Council did Talks continue to be conducted with the pot 'n' plant ply. ttd. not have the benefit of Unions, Arbitration Commission and the workers Accent Interiors involved. The Council would like to reassure 314 BAY ST, BRIGHTON any substantial surplus 596 5285 729 2141 being carried forward. residents, however, that it will do everything The next year's budg~t, within its power to maintain the waste manage­ MEMHUt OF rHC VICTORIAN llvTERIOR PI ANTSCAPliRS ASSOC/A TION YOUR SUBURB ment program while discussions are taking place. Caulfield Author Launches Book In brief It took Caulfield author, Mr. A.E. The author, son-in-law recorded. land and has lived with Lawrence seven years to research the of John Davies, has told Emphasis is given to his wife Alice Davies in Park material for a book on irrigation in the st0ry againSt the the period from 1860_ to Caulfield for 40 ye:i.rs. background of the gold 1915 and beyond, which Apart from writing Meetings Australia that was launched last rushes and the many ups heralded an era ofunpre- 'Taming the Wilder­ week. and downs of the history cedented expansion and ness', Mr. Lawrence was Two Committees of 'Taming the Wilder- been so vital to the open- of the day. It is a story development. responsible for the Management for parks ness' is a book describing ing up and development full of_ ~uman interest, The book is well illus- design of the traffic are holding their Annual the vast irrigation of this vast continent.
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