News— Features— D'Avanzo and Thompson place high "You should have seen it in '44," in wrestling meet this weekend. See says weatherman Saunders. See page page 4. FIAT LUX 3. VOL. XXXV, XO. 17 TUESDAY, MARCH 15, 1049, ALFRED, NEW YORK Telephone 27-P-12 QUEEN'S CORONATION TO HIGHLIGHT BALI Engineers' Patron Saint Daniel Foster R. F. Whitford Wins Ag-Tech Lists Library Adds 227 Wins President First Prize In ACS New Books Since To Pay Visit To Alfred's '49 Speech Contest Student Indices Beginning Of Year Post In Senates Robert F. Whitford '49 won first The library has added 227 new books prize in the annual public speaking Of 2.0 To 3.0 to its shelves since Jan. 1 bringing Largest St. Pat's Festival contest Wednesday evening at the Col- First semester Ag-Tech indices, re- the total to more than 68,500, revealed Brown, Myers, Conroe lege of Ceramics. leased from the office of Dean T. A. Librarian C. M. Mitchell. Two Day Shenanigans To Include Tea Elected Class Officers Whitford, who spoke on "The Use Parish, show 47 freshmen and 41 Some of the best of the new addi- of Molybdenum in Whitewares." will upperclassmen who have attained an tions are: "No Place to Hide" by Dance, Main Street Parade, Footlight represent Alfred in national competi- index of 2:00 or better. One upper- Bradley, "Romance of English Litera- In Very Light Balloting tion. April 25, at the American Ceram- classman, William Dekleva, attained ture" by Turner, "Intellectual Adven- Daniel Foster '50 will receive the ic Society convention in Cincinnati. an index of 3.00. ture of Ancient Man" by Frankfort Club *High Tor,' Ceramic Open House Senate president's gavel from presi- He received a $25 prize plus round- Upper classmen with indices over and "Roosevelt and .Hopkins" by Sher- dent Jack Jones at Assembly Thursday trip fare to the Cincinnati convention. 2.60 were Joyce Chase, Jesse Hannan, wood. BULLETIN — — — , — — — • morning, after sweeping into office by Runners-up in the all-senior contest Maurice Johnston. Jane Lytle and Other new books include: "Laws Re- A top-priority cablegram was received by the St. Pat'a a majority of more than 200 votes in were: Gerald A. Harrington, who re- Marjorie Thayer. Freshmen who lating to Veterans" by Lewis, "Para- last Thursday's elections. Although Board Tuesday morning from Belfast. The simple message ceived $15, and EJdward F. Dick, who reached this index were Orville Beach, bles for the Theatre" by Brecht, "How stated: "Thanks for your invitation, lads. You and your Festi- . comparatively few students made use received a subscription to a ceramic Vincent DeBoover, Grace Goodrich, to Study" by Eells, "The Green Wave" of the voting machines, Foster man- publication. Others competing were: Mary Knettles, John Oles, Alex Ori- by Rukeysor, "Our Musical Heritage" val make Alfred dear to me heart. All the Orangemen in aged to poll 432 votes. John G. Pabst Jr., Donald Sherk. Rich- menko, Lester Seglin, Willard Tows- by Sacho and "The Big Fisherman" Ulster will not keep me from coming. May I crown the queen In the class elections, Dwight Brown ard Smith and William C. Stetson. ley and Robert Wilcox. by Douglas. again this year? Signed Patrick. won the presidency of the class of '50, Judges in the contest were: Dean Those who received 2.20 or better while Thomas Myers '51 and Barden Fiction by Kafka, de la Roche, Hut- John F. McMahon, Dr. Ellsworth Barn- were: upper classmen, Mervyn Abbott, chins, Bowen and other authors has in the 16 years history of the event Conroe '52 nosed out their nearest op- ard, Dr. Willard Sutton and Dr. Donald Bemis, Joseph Benzoni, Arthur also been added. The largest St. Pat's Festival ponents, by two votes each, to win the was prophesied by members of tha Roland Warren. Prizes in the nation- Dralle, Robert Eshehnan, Thomas An exhibit of religious books for Board Sunday when they announced presidency of next year's junior and al contest will be: first, $15; second, Feeley, Dorothy Foster, Ian Gummoe, sophomore classes. Lenten reading has been placed on the that ticket sales already are far $10; and third, $5. Jack Jones, Albert Kehr, Merton shelf over the north fireplace. These ahead .of expectations. Other class officers elected were: Kraft, Edmond Lewicki, John Mullins, Ag-Tech Girls hooks may be withdrawn. Members of the 20-man Board Ig- SUmtoii Garr, vice-president; Jerry Robert Murphy, Clarence O'Brien, Librarian Mitchell also announced Smith, secretary and Shirley Champ- Myrlin Page, Richard Prechtl, Russell nored a six-inch snowfall Saturday ag Students To Attend that the French Club has placed an Plan New York they made final inspection of the col- lin, treasurer of the class of '50; Wyant and Anthony VanGalio. The exhibit of a portfolio of Chateaux de Roger Jones, vice-president and Ed- freshmen were: Kenneth Champagne, orful shamrock ashtrays to be distrib- Vassar Conference France, and Region de la Loire on dis- uted as souvenirs at the tea dance. ward Geiss, treasurer of the c'.ass of Alfredo Cicconi, Palma Clute, Marion play in the library. '51 and Marilyn Fleming, vice presi- Alfred will be represented by nine Cottrell, James Cennington, Beverly Trip Next Week "We are not concerned by the weath- dent; Ruth Vail, secretary and Donald students at the Student Christian Drain, Bernard Finkelstein, George A group of 27 Ag-Tech girls will er," said Charles J. Deignan '49. Boulton, treasurer of the class of '52. Movement conference _ at Vassar Col- Goldman, Louis Hart, Emma Horvath, Corning Glass Blowers leave by bus at 6:30 a.m. Sunday for Symbolic shamrocks will be distrib- Dorothy Brion and Richard Nolile fin- lege campus in Poughkeepsie, March Robert Jenkel, Joan Johnson, Ray- a week's trip to New York. Miss Shir- uted to all ticket-holders this week, ished in a tie for the position of secre- 25-27. , \ - mond Johnston, Robert Kinner, John To Make Queen's Crown ley Wurz and Mrs. George Klrkendale according to Herbert Anderson '4;9. tary of the class of '51. Kreutziger, Robert Light, Rosemary "You'd better say, too, that tickets may The students who will be accompan- The famous Corning Glass blow- will accompany the group which, will Elected to two year terms on the ied by Chaplain Myron Slbley include Powell, Donald Rauber, Fred Robin- consist of all senior girls and any be purchased from any man wearing (Continued on page Two) son, Robert Simnson and Corine Weld. ers, who will be featured at the a green derby," he added. John Behrenberg '52, Hermine College of Ceramics open house, freshman girls who want to go. Deutsch '49, Adam DiGennaro '50, Others who received two point in- will make the crown for the The itinerary of the the trip In- Schedule for the festival remains William Gallow '51, Roy Kane '49, El- dices are Donald Brooker, Eugene queen of St. Pat's this year, the cludes visits to lower New York, the substantially as announced several TwentyStudentsWill eanor Lockhardt '51, George Pixley Bryants, Charles Miller, James O'Neill, St. Pat's Board announced Sun- • Bowery, Chinatown, Rockefeller Center weeks ago. St. Pat will arrive in an '50, Phyllis Wetherby '50 and Byron Arthur Patterson, Peter Rossi, Esther day. and the Metropolitan Museum of Art. unexpected manner following the par-, Whiting '51. Shultz, James Stetler, Joseph Stevens, Also included on the schedule are ade of floats past the judges' stand lo« Practice Teach In The purpose of this conference is "We're fortunate that Mr. John cated on Main Street in front of the John Witkop and Raymond Waring, Jenson and Mr. Frank Schroeder several of the latest Broadway shows to acquaint students with prominent all upperclassmen, and Fred Backus, and a concert by the New York Phil- Library. The parade will begin on Eight Local Centers have consented to attempt to State street at 1:30 p.m., continue and widely traveled Christian leaders. William Crabtree, Hugh Devine, Dar- make the crown," said Wilis harmonic Symphony. win Geuther, Carl Kohberger, Fred Breitsman '49, co-chairman of the down Terrace Street and up Main Dean Joseph Seidlin announced that Norton, Harry Ottaway. Edward Ric- A major part of the jaunt will un- Street. twenty seniors and graduate students Board. doubtedly be taken up with shopping Grades Are Due April 4 otta, Martin Riemer, George Schmidt, "It is particularly important that will begin a two or three week prac- Robert Soper, Frederick Stoll. Donald He said the crown would be and souvenir hunting. tice teaching period next Monday. Mid-semester grades are due The group will return at 9 p.m. each float be at it's designated loca- in the R*egistrar's Office by 12 Summerhayes, Mahon Taylor, Gloria green, but was unable to add any tion at the appointed time" said The students will be located in eight other descriptive details. The two Friday, March 25. -centers in the surrounding area. noon, Monday, April 4, announced Walker, William Waytena, Vernon George W. Reuning '49, co-chairman. Registrar Clifford M. Potter. Wells and Leland Wheaton, freshmen. craftsmen are experimenting with "The parade has been arranged so These students include; Charles processes this week, he added. that the various floats will fall into Clark, mathematics, Angelo Delmastro, Regular No-Cut Rule line at the various terminals on State science, and Carolyn Flanders, Span- Street as the parade progresses. Any ish and French in Hornell; teaching Actors In Next Footlight Production H. B. Young To Talk Will Prevail 2 Days float that is late will hold up the in Andover will be Robert Ransom, entire parade." science, and John Sweeney, commer- The pre-vacation no-cut rule will be cial; in Arkport, Emily Nicholl, sci- To Alfred Students in effect for Thursday and Friday A tea dance with the music of Al ence, Henry Cleeves, social studies, A talk of special interest to Presby- morning classes.
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