CONTACT INFORMATION Mining Records Curator Arizona Geological Survey 1520 West Adams St. Phoenix, AZ 85007 602-771-1601 http://www.azgs.az.gov [email protected] The following file is part of the Arizona Department of Mines and Mineral Resources Mining Collection ACCESS STATEMENT These digitized collections are accessible for purposes of education and research. We have indicated what we know about copyright and rights of privacy, publicity, or trademark. Due to the nature of archival collections, we are not always able to identify this information. We are eager to hear from any rights owners, so that we may obtain accurate information. Upon request, we will remove material from public view while we address a rights issue. CONSTRAINTS STATEMENT The Arizona Geological Survey does not claim to control all rights for all materials in its collection. These rights include, but are not limited to: copyright, privacy rights, and cultural protection rights. The User hereby assumes all responsibility for obtaining any rights to use the material in excess of “fair use.” The Survey makes no intellectual property claims to the products created by individual authors in the manuscript collections, except when the author deeded those rights to the Survey or when those authors were employed by the State of Arizona and created intellectual products as a function of their official duties. The Survey does maintain property rights to the physical and digital representations of the works. QUALITY STATEMENT The Arizona Geological Survey is not responsible for the accuracy of the records, information, or opinions that may be contained in the files. The Survey collects, catalogs, and archives data on mineral properties regardless of its views of the veracity or accuracy of those data. PRINTED: 12/17/2002 ARIZONA DEPARTMENT OF MINES AND MINERAL RESOURCES AZMILS DATA PRIMARY NAME: BUSTED TRACK ALTERNATE NAMES: LA PAZ COUNTY MILS NUMBER: 801 LOCATION: TOWNSHIP 4 N RANGE 20 W SECTION 13 QUARTER NE LATITUDE: N 33DEG 41MIN 30SEC LONGITUDE: W 114DEG 16MIN 15SEC TOPO MAP NAME: MIDDLE CAMP MTN - 7.5 MIN CURRENT STATUS: EXP PROSPECT COMMODITY: GOLD BIBLIOGRAPHY: ADMMR BUSTED TRACK FILE BUSTED TRACK LA PAZ COUNTY RRB WR 8/15/86: John Winn, 4179 Lantern Lane, Mobile, Alabama 36609 has invested in Sterling Minerals Corp. but has been unable to contact them. (Busted Track, La Paz County). He will appreciate any information we can find as to the whereabouts of the principals. RRB WR 8/29/86: John Winn9 investor, reports that he contacted Sterling Minerals Corp. (Busted Track Placer) at a Tucson telephone number 623-4601. The telephone at the plant in La Paz County is 927-5924. He was told that the necessary equipment had been shipped and that they should be in operation soon after Labor Day. MG WR 1/1/88: Mr. Dick Leisure confirms that operations at the Busted Track placer (file) La Paz County are to begin soon. MG WR 10/31/87: Mr. Ruben Moulds of Sterling Minerals Corp reportes that his Busted Track project (file) La Paz County has been re-financed and that the placer operation should begin soon. Capacity is still expected to be 150 to 200 yd/hr. RRB WR 5/13/88: Apparently Sterling Minerals is making another attempt to operate the Busted Track (file) La Pa~ County as I have received several out of state calls from potential investors in the property. BUSTED TRACK LA PAZ COUNTY RRB WR 11/29/85: John Winn of Mobile, Alabama called to inquire about Sterling Minerals who are aking for investments in a gold placer operation northwest of Quartzsite, Arizona on the northeast side of the Dome Rock Mountains called the Busted Track. He says that they claim to have 2000 acres averaging .02 oz au which they are selling by the acre to investors. Roland Moulds and Richard Liesure are the geologists for the operation. BLM microfiche shows the Busted track claims as association placers in Sec 13, T4N R20W and Secs 18, 19 T4N RI9W. RRB WR 1/10/86: Dave Jenkins, who is some sort of investment broker, called to inquire about the Sterling Minerals Placer near Quartzsite. Apparently Sterling is trying to raise operating capitol. RRB WR 1/31/86: Dave Jenkins, Columbus, Ohio called to see if I had any further information on Busted Track Placers near Quartzsite, La Paz County. He said that they had given a start-up date of February 1, 1986. I called Sterling Minerals Corp. (Busted Track) and was told that Mr. Moulds had been called to New York in December but was expected back soon. I was also told that the start-up date of February 1 would not be met but that Mr. Moulds would send me the promised report on the property when it was completed. MG WR 2/21/86: Mr. Richard Leisure reports that the Sterling Minerals Corp. purchased a trommel and other gravity separation equipment from a Continental Materials operation in Nevada and moved this machinery to the Busted Track placer (LaPaz Co) in 1985 (?). Mr. Rubin Moulds is in charge of Sterling. The property is well defined and apparently will sampled. After additional funds are raised mining will begin. The anticipated product is gold nuggets for jewelry. RRB WR 3/28/86: Tom Bogacki, Springfield Const. Co., Wilkes Barre PA ~ called to inquire about Sterling Minerals Corp's placer operation on the Busted Track Claims near Quartzsite, La Paz Co. He said he would send us the promotional literature used by their representative. They are selling 16 acre parcels which "should yield 250 oz of gold" each for $22,500. HULJ-..L. (-..L. ::;":;1"':;' ..L.;:)' ~...:;. r-r<::UI'1 Hr<::lLUNH ~IHIC Urr1Lc IU P.~ REA[j~NG · FILE ~ 23385 (05!) "lIAR 1 B 1m PllSO~ Si:RV!CI Mr. bubmi' F. Moulc1a. p~sident · Wes~e=' St.litrlin~ Kina'l,:. nlo~ 5132 Ncr=h'Sh~OD Road T\1Cloa.·, AZ 85'705 . j This Not:i.ce of !tonccmpl:£.an~ 'Willi originally sent 0S1 OC:~r 10. 1990. W. bave ,j a.o coa£iftt.tion of t t:8 reeeip~. 'l"berafC*8, we are r •••adin~ i ~ 'ria pftrSOCAl. '" aervic:e r ...,ith the lO·ciay periOCS referred to in the fiftb paraqrarm of this lattfilr begi:cning upon receipt of :hi.s secocd notice. ~ Sept~~ 11, 1~90, ~uly 1', 1992, &ad ,Qbruary ,28, 1'93, field ~nspecti~. ~~ CODduc~a~ 01 youx gperatiOQ ~OWD .. tba a~stad T:ac~ Pro;.oe, oar caaa :11e No. A2A 23381. This proj.ct. is lccatec1 Ai.D seeeioa8 12 an4 13, T. " x., R. 30 M" enc1'sac1:i=a'lS and 1', T. t 5., JI.. 19 If.,, (l11a and .ale lUva%' KeJ:'ici:i.2m, AriaQna. '%'be &liuilocia.eea 1IIin:il2g cl&i"'8 are eha Busted. Track, Bust-ad 'l"'rack: .moa ~'1 t~uqh: ''','. "ami' ·Gra:vel Hesa No •• 'l···th~, 4; with aerial No".- AXe! . 15174. through AHC lS1'!2~ Be advis.d that your apera~ioa '18 in noft~li&DQe with. the regul&ticas. eO=tainac! .ill Tiel. 43, Code of Federal a.gula.ti=.~ p Subpar~ ~SO!r Sections l ' aad 3-7. The regulatiott. eoDtained in ~itle 43. Code oi 7.deJ:'al Regul&tigna, s~a~t 380', Segtioo 1-., require aD approved 'laD Qf Ope~&t~QDS prior to c~~ing ope~a~iODS v.hiCh exceed & d£s~urbanea lavel ot 5 .creaa Also, the regul.c~g~s · at Title 43;' Cod. of reda~al Regul.~iaaa, Subp~ 3aOS, Section 3"7, raquiJ;tt cperators to ma.:i..=ta:i.rl the ISiCQ gf their cpaa:-acicc., asscc:i.a~ed s true t=ss , and. fac:iliti." in a .sa:te. and cleen c:cmc1itiotl ~i' any no=ooezoating periods. :·1'ha·. field" ~nat:ioc' fQUrlQ. the level Qf i . (ti.aturbanee at ehe B\aated Traclt iroject ~o exceec! 5 aC:Z'ea. Th. 8txuc:turel eel equipmect at the Si~8 are 4eea~i~ting and may ~. a threa~ to public health and .Uety. on Dec:&IIlh8z- 22, :1.988, "'tililcern S~"l:1ng KiD•• , t.n.c:. r autaIft£'ta:ed • P1an o£ Opa~.tions tar ~he ~ead TraoJe Pl:'Qj8et... 1'be envir~tal u •••~t t.ea t.hill Plan d.e~l.cped e.ipt mi~i~.ti=w Duunu:e. &Pd th. lu.bnissiOft, p~iQr to ~t \. Pl.aa ~rov41., Qf a pert'a:cnanee beAd in the UlQ\mt o~ ."2, 000. TO ate, a READiNG FILE ' ,' ,'" , Hr<;: 1 ,-UI'iH ~ I H I C. ur r 1 ,,-c. IU Ft.G-17-1993 12:~ ~ i P.~ r ti, f boad. has %lot been t)oatiid, and as a eonsaqumlce, Westem St,rl.illg'i Plan has no~ been approved. Wit:aia ,30 daY8 of re~8ipt of tll1a N'ctic:e Qf Ncnct:JCnt)lianc:e, you must begin r@cl'!lll'Iatioz:. of the siee. Failure to comply vith the ~equir.man~s of this Notio. of ~onc~li~. w£thtn the ti=e fr~ .pecified may reeul: in you% b8ing 9njQ~ed by appropria~. c:ourt: order 'from continuing- such, operaeions and being held lia.ble for damages fer a~ ~lawful aces. .::' Yell have 'the r~~ht to Appeal ~o the Arizona State , ~1ra~or in a~~grdanee with 'ritl.Q 4~, Code of J'liflaral bg\llat.ioO., Subpart 3809, S.otion ". If ygu , ~rgise this right, your app.al, accompacied by a staeemanc o~ r8&aQnS and any argumencs you riab 1:0 prtu&ene., which would justi.fy reversal or ' modification of tha deCi8iOJ1, 1mDt: be filed in writ'ing.
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