U. S. MILITARY ACADEl\[Y. 207 NUMBER. 1848. CLASS RANK. CLASS OF 1848. 1369. (Born Mich.). WILLIAM P. TROWBRIDGE .... (Ap'd Mich.) ..1 Military History.- Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July I, 1844, to July 1, 1848, when he was graduated and promoted in t.he Army to Bn. SECOND LIEUT., CORPS OF ENGI~'EERS, JULY i, 1848. Served: at the Milit.ary Academy Observatory, in making Ast.ronomical Observations, 1848- 50; at West Point, N. Y., attached to Company of Snp­ (SECOND LIEUT. CORPS OF ENGINEERS, Nov. 30, 1849) pel's. Minel'S, and Pontoniers, 1850- 51; on Coast Survey, Apr., 1851, to Dec. 1, 1856, being engaged in the Primary Triangulation of the Coast of :Maine, >lnd Surveys of Appomattox and James Rivers, Va, 1851-53,- and Survey of (FrRs'r LIEUT., CORPS OF ENGINEERS, DEC. 18, 1854) Pncific Coast, including Astronomical, Tid,.I, and Magnetic Observations, 1853··56. RESIGNED, DEC. 1, 1856. Civil History.-Professor of Mathematics, University of Michigan, 1856-57. Degree of A. M., conferred by University of Rochester, N. Y., 1856. Scien­ tific Secretary of the Superintendent of the U. S. Coast Suney, 1857- 61, and on Hydrographic SUrYey of a part of Narl'llgull!;ctt Bay, R.. r., 1861. Served during the Rebellion of the Seceding States, 1861- 65: in chArge of the Engineer Agency, at New York city, for supplying m,\terial8 for fortifi­ cations, &0., and eonstruct.ing [md shipping engineer equipage for armie~ in the field, 1861-65; and Superintending Engineer of the COllstl'llction of FOit at Willett's Point, N. Y., of repairs. of Ft. Schuyler, N. Y., and in charge of works on Governor's Island, New York harbor, 1862- 65. Vice-President of Novelty Iron Works, New York city, since 1865. 1370.. (Born Ten.).ANDREW J. DONELSON, Jr.' ... (Ap'd Ten.) .. 2 Military History.-Cadet ut the U. S. Military Academy from July 1 1844, to July 1, 1848, when he wus gmduated und promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LIEUT., CORPS OF ENGINEERS, JULY 1. 1848. Served: as Asst. Engineer in building Ft.. Kearny, Neb., 184!l-50; at West Point, N. Y, nttached to Company of Sappers, Miners, lIllcl Pontoniers, (SECOND LIEUT., CORPS OF ENGINEEllS, OCT. HI, 1852) 1851- 56, and in command of it, 1856-58; at the :Military Academy, 1852-53, 1855-56, as Asst. Instructor of Pmctieal Military Engineering, Sep. 13, 1852, t.o Sep. IJ, 1856, but was detached in command of a detachment of Engineer Soldiers, Apr. 11, 1853, to Jl1n., 1855, upon the Survey and Exploration of (FIRST LIEu·.r., CORPS OF ENGI~'EERS, MAR. 3, 1855) Northern Pacific Railroad route; at the Military Academy, 1856- 58, as Instrnc- , tor of Pl'lIctiwl Military Engineering, Sep. IJ, 1856, to Oct. 15, 1858,-and as Treasurer, Sep. 11, 1856, to Feb. 24, 1858; lind on sick leave of absence, 1858-59. DIED, OCT. 20, 1859, AT ME~IPms, TEN.: AGED 33. * Son of A. J. DaNET.soN, Envoy ExtraordinarY,and Uinistcr Plonipotentiary from the United Statos to Prussia, 1846-48. 208 GRADUATES OF THE NUMBER. 1848. CLASS RA:-Ili. 1371.. (llorn N. Y.) ..... JAMES C. DUANE ......... (Ap'd N. Y.) .. 3 Military HistorY.-Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from .July 1, 1844, to July I, 1848, when he was gl'l1duat.ed and promoted in the Al'my to llvl'. SECOND LIEUT., CORPS OF ENGlNJ,;ERS, JULY 1, 1848. Served: at West Point N. Y., Ilttached to COlUpCIllY of S,\pper8, "'liner,;, and Pontoniers, 18!8-5·i,- and as Asst. Instrnctor of Practical Military Engineer­ ing at the Military Academy, Sep. 1:3, 18:32, to Aug. 31, 1854; as AS8t. Engineer in building Ft. 'rrnmbull, New London harbol', Ct., 1849,- and of (SECOND LIEUT., CORPS OF ENGINEJ,;RS, MAll. 16, 1853) Ft. Carroll, Patapsco River, Mel., 1854- 56; as Light-house Engineer, New York (FIRST LIEUT., CORPS OF ENGINEERS, JULY 1, 18.55) District, Aug. 25, 1856, to Mal'. 31, 1858; on Utah Expedition, in COllllllitDd of Engineer Company, :Dial'. 31 to Oct. 13, 1858; and at the Military Academy, 1858-61, as Instructor of Practical Military Engineering, and cOlUlllfmding Sappers, Miners, and Pontoniers, Oct. 16, 1858, to Jan. 18, 1861,- and Treas­ urer, ;VIal'. 1, 1859, to Jan. 18, 1861. Served during the Rebellion of the Seceding States, 1861-60: in command of Engineer Company in guarding Washington, D. C., Jan. 20 to Apr. 2, 1861; (CAPTAIN, 12TH INFANTRY, MAY 14, 1861: DECLUIED) in Defense of Ft. Pickens, l'la., Apr. 16 to Sep. 25, 1861; in the Defenses of (CAPTAIN, CORPS OF ENGlliEERS, AUG. 6, 1861) Washington, D. C., Oct. 31, 1861, to Mal'. 27, 1862, being engaged in organiz­ ing Engineer llattalion, and Engineer Equipage for the Army of the Potomac, lOud Depnrtment of the South, - and detached to Harper's Ferry, Feb. 24· Mal'. G, 1862, to bridge the Potomac; in the Vil'ginia Peninsular Campa.igin (Army of the Potomac), Mal·.-Aug., lS62, being engaged, commanding Engineer llattalion, in the Siege of Yorktown, Apr. 12- May 4, 1862,- in constrnetion of Field-works, and forming Bridges across Chiekahominy and 'Vhite Oak Swamp, - llattle of Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862,--and in the subsequent Operations of the Campaigu in the (1onstruction of Roads, Field-works, and lll'ic\ges, and particularly in building the llridge \2,000 feet long) over the Chickahollliny, Aug. 12- 14, 1862; in the Maryland C,.,mpaign, as Chief Engineer of the Army of the Potomac, Sep. 8 to Nov. 5, 1862, being engaged in the Bllttle of South Mountain, Sep. 14, 1862, - llattle of Al.ltietam, Sep. 17, lS62, - and Skirmishes in Gaps of Blue Ridge, Oct., 1862; as Chief Engineel'of the Department of tho South, Nov. 19, 1862, to June 13, 1863, being eugagecl iu the Attack on Ft. McAllister, Ga., Mar., lS63,·-:mc1 in Operations agl1inst Charleston, R. C .• (MA.JOR, CORPS OF ENGINEERS, MAR. 3, lS63) Apr., 1863; ns Chief Engineer of the Army of the Potom'1C, July 15, 1863, to June 8, 1S65, being engilged in the Actions of ;Vlallllss"S G"p, July 23, 1863, - Combat of Rappahannock Stntioll, Nov. 7, 1863,- Action of Robertson's Tavern, Nov. 27, lS63, - Battle of the Wilderness, May 5- 6, 18(j4, - Battles about Spottsylvania, May 9- 20, 1864,-llattles of Cold Harbor, June 1-3, (BVT. LmUT.-CoL., AND llVT. COLOXEL, JULY 6, IS64, FOR MERITORIOUS AND FAITHFUL SERVICES IN THB CA)IPAIGX FROM THE RAPIDAN TO J .UlES RIVER, ,un) PARTlCULARJ-Y FOR DISrlliGUISHED PROFESSIO~ATJ SERVICES DEl'OItE PEIERSBURG, VA.) 1864, - Siege of Petersbl1l'g, June 18, 1864, to Apr. 2, 1865,-Coll1b~t of Halcher's Run, Feb. 4-5, 1865,--Pursuit of Rebel Army, Apr. 3- 9, 1865,­ (llVT. BmG.-GJ,;xERAL, U. S. ARMY, MAR. 13, 1865, FOR GALLA:-IT AND :MERITORIOUS SERVICES DURING THE SIEGE OF PETERSDUIlG, ,\ND THE CAMPAIGN 'rER)IINATING WITH THE SURRENDER OF' THE INSURGENT ARMY UNDER GENERAL RODERT E. LEE) and Capitulation of General Lee with the AI'my of Northc1'll Virginia, at Ap­ pomattox C. H., Apr. 9, 1865; in command of the Post of Willett's Point, anel U. S. MILITARY ACADElIIY. 209 NU~[DER. 1848. CLASS RANK. Superintending Engineer of the constl'Uction of Defenses at the Eastern entrance to New York harbor, June 8, 1865, to ; as Member of Board of Engineers, June 20, 1865, to May 18, 1867, to C,UTY out in detail the modifications of the Defenses in t.he vicinity of New York, as propo~ec1 by the Board of Jan. 27, 1864, ·- of Board for the EXllmination of Engineer Officers for Promotion, Nov. 28 to Dec. 16, 1865, !l.nd ~:br. 25 to F eb. 5, 1866. (LIEUT.-COLONEL, CORPS OF ENGINEEHS, MAR. 7, 1867) 1372. (Born N. Y.) ...WALTER H. STEVENS........ (Ap'd N. Y.) .. 4 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1844, to July 1, 1848, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LIEUT., CORPS OF ENCHNEEHS, JULY 1,1848. Served: as A~st.. Engineer at Ft. Aclams, Newport Harbor, R. I. , 1848,-ancl in repairing thc fortifications clefending the approaches to New Orleans, La., 1849-53; in charge of surveys of rivers and harbors in Texas, 1853; as Light­ (SECOND LmUT., COHPS OF ENGINEERS, May 28, 18[;3) honse Inspector on the Gulf Coast of Texas, Dec. 28, 1853, to Mar., 1857, and Engineer, Noy. 17, 1853, to i\fay 2, 1861; as Superintending Engineer ofthe construction and repairs of t.he fortifications defending the approaches to New Orleans, La., 1854-60,-and of the construction of G,~lyesto n Custom House, (FIRST LIEUT., CORPS OF ENGINEERS, J ULY. 1, 1855) Tex., 1857; as Member of special Board of Engineers for Gulf Defenses, in Alahama, Mississippi, and T exas, 1857; and flS Superintending Engineer in building the fortifications of Galveston Harbor, Tex., 1860- 61. DIS:llISSED, MAY 2, 1861, UNDER THE 3Il SEC. OF THE LAW OF JAN. I, 1823. Joined in the Rebellion of 1861-66, against the United States. 1373.. (Born N. Y.).ROBERT S. WILLIAMSON .. ... (Ap'd N. J.) ..5 Military History.- Caclet at the U. S. Military .Ac,~d emy from July 1, 1844, to July 1, 184.8, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LIEUT., Top. ENGINEERS, JULY], 1848. Served: as Asst. Topographical Engincer on Survey of Military Reservation, at Ft. Ripley<ilfin., 1848, - alld on Surveys in the Pacific Division, 1848 -~3; (SECOND LIEUT.
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