C.L.G. Laoise Comhdháil Bhliantúil The Heritage Hotel Thursday, 10th December, 2009 Port Laoise 7 p.m. C.L.G. Laoise Standing Orders In order that the proceedings of the convention be carried out without delay the following Standing Orders will be observed: - 1. The Proposer of a Resolution, or Amendment thereto, may speak for 5 minutes but no longer. 2. A Delegate speaking to a Resolution or Amendment shall not exceed 3 minutes. 3. The Proposer of a Resolution, or Amendment, may speak a second time for 5 min- utes, before a vote is taken, but no other Delegate may speak a second time to any Resolution or Amendment. 4. The Chairman shall, at any time he considers a matter has been sufficiently dis- cussed, call on the Proposer to reply, after which a vote will be taken. 5. A Delegate may, with the consent of the Chairman, move “that the question be now put” after which, when the Proposer has spoken, a vote must be taken. An Clár 1. Adoption of Standing Orders. 2. Minutes of 2008Convention. 3. Secretary’s Report. 4. Treasurer’s Report and Financial Statement. 5. Appointment of Tellers. 6. Election of Officers. 7. Motions. 8. Aon Ghnó Eile. 9. Votes of Sympathy. C.L.G. Laoise Comhdháil Bhliantúil 1 The Annual Convention of Laois GAA was held in The Heritage Hotel on Thursday 11th December 2008. Cathaoirleach Briain O hAlúinn presided Baile Cholla; P. Sionáid, A. O’Riagáin & L. at County Convention in The Heritage De Stacphúil, Coillte; A. O’hAlluráin, B. Hotel on 11/12/08. The following Executive O’Nualláín & S. O’Duinn, Coill na Cúirte; Members were also in attendance Antóin P. O’Puircéil, P. O’Braonáín & S. De Búrca, O’Breatnach, Eibhlín Ní Dhuinn, Mairtín Crochta Ard; E. Strong & M. O’Riain, O’Broin, Micheál O’Cearbhúill, Risteard Ioma; R. O’Ceallaigh, M. Puircéil & E. O’Muilleoir, Seán O’Daltúin, Mairsile Ní Ní Dhúllaing, Eiréil; A. O’Suilleabháin, Dhalaigh,Tomas Mac Seoin, Pascal Mac & N. Pleimeann, Gráig Chuilinn; C. Aodh Bhuí, Ailéin O’Langtúin, Gearóid O’Somacháin & O. Conraoi, Cill Chabháin; O’Caomhanaigh, Dónall O’Duiginn, B. Ní Dhubhsláinne, M. Mac Giolla Labhras O’Dubháin, Peadar O’Néil agus Phadráig & L. Mac Giolla Phadráig, Coill Niall Mac Laitimh (Runaí). Choitín; M. O’Riagáin & M. O’Braonáin, Cill Eisín; P. O’Caoinealláin, A. Mac The following Clubs were represented as Giolla Phadráig & P. O’hEilí, Coill; S. follows: O’Challoner & S. O’Conghaile, Móinteach E. O’Caoimh, D. O’Rinn & M. De Búrca, Mílic; R. O’Sléibhín, V. O’Dullaing & H. Mainistir Laoise; L. Soirtéil, M. O’Riain O’Laoire, Na Diomasaigh; P. O’Braonáin, & R. O’Muilleoir, Anach; L. De Bhál, L. De Bhál & P. O’Muirín, Páírc Raithín S. O’Conbhuí & T. O’Boltúin, Ard Lios Uisce; C. Cónléibhe, S. O’Corcráín & Cilchrúis; T. Mac Dónaill, P. O’Suilleabháin M. O’Leathlobhair, Cúil an tSudaire; V. & D. O’Braonáin, Ard Lios Cilín; L. O’Dullaing, A. O’Maolmhuaidh & T. O’Seachnasaigh & A. O’Cinnéide, Baile na O’Scolaí, Portlaoise; M. Mac Mathúna & Coille; S. O’Cróc & G. O’Braonáin, Baile S. O’Céil, Rath Domhnaigh; S. O’Deá, Fionn; U. O’Hovendáin, S. O’Sourke & E. S. O’Reahtáir & M. Mac Giolla Phadraig, O’Ceallaigh, Baile Laigheanáin; E. O’Deá, Rath Domhnaigh Eiréil; E. Bhailis, M. Ní Fhaoláin & L. O’Gormáin, Baile M. O’Dúghaill & A. O’Dubhsláínne, Piocas; S. O’Faoláin, N. O’Dubhsláinne Seanchua; S.P. Caimpion, M. O’Labhraí & E. Peacóg, Mainistir Baile Atha & G. Caimpion, Sliabh Bladhma; P. Róine; S. Dáibhis, M. O’Braonáin & O’Braonaín & M. O’Gormáín, Spinc; N. A. O’Braonáín, Teach an Bhearra; C. Ní Ruiséil, S. Leathlobhair Mac Giolla O’Dónaill, E. O’Sioráin & C. O’Sioráin, Phadráíg & S. O’Coinn, Maighean Rátha; Buiríos Mór Osraí; C. O’Dubhsláinne & R. Ní Braonáín, M. O’Diomasaigh & M. P. O’Duagáin, Camros; S. O’Maoileanaigh O’Móra, Naomh Seosamh; S. O’Duiginn, & S. O’Fionnaligh, Baile an Chaisleáin; M. S. O’Caomhanaigh & B. O’Dubhsláinne, O’hUaithnín, A. O’Duinn & S. O’Conraoi, Sráidbhaile; S. O’Céil, N. O’Dubhsláinne Cluain Fhada; T. Mac Gabhann & P. & T. Breatnach, Na Clairsigh; P. O’Buaidh, O’Cearbhuill, Cluain na Slí Naomh D. De Brún & P. O’Céin, An Fraoch; S. Manmáin; N. O’Siail & L.O’Duinn, Cloch O’hAúinn & D. O’Maonaigh, An Charraig; C.L.G. Laoise Comhdháil Bhliantúil 2 M. O’Muilleoir, L. O’Rannacháín ?& Mairc O’Ciarabhúin, Kirwan Bain S. O’Rannacháin, Tigh Mochua; S. Accountant and Auditor explained to O’Maolchathail, S. O’Bróithe agus S. Mac Convention Delegates the reason for a Peaircín, Tromaire. Prior Year Adjustment and that this ad- justment had the effect of reducing re- Padraig O’Donnabháin serves as at 01/11/07 by €15,093. Ciarán - Handball Representative. O’Dubhsláinne, Antóin O’Dubhsláinne, S.S. O’Conbhuí, Antóin O’Riain, Padraig Daibhéid O’Fionnagáin O’Buaidh, Seán O’Maoileanaigh, Uinseann - Cumann na mBunscoil. O’Dullaing agus Peadar O’Néil all com- Padraig O’Suilleabháín mented or queried various aspects of the re- - Referee Administrator. port which were replied to by An Cisteoir. An Cisteoir concluded by thanking all the Leithscéil – T. O’Sé, Móinteach Milic. Clubs for their commitment and support to the County Board Draw, Golf Classic Standing Orders were adopted on the Committee, Race Night Committee, our proposition of Glen O’Braonáin, seconded Sponsors – Heritage Group and Azzurri, by Mairtín O’Riain. Ulster Bank and their staff and Kirwan and Minutes of 2007 Convention was adopted Bain Auditors. on the proposition of Tomas O’Scolaí, sec- Tellers – the following were appointed onded by Padraig O’Cearbhúill. and approved by Convention – Eamann Secretary’s Report was adopted on the Péacóg, Reamann O’Ceallaigh, Labhras proposition of Glen O’Braonáin, sec- de Bhál, Seán O’Maoileannaigh, Seán onded by Seán O’Maoileanaigh. Ciarán Challoner, Cathál O’Dónaill agus Eamann O’Dubhsláinne (re. Dual Players, Féile O’Ceallaigh. games and Team Managers comment- ing to Media); Uinseann O’Dullaing (re. Juvenile Fixtures and Young Whistlers); Peadar O’Néil (re. Juvenile Fixtures); Tomás Mac Seoin (re. Cúl Camps) and Roisín Ní Braonáin (re. Organisation of Scór) all commented or made observations on Secretaries Report. Treasurer’s Report showing a surplus of €91,585 (including a depreciation figure of €74,974) on the years running was adopted on the proposition of Glen O’Braonáin, seconded by Mairtín O’Riain. C.L.G. Laoise Comhdháil Bhliantúil 3 Election of Officers The following officers were elected: Cathaoirleach (Chairman): Briain O’hAlúinn was elected unopposed. Leas Chathaoirleach (Vice Chairman): Antóin Breatnach was elected unopposed. Cisteoir (Treasurer): Eibhlín Ní Dhuinn was elected unopposed. Leas Cisteoir (Asst. Treasurer): Mairtín O’Broin was elected unopposed. Ard Comhairle (Central Council) Delegate: Micheál O’Cearbhúill was elected unop- posed. Comhairle Laighean (Leinster Council) Delegates (2): Risteard O’Muilleoir agus Seán O’Daltúin were elected unopposed. Oifigeach Forbartha (Development): Gearóid O’Caomhanaigh rry was elected unop- posed. Oifigeach Oiliuna (Coaching): Tomas Mac Seoin was elected unopposed. Oifigeach Cultir agus Gaeilge (Cultural and Irish): Mairsile Ní Dhalaigh was elected unopposed. Oifigeach na nOg (Youth): Ailéin O’Langtúin was elected after defeating Ciarán O’Dubhsláinne in a vote. Oifigeach Caidrimh Poibli (P.R.O.): Pascal Mac Aodh Bhuí was elected unopposed. Congress Delegates (8): Briain O’hAlúinn, Niall Mac Laitimh (both automatically elect- ed); Risteard O’Muilleoir, Gearóid O’Caomhanaigh, Antóin O’Dubhsláinne, Pascal Mac Aodh Bhuí, Antóin Breatnach agus Mairtín O’Broin. Under 21 Congress Delegate(1): Jason Mac Lochlainn. Leinster Convention Delegates (6): Briain O’hAlúinn, Micheál O’Cearbhúill, Antóin Breatnach, Pascal Mac Aodh Bhuí, Tomás Mac Seoin agus Antóin O’Dubhsláinne. All elected returned thanks. C.L.G. Laoise Comhdháil Bhliantúil 4 Motions The following Motions were discussed and decided as follows: 1. Laois GAA Byelaw 3 to be amended as County Committee. (to be implemented follows: from 1st. Jan. 2010) (Coiste Bainistí) (i). Management Committee. It shall Passed. consist of the following: Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary (non- 4. Laois GAA Byelaw 4 to be amended as voting), Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, follows: Development Officer, Public Relations (a). County Hurling Committee. (Coiste Officer, Coaching Officer, Officer for Irish Iomana). It shall consist of: Chairperson, Language and Culture, Youth Officer, Secretary plus four other suitable person- Representatives on Leinster Council nel nominated by the County Chairperson and Representative on Central Council. and appointed by the County Committee. (to be implemented from 1st. Jan. 2010) (to be implemented from 1st. Jan. 2010). (Coiste Bainistí) (Coiste Bainistí) Passed Passed. 2. Laois GAA Byelaw 3 to be amended as 5. Laois GAA Byelaw 4 to be amended as follows: follows: (iv). County Coaching and Games (b). County Football Committee. (Coiste Development Committee. It shall con- Peil). It shall consist of: Chairperson, sist of the following: County Coaching Officer (who shall be its Chairperson), Secretary plus four other suitable person- County Youth Officer, one representa- nel nominated by the County Chairperson tive from Coiste Iomana, Coiste Peile, and appointed by the County Committee. Coiste na nOg, Primary and Post- (to be implemented from 1st. Jan. 2010). Primary Schools Committees, Camogie, (Coiste Bainistí) Ladies Football and four other personnel Passed. who shall be nominated by the County Chairman and appointed by the County 6 Laois GAA Byelaw 4 to be amended as Committee. (to be implemented from follows: 1st. Jan. 2009) (d). Transfers Committee: It shall consist (Coiste Bainistí) of: Chairperson who shall be a County Passed. Committee Officer as nominated by the County Chairperson, plus five oth- 3. Laois GAA Byelaw 3 to be amended as er suitable personnel nominated by the follows: County Chairperson and appointed by (ix).
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