Morphometric relationships of spineless cuttlefish, Sepiella inermis (Orbigny, 1848) from Mumbai waters Item Type article Authors Sundaram, S.; Khan, M.Z. Download date 01/10/2021 22:51:42 Link to Item http://hdl.handle.net/1834/34550 J. Indian Fish. Assoc., 37: 51-55, 2010 51 MORPHOMETRIC RELATIONSHIPS OF SPINELESS CUTTLEFISH, SEPIELLA INERMIS (ORBIGNY, 1848) FROM MUMBAI WATERS Sundaram Sujit1 and Mohammad Zafar Khan Mumbai Research Centre of Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, 2nd Floor; C.J.F.E old campus, Fisheries University road, Seven Bung/ows, Versova, Mumbai 400 061. 1corresponding author: e-mail : [email protected] ABSTRACT The relationships of various morphometric characters with dorsal mantle length (DMl) of 2 Sepiella inermis from Mumbai waters was established. The coefficient of correlation (r ) for various morphometric characters against dorsal mantle length ranged from 0.747 to 0.942 indicating high degree of relationship among the characters compared. The regression of characteristics obtained by least squares method for S. inermis indicates that the characters have positive allometric growth. Keywords: Morphometric relationships, Cuttlefish. INTRODUCTION different size measurements because of which comparisons are extremely difficult. It is Cephalopods are strictly marine therefore imperative to have mathematical organisms and are found in all of the world's expressions, which define a particular oceans, particularly over regions of relationship, so that measurements can be continental shelf. Sepiella inermis (Orbigny, converted for better comparisons (Farmer, 1848) is a demersal shallow-water species 1986). with a wide distribution along the In do-pacific region. In Indian waters, it constitutes the Many times meristic differences fishery along the east and west coasts in between the stocks are very small and not shallow waters up to depths of about 40 m. apparent in individual specimens, but often only in an average of large number of Studies of morphological variation specimens. Analysis of such data requires among fish population continue to play an intricate statistical treatment, which is important role in stock delineation, despite essential to pin point differences or the advent of many biochemical and resemblances of characters for the molecular genetic techniques. In tropical identification of a particular stock of a specific waters, where the fish fauna is very rich and locality. The studies of morphometric and diverse, identification becomes more difficult meristic characters of a fish gives substantial as many similar species exist in the same information with regard to exact identification locality with overlapping characters. key of the species and such data can be used to Morphometric relationships, that are compare the same species of different proportions of different body parts are more geographical locations. frequently used since they are easier to compute. Frequently different authors quote 52 Sundaram Sujit and Mohammad Zafar Khan In cepha!opods, these include were taken using a divider and measuring relationships between various parameters board to the nearest millimeter as described such as dorsal mantle length, dorsal body by CMFRI (1995). After taking lengths, the breadth, total weight, meat weight etc. In case cuttlefishes were blotted dry and weighed on of cephalopods, length of the mantle from the an electronic balance up to nearest milligram anterior most point on the dorsal side to the to record the body weight (BD WT). The meat posterior body tip is considered as the weight (MT WT) was noted after removing the 'standard' and is termed as dorsal mantle head, cuttlebone, skin and the entire viscera. length (DML). A lot of work has been carried Cuttlebone {shell) weight (SL WT) was out by different authors, on many species of recorded after removing it from the mantle cephalopods from Indian waters, mainly on cavity. the length-weight relationship, but there is The data collected from January 2001 not much work on other morphometric to December 2002 were pooled together and relationships on cephalopods and there the different relationships were obtained seems to be no study on the biometrics and through regression analysis by the method of morphometric characters of Sepiel/a inermis 'least squares' based on individual from Indian waters. measurements. Relationships between dorsal mantle length (DML)/ dorsal mantle breadth (DMB), dorsal mantle length (DML)/ head MATIER!ALAND METHODS length {HL}, dorsal mantle length (DML)/ head A statistical analysis of breadth (HB), dorsal mantle length (DML)/ fin morphometric characteristics gives a better length (FL}, dorsal mantle length {DML)/ idea of relationship with in the species and tentacle length (TL), dorsal mantle length also to compare with the same species in (DML)/ arm lengths (AL I, AL If, AL Ill, AL IV} and different geographical areas. It was noticed Head length (HL)/ eye diameter (ED) were that the males and females of S. inermis differ found to be linear. The DML was taken as the in size. The females grow larger in size than independent variable (X) and the other males and because of this all dimensional characteristics according to suitability as a relationships were calculated separately for dependent variable {Y) for fitting the the two sexes. When the sexes of smaller regression. The analysis showed exponential specimens could not be identified externally, relationship for dorsal mantle length (DML)/ the mantle was cut open mid-ventrally to meat weight (MT WT) and dorsal mantle determine the sex. Presence of small pear length (DML)/ cuttlebone (shell) weight (SL shaped nidamental glands was indicative of WT). Therefore, logarithmic transformation females. was adopted. The expression used for calculation was: During the period January 2001- December 2002, monthly samples of S. Log W =Log a + b Log L inermis were collected from the trawlers Scattergram plots of each operated at New Ferry Wharf. The samples measurement were plotted against DML for from a wide range of sizes were brought to the comparing regression of morphometric laboratory and were identified, sorted and measurements. Relationship among the sexed after which the length and weight of various morphometric parameters was individuals were taken in fresh condition. The worked out using standard linear regression DML and other morphometric measurements analysis technique. Method of Le Cren (1951) MORPHOMETRIC RELATIONSHIPS OF SPINELESS CUTTLEFISH SEP/ELLA INERMIS (ORBIGNV, 1848) 53 FROM MUMBAI WATERS was used for the analysis. The curvilinear It is seen that the correlation 2 relation was transformed into linear one by coefficient (r ) of various morphometric taking base ten logarithms. Intercept (a) and characteristics (other than arm lengths) as a slope or regression coefficient (b) was function of length varied from 0.6463 (eye calculated using the standard regression diameter) to 0.9263 (fin length) for males and analysis. it varied from 0.3719 {eye diameter) to 0.9421 (fin length} for females. The values indicated The relative length of arms is that the compared characteristics were expressed as 'arm formula' in order of related to each other. Most of the characters decreasing length (Silas et al., 1985). For correlated, exhibited linear growth. The 'b' better comparisons, arm lengths and tentacle values for MT WT and SL WT indicated that lengths from the right side of the body were they grew in exponential fashion hence they considered for measurements. It was were converted in to Log to get a linear attempted to derive at the arm ratio, which is relationship. The meat and shell grew in species specific. The current investigations weight exponentially as the animal grew. The would help to differentiate the populations 2 'r ' value varied from 0.9223 in the case of shell and racial differences of this species, if any. weight to 0.9356 in case of meat weight for males and it varied from 0.9397 in the case of shell weight to 0.9457 in case of meat weight RESULTS for females. On an average the arm ratio of 5. In males, there are a series of white inermis is found to follow the ratio 4:3:2:1 for spots or ornamental ocelli along the dorso­ both males and females. When the animals lateral surface of the body and the entire strip were young, it was observed that the arms of the fins. It is interesting to note that males seemed to be more or less equal in length and do not have these spots when they are young the same was the case in large sized animals up to the size of about 20 mm. These spots also. develop as the animal grows and it becomes prominent and larger in size with age. Females do not have these spots but start to develop DISCUSSION them as they mature. They develop tiny spots The regression coefficient (b) value from the size 35 mm onwards. Though these or slope for fins was high with 0.9250 and spots are prominent, they are smaller in size 0.9542 respectively for males and females, compared to males of the corresponding size. which indicates that the fins grew along with Because of this anomaly there is every chance the mantle length. Low 'b' values were of sexual misidentification forth is species. observed in HL (0.3812 for males and 0.3342 A total of 88 male specimens ranging for females), HB and ED, which indicated very from 18 to 68 mm in DML with the body slow growth rate, from which it can be inferred weight ranging from 1.164 to 45.363 gms and that as the animal grew the head did not grow 88 female specimens ranging from 25 to 82 proportionately. Thus compared to older mm in DML with the bodyweight ranging from animals the younger animals head looked 3.858 to 87.857 gms were analysed for various slightly wider and bigger. The tentacles grew morphometric relationships. The results of extremely fast (b = 2.7605 for males and b = analysis of data on various body proportions 2.7615 for females) in both the sexes against DMLaregiven in Table 1.
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