Rail lnfrastructure Development Gompany (Karnataka) Limited (A Joint Venture of Ministry of Railways and Govt. of Kamataka) K.RIDE Regd. Ofiice : MSIL House, 7th Floor, # 36, Cunningham Road, Bangalore - 560 052 Tel : (91{G22370581, Fax : 91-80-22370582 CtN : U601001G2000PLC028171 Email Id : [email protected] 20 February 2020 KR I D E/P roje cts/37lls 12020 TO WHOMSOEVER IT MAY CONCERN Dear Sir/Madam, Sub: Tender for Cadastral Land Survey, Gollection of Land Documents, ldentification, Ownership Verification, Joint Measurement, Preparation of Land Acquisition ptans and Associated Works in connection with the work of Bangalore Suburban Railway Project in and around Bangalore Gity. M/s. Rail lnfrastructure Development Company (Karnataka) Ltd., invites tenders from competent contractors to execute the following work: Gadastral Land Survey, Gollection of Land Documents, ldentification, Ownership Verification, Joint Measurement, Preparation of Land Acquisition plans and Associated Works in connection with the work of Bangalore Suburban Railway Project in and around Bangalore Gity. lnterested and eligible firms/companies may appty in prescribed format to M/s. Rail lnfrastructuie Development Company (Karnataka) Ltd., MSIL House, 7h Floor, No.36, Cunningham Road, Bangalore 560052. The tender documents and the formats can be downloaded from the website: www'kride.ln. you are requested to go through the information and send your tender Quotation in the format prescribed. Submission of last date for Tender is 24th March 2020 before 15:00 hrs. Any conigendum to this Tender will be only issued in the Website stated above and no paper advertisement will be issued separately. Thanking you, Yours faithfully, For Rail Infrastructure Development Company (Karnataka) Limited (s:N. sRlNlvAsA) Authorised Signatory Encl: ala" *4fi. ?, ,b d# Tender Document Tender Document No. KRIDE/Proi ects 37 LS 202 0 Dated 2O.O2.2O2O / / / = Name of Work: Cadastral Land Survey, Collection of Land Documents, ldentification, Ownership Verification, Joint Measurement, Preparation of Land Acquisition plans and Associated Works in connection with the work of Bangalore Suburban Railway Project in and around Bangalore City. Last date of Submission of Tender: 24.03.2020 before 15:00 hrs. ISSUED BY KRIDE Rail Infrastructure Development Company (Karnataka) Limited Regd. Office : MSIL House, 7th Floor, #36, Cunningham Road, Bangalore - 560 052 Tel : +91-80-2237 0581, Fax : +91-80-2237 0582, Website : www.kride.in CIN No.U60 1 00KA2 000PLC 02817 1 E-mail : [email protected] This document contains 39 pages and 1 Drawing. No change in the document by the tenderer is permissible. .'l l lPage INDEX Section Contents Section- L Tender Information Sheet Secti on-Z Introduction and Scope Section-3 Tender Submission and Evaluation Section-4 Technical Specifications and Additional Special Conditions of Contract Section-5 Milestones and Time Schedule Section-6 Formats for submission of Tender Secti on-7 Special conditions of Contract Section-B General Instructions to Tenderers Section-9 General Conditions of Contract 2lPage SECTION. 1 Tender Information Sheet KRIDE (Rail Infrastructure Development Company (Karnataka) Limited), a Joint Venture of the Ministry of Railways & Government of Karnataka, invites tenders from tenderers with requisite experience and financial capacity for execution of the following work: Tender No. KRIDE/Projects / 37 /LS / 2020 Dated : 20.02.2020 Type of Tender Open Tender Rail Infrastructure Development Company fKarnataka) Limited Name and Address of the MSIL House,f* Floor, # 36 Cunningham Road, Bangalore - Tendering Authority 5 60 052,lndia Cadastral Land Survey, Collection of Land Documents, Identification, Ownership Verification, foint Measurement, Preparation of Land Name of the work Acquisition plans and Associated Works in connection with the work of Bangalore Suburban Railway Project in and around Bangalore City. Brief Name of Work Land Survey for reference Completion Period L20 days from the date of issue of Letter of Acceptance [LOA) Estimated contract value Rs. 62,79,450 l- Earnest Money Rs. L ,25,589 /- Last date and Time of 24.03.2020 up to L5:00 Hrs submission of Tender Date and Time of Opening of 24.03.2020 15:3 Hrs Tenderers at 0 Validity of offer 90 days from the Last date of submission of Tender Mobilization Advance Not Applicable Performance Guarantee 5o/o of accepted contract value Security Deposit 5o/o of accepted contract value. Firms allowed to tenders as Not allowed f oint Venture / Consortium 3lPage SECTION. 2 Introduction and Scope 2.l lntroduction KRIDE executes Bangalore Suburban Railway Project. Survey of land and verification of ownership of land and preparation of land acquisition plans is needed to execute the project. 2.2Location of work The location of this work is in and around Bangalore city. 2.3 Scope of Work 2.3.7 General Scope of work The work includes Cadastral Land survey and collection of all land documents and complete associated details etc. The contractor's team shall visit the offices of all concerned departments of Govt. of India, Govt. of Karnataka and any other concerned offices of PSU/ Gram Panchayat/ any other Company or Agency and obtain the required details in the formats approved by the authorised officer of KRIDE. The contractor's team shall visit the site and identify the affected survey numbers and affected land owners and veriff the land records in the field; The contractor's team shall arrange, facilitate and attend f oint Measurement of affected area with the officials of Revenue Dept. and KRIDE. The contractor's team shall mark the affected area with different colours on Revenue Maps and superimpose and plot the Revenue Maps on Railway land plans and proposed Suburban Railway Project land plans and getting them certified by the concerned Revenue Officers; Preparation and Submission fsoft copy and 5 nos. of hard copies) of land acquisition plans and schedules in the format approved by the competent authority of KRIDE and as per the terms and conditions of the contract and any repetitive work in this regard. 4lPage SECTION. 3 TENDER SUBMISSION AND EVALUATION 3.1 EligibilityCriteria The tenders shall be evaluated for compliance of technical eligibility criteria and financial eligibility criteria as given below: 1 a Should have physically At least one similar work for a minimum value of 3 5o/o of the completed within qualifying advertised tender value. The experience certificate is to be period three i.e., the last Work[s) which is/are treated as financial years and in the attached to the tender document. current firiancial year. Similar Work[s) for this tender is/are mentioned below. b Similar work[s) for the Land Survey and Collection of land documents including above Technical Eligibiliry verification of land records at site and preparation of Land Acquisition plans for any highway / railway/ metro rail/ suburban rail/similar projects where land survey and land acquisition is involved for a value of at least 35o/o of the advertised tender value of this work. 2 Total contract amount Should be a minimum of 1500/o of the advertised tender value. received during the last 3 The certificate [attested) from the emplo yer I client, audited financial years and in the sheet duly certified by the CA etc., iS to be enclosed along current finincial year balance with the tender document. 3.2 Guidelines for submission of tender document 3.2.1 For evaluating tenderer's eligibility with regard to work experience, he shall furnish relevant certificates and details of the physically completed work. The total value of similar nature of works completed during the qualifying period, in terms of the Final bill amount, and not the payments received within qualiffing period alone, will be considered. In case, final bill of similar nature of work has not been passed and final measurements have not been recorded, the paid amount including statutory deductions (i.e., last CC bill amount) will be considered. However, if the final measurements have been recorded and work has been completed but variation has not been sanctioned, original agreement value or last sanctioned agreement value or the last CC bill amount, whichever is lower, will be considered for judging eligibility. 3.2.2 ln support of financial eligibility criteria and notefl) above, the tenderer shall submit attested copy of certificate from the employer/client or audited balance sheet certified by the Chartered Accountant or attested copy of ITCC. The contractual amount shown in the ITCC certificates for the years prior to three years apart from current year will not be taken into account while calculating total contract amounts received by the tenderer. 3.2.3 The certificate to satisfy similar work as mentioned above should be signed by an officer not lower than fr. Administrative grade or equivalent grade in the Govt. of India/State Government/ PSUs/Government Universities Tenderer shall enclose attested certificate copies along with the tender. 3.2.4 Work experience certificate from private individual shall not be accepted. Certificate from public listed Company/Private Company/Trusts having annual turnover of Rs- 500 Crore and above subject to ihe ir*" being isiued from their Head Office by a p$tii.iQ{e Company * lPase aangdl6re .rW duly enclosing his authorisation by the Management for issuing such credentials. 3.2.5 The tenderer must submit the complete financial proposal as per the attached schedule and all necessary authentic data with necessary supporting certificates, if any, along with the tender failing which his tender is liable to be rejected. 3.2.6 Evaluation of the tender will be done on the basis of the technical credentials and the financial offer, which shall be inclusive of all taxes & duties. The tenderer shall quote the rates [inclusive of all taxes and duties) as per the tender format. 3.2.7 Representative of qualified tenderers desirous of attending the tender opening may visit the office of KRIDE on the tender opening date at the time of tender opening.
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