Materiały Ceramiczne /Ceramic Materials/, 70, 2, (2018), 186-202 www.ptcer.pl/mccm 1984 Biuletyn Newsletter The roles of Jingdezhen in the Ceramic Culture Heritage and Scientific and Technological Innovation of China Rola Jingdezhen w dziedzictwie kultury ceramicznej oraz innowacjach naukowych i technologicznych Chin Xiaoping Yu School of International Studies, Jingdezhen Ceramic Institute, Jingdezhen, Jiangxi Province, PR China. e-mail: [email protected] ABSTRACT STRESZCZENIE Porcelain is the foundation and core of Jingdezhen. Since Porcelana jest podstawą i rdzeniem Jingdezhen. Od X w. AD 10th century, China has spread porcelain making skills Chiny rozpowszechniły umiejętności w zakresie produk- and industrial civilization to Korea, Japan, and Europe. For cji porcelany i cywilizację przemysłową w Korei, Japonii westerners, Jingdezhen becomes an important window i Europie. Dla mieszkańców Zachodu Jingdezhen staje się of understanding and learning Chinese culture and is one ważnym oknem zrozumienia i uczenia się chińskiej kultury of industrial cities with the earliest seeds of capitalism in i jest jednym z miast przemysłowych z najwcześniejszymi China. zalążkami kapitalizmu w Chinach. This paper introduces the development and influence Artykuł przedstawia rozwój i wpływ reformy nowocze- of the reform of the modern porcelain industry in Jingdez- snego przemysłu porcelanowego w Jingdezhen na prze- hen on the ceramic industry in 1930s to 1990s under the mysł ceramiczny w latach 1930-90 w kontekście prospe- background of the prosperity of European ceramics and rity europejskiej ceramiki i upadku przemysłu porcelany the decline of Jingdezhen porcelain industry. After the Jingdezhen. Po powstaniu Chińskiej Republiki Ludowej founding of the People’s Republic of China, the govern- wspierane przez rząd przedsiębiorstwa państwowe ment supported state-owned enterprises completed zakończyły mechanizację produkcji ceramiki i własne in- the mechanization of ceramic production and their own nowacje technologiczne w Jingdezhen i zbudowały system technological innovation in Jingdezhen and built a ceramic przemysłu ceramicznego. Sukces nowoczesnej produkcji industrial system. Its successful modern porcelain manu- porcelany i postęp technologiczny wpłynął na przemysł facturing innovation and technological progress affected ceramiczny w Chinach. Jednak wraz z likwidacją „Dziesię- on the ceramic industry of China. However, with the “Ten ciu Kluczowych Fabryk Porcelany” w ramach planowanego Key Porcelain Factories” under the planned system were systemu, instytucja taka jak Jingdezhen Ceramic Institute closed down, the institution such as Jingdezhen Ceramic stała się główną siłą postępu technologicznego w chińskim Institute became the main force of technological advance- przemyśle ceramicznym. Część efektów projektów badaw- ment in China’s ceramic industry. Some of the transforma- czych prowadzonych przez nauczycieli Jingdezhen Ceramic tion of the research projects by the teachers of Jingdezhen Institute zastąpiła zagraniczne produkty i przyczyniła się Ceramic Institute replaced foreign products and promoted do rozwoju chińskiego przemysłu ceramicznego. the development of China’s ceramic industry. Wraz z utworzeniem państwowych „Dziesięciu Klu- With the formation of the state-owned “Ten Key Porce- czowych Fabryk Porcelany” na szczęście zachowała się lain Factories”, fortunately traditional handicraft porcelain tradycyjna porcelana z rękodziełem. Poza ustanowieniem was preserved. Besides the establishment of national-level spadkobierców kultury niematerialnej na poziomie krajo- 186 ISSN 1505-1269 Biuletyn Newsletter intangible cultural inheritors, other measures have been wym podjęto inne działania w celu ratowania tradycyjnych taken to rescue recording traditional skills. In addition, the umiejętności. Ponadto nauczyciele JCI odgrywają aktywną teachers of JCI play an active role in ceramic art crea- rolę w tworzeniu sztuki ceramicznej, aby coraz więcej tion so that more and more artists are beginning to pay artystów zaczęło zwracać uwagę na i dziedziczyć tradycyj- attention to and inherit the traditional craftsmanship. ne rzemiosło. Pojawienie się dzieł ceramicznych „Jingde- The appearing of the “Jingdezhen Drifters and Returnees” zhen Drifters and Returnees” w Jingdezhen łamie wzór ceramic art works in Jingdezhen breaks the pattern of con- współczesnych materiałów artystycznych. Była to wspa- temporary art materials. They greatly promoted the devel- niała promocja rozwoju współczesnej sztuki ceramicznej opment of contemporary ceramic art in Jingdezhen. The w Jingdezhen. Fabryka Porcelany Pradawnej przebudowała Ancient Kiln Porcelain Factory rebuilt the existed ancient istniejące piece starożytne, pozostawiając i rejestrując kilns, remaining and recording the Jingdezhen traditional tradycyjne techniki wypalania Jingdezhen, aby odnowić firing techniques so as to re-fire some imitated ancient niektóre naśladowane starożytne wyroby porcelanowe. porcelain wares. Renovation of Jingdezhen porcelain Renowacja dziedzictwa przemysłowego porcelany Jingde- industry heritage gives it the modern cultural exchange zhen daje mu nowoczesne funkcje wymiany kulturalnej display and leisure functions. i rozrywki. keywords: Jingdezhen research, Ceramic culture słowa kluczowe: badania Jingdezhen, dziedzictwo heritage, Ceramic technology and innovation kultury ceramicznej, technologia ceramiczna i innowacje 1. A review of the glorious history and the world opened,promoted to recover and develop. In the influence of Jingdezhen ceramics end it did not bring a brilliant future. With the modern industrial revolution in China, more importantly, the Jingdezhen began to produce porcelain in the late Tang world-made porcelain industry had entered an era of and Five Dynasties. In the Song Dynasty, Jingdezhen diversified development and pluralistic centers. The porcelain was exported to all parts of the world, inclu- rise of modern and contemporary porcelain industry ding the Korean Peninsula, Japan, Southeast Asia, Cen- in industrialized countries such as Europe, America and tral Asia, West Asia and the African continent. Deeply Japan was a reflection of the trend of this era. Facing the influenced by West Asia in the Yuan Dynasty, the making great amount of industrial commodities were exported of blue and white ware made the porcelain industry in into China, the people of Jingdezhen could not keep up Jingdezhen go to another height. The gradual maturity with the world development and the new ideas. The in- of blue and white in the Yuan dynasty resulted from the heritance and innovation of ceramics technology were economic and cultural exchange between China and not as good as before, so that there were little new West Asia. In the Ming Dynasty, due to the maturity of porcelain products in the market. Jingdezhen porcelain-making technology and Chinese and foreign exchanges, porcelain made in Jingdezhen 3. The development and influence of the reform was increasingly become the favour of the people aro- of the modern porcelain industry in Jingdezhen und the world, and the number of exports increased on the ceramic industry dramatically. Since the middle and late Ming Dynasty, Jingdezhen porcelain wares were continuously exported 3.1. to Europe, and its value was comparable to the gold. It was regarded as a symbol of the wealth of Europeans. In the late Qing Dynasty, the declining system made the domestic economy greatly affected. The traditional 2. The prosperity of European ceramics and the handicraft industry was impacted by Western industria- decline of Jingdezhen porcelain industry lized products. In the 1920s and 1930s, the scholars from oversea-studying built a new factory, using the Since the end of the 18th century, especially after the mechanical equipment of the Ceramics Laboratory. It Opium War, China was forced to open its doors, and has a ball mill, a mud extractor, a single-blade presser a large amount of foreign daily necessities poured to form greenwares, and a coal kiln to fire porcelain. into China. The modern porcelain industry in Jingde- They tried to update the porcelain making process, from zhen was hit under such circumstances, although in manual to mechanized manufacturing, from a decentra- the early and late 20th century it was reformed and lized independent production mode to a collaborative MCCM, 70, 2, 2018 187 Biuletyn Newsletter centralized production mode. During the Republic of In 1958, the Jingdezhen Ceramic Institute was esta- China, the limited reform stopped due to the Anti-Ja- blished. From 1978 to 1982, the Institute of Ceramic panese War, but it laid the foundation for promoting Industry of the Ministry of Light Industry, the Ceramic the development of the porcelain industry. Workers University of Jingdezhen, and the Ceramic In- dustry Design Institute of Jingdezhen were established 3.2. respectively. Meanwhile, the government also successi- vely transformed factories such as the Chemical Factory After the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the for Porcelain, the Mold Factory and the Ceramic Kiln government supports the transformation of enterprises Factory, Ceramic Machinery Factory, Ceramic Kiln Instal- suitable for industrial production, and has established lation Company, Ceramic Raw Material Factory. In this an organizational and management system guarantee way a ceramic industrial system integrating scientific for Jingdezhen’s innovative porcelain technology. research, production, design and teaching was built in During
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