27' BILLS- committee, 224; read a'thinl 'ti1i.1e ant[:passecl, 231; en'rolled and signed by the· Speaker of the Senate; 1iotice of, i6 r ; pre­ sentixl for the, signature of the .. Speaker, 264. Gum Brandt' )Jitc/1 Company, An' ad°to revive/re-ei1:ict and amend the 'act• entitled; An act to incorporate the, of Sussex . comity, Delawar~; passed 'at Dover, Irebruary rs~ i866-re­ ported, 535 ;' read,. 544; read a second' time; 562; read a third time m1cr passed; 503; concurred in by tl:ie Senate,notiGe of, ·591; em;ollecl and presented for the signature of .the Speaker, 649 ; returned from the Senate, signed by the Speaker of, 668 . .1£omefor Friendless muf De;tit11te Clu"ldren, A(urther supplement to an .act entitled1\1\act to incorporate the Trustees of, in the city of Wilmington-received from the Senate, 446; read, 462; read a sec,ond t.ime and 'referred, ·4 72; ,reported bac), from the committee, 501,; read a .third time and passed, 51,0; enrolled and signed by the Speaker of the Sennte; notice of, 544; pre­ sented for the signature of the Speaker,· 604. ' ' ' •· •• ' < ',' • '. ' : ' Immaculate Conception, An act· to incorporate tire; Beneficial So­ ciety, of Wilmington, Delm.vare.....-'notice of intention to intro­ duce given, 245 ;.· introclncecl and read, 2 5 7; read a second time· and referred, 269; reported hack from the committee, 306 ; amended, read a ,third time and passed,. 367 ; concurred in by .the Senate, n.Otice of, 363; enrolled and. presei1ted for .the sig­ nature of the Speaker, 4r9; retnrnecl from the Sen.ate, signed by the Speaker of, 462. · . · hulian River all/l R ehobot!t Bay Oyste1:. Plaittit(Z c:0111pa11y, An act to amend the act ii"1titled, An act to incorporate the, passed ~i.t Dover, March 23, 'r87'5-received from' the Senate, .345; read, 366 ; i;eacl · a second. time and referred, ' 3 74; · reported back·from the committee, 468; read a third time and passed, 482; enrolled .and signed by the Speaker· of the Senate, notice of, 5 25 ; presented for the signature of the Speaker,· 5 SI . .lncorporatc, An ttct to, __: -· - Company-notice of intention to introduce given, 392. ' · . · Jamison. Branclt Ditc!t C!nnpany, An act to incorporate the-re­ ceived from the Senate, 54z; read, 586; reported back from the committee, 598; read a third time and passed, 624-625; 28 BILLS- .. enrolled and signed by the Speaker of the .Senate, notice of, 638; presented for the signature of the Speaker, 660~ Jessup & Moore Paper Comptmy, An ad fo incorporate the-no­ tice of intention to introduce given, 39r; introduced and read, _40 5 ; read a second tini.e and.referred, 42 2 ; reported back from the com1i1ittee, 468; read a third' and passed, 503-504; con­ curred in by the· Senate, with an amendment, notice of, 555; ameiidment cbi1curred in, 561; enrolled and prysentecr for the signatu!e of the Speaker, 603; returned from the Senate, signed by the Speaker of, 664. Junction aml Breakwater Railroad Company, An act authorizing the corisolidation of the, with the Breakwater and Frankford Railroad Company, and with any company charted by the State of Maryland operating a railroad forming a cont;nuous line there­ with-notice of intention to introduce given, 364. Jllnction anrl Breakwater Raiiroarl Company, A farther supple­ ment to the act entitled, An act to incorporate the-received from the Senate, 630; read, 632; read a second time and re: ferred, 632; reported back from. the committee, 633; · read a third time· and passed, 6 36-6 3 7 ; enrolled and signed by the Speaker of the· Senate, notke of; 663; presented for the signa­ ture of the Speaker, 670. Jtrnction antl Breakwater Rallroad_a,ul B>·eakwater autl Frank­ fonl Railroad, An act providing for the consolidation of, with each other and 'with other railroad compa11ies in Maryland and Virginia-notice of intention to inti-oduce given, 392; intro­ duced and read, 483; read a second time and referred, 489; re­ ported back from the committee, 518; read a third .time and passed, 529.; concurred in. by.the .Senate, notice of, 591; en­ rolled and presented for. the sigriature of the. Speaker, 648; re- . turned froin the Senate, signecl by the Speaker of, 666 .. Kiamensi T17oolen Coinpany;·An act to amend an act to incorporate the, passed at Dover, October 20, r86.4~notice of intention to introduce given, 105; introduced and read, 109; read a second time and referred, I 15; reported back from the committee, read a third time and passed, rr8; concurred in by the Senate, notice of, 12 t;. enrolled ancl presented for the signature ·of the . Speaker, r41 ; returned from the Senate, signed by the Speaker of, rSr. 29 BILLS- . Leipsic, To1vn:of, A further•additional supplemei1t :tci,the act• e1i~ titled,. An.act to incorporate the, and for, .other ,purposes· passed ·at Dover,-February:26,:1852"c-'-'teported and read,·:433;·read a second . t,ill)-e and refer~ed, 439; repo;i.:ted back from the com­ . mittee, 468 ; read a third time ,n:id passed, 494; concurred in by the Senate, with 'infamei1elment, ·notic;e of; 622; Se11ate amencl­ inei1t' read and cqhctmed in, 6 30;' er~rolle_d arid .presented for tl;e·'.·sfgriatute .of the 'SiJeaker; 648; returned from the. Senate, -signed by the ·Speake~ of, 66 7. · . • , ' ·· . , . Lewes; Tow~i.of, A supplement to the act,.-entitlecl, An act to in- .. _corporate the, and. for. other purposes.;.....notice of intention to intr9duce give11, 396; .introduced and read,.475,; read a sec­ ond ti)ne anrl referred, 497; reported back from the committee, 51 a;' taken np: for coi1sideration .and --re-comrriitted, .5 24; re.­ ported back from the committee, 552; taken up.for considera­ tion, 566; laid on the table, 567 ; read a·. third time. and lost, 585 ;_ re-considered, read a third time and passed, 624; .con­ curred in· by the Senate, :notice of; 65 i ·; · enrolled and presented · for.the signature·of the. Speaker, 660; returned froni the Sen- at~, ,sig:ned by th~ Speaker of, 669. · · J. Marskall:Company, An actto incoriJorate.;.....notice ofhitention to· introduce given, 125 ;· introduced a11d· re~d,: 127; ·read a second time and referred, 136; reported from the coimnittee, 142; taken lip for cqnsideration and amended, 152; read a third time m,1cl pa;;s~d;' I5,3; concurred in by the Sei1ate, notice of, 1 70; enrolled and presented for the signat\ire of the Speaker, 202; returned frorn.the Senate, sigi1ed by -the Speaker of, 230 . ;Masonic ffcr:fl Co11tp.any, A~1 'act .tp i11cqrpor~te'. tht!, of Newport . Delaware.,-received,frorri :the _Senate, .. 354 ;, read, 434 ;, read a . ' second tifoe and referred, 438; .rep01:t,ecl b_ack from the com­ mittee, 468; · read a third time and passed, 479; enrolled and sigriedbythe Speakel" ofthe·Senate,.notice of,· 526; presented · for the signature of the Speaker; 5 5 !-: · · .Masonic H;ll Company, of Wilmington, Delaware,A further supple­ ., · ment to the act entitled, An act to incorporate the-notice of intention to introduce given, 159; introduced and read; 165; read a second time and referred,. 176;. reported back from the committee, 199; taken up for·. consideration; 199; read a third 30: BILLS­ . ,. 'time. ancLpas·sed, ~oo ; : conctirrecl: in: by the Senate; notice of,,, · .·, : 2 30·; enroHed, ancl- presented for., tl~e: ·signature of the S1Jeaker, 254; .retumed from the: Senate; signed .by the Speaker of, 303. )1ergd~:, .'X:n:; ac:'t' 1)1r~;lding 'i or }!~e, .otAe: Ne\~ Castl~ -~ncl Wil~ .. · mington Railroacf Con1pany fot() the J>hiladelphia, }Vilmington and ,B;iltii11ore. ~ailrnacl. Company; mJcl, also, for the merger or· . the, New Castle . and Frenchtown Turnpike and Rail_road Com-··· pany into the Philadelphia, Wilmington_and 13altimore· Railroad. Company__:notice of intention· to introduce given, 279; i,ntro-' · ducecLand read·.·' 290;. read a ·second time and referred, 30'2 ; -reported ·.back, from- the committee,· 324; taken· up for-consid­ eration and po"stporied, 324:...32f; ·taken up,amended, read a . third . time anc1' passed, g40-341 ; · concurred in by the Senate, · notice ot: 384; · enrolled and presented for the stgnature of the . Sj)eaker;, 45 2 ; returned from the Senate signed by the' Speaker of, 4 7 7;: · · · · )vliddleto'wn, ToUJn"~J, An act to amend an act entitled, An act to jncorpprate. tl1e~notice of .intei1tion to infroduc~ given,, 133; introduced and read, 135 ; read a second time and referred, _241; reported back from the committee, read a third time ai1d passed~ 274_; coricurrecUn .by the Senate, notice of, 354; enrolled and pres~r~t_«:!ll for. the signature· of the Spea~er, 45 2 ; returned froin , the Se11a~e; signed by the Speaker of, 476. 111llfonl .Basket C'o1J,pany; An acdo incorporat~ the, of Milford: . Del~,vare-notice of i1itention _to iiitrod,tice give11, 392 .. \ .,,1 ; . i. • ,,, ' •• . .;}fi(fo;d, 11£i!ton-·antl.Re/1obot/t .Raih-oad,Coiupany, An· act to in-. corporate the, and for other purposes-received from the Senate, . 525 ; read, 52 7; read a second time anclreferred, 528; reported back from the committee, 599; taken up for.consideration, 605; inde,ih1itely postponed, 6ci6. · · · , 1 ' · '• ' '' . ' ' ' . 1}1i"(fon( and ilfilton Improvement Company, An act entitled, An act to incorporate the-received from the Senate and read, 654; read a .r;econd time 'and referred, 655 ; under consideration, 655 •. M'ilto~ Academy, An ;ct to amend m; act . to inco;porate the, and'. for other-purposes-received from the Senate, 239; read, 240; read a second .time :and referred, 2 5 2 ·; reported back from the, committee, 255; read a third time and.
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