FROM News Cambodia APRIL - SEPTEMBER 2018 ● N U M B E R 1 ● PHNOM PENH PAGE 3 JICA Assists to Renovate PROJECT N E WS Chroy Changwar Bridge Development Grant assistance from Japan to renovate the oldest bridge of PAS by of Cambodia connecting Phnom Penh to major provinces. Japanese ODA Loan Sihanoukville Port Multipurpose Termi- nal Phnom Penh City Bus Bus provided by Japan to the Phnom Penh Autonomous Bus Trans- portation Authority Stable Power Photo: Masayori Ishikawa Supply in Phnom Penh Chroy Changwar Bridge has total length of dents. 709 meters across the Tonle Sap river con- structed in 1963 under technical assistance The bridge was completely closed on Octo- from Japan, but it was almost destroyed by ber 1, 2017 for the renovation under $33 the civil war in 1970s. Then the bridge was million grant assistance from the govern- reconstructed by grant assistance from Ja- ment of Japan by using Japanese technology pan in 1992 and reopened in 1996 which is and the construction expects to be complet- an important economic corridor connecting ed by June 2019. the capital of Phnom Penh to other provinc- es of Cambodia. Later, it was named Cam- Based on the post-construction assessment, bodia -Japan Friendship Bridge. Until now , the bridge will facilitate citizen travelling, Power Transmission and the bridge has never been renovated, and reduce traffic congestion and enhancing Distribution Tower degradation was observed at the points of economic activities by transporting products both supporting sections of the bridge. passing through this bridge toward the capi- tal of Phnom Penh. For this reason, the government of Cambo- dia has requested JICA to conduct the as- Reducing traffic accident is an important sessment in 2014 to assess the overall situa- part of the bridge development project tion of the bridge. Referring to the results of which JICA in collaboration with relevant the assessment, the bridge cannot withstand authorities to work out to avoid any acci- heavy truck transport and needs urgent dents may occur during the construction. renovation to avoid any unexpected acci- ● News FROM Cambodia Project News APRIL - SEPTEMBER 2018 ● NUMBER 1 ● PHNOM PENH Page 2 TRAFFIC MITIGATION I N PHNOM PENH CITY Project for Development of “ អគិសនីកមុ ពងីករ វនិេគបែនមិ េលបព័នែខ Traffic Management System ប ន និងបញែចកយ Project was prioritized in the Phnom Penh Urban Transport Ma s- ូ អគិសនី េដមីត់បនយ ter Plan 2035 and the installation of 100 new traffic signal. និភ័យច់អគិសនី កុង ជនីភំេពញ” traffic control center and Fresh News the data communication 10 May 2018 network that connects roadside equipment with “ JICA the central equipment. កមុ និង រួមពិក េលរចុះប និងពិនិតលក Traffic control system is a ” system that controls traf- ណៈ បេចកេទសនយន Deum Ampil fic signals. Several control 6 June 2018 levels are set. The levels are divided into two groups; central control by “កិចបជុំគណៈកមរសមប the control center and (4th JCC)” isolated control at the សមលរួមេលកទី៤ The AKP intersection, in which each signal operates inde- 7 June 2018 pendently. Normally , the central control is more By installing 100 new Penh. The Traffic C ontrol efficient than isolated CALENDAR traffic signals in Phnom Center (TCC) has capacity control A P R I L Penh with a centralized to control 500 traffic sig- 3 JCC on Informal Sector traffic control center, new nals. JICA has provided 1.727 Health Insurance Project system contributes to billion JPY ( Approxi- mitigate the traffic con- Traffic control system M A Y mately 16 million USD ) st gestion and smooth im- consists of the roadside grant assistance to the 9 1 JCC on Container provement of traffic oper- equipment installed at the Terminal Management government of Cambodia Project of SHV Port ation and urban living target intersection, server to implement this project. environment in Phnom system installed at the ● 21 Ground-breaking ceremony for NR5 South Section J U N E Infrastructure Development by Japan ese ODA in Cambodia 6 4th JCC on Vehicle Registration and Main Road for ASEAN Connectivity Inspection Project 8 2nd JCC on Improvement of Public Bus Operation in The government of Japan through JICA has The construction of North Section with total Phnom Penh been providing the Japanese ODA loan to length of 84.74km from Battambang to Sri Cambodia for the improvement of National Sophon has started since February 2017 and J U L Y Road No.5. The total length covered by the will be completed by March 2020 with total project is 366.03km starts from Prek Kdam to budget of 185 million USD which is being A U G U S T Poi Pet. The construction covers the widening divided into two packages. The overall pr o- of existing road from 2 to 4 lanes with 3 meters gress of construction work for package 1 is median, and construction of bypasses at 5 29.1% while package 2 is 23 .2% as of July S E P T E M B E R locations. This project was divided into 3 2018. 14 The 2 nd JCC Meeting on parts. The first part, North Section (Batta m- After completion, National Road No.5 will play Project for Improvement of bang - Sri Sophon), second part, South Se ction a critical role in developing Cambodia’s eco n- Marin Aquaculture Seed Production Technique (Prek Kdam – Thlea Ma’am), and third part, omy via providing mutual services delivery of Middle and Ending Section (Thlea Ma’am – goods, as well as travelers, especially contri b- 25 The 3 rd JCC Meeting on Battambang and Sri Sophon – Poi Pet). uting to the poverty reduction. ● IINNeoC News FROM Cambodia Project News APRIL - SEPTEMBER 2018 ● NUMBER 1 ● PHNOM PENH Page 3 PORT MULTIPURPOSE TERMINAL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT Development of Sihanoukville Port by the Japanese ODA Loan Pol Pot regime in 1979 by utilizing small based direct labor force, hu man resources, minor equipment and machinery to perform its cargo and container handling operation and transport. On June 25, 2018, under the Japanese ODA loan, multipurpose terminal was officially opened for use. The develo p- ment the terminal with a depth of 13.5 meters will enable port to accommodate growing freight demand and larger size of the ships calling to Cambodia. More o- ver, by utilizing Japanese ODA loan, PAS has planned to construct new container terminal with the length of 350 meters and depth of 14.5 meters, which is e x- pected to be completed by 2024. Photo: PAS The expansion of port development will lead to further promotion of Ca m- The government of Japan through JICA ernments of both countries. When bodia’s economic growth and boost in has been contributing to the develo p- Sihanoukville Port Authority (PAS) the international competiveness of the ment and expansion of Sihanoukville was listed on the Cambodia Security port. JICA will continue cooperation Port both hard and soft aspects since Exchange in 2017, JICA bought PAS’s in port expansion in order to con- the early 1990s. Since then, JICA has stokes and became the largest private tribute to social and economic de- become a main partner in port deve l- shareholder which has contributed to velopment of the country through opment. Port development cooperation raises of cooperated values of the port. varieties of modalitie s such as has been regarded as strategic interest PAS built in 1956 and resumed its grant, technical cooperation and and a successful story by the gov- business operation after the end of concessional loans. ● Phnom Penh City Bus Support for a Stable Power JICA supports to mitigate traffic congestion in capital Phnom Penh City Bus is Supply in Phnom Penh the first public transport On May 28, JICA signed growth in recent years, servi ce in Cambodia 9.216COUNT billion yenR Yloan the de mand for power which the operation was agreement with the Gov- has risen in Cambodia. started in 2014. ernment of the Kingdom Although the operation of With the supports from Photo: Masayori Ishikawa of Cambodia for the large-scale power plants JICA, the city bus ser- Phnom Penh City Trans- has advanced, increasing vices, which are managed ject, JICA has provided mission and Distribution the amount of power by City Bus Authority 80 buses to CBA, in System Expansion Project produced, the capacity of (CBA), has expanded which 41 buses have ar- (Phase 2). the power transmission from 3 lines to 8 lines, rived Phnom Penh and The project will increase and distribution facilitie s and it continues to ex- the remaining amount the number of substa- in the Phnom Penh met- pand up to 13 lines from will be delivered by De- tions and expand the ropolitan area is inade- st 1 October 2018 to re- cember 2018. It is ex- transmission and distri- quate. In addition, t here spond increased demand pected that 80 units of bution network in Phnom is lack of system control, of the service. Japanese buses will Penh to stabilize the resulting in widespread In addition to the tech- smoothly serve the opera- power supply in the met- effects during power out- nical support, through tion of 13 lines public bus ropolitan region. ages, which require a long Japanese grant aid pro- service in Phnom Penh. ● Due to stable economic time for restoration. ● News FROM Cambodia International News APRIL - SEPTEMBER 2018 ● NUMBER 1 ● PHNOM PENH Page 4 JICA Project Members Honored with Medals of Honor from the King of Thailand The recognition of assistance during Tham Luang cave search and rescue operation. On September 7, three people with Exploration Agency (JAXA), Ele c- operati on of the Government of ties to the Japan International C o- tric Power Development Co.
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