Caymanian Wednesday, February 6, 2019 Issue No 333 www.caymaniantimes.ky Complimentary WEATHER FORECAST Community clears land for Scranton Park INSIDE THIS ISSUE LOCAL NEWS . Page 3 Community Policing Department Holds Crime Prevention Full story on page 4 >> Workshop LOCAL SPORTS . Page 7 Mental Health Symposium Opposition to discuss the future of Leader calls mental health for Cruise Port The 2nd annual Youth Mental Health provements under the theme ‘Address- Contingency 345 FC set the tone for Boys Symposium will take place on February ing Our Past, Supporting Our Future.’ Under 11 League 23, 2019 at the Grand Cayman Marriott The Alex Panton Foundation has col- Plan Beach Resort. The symposium, organ- laborated with the National Drug Coun- ized by the Alex Panton Foundation, cil for their 2018 biennial survey ‘Cay- GLOBAL NEWS BRIEFS . Page 8 will explore the current state of mental man Islands Student Drug Use’ (CISDU). health in the Cayman Islands and pro- vide recommendations on future im- ... Continued story on page 2 Leader of the Opposition the Hon. Ezzard Miller Filipinos heaviest internet users With the latest Tourism Depart- for cruise ship passenger arrivals in INTERNATIONAL SPORTS . Page 9 2018,ment �igures surpassing showing the trenda bumper of stead- year Leader of the Opposition the Hon. Ezzardily increasing Miller hasannual expressed �igures, con-the cerns about the lack of information on interim arrangements for pro- cessing of passengers should the cruise port project materialize as proposed. At the same time, Mr. Miller has- tened to underscore that “the Op- Usain Bolt has given up on his football dreams Alex Panton Foundation Youth Symposium ... Continued story on page 3 Starting Thursday February 7th Advertising prices starting CaymanianCaymanian TimesTimes WeeklyWeekly TraderTrader from $15 per week Your free Guide to Cayman Businesses, For more details email [email protected] Services, Real Estate, Specials and More or call 945 8463 / 9162000 or visit our office on #19 Walkers Road HEALTHCARE | COMMUNITY NOTICE PAGE 2 Wednesday, February 6, 2019 | Issue No 333 C�������� T���� 2nd Annual Youth Mental Health Symposium to discuss the future of mental health in Cayman Islands ... Continued story from page 1 The results from the survey, which also focuses on youth mental health issues, will be revealed in the opening key note presentation and will form discussion points on a series of topics surrounding risk factors of mental health throughout the symposium. Speaking on the 2nd annual Youth Mental Health Symposium, Jane Panton, Chairperson of the Alex Panton Founda- tion, said: “After the tremendous turnout for our inaugural Youth Mental Health Sympo- sium and other events in 2018, we know youth mental health is something that the local community is very passionate about addressing. Hosting this symposi- um each year will help continue this im- portant conversation in our community.” Speaking on their recent collabora- tion with the National Drug Council for this year’s symposium, Jane Panton went on to say: “Last year we announced that we would be collaborating with the Nation- Jane Panton Presents at the Alex Panton Foundation Youth Symposium al Drug Council on their 2018 survey in order to collect the �irst nationally rep- “We are thrilled to be able to share order to improve the services available adults dealing with mental health issues resentative data on how children and the results of this survey with the gen- for those struggling with mental health are at the heart of the conversation. young adults, on our islands, are coping eral public and to discuss both where issues.” For more details and to register for with mental health issues as well as what we are currently and the next steps we The symposium aims to explore men- the 2nd annual Youth Mental Health they know about the resources available need to take, as medical professionals, tal health from a diverse point of view, Symposium head over to alexpanton- to them. parents, carers and a community, in while ensuring that children and young foundation.ky. COMMUNITY NOTICE CUC Watercourse DRY CLEANERS & LAUNDRY Road Scheduled Outage CUC advises custom- ers on Watercourse Road in West Bay that I’ve got some beautiful they will experience clothes, I know just where interruptions to their electrical service on they go. Meet the world Wednesday, February 6 with Puritan Cleaners, they between 9:30 a.m. and are here for you and me, 4:00 p.m. best cleaners you will see. Areas affected in- clude all customers on Puritan, now using the Watercourse Road between the junc- will be required to temporarily block most popular and tion of Hell Road and the junction of one lane on several sections of Water- eco-friendly cleaning Boatswain Bay Road including Nettie course Road. solvents. Rivers Lane, Bowman Close, Hillan- CUC apologises for this interrup- dale Close, Cadbury Link, Windstart tion, which is necessary to facilitate Take advantage of our on Drive, Bristol Close, Fruit Land Way, required overhead infrastructure up- going discounts on all men Ruby Lane, Alexandra Close and grades to provide our customers with & women’s apparel. Ask Knolls Close about other discounts Motorists are asked to drive with For more information on the outage caution when utilising Watercourse andsafe, reliablestreets andaffected, ef�icient please power. contact available in store. Road as CUC will have a number of ve- CUC’s Customer Service Team at 949- hicles and personnel in the area and 5200 or e-mail [email protected]. Three convenient locationsions to serve you, Savannah Countryside, Elginn AvenueAvenue GeorgeGeorge Town, Eastern Avenue George Town, drive thru rain or shine. Free pick-up and delivery available Caymanian Caymaniancall Puritan Cleaners 949-7104 Times Issue # 333 Publisher: Ralph Lewis Company: Lewis Cayman Islands Ltd #19 Walkers Road (next to Tomlinson Furniture) Telephone: 345 916 2000 Elgin Avenue, Countryside Shopping Centre - Main Store – Eastern Avenue, Email: [email protected], George Town Savannah Drive Through (rain or shine) Tel # 345 949 2452 Tel # 345 946 1884 George Town Tel # 345 949 7104 or [email protected] You feel good when you look good!!! Website: www.caymaniantimes.ky LOCAL NEWS | OPPOSTION SPEAKS C�������� T���� Wednesday, February 6, 2019 | Issue No 333 PAGE 3 Community Policing Department Holds Crime Prevention Workshop in Bodden Town as “pin” alarms that can be worn while Bodden Town District (Beats 3, 4 and exercising outside to enhance personal 5)Community came together Policing in the Of�icers North Soundin the safety. Alongside demonstrations of new Gardens community last Sunday, 27 January, to talk about neighbourhood importance of neighbourhood watches security with residents during one of totechnology, reduce crime of�icers and also also emphasized improve the the Community Policing Department’s quality of life in an area. “Devices and alarms, while effective, 2019. are no substitute for active and watch- �irst“It iscrime our intentionprevention to workshopshold this kind of ful neighbours when it comes to crime of educational meeting in each commu- reduction in an area,” continued Chief nity policing beat this year,” said Chief Inspector Spence. “The connectedness Inspector Everton Spence, who man- and watchfulness of a neighbourhood ages both the Community Policing and makes it harder for suspicious and crim- inal activity to go unnoticed, which is prevention and reduction is always de- what criminals count on.” veloping,Traf�ic portfolios. in terms “The of technology �ield of crime and “Since spring of 2017, when Bodden methods, and we want to share these Town had a high burglary rate, sever- developments with residents along with al new neighbourhood watches have Crime prevention workshops the crime trends we are seeing on the is- been launched, bringing the total num- lands and in their area.” ber in the district to fourteen,” said PS Go to http://www.rcips.ky/communi- Cornelius Pompey, head of the Bodden were made, I have no doubt that more demonstrated new and compact alarm Town Community Policing sector, “and activeout the watches district. in While communities signi�icant also arrests con- and learn about neighbourhood watch- devicesDuring for thehome presentation and property of�icersas well we have seen burglaries drop through- tributed to this crime reduction.” esty/ in to your get inarea. touch with the Beat Of�icer Leader of the Opposition Calls for Cruise Port Contingency Plan ... Continued story from page 1 class ship later this year,” Mr. Miller said, “undermine Government’s argument position absolutely opposes the cruise that tendering poses an overwhelming port project, fully expects the referen- threat to the continued wellbeing of the dum will be supported by the required cruise industry.” As for any claim that dockside disem- lieves that the opposition to the port barkation of cruise passengers is more projectnumber will of winsignatures, when the and referendum �irmly be- is put to the vote.” tender, Mr. Miller referenced the 11 Au- However, Mr. Miller said it was impor- gustef�icient 2015 than Environmental ferrying passengers Assessment by tant to call attention to “yet another as- Board’s review of the Environmental pect of Government’s failure to commu- Impact Assessment (EIA) undertaken nicate” that could add to what he views by W. F. Baird and Associates, consult- as “another potentially serious conse- ants commissioned by the Government. quence”: On page 20 of the
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