ON CMPIJS SALE Volume XXIV Storrs, Connecticut, Tuesday, May 17, 1938 Z88 No. 25 CONNELL HURLS Mediator Accepts FINAL REPORT Class Day Plans Dropped TWO HIT GAME New Rusrnng Rules {$ SUBM,TTED Changes Made in old Rules and For 1938 Commencement AGAINST RAMS Severe Penalties Provided BY COMMITTEE An Extensive I'rogram Has Keen Planned lor the t'omiiienreiiient Week-end Pitcher Hits Timely Double Embodying several changes in the Complete Book Store Probe rules of a year ago and a drastic re- The fifty-fifth Commencement exercises will be held on June 10, marking vision in the penalties for violations, State Scores Twice In Fifth Inning Recommend Many Improvements For the culmination of the college careers of the members of the largest grad- the Mediator, under the guidance of To finch Game And League Administration And Accounting uating class in the history of the college. An extensive program for the DP. Milton J. Foter, has drawn up a Lead Methods week-end has been released by Andre Scheneker, chairman of the Commence- new set of fraternity rushing rules ment committee. "Lefty" Connell, ace hurler for which have proved acceptable to all Embodying 11 recommendations, Elimination of Class Day Connecticut State pitched and batted ol the representatives of the council. the final report of the Bookstore Com- The Pencraft Magazine will ap- The most important change in the his team to a 2-0 victory over Rhode mittee, which has been investigating Island State. Saturday, and enabled The differences of opinion among pear next Tuesday. Accoraing to program this year is the elimination the fraternities concerning first and for more than a year, has been re- Faith Tyrrell, '38 of Bloomfield, of Class Day as such. Those in the Huskies to maintain undisputed leased. lead in the New England Conference second semester rushing were iron- editor of the publication, the cov- charge stated that this modification league. ed out effectively by a plan which in- Appointed by President Jorgensen er is to be yellow with black let- is due to the usual lack of interest of Connell pitched masterfully allow- cludes a part of both systems. On the on March 2, 1937, the committee has tering, and the paper used will be the graduating students. ing but two scratch singles while his first Sunday of the school year, Sep- since been looking into the history, a light buff. It is to be a larger Some of the more formal features teammates gathered seven hits off tember 25, 193S, the fraternities will background, and operations of the book than ever before, with forty Of the Class Day will be carried on at the combined offerings of Bill Fitch hold a general open house for the pur- Bookstore in order to obtain informa- pages of stories, articles, and the same time as the Banquet, and tion for this report. and George Hines to produce the pose of acquainting incoming male verse. the ivy will be planted on Saturday morning. The remainder of the winning tallies. freshmen with fraternities. An organ- The nine-page document first traces Prize winning verse and stories Pitcher's Battle ized period of rushing will be held tlie general background of the local schedule resembles that of past will be featured, with contribu- years. For the first three innings both of from November 28, 1938 through store which was started in 1913 with tions from approximately a dozen the starting pitchers mowed the December 10. 1938, at which time a total annual business of about students. Weather permitting, the exercises batsmen down without a safe hit and groups of eligible men will be con- $1200. will be held on the front campus, or only once, in the second frame, was ducted to the fraternities by a Media- The 14 recommendations made by Get your subscription ticket possibly on the north side of the Ad- either of them in hot water. In that tor representative. the committee follow in part: today!!! ministration Building where there is inning. Connell walked the first man more shade. This will be the second Following this organized period, the 1. The bookstore should be oper- up and then on a sacrifice and an outdoor Commencement in the last fraternities may hold open house ated in such a manner as to render infield error was faced with a man on RECORDS OF CONCERT two decades. from 2:30 to 5:30 p.m. on December the greatest service to the College first and third. Ted Janiga came in Activities begin on Thursday eve- 11 and 18 and January S, 1939. The community at the lowest possible fast on the next play to intercept MADE FOR STUDENTS ning with the senior banquet and final open rushing period will begin prices, and more complete reports Ricci's peg to second and he caught and greater publicity concerning dance, followed by the President's Irv Fay off third. on February 6, 1939 and continue to Ml if Musical Festival Recorded Reception on Friday evening. Satur- midnight, February 11, After a brief operations and profits are desirable Fay was the first Rhody man to And Played Hack day is Alumni Day, for which time silence period, bids will be extended in order to minimize criticisms of the touch the offerings of Connell, his hit many events are planned. to the prospective pledgees on Mon- store. coming in the fifth frame but any 2. The Bookstore should be oper- Climaxing a hectic day crammed Professor Henry H. Tweedy. D.D., day, February 13. 1939. with rehearsals, about 3"« singers chances for a rally were spiked when ated on a non-profit basis. of the Yale Divinity School will and musicians from all parts of Con- Janiga doubled him off first after More severe penalties for infrac- 3. The present policy of making no make an address at the Baccalau- necticut culminated the third annual stopping a line drive. The only other tions of the Mediator rules will af- charges to the bookstore for rent, reate Service in the Storrs Church on safe hit came in the seventh off the light, heat, or that part of the ac- Connecticut Music Educators Conven Sunday morning. This will be pre- fect fraternities and students. A tion in Hawley Armory Saturday eve bat of Butler, first sacker. It was a freshman found guilty of a violation counting which is carried on in the ceeded by the Honorary Fraternities' slow grounder down to Loeffler at Business Office should be continued. ning with the concert of the All-State breakfast in the Dining Hall at will be denied the privilege of pledg- High School Orchestra and Chorus. third and was fielded to late to make ing to a fraternity for one semester, 4. It is recommended that the which Dr. Edmund Sinnott. former a play at first. and any fraternity found guilty of bookstore be continued under College The orchestra of 100 pieces was un- professor of botany here and now at State Scores Twice violating the rules will be denied the administration. but that certain der the direction of James D. Price of Barnard College, will speak. Climax- The Nutmeggers scored both of privilege of pledging for 30 days fol- changes be made within the present Hartford. It was heard in five selec- ing the day will be the Commence- their runs in the fifth inning when lowing the issuance of bids by the organization. tions, playing most effectively in the (Continued On Page Eight) (Continued On Page Six) other organizations. Illegal use of 5. It is desirable to have more "Children's Prayer" from "Hans.! automobiles, will subject a frater- complete data on the operations of the and Gretel" by Humperdlnck and in JUNIOR PROM REPORT nity to a $25 fine. Store than are at present available. "Laudamus". the final number on the R0TC IS INSPECTED This information plus regular in- program, which was rendered by BY MAJOR COLLIER SHOWS $100 DEFICIT; Any violations of these rules which ventories, taken at least semi-annual, botli orchestra and chorus. are brought to the atentlon of the ly. will provide the basis for an The chorus comprised 230 voices AT MONDAYS DRILL PLAY PROFIT AWAITED Mediator, by an interested party, operating statement. The committee and was conducted by Hayden M. merely by submitting a written state- also suggests that the sales in the Morgan of Newton. Mass. Two ol the ment of the offense and the name or "6th hivision Hay Slated lor Next Debt Expected To Be Less Than #20 store be separated into three groups: eight numbers it sang were especial- Week When Local Men Will Have Alter Final Settlement Witt Play- names of the offenders to Dr. Foter, (1) textbooks and school supplies: ly outstanding: "Hail Smiling Morn' Competitions in Drilling ers And Committees will be acted upon by a Committee (2) fountain sales and tobacco: (3) and "Under the Silver Star." composed of the advisers of the fra- miscellaneous. The College R.O.T.C. unit under- Showing a deficit of $101.48 for the ternities. (Continued On Page Eight) Bernard S. Lazaroff. pianist of New Haven Hillhouse High, was enthu- went its annual Federal Inspection Junior Prom, an itemized report of yesterday and today with last rear's expenditures and receipts of the siastically received in two solos and was obliged to play an encore. excellent rating at stake. Major Wil- Junior Prom Committee was submit- liam A. Collier carried on the inspec- ted to the Central Treasurer late last Wallace To Experiment At the last minute, it was decided tion as the representative Of the week by Arnold Schwolsky, '39 of to record the concert and a repre- commanding general of the first corps West Hartford, chairman of the com- sentative of the Sound Specialties area.
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