974.4 N42r v.V I 1136282 ^ENEALOCSY COLLECTION 3 1833 01100 7298 RECORDS PLYMOUTH COLONY. COURT O III) E lis. VOL. Y. 1608-1678. RECORDS COLONY NEW PLYMOUTH NEW ENGLAN D. PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE LEGISLATURE OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS. EDITED BY NATHANIEL B. SHURTLEFF, M.D., COURT O Tl D E K S VOL. Y. 1668-1678. BOSTON: FROM THE PRESS OF WILLIAM WHITE, miNTRIt TO THE COMMONWEALTH. 1 8 o G . St3 y, -s- H E M A 11 K S . __ 1136282 XN tlic tbllowiiig pages is included a copy of the fifth inaiiu.sciipt -- volume of Court Orders of the Colony of New Plymouth, embracing the acts of the General Court and the Court of Assistants of that colony, with grants of land and other entries of a more miscellaneous character, among which will be found a list of the freemen transcriljed on the twenty-ninth of May, lOVO. All the entries in the volume are in the handwriting of Secretary Morton. Governor Prence was at the head of affairs in the colony at the thnc when the vohune conmienccd, on the fourth of June, Kifil, and continued so to be until the time of his decease, which event occurred on the twenty-ninth day of March, 1673. During the remaining time covered by the records of this volume, ending on the thirtieth day of October, 1678, Mr. Josiah Winslow was Governor, having been elected to the office on the third day of June, 1673. The i)eiiod of time included was about ten years. N. B. S. Decemhek, 1855. MARKS AND CONTRACTIONS. " A Dash (or straight line) over ;i letter indicates the omission of the letter following the one marked. ~ A Curved Line indicates the omission of one or more letters next to the one marked. A Superior Letter indicates the omission of contiguous letters, either pre- ceding or following it. A Caret ^ indicates an omission in the original record. A Cross X indicates a lost or unintelligible word. All doubtful words supplied by the editor are included between brackets, [ ]. Some redundancies in the original record are printed in Italics. Some interlineations, that occur in the original record, arc put between parallels, || ||. Some words and paragraphs, which have been cancelled in the original record, are put between + J . Several characters have special significations, namely : — w, — annum, anno, 0, — mo, month. a, — an, am, — curia, curiam, p, — par, por, — pt, part; ption, por- a, — miXtrate, magistrate. tion. h, — bcr, — numb, number ; Rofet, p, — per, — pson, person. Robert. p, — pro, — pporcon, proportion. c, — ci, ti, — accon, action. ]?, — pre, — psent, present. CO, tio, c(,stion, question. — — jurisdiccon, jurisdiction. q., — 0, — ere, cer, — a^s, acres. ^, — es^, esquire. d, — dd, delivered. f, — Apr, April. e, — Trer, Treasurer. s, — s, session ; sd, said. i', — coinmitte, committee. 5, — ser, — svants, servants. gfi!;il, g, — general ; Georg, George, i, — ter, — neuf, neuter. h, — chr, charter. t, — capt, caj)tain. T, — bcgig, beginig, beginning. Q, — uer, — seQal, seueral. L — ire, letter. u, — aboil, aboue, above. iTi, — mm, mn, — coiTiittce, commit- ?, — ver, — seVal, several. tee, w, — wn, when. m, — rccoindacbn, recommendation. y", the y'", them y", then y', their ; ; ; j 11?, — mcr, — foriTily, formerly, y% this; y', that. ni, — month. ', — us, — vilib:;, vilibus. u, — nn, — Peii, Pcnn ; auo, anno, ^, — es, et, — statut^, statutes. u, — Dui, Domini, ^(5, &(3, &c*, — et cactera. ii, — nor, — mann, manner, vizj, — videlicet, namely. ii. on, — mcntio, mention. full point. — ./ — COXTEXTS OF VOLUME Y. COURT ORDERS, KJiiS— 1(578, CiEXERAL IXDEX, PLYMOUTH COURT ORDERS, 1008-10 7 8. PLYMOUTH RECORDS THE RECORDS OF THE COLONY OF NEW PLYMOUTH IN NEAV ENGLAND. [The fifth volume of the Court Orders of the Colony of Xew Pljinouth properly commences on the second folio of the original manuscript volume, the first page belonging to the earliest portion of the preceding volume. The volume is in the handwTiting of Secretary Morton, and contains the records of the Court held on the twenty-ninth of October, 1668, and of those held subsequent to that time as far as and including that which was held on the thirtieth of October, 167S, and closes with a list of the freemen of the Colony transcribed on the twenty-ninth of May, 1670. The index at the end of the printed volume has been prepared from that contained in the original by proper enlargement.] ACTS AND PASSAGES OF COURT AND GRANTS OF LAND FRO:^! THE YEAR 1668 UNTIL THE YEAR 1678. Pkence, Gou". *Att the Generall Court held aft Pli/nwuth, in .Yew England, the 1 6 (H '^ ' t^'" June, 1661. of-' ' .1 i.,..„ [*!•] THE said Court graunted vnto ^I"' Richard Bourne, of Sandwich, a cer- taine tract of land, lying on the westerly side of Pampaspecite Riuer, wher Sandwich men take alewiues ; the land is a longe slipp lying by the riuer syde ; for breadth from the riuer vnto the topp of the hill or ridge that runs alonge the length of it, from a point of rockey land, by a swamp called Pametoopauksett, vnto a place called by the English Muddy Hole, but by the Indians \Yapoampauksett. The meddow is that wliich was called M' Leuer- ich his meddow, as alsoe the other slipps that are aboue, alonge the riuer side vnto a point bounded with two great stones or rockes ; alsoe all the meddow lying on the easterlysyde of the said riuer, vnto Thomas Barge, Seni' his farme, all which tracts and psells of land, both vpland and meddow, with all and singulare the appurtenances belonging thervnto, is graunted by the Coiu't onto the said Richard Bourne, to him and his heircs foreuer. IVIoreouer, the Court haue graunted vnto the said Richard Bourne, that hce shall haue libertie (3) PLYMOUTH COLONY KECOKDS. 1 (> () 1 . to take yecrly tweluc tlioiisuud of :ik'\viuL's att the riuer where Sandwich men ^ ~' vsuallv trake ulewiues, to him and his heires for eucr. 4 June. "... Prenci: Likewise the said Court haiie graiuited vnto the said M' llichard Bourne ^°^"- a psell of meddow lying att Mashpe, the one halfe therof to belougc to him and his heires for euer, and the otlier halfe to be made vse of and improued by the said Richard Bourne vntill the Court shall see i-eason otherwise to order. Moreouer the Court haue graunted vnto the said IM"" Richard Bourne a uecke of meddow att Mannamuchcoy, with a little vpland in it, the meddow lying between two little brookes, and the .said meddow adjoyniug to the vpland called by the Indians Aimtaanta ; the said p'niises, with all and singu- lare the appurtenances belonging thervnto, excepting the one halfe of the meddow att Mashpe aboue excepted, to haue and to hold vnto the said Kicliard Bourne, to him and his heires and assignes for euer. I(5(i8. *'^'itt the Court of his Ma'" held utt Plijmouth, for the Jurisdiction of .Ve«' Pbjmuuth, the 29'" of October, 1668. Befoue Thoiaas Prence, GoQ, Wiliam Bradford, John Alden, Thomas Hinckley, Josias Winslow, John Freeman, and Thomas Southworth, Nathaniel Bacon, Assistants, &d. order vnto Bridgwater as followeth : — AN sent Gentlemen : Vpon the complaint of M' Nicolas Bironi, in the behalfe of himselfe and some others of youer townc that apprehend that they are opressed by youer way of rateing, and pticularly youer puting too much vpon dorment lands, and too little vpon faculties and psonall abillities, notwithstanding that some gett a great pte of thcire liuelyhood off the townes coiiions, to the great wasting and destruction therof, and haue little else to be rated for, the Coiu-t haue ordered mee to signify theii-e advice vnto you, that you would con- sider of some more equall and just way and course, that some men that are on all occations vsefull in the place be not opressed, and others that Hue mostly vpon the spoyle of youer coiiions, and put not themselues vpon any imj)rouc- ment that might be to publicke benifitt, goe free ; and that you would be more obscruant of such orders as the Court haue prouided respecting rateing ; that COURT OllDEKS. you may, att least ibr the future, prevent the like complaints, which if you doe not, the Court wilbe nessesitated to make further enquiry, and improue 29 October. tlicire authoritlc to regulate you thcrin. 15ut in expectation that you will doe youcr cndeauors for rcdrcssc of such injury complained of, wee rest, &(3. '^"^" Wheras, att the reqUL^st of John Jacob, of lllngham, in the behalfe of himselfe and diuers others of his ptcnors, the Court haue formerly grauntcd that there shoidd be a deuisiou made of the land sointimes grauuted vnto M"' Ilatherley att Accord Pond, this Court ordcreth, that incase the ptenors iu the said land doe not agree to make deuis.sion therof iu a cheaper way, that then the cheife marshall shalhe authorised to impanell a jury to make dcuision therof. Wheras a formor graunt hath bine made by the Court vnto Experience Michell, Henery Sampson, Richard Church, and Thomas Little, to lookc out for land for thcire accomodation, and that since the said graimt they haue sought out a pcell of land for that end lying att Namassakett Pond, these are to be a memorandum that none shall interpose soe as to depriue them of the said land vnlill the Court haue taken course for the purchase of it, and scttleing such a i)i-o))oi'tinu therof to tlie said p>ons as shalbe by the Coiut thought meet. Wheras a certaiue tract u[' land was formerly graunted vnto the chilchen of Clement Briggs, of Weymouth, deceased, lying ncare the bounds of Bridg- water ; and a graunt alsoe of meddow, if it could be found ; and that Remem- ber Briggs, the son of the said Briggs, appeered att this Coiu't, and certifyed the Court in the behalfe of himselfe and the other children of the said Clem- ent Briggs concerned in the said graunt, that they haue found out a psell of swampey ground lying neare to the said land, — the Court haue settled and doe heerby confeirme twelue acres therof or therabouts vnto them, to be layed out vnto them by M' Constant Sout]l^^•orth and Cornctt Robert Studson.
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