8 Books to Inspire Summer Travel 06.18-25.2021 Chris Evans hung up his Captain America shield. Now he wants to help Gen Z reshape U.S. politics. NEW MISSION www.gonitro.com www.gonitro.com */2%$/(',725ʝ,1ʝ&+,() _ Nancy Cooper '(387<(',725ʝ,1ʝ&+,() _ Diane Harris &5($7,9(',5(&725_ Michael Goesele JUNE 18 - 25, 2021 _ VOL.176 _ NO.17 (',725,$/',5(&725_ Hank Gilman ',*,7$/',5(&725_ Laura Davis 861(:6',5(&725_ Juliana Pignataro 0$1$*,1*(',725_ Melissa Jewsbury 23,1,21(',725_ Josh Hammer DEPARTMENTS 63(&,$/352-(&76(',725_ Fred Guterl EDITORIAL In Focus P. 10 Editor, Newsweek International _ Alex Hudson 'HSXW\(GLWRU/RQGRQ%XUHDX _ Alfred Joyner $VVRFLDWH1HZV'LUHFWRU/RQGRQ _ Marc Vargas 06 Jerusalem News Editor, London _ Shane Croucher S enior Editors _ PeterbCarbonara, JennybHaward, Jubilation DimibReider, PhilipbJeffery, KennethbR.bRosen, 08 MeredithbWolfbSchizer, ChristinabZhao Tulsa 'HSXW\(GLWRUV _ JenniferbDoherty, BEING THE Anniversary Day MattbKeeley (Night), ScottbMcDonald BAD GUY (Sports), KylebMcGovern, EmmabNolan “I get sort of Madrid, Colombia (Culture), HannahbOsborne (Politics), lingering scowls DonicabPhifer, RamsenbShamon (Opinion), Combat Zone where people BatyabUngar-Sargon (Opinion) can’t quite place A ssociate Editor _ David Chiu Colombo, Sri Lanka me but they know Periscope &RS\&KLHI_ James Etherington-Smith I’m not good.” Cleanup 'HSXW\&RS\&KLHI_ Dom Passantino /RQGRQ6XE(GLWRU_ Hannah Partos 10 How a Third Party Asia Editor at Large _ Danish Manzoor Could Save America &RQWULEXWLQJ(GLWRU2SLQLRQ_ Lee Habeeb A Race Between CREATIVE Trump and a 'LUHFWRURI3KRWRJUDSK\ _ Diane Rice Progressive Could &RQWULEXWLQJ$UW'LUHFWRU _ Mike Bessire Send Voters Fleeing 'LJLWDO,PDJLQJ6SHFLDOLVW _ Katy Lyness to Middle Ground WRITERS 16 Gaming an Early +HDOWK&RUUHVSRQGHQW _ Kashmira Gander Warning System 'DYLGb%UHQQDQ'DQb&DQFLDQ%UHQGDQb&ROH %HQMDPLQb)HDUQRZ-HQQLb)LQN'DYLGb+b)UHHGPDQ How a Well- 6WHYHb)ULHVV$ULVWRVb*HRUJLRX&KULVWRSKHUb*URX[ Intended Database $OH[DQGUDb+XW]OHU0DWWKHZb,PSHOOL-DFREb-DUYLV 6RRb.LP-DVRQb/HPRQ3KLOb0DUWLQH]1RDKb0LOOHU Fuels Vaccine 6HUHQb0RUULV-DVRQb0XUGRFN7RPb2Š&RQQRU Falsehoods (ZDQb3DOPHU$GDPb3LRUH%LOOb3RZHOO .KDOHGDb5DKPD Q.HUULb$QQHb5HQ]XOOL0HJKDQb5RRV 18 Talking Points :LQVWRQb5RVV-DFNb5R\VWRQ5REHUWRb6DYLDQR 6DPXHOb6SHQFHU-DPHVb:DONHU6RSKLDb:DWHUɿHOG Kamala Harris, 0DULQDb:DWWV-DQLFHb:LOOLDPV.HOO\b:\QQH Dolly Parton and More VIDEO Video Production Manager _ Jessica Durham %DQJDORUH9LGHR1HZV(GLWRUBNandini Krishnamoorthy < Culture 7 7 ( PUBLISHED BY * ʔ 5 ( 42 Newsweek Magazine LLC / Back in the Game / 2 & &KLHI([HFXWLYH2IɿFHU _ Dev Pragad Liz Phair Returns . &KLHI&RQWHQW2IɿFHU _ Dayan Candappa ( 5 46 &KLHI2SHUDWLQJ2IɿFHU _ Alvaro Palacios ( Uncharted ' *HQHUDO&RXQVHO _ Rosie Mckimmie < Transporting Books 7 693)LQDQFH*HQHUDO0DQDJHU(0($_ Amit Shah 7 ( * _ &KLHI7HFKQRORJ\2IɿFHU Michael Lukac ʔ 48 5 Parting Shot 93+5%XVLQHVV3DUWQHU _ Leiann Kaytmaz 8 2 VP Ad Sales, North America _ Shaun Hekking 7 Joseph Fiennes 1 'LUHFWRU&RQWHQW6WUDWHJ\_ Nalin Kaul 2 & $VVRFLDWH'LUHFWRU6WUDWHJ\ _ Adam Silvers ʔ $ 3 *OREDO([HFXWLYH3URGXFHU _ Alfred Joyner 6 ( *OREDO+HDGRI3URJUDPPDWLF3DUWQHUVKLSV _ 9 Jeremy Makin NEWSWEEK ,661ʸʸʻˁ˂ʿʸʽ LVSXEOLVKHGZHHNO\H[FHSWRQHZHHNLQ-DQXDU\)HEUXDU\0DUFK$SULO0D\-XQH-XO\DQG ) 6933URGXFW%XVLQHVV,QWHOOLJHQFH_ Luciano Costa ) 1RYHPEHUGXHWRFRPELQHGLVVXHV1HZVZHHNLVSXEOLVKHGE\1HZVZHHN0DJD]LQH//&ʺ:RUOG7UDGH&HQWHU6XLWHʾˁʸʸ1HZ<RUN ( - _ 1<ʺʸʸʸˀ3HULRGLFDOSRVWDJHLVSDLGDW1HZ<RUN1<DQGDGGLWLRQDOPDLOLQJRIɿFHVPOSTMASTER: Send change of address to Senior Manager, Strategic Partnerships 7 1HZVZHHNʺ:RUOG7UDGH&HQWHU6XLWHʾˁʸʸ1HZ<RUN1<ʺʸʸʸˀ)RU$UWLFOH5HSULQWV3HUPLVVLRQV/LFHQVLQJ%DFN%XON,VVXHV Patricia A. Hartendorp ) ( / Newsweek.com/licensing %[email protected] 6HQLRU6DOHV'LUHFWRU _ Chantal Mamboury 0 Head of Subscription Operations _ Samantha Rhodes 2 5 Newsstand Manager _ Kim Sermon ) 2 NEWSWEEK.COM www.gonitro.com NEW FROM BELOVED NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLING AUTHOR AND AWARD-WINNING JOURNALIST ANITA DIAMANT “SHINES THE SPOTLIGHT ON MENSTRUAL INJUSTICE and how it limits opportunities, damages self-esteem, and even threatens the lives of girls and women all over the world.” —DANAI GURIRA, award-winning actress, UN Goodwill Ambassador, and founder of Love Our Girls A TIMELY COLLECTION OF ESSAYS TO HELP INSPIRE PERIOD-POSITIVE ACTIVISM. “THE PERFECT GO-TO RESOURCE for emerging activists across the globe.” —JUDY NORSIGIAN, cofounder, Our Bodies Ourselves “Hats off to Anita Diamant for taking the period conversations a step further and to The Pad Project for their incredible work in bridging the Menstrual Equality gap! A MUST-READ.” —JANET MBUGUA, founder of Inua Dada Foundation and author of My First Time “SCORCHING AND UTTERLY UNFORGETTABLE... A life-improving title that should be made as widely available as possible.” —BOOKLIST (starred review) SimonandSchuster.com www.gonitro.com Rewind The Archives 1984 As the Simpson-Mazzoli bill, “a landmark proposal on immigration reform headed toward a showdown vote” in the House, Newsweek reported on “the nation’s ambivalent attitudes toward illegal aliens.” How to handle illegal immigration and create a pathway to citizenship for those who have been living in the U.S. remain thorny issues. They were symbolized in the last administration by President Trump’s border wall construction. Now President Biden is reversing of many of his predecessor’s policies even as he attempts to mange the overcrowding conditions caused by an influx of migrants. 1979 Alien was “the blockbuster hit of the summer—and it’s just the tip of the reign of terror that is seizing the country,” said Newsweek following a resurgence of horror movies as the “prestige product of big-budget Hollywood.” The genre is still a favorite escape, with 2020 showing UHFRUGER[RIɿFHPDUNHWVKDUH 2003 Al-Qaeda was “recruiting and planning strikes,” Newsweek reported. “Law ʥ HQIRUFHPHQWLVɿJKWLQJWKHZDURQWHUURU ʤ ( 9 at home as the Mideast and Iraq are , + proving even harder to manage.” Twenty & 5 $ years after 9/11, the U.S. is withdrawing . ( its troops from Afghanistan, leaving the ( : 6 country to be run by the same Taliban : ( who harbored Osama bin Laden. 1 4 NEWSWEEK.COM JUNE 25, 2021 www.gonitro.com HELPING YOU NAVIGATE A RAPIDLY CHANGING WORLD ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ Award-winning Download issues National and global Expert analysis beyond journalists and and read offline coverage on the the headlines on a photographers on any device issues that matter wide range of topics +++++ “Newsweek offers a clear combination of news, culture and thought-provoking ideas that challenge the smart and inquisitive.” EASY WAYS Go to Newsweek.com/try or complete and return this form. TO SUBSCRIBE 1 Year for Deliver to: NAME $99 ADDRESS ($1.90 PER WEEK) BEST 79% SAVINGS CITY REGION/STATE OFFER! ZIP CODE COUNTRY □ Visa □ Mastercard □ Amex RETURN TO: NEWSWEEK CARD NO. SUBSCRIPTIONS DEPARTMENT EXP. 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EMMANUEL DUNAND 6 NEWSWEEK.COM JUNE 25, 2021 www.gonitro.com < 7 7 ( * ʔ 3 ) $ ʔ ' 1 $ 1 8 ' / ( 8 1 $ 0 0 ( www.gonitro.com In Focus TULSA, OKLAHOMA MADRID, COLOMBIA COLOMBO, SRI LANKA Anniversary Day Combat Zone Cleanup People attending a candlelight vigil in Tulsa A demonstrator on May 28 wearing On May 27 Sri Lankan navy on May 31 organized to commemorate a gas mask and holding a makeshift troops collect debris that the 100th anniversary of the Tulsa Race shield turns away during clashes with had washed ashore from the Massacre. On the same day in 1921, a riot police during an anti-government Singapore-registered container white mob descended on the city’s protest. The country has endured ship MV X-Press Pearl which then-thriving Greenwood neighborhood, weeks of social unrest that has claimed was burning for the eighth known locally as Black Wall Street, and dozens of lives. The protests were consecutive day in the ocean VWDUWHGORRWLQJEXVLQHVVHVVHWWLQJɿUHWR aimed at several things, including off Colombo Harbor. The buildings and murdering black residents. the possibility of higher taxes and vessel, carrying chemicals As many as 300 people are believed a health care reform scheme by and sinking, is one of the to have been killed in the rioting. President Iván Duque Márquez. country’s worst sea disasters. Ơ BRANDON BELL ƠJUAN PABLO PINO Ơ LAKRUWAN WANNIARACHCHI 8 NEWSWEEK.COM JUNE 25, 2021 www.gonitro.com < 7 7 ( * ʔ 3 ) $ ʔ , + & + & $ 5 $ , 1 1 $ : 1 $ : 8 5 . $ / < 7 7 ( * ʔ 3 ) $ ʔ 2 1 , 3 2 / % $ 3 1 $ 8 - < 7 7 ( * ʔ / / ( % 1 2 ' 1 $ 5 % 7 ) ( / 0 2 5 ) ( 6 , : . & 2 / & NEWSWEEK.COM 9 www.gonitro.com Periscope NEWS, OPINION + ANALYSIS STARTING ANEW: Now that Republicans have stripped Wyoming Representative Liz Cheney of her leadership role, might she become an independent? Cheney gives a press conference. 10 NEWSWEEK.COM JUNE 25, 2021 www.gonitro.com www.gonitro.com www.gonitro.com “All we can do is to continue to try to educate people.” » P.16 POLITICS It’s Time to Party Liz Cheney’s ouster from Republican leadership makes a third political party more likely in a voice vote in may, republicans and a massive infrastructure program that could stripped the important role of House Re- further prop up the economy is in the works. publican Conference leader from Wyoming Rep- What about 2024? In his first press conference resentative Liz Cheney, following her outspoken on March 25, Biden said it was his “expectation” repudiation of former President Donald Trump’s to run but conceded there was some uncertainty.
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