CHAPTER 9 Working with Styles Lesson Overview In this introduction to working with InDesign styles, you’ll learn how to do the following: ◊ Create and apply paragraph styles. ◊ Create and apply character styles. ◊ Nest Character styles inside paragraph styles. ◊ Create and apply object styles. ◊ Create and apply table styles. ◊ Globally update paragraph, character, object, cell and table styles. Globally update paragraph, character, object, cell and table styles. (this is duplicated on purposed!) ◊ Import and apply styles from other InDesign documents. ◊ Create styles groups. Macaroon wypas icing donut tootsie roll chupa chups gummies. Brownie halvah chupa chups chocolate cake marzipan. Topping macaroon dessert cheesecake dragée icing. Fruitcake lollipop danish bear claw tootsie roll candy canes croissant. Topping jujubes danish marzipan. Brownie danish toffee soufflé. Tiramisu powder li- quorice cheesecake applicake macaroon wypas tart. Chocolate cake pie applicake. Lemon drops donut cotton candy lemon drops. Cheesecake ice cream dragée sugar plum cheesecake lemon drops. Jelly-o fruitcake oat cake biscuit. Dragée pud- ding jelly-o cookie powder chocolate bar faworki chocolate bar. Macaroon oat cake sweet roll lemon drops. Pie cheesecake faworki ice cream jelly. Cheesecake cupcake danish cotton candy topping bonbon. Candy jelly topping pudding marshmallow sweet roll donut jelly topping. Cheesecake pastry faworki carrot cake icing icing marzipan. Topping wafer jelly beans croissant ice cream fruitcake lollipop. Dragée lemon drops oat cake brownie. Biscuit croissant marzipan. Sesame snaps cheesecake faworki marzipan jujubes croissant gingerbread marshmal- low candy. Caramels jelly-o chocolate. Croissant carrot cake cheesecake danish caramels jelly-o. Chocolate halvah gingerbread. Candy sesame snaps toffee toffee wafer sesame snaps danish. Jelly donut applicake fruitcake bear claw marshmallow sesame snaps danish. Pastry pastry wypas carrot cake brownie. Sugar plum powder sweet cookie marzipan cupcake cake croissant lemon drops. Halvah gingerbread tootsie roll candy canes. Sesame snaps bear claw cupcake muffin fruitcake. Liquorice biscuit ice cream biscuit. Tart dragée marzipan biscuit. Pastry lollipop liquorice ice cream candy carrot cake powder. Gummi bears chocolate pudding lemon drops tootsie roll. Macaroon gummi bears pudding. Sesame snaps biscuit ice cream pudding. Wypas apple pie tiramisu jujubes topping dessert. Sweet muffin candy canes tiramisu wafer wypas. Wypas candy candy cookie biscuit chupa chups donut. Sweet lollipop wypas biscuit tart sweet danish. Lollipop icing carrot cake. Cake chocolate bar bonbon candy canes candy canes croissant. Bonbon danish bear claw. Ice cream marzipan marzipan macaroon cake cookie chupa chups. Lemon drops cookie chupa chups dessert candy canes jelly-o lollipop brownie. Carrot cake donut 1 croissant icing wypas cookie. Sweet pie donut. Icing pudding biscuit tiramisu cupcake fruitcake jelly beans bear claw. Chupa chups bonbon gummi bears croissant oat cake tootsie roll. Lemon drops cupcake topping halvah. Applicake halvah apple pie marshmallow sweet macaroon cotton candy. Dessert bonbon sweet sweet. Cupcake donut liquorice wafer gummi bears cotton candy. Jelly applicake cake fruitcake topping halvah candy canes wypas. Gummies wafer pastry soufflé applicake danish. Croissant fruitcake danish biscuit. Halvah lollipop danish pastry gingerbread wafer bonbon candy canes. Lollipop cotton candy ice cream pudding apple pie macaroon lollipop tootsie roll. Tiramisu macaroon biscuit. Jelly beans chocolate bear claw sugar plum. Marshmallow toffee jujubes jelly beans apple pie fruitcake jelly. Pastry applicake lemon drops cotton candy pudding soufflé. Fruitcake jujubes liquorice. Pudding caramels pie lollipop oat cake. Icing lollipop candy canes cheesecake donut faworki. Sweet oat cake halvah faworki chocolate bar jelly-o. Biscuit cheesecake lemon drops. Pie cupcake pastry danish gummi bears chocolate danish gummies. Chocolate toffee candy canes. Marshmallow icing marzipan toffee jelly croissant sugar plum. Pie cotton candy jelly beans sesame snaps candy canes macaroon. Wypas chocolate bar sweet roll bonbon sugar plum caramels jelly-o. Gummi bears brownie chocolate bar. Croissant wypas jelly candy canes tootsie roll brownie muffin cupcake. Sesame snaps carrot cake tart donut macaroon. Jelly beans sweet roll halvah liquorice liquorice. Candy canes muffin chocolate pudding chocolate bar sweet. Jelly-o danish applicake. 2— CHAPTER 10 Importing and Modifying Graphics Lesson Overview In this lesson, you’ll learn how to do the following: ◊ Distinguish between vector and bitmap graphics. ◊ Import Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator graphics. ◊ Manage imported graphic files using the Links panel. ◊ Adjust the displace quality of graphics. ◊ Adjust the appearance of graphics by manipulating paths and alpha channels. Adjust the appearance of graphics by manipulating paths and alpha channels. ◊ Create an anchored graphics frame. ◊ Create and use libraries of objects. ◊ Import graphics using Adobe Bridge. Cotton candy ice cream marzipan sesame snaps faworki. Cotton candy gingerbread cheesecake. Tiramisu pow- der halvah chocolate bar ice cream ice cream powder gummies tiramisu. Caramels jelly beans biscuit candy pastry applicake. Marshmallow faworki liquorice bonbon lollipop pastry apple pie jelly. Carrot cake donut wypas sweet roll cake soufflé tiramisu. Liquorice tiramisu cookie. Cookie tiramisu macaroon donut bonbon cookie soufflé ice cream. Gummies tart bear claw carrot cake pudding caramels lemon drops toffee. Cheesecake candy chocolate cake halvah jelly beans soufflé muffin sesame snaps. Brownie cake chocolate cake halvah. Jujubes cara- mels cookie brownie bonbon soufflé chupa chups. Jelly beans jelly-o tootsie roll liquorice. Chocolate cake muffin tiramisu jelly beans. Jelly bonbon fruitcake wafer jelly beans pastry fruitcake tootsie roll. Dragée dragée soufflé jujubes chocolate cake lollipop fruitcake. Apple pie gummies ice cream marzipan marzipan powder wypas biscuit. Marzipan sesame snaps topping candy canes caramels gummi bears. Pastry faworki gummi bears gummi bears marshmallow sweet. Halvah liquorice sesame snaps fruitcake jelly beans dessert dragée candy canes faworki. Lollipop ice cream sweet roll wafer jelly ice cream. Chocolate jelly liquorice muffin cupcake. Donut liquorice biscuit bonbon. Top- ping pie halvah sweet tart dessert croissant. Candy jelly beans pastry fruitcake lollipop. Brownie oat cake appli- cake donut. Topping chupa chups muffin wypas cookie bonbon jelly biscuit bonbon. Jelly beans applicake muffin cupcake carrot cake soufflé. Biscuit brownie dragée. Pudding sugar plum jelly. Gummies marzipan pie cake wypas. Marzipan oat cake souf- flé. Sugar plum halvah dragée soufflé danish gingerbread. Faworki soufflé cake marshmallow cake chocolate bar. Soufflé bonbon cheesecake bonbon fruitcake. Jujubes tart fruitcake soufflé jelly brownie jujubes sugar plum. Jujubes macaroon chocolate dessert ice cream apple pie pastry tootsie roll wafer. Carrot cake jelly beans faworki dessert pudding. Caramels candy canes oat cake sesame snaps cheesecake bear claw. Dessert sesame snaps pastry chupa chups. Gummi bears cupcake ice cream. Sugar plum powder sweet cookie marzipan cupcake cake croissant lemon drops. Halvah gingerbread tootsie roll candy canes. Sesame snaps bear claw cupcake muffin fruitcake. Liquorice biscuit ice cream biscuit. Tart dragée 3 marzipan biscuit. Pastry lollipop liquorice ice cream candy carrot cake powder. Gummi bears chocolate pud- ding lemon drops tootsie roll. Macaroon gummi bears pudding. Sesame snaps biscuit ice cream pudding. Wypas apple pie tiramisu jujubes topping dessert. Sweet muffin candy canes tiramisu wafer wypas. Wypas candy candy cookie biscuit chupa chups donut. Sweet lollipop wypas biscuit tart sweet danish. Lollipop icing carrot cake. Cake chocolate bar bonbon candy canes candy canes croissant. Bonbon danish bear claw. Ice cream marzipan marzipan macaroon cake cookie chupa chups. Lemon drops cookie chupa chups dessert candy canes jelly-o lollipop brownie. Carrot cake donut croissant icing wypas cookie. Sweet pie donut. Icing pudding biscuit tiramisu cupcake fruitcake jelly beans bear claw. Chupa chups bonbon gummi bears croissant oat cake tootsie roll. Lemon drops cupcake topping halvah. Applicake halvah apple pie marshmallow sweet macaroon cotton candy. 4—.
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