'. .'. Appeal to 1st A.A .•••• Place: Kurduvadi. Date: 14.02.2017. , TO~ Vihe A. S. & FAA, August Kranti Bhavan, Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi: 66.~ Sub: Information under RTI Act: 2005. Ref: CHD & PIO (Med) CMD's Office, Mumbai CSTM's No. G.402.RTl/information/CIC/ RNW dated 06.02.2017 (copy enclosed). ------------------------- )( ------------------------ Respected Sir, The information furnished by CHD & PIO under reference vide his letter under reference is incomplete, misleading & far from facts of ground reality as stated against Sr. NO.6 to 9 below :-. ". 1.( Name & Address of Appellant. : R. N. Walujkar, 05/454, Sanegurujinagar : Kurduvadi (413208), Dist: Solapur (Maharashtra) 2.) Name & address of CPIO who : Shri: S. C. Sharmaji, D.O. &0. R. CIC's Office, New Delhi • 3.) Name & address of CPIO who : Dr. M.B. Gangurde, CHD & PIO(Med), CMD's Officer, C.R Gave the reply to application : Mumbai CSTvide letter under reference.(Annexure-lI) 4.) Name & address of 1st A.A. : A.S. & FAA, August Kranti Bhavan & Bhikaji Cama place : New Delhi: 110066. 5.) The particulars of application. : The information given by CHD & PIO(Med) vide his reply • Against which appeal is made : under reference is incomplete, misleading & without : facts finding report as sought for by me. (Annexure-II) 6.)The Brief facts leading to the : As per item No. 21') of Bd's letter 2008/H/6.4/Policy dt. appeal : 11.7.2008 referred to in his reply clearly says that the ;: : reason for not recommending the proposal for sanction : of competent Authority needs to be intimated to employee ) : based on fact finding report brought from treating Doctor, : to which CHD& PIO(Med) fails to furnish to me. " 7.) Prayer or relief sought for. : The CMS/SUR has got no powers t ) accept or reject or : sanction the claim at his whims & fancies4(ttrhave to •• : submit proof of his letter dt. 10.3.16 for authenticity. , " 8.) Grounds for prayer or relief. : CMS/SUR fails to depute Doctor to verify my health at : my residence as per my letter dt. 3.10.2012 (Enclosed as : Annexure-III) as per Para: 5 of Bd's No. F(E)1/20091AL-711 dt. : 24.7.2009 itself proves how he attends to Noble profession. 9.) Any other information relevant : CMS/SUR fails to prove that Emergency certificate To appeal : issued by treating Doctors at Akluj are false by deputing . , : his doctor at concerned Hospital at Akluj (Copy enclosed • : as Annexure-IV /1 & 2). 100(" 10) Verification/Authentication : Done. -. D BY the appellant. \ \1- ~tS'( • 2 .. " •, ' 1 .. 1 1)1-\ D.A,f As per index given below: .Yours faithfully ? \ , /V'1; 1) Original Application as Annexure: i/O I ' '_ ;', 2) Respondent's reply as Annexure-II!"I tool (~~mwC : : 3) Intimation To CMS/SUR & M.S./KWV Kurduvadi. ,'~ f As Annexure-iii) 0 , ;~.". 4) Treating Doctors Emergency Certificate '.''"; .~ as Annexure-Iv! Total: \ \ pages !12o-v- / To, Place: Kurduvadi. The Chief Public Information Officer, Date: l!;08~lIl16. Shri: Subhash Chander Sharmaji, I6 ..c; t ---'U'1 Designated Officer & Deputy Registrar, Cle's Office, New Delhi: 110066. Sub: The Information under RTI Act: 2005. Ref: 1) Your F. No. 3/3/2008/Admn/CIC dt. 04.10.16. 2) Cle's decision Order issued vide letter No. CIC/VS/A/2014 /001846 dated 25.01.2016 (Copy enclosed) ------------------------ X ---------------- _ Respected Sir, I the undersigned desires to have a following information from the C.H.D. (Med) CMD's Office & CPIO, Central Railway, Mumbai CST. Q1,1 Full Name of Applicant : Ramling Narayan Walujkar. 02.) Full Address. : 05/454, Sanegurujinagar, Kurduvadi (413208). : Dist: Solapur (Maharashtra State). 03.) Contact No. Mob. No. :09420781659/ E-Mail: [email protected]. 04.) Subject matter of : The information of base on which my claim of information. : re-imbursement of Medical expenses has been : brought under planned investigation be furnished OS.) The period to which info Reqd.: From 03.10.2012 to 04.10.2012 06.) Description of Information. : The fact finding report related to my Medical : claim with base on which it has been rejected. 07.) Reason for application : Your decision orders conveyed to the CPIO & : C.H.D. (Med) vide your Office letter No. CIC/VS/ : A/2014/001846 are not complied with by him : even after lapse of nearly' year. Even he has : not taken care to attend V.C. on 25.01.2016. : He may be forced to furnish the information as : per your lilecision order with penalty clause under : provision of RTf-Act: 2005. 08.) Whether in person or by post: By RLAD post on said address. 09.) Particulars fees paid. : P.O. NO.1 OF 748799 issued by Post Ofice Miraj : attached Any additional Amt. required for : furnishing said information will be paid on : demand please. 10.) Applicant coming under BPL.: No. In case you do not hold the requested information, the request may be forwarded to competent Authority under section 6(3) of the RTI Act : 2005. D.A,f As above: 1 + 1 = 2. YOUrsFait~ ,..).1 ,&-bt \ CA (~/l ~\7 (R. N. Walujkar) Kurduvadi. RTI / URGENT J Central Railway CMD's Office, CSTMumbai. Dt. 06/02120 I 7. Dy, Registrar Central Information Commission, Club Building, Opp. Ber Sarai Market, Old JNU Campus, New Delhi-ll 0067 Sub: - Notice for hearing for non compliance of commissioner's order CIC/VS/ A/ 2014,t.Q.01846 Ref:- Your Order No. CIC/VS/ A!2014/001846 dtd. 30/01/2017 . .......,.,- .. ******** . With reference to the above it is to inform yoU tliat copy of rules / guidelines reldted to reimbursement of medical claim has already been sent to Mr.' R. N. Valunjkar on 10/03/2016 by Regd. A/D.and same has been received / acknoledged by him. (Copy enclosed). Thisisfor your information please. DA/AS above . : . C/- Shri.'R.N. Valunjkar, . /R/O.' 05/4~4,Sane Guguji Nagar, V .Kurouwadl, Tal. Madah, . Dist.Solapur. (Maharashtra) -413208. ,'. " '. C:\Users\hpstore3\DesktopWSB GL\VILAS. B 2\RTI cases (from 30,1O.2012).doc 806 . ".;.',. RTI / URGENT ~ . !~ l . centtal~dnway CMD's Office, !".1 ': CSTMumbai. No. G. 402, RTIinformation/ RNW/~ A PPEA L Dt. 08/0212017. " . \ ~. , !.' .'Dy, Secr~tary . ~APIO', , ,. GM' sot!fi~e/CRly /CSTM , Sup,:- Information under Right to information Acl.2005. - Re;f:- Your letter No. G.197 /RTI/Appeal-Med/2014 dtd- 03/02/2017. -_. ******** With reference to the above it is to inform you that as per decision of C1C , a copy of rules/;guidelines related to reimbursement of medical claim has already been sent to Mr. R. N,.walunjkar on 10/03/2016 by Regd. A/D.and same has been received / ackrioledged by him. However a copy of the same is again sent herewith to the applicqrit , - V (Dr.M. B. G ngurde) CHD & PI , (Med) i .:r: R./-N. walunjkar, R/O. 05/454, Sane Guguji Nagar, . Kurduwadi, Tal. Madha, /1Qist.Solapur. (Maharashtra) -413208 . .l r' A copy of the rules / guidelines related i, t6 reimbursement of medical claim is enclosed. , PI.Acknoledge the recipt. ",. :: .... '.; , :;'.. r : c:\Users\hp~tq.r,e~\De~ktop\VSB GLWILAS. B 2\RTI cases (from 30. 10.20 I2).doc 808 i I ".: . "t., , ' ~) i \A=" W - .' [5-" it,1cSl " .J -~."- ~ . ,.~ ,"I;' .... ,1 'l'lR(,! 'iR",Ti't GOVERNMENT OF INDIA .... .~~~ ~I~o( tR ~?ffC;'l.1MINISTRY OF RAiLWAYS (t('fil -rr-i RAILWAY .BOII.RD) 5.1"0" 8 /!1ealth/200B No. 2008/H!6-4 Policy New DeIhl, do'ted II .7.2008 C!I{C! UL/l-TF IV ALL The General M•.••nagel, A~llndion Ralf\vays I'. Produ,~Hon Units, J5lV1~ ~<'iT .(-(4,,- Direc:lor G,,'ncroi. RDSOituc know. eND/6\. Sub.: Reimbursemen: of medic(ll expenses - procedureaf DIsposal. •..•'.Ref.: Board's letter No. 2005/Hj6-4jPollcy-1i daled 31.01.2007. The metter re0CJrdi,"q procedure/guidelines tot)'.") followed by rTledical fc:ncfionories oj peripheral. Divisional .ond Lonol levels for reirr,bursernent of c::::im,' ,'for"'{he treatment taken in pr'vote nQn. recognized hospitO',;':[J5 beer; exornine.j in Somd's office and it has be,en .~3s'::.:".:!ed as un:jer:. 1. Proced,;re: The procedlJl"" '0 be "')i1ow,s,d for comicJerolion and rejeclion of the rl?:inibursernent cioi!i~. it !t I'; treot'-r)c-:n1 is :(;ken by roilv,foy employee In a nor-recogniz.ed priv(Jte j-;;,',spiioi v ...ilho~J~ (':efe:r.:)i OV ouihoril.ed Medico: • Offi,:er silcll be os l,tl,d,c;r:-- A. A Ul1.~.Q-'yLs.!(~C'(Z9.'.!9.Lt!..<?H?Jt9lLI~LPdue II0 nUn it l "!l('cl..; iii "',MO wi: ;crutinize the claim firs! on:! will forward it io eMS of 'he cOllcerneei'iJivis:on/Prcductio:l Unit or MD ".-Jf j'he 1,-:,n(;! HOSDitol. • . !iil CIv':SlM!., will, ~uu:inlze '1103 dairy, and if emergency :s esloc!is;',',x!. '.,vill recmnryicnd tr)8 arn:)ull! to be ceimbu:":ed and will send ii for Jinoncicl cOllcurrence of th,:, (lss(x;iote fi:Jonce. liii) The) pr00050! 'Niil b8 5('):>t to CHD of the concerned B. At t.p,~.1.Q,'l~ILtt~9_dg~Jrtw--=, (i) il,e, C:,/.D of i~le concerned zone scrutinizEis the !"(;:in"ltJtJrS8(ne~d' cloirn Grid ,",vill send the SOmE?for FA 6. // (ii) :f 11~e reimburs'emeni aonount is within ihe powers , del'c'gatcd to 0:;eneral MGnoger, the claim will be seni / t for his approval otherNise the proposo: will be sent to " , :?,.:Jard for consideration. 2. The competent authority to reject the claim shall be the authorlty which scrulinlzes the claIm In cases where emergency Is not established.
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